View Full Version : What on earth is happening to my school and my city?

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 12:50 AM

Just last Sunday, a student at my high school was brutally stabbed. He died from his wounds. His friend was also stabbed and is in stable condition. I didn't know the student but my heart goes out to his family. R.I.P Deeward Ponte - I attended his memorial and hope that he'll be safe in the afterlife of whatever religion he worships. Unfortunately, knowing Canada's severely inadequate justice system, Ponte's killer will likely walk free again.

Now yesterday, one of my personal friends DISAPPEARED. He was last seen on Thursday leaving his house to walk to school. I fear that he may have been kidnapped...hope it isn't related to the stabbing incident. His disappearance has not hit the media just yet.

If any of you live in Vancouver, look for Aries Cabrera, please. As he is a good friend, I fear for his safety and this weekend I am joining a community-organized search party to comb the city for my friend.

Having left San Jose in the U.S. in 2004, I always felt safer in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Now Vancouver is turning into New York with a steadily rising crime rate (which American guns contributed to). Just last year, there were record counts of targeted shootings all over Vancouver - the gun crime rivals that of the U.S. and guns aren't even permitted in urban areas. Why, oh why, is this city turning into crime haven?

February 2nd, 2008, 12:58 AM
As soon as this hits the media, someone's going to find some way to blame it on Halo 3.

Anyway, I really wish I can help, but I live in CA.
The town I live in actually has a growing crime rate, too. Just the other day, I witnessed a murder in cold blood RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. And it was in class, too. The killer asked the teacher what the penalty was for 3rd-degree murder was, and the teacher answered 50 years to life. Then, he took a hammer from the shelf and proceeded to beat someone else (His name was Mike, I didn't know him that well) over the head with a hammer until he died.

Another murder I heard about, but didn't witness. Apparently, some kid got in a fight with some gang in a Skate Park, one of the gang members drew a pistol, and the kid's best friend took the bullet. He's critically injured, haven't heard much about it though.

February 2nd, 2008, 01:02 AM
Anyway, I really wish I can help, but I live in CA.
The town I live in actually has a growing crime rate, too. Just the other day, I witnessed a murder in cold blood RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. And it was in class, too. The killer asked the teacher what the penalty was for 3rd-degree murder was, and the teacher answered 50 years to life. Then, he took a hammer from the shelf and proceeded to beat someone else (His name was Mike, I didn't know him that well) over the head with a hammer until he died.jesus FUCKING christ.

I really have a hard time believing that o_o

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 01:05 AM
I used to live in CA too! Ok, it wasn't the crime rate that made me move out, but still, if I were you, I'd be traumatized for life if I witnessed a murder like that. The only time I've seen a person die is in an unintentional car accident in the states...at least the driver called 911 and did his best to aid the jaywalker whom he ran over.

I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight. The local constables are patrolling the area around my school and my friend's home, and if he isn't found by Sunday, a full-scale search will begin. I can only pray that he isn't a victim of some crime by a crazy Vancouver citizen.

February 2nd, 2008, 01:07 AM
jesus FUCKING christ.

I really have a hard time believing that o_o
The story. It's a little outdated, as Mike died in Kaiser hospital.

EDIT: Wow, that was a month ago? Felt like last week.

It seems like all the FPS games I played kinda dumbed it down. Apparently, seeing virtual death helps deal with seeing a real death. The two look very similar, it's just one is made of pixels. Either that, or I have a sick mind. Take your pick.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 01:13 AM
Whoa shit, Jay. That is sick - I don't think schools here have experienced such crimes.

Still no news yet of my friend...I swear, if he's been kidnapped or murdered, I will help this country impose the death penalty myself (it's been lifted since 1976).

February 2nd, 2008, 01:28 AM
Now Vancouver is turning into New York with a steadily rising crime rate (which American guns contributed to). Just last year, there were record counts of targeted shootings all over Vancouver - the gun crime rivals that of the U.S. and guns aren't even permitted in urban areas. Why, oh why, is this city turning into crime haven?

Just want to say something straight up here. WE ARE NO WHERE CLOSE. Here in Vancouver we have it nice compared to most of the world. And our justice system isn't inadequate, it is full of problems that many defense lawyers take advantage of.

Still no news yet of my friend...I swear, if he's been kidnapped or murdered, I will help this country impose the death penalty myself (it's been lifted since 1976).

Also how dare you even think of allowing that back into our system. It was abolished for a reason and I swear if it comes back I will do everything to fight it. There is no doubt in my mind that someone payed the ultimate price for something they didn't do.

While I may have sympathy with your friend, I cannot say the same for your ideas.

February 2nd, 2008, 02:45 AM
Jesus, I hope none of this kind of stuff ever happens in Santa Cruz :(

February 2nd, 2008, 08:19 AM
The worst that has happened in my city is a slight rise in gang membership...

Almost all high school deaths in my area are from car crashes.

This topic depresses me. I'm staying out. :(

Llama Juice
February 2nd, 2008, 08:37 AM
I live in Orlando. (winter park so... like... not quite orlando... but... yea... ya know... big place...)

I've been down here for four months, I've only heard gunshots two nights.

February 2nd, 2008, 09:06 AM
My towns know for 1) the first place in america to have an xmas tree and 2) the death of this one girl i knew from school. This guy picked her up at the fairgrounds, raped her, killed her, and chopped her body up around town :/

February 2nd, 2008, 09:17 AM
That's nothing. People get stabbed and shot here all the time.

Last I checked (mid-January), my town of ~100,000 has already had six homicides.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 12:50 PM
Oh my fucking god.

My search party split up this morning. I went with one half. The other half was only like 1 km away from us when they said they "found Aries."

Shit, I didn't get a chance to see what happened because the RCMP arrived and blocked off the area.

There is no confirmation that he's dead or alive as the few people who found my friend refused to say anything (probably under orders from the RCMP?)

But there's a rumour going on that he's...dead? My lord.

February 2nd, 2008, 01:19 PM
Jesus christ I'm glad I live in a rich white town with like no crime
my heart goes out to you guys ;_;

February 2nd, 2008, 02:42 PM
I just found this

February 2nd, 2008, 04:06 PM
Also how dare you even think of allowing that back into our system. It was abolished for a reason and I swear if it comes back I will do everything to fight it. There is no doubt in my mind that someone payed the ultimate price for something they didn't do.

While I may have sympathy with your friend, I cannot say the same for your ideas.

i say death pealty on ALL crime.
i guarantee a drop in crime rates.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:07 PM
i say death pealty on ALL crime.
i guarantee a drop in crime rates.

Also, executions should be public to set an example.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:12 PM

Also, executions should be public to set an example.Y'ALL GIT ONNA TRUCK WE GOIN' DOWN TA SEE JOHNNY THE APPLE STEALER GIT HIM ASS LYNCHED!!!

February 2nd, 2008, 04:15 PM

Also, executions should be public to set an example.
you are a genius

It would suck to get lynched for like, stealing an apple or something.


Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 04:16 PM
Oh my lord, I logged into Facebook and found this on the group set up to find him (posted by my late friend's older sister):

Thanks to all of you for your kind words and support, those of you who joined this group, initially presuming it was for a Missing Boy that would one day turn up..

Well, he did turn up, just not in the way we thought he would.

** God. I don't know why you chose him....but everything You do is for a reason. We thought he was just missing but now he's gone, and we can't bring him back.

It's tough, but we just gotta face the fact that LIFE IS SHORT sometimes.....way too short.

I want the world to know that Aries is a One-of-a-Kind little brother.

Aries, you were ALWAYS loved.

Mom, Pop, Moby and I love you.
You'll always be with us wherever we go ♥ .

God, whatever reason You had for taking him... May he rest in peace with You in Heaven. Please take care of him.

- Hambie Cabrera

Fuck, now someone else is going to die, I swear...and I'll be happily responsible.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:27 PM
Sorry to hear that buckshot. Always tough to loose a friend.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:31 PM
Buckshot sit down and shut your fat mouth.

No matter what the reason, no one deserves to die. Not even the man who killed your friend, yes it is a tragedy that he died, we may never know why. I find it hypocritical you want to punish someone for killing a person to teach him and others that killing is wrong. That state of mind cannot be allowed to exist in a legal system, its stupid and cruel.

People are born, people die. It happens, its pointless to cry about it, nothing can be done to bring them back. Honor who they are by keeping your memories close, visit their grave now and then. Saying you're going to get revenge and saying how the killer should die shows how uncontrolled you are. Set the example by controlling your base instincts. Because doing otherwise will do nothing to help the situations. Get off the damn computer and get some rest.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:39 PM
The world really is coming apart. Ugh. This topic just... Gives me the wrong kind of chills.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 04:41 PM
Buckshot sit down and shut your fat mouth.

No matter what the reason, no one deserves to die. Not even the man who killed your friend, yes it is a tragedy that he died, we may never know why. I find it hypocritical you want to punish someone for killing a person to teach him and others that killing is wrong. That state of mind cannot be allowed to exist in a legal system, its stupid and cruel.

People are born, people die. It happens, its pointless to cry about it, nothing can be done to bring them back. Honor who they are by keeping your memories close, visit their grave now and then. Saying you're going to get revenge and saying how the killer should die shows how uncontrolled you are. Set the example by controlling your base instincts. Because doing otherwise will do nothing to help the situations. Get off the damn computer and get some rest.

I wrote several I.B. essays supporting the death penalty for Theory of Knowledge class.

It's not executing the killer that makes a difference. It's that our taxpayers' money has to go towards keeping him alive in prison and nourishing him and providing him with a clean habitation that more deserving people don't have. In some countries, good people would be elated if they had living quarters with the same quality as North American prisons. The prison provides a bed, free food, and proper sanitation, and taxpayers' money maintains that. And why does a sadistic killer deserve those privileges? Life imprisonment =/= sucking in resources for nothing.

Not to mention that with our bottom-of-the-barrel judges and lawyers, the killer of my friend has a 50% chance of walking free after being charged. He may serve a few months, but the point is that he has a good chance of walking in the streets, ready to kill again. He can be arrested a second time, but releasing him once is good enough to let him take another life.

As long as the killer stays alive, my entire community's safety is threatened. My friend was nabbed when he left the house to walk to school. I walk to school and I live near his house. I could be the next victim for all I know. My neighbors could be the next victims.

Fine, I'll get real and ignore the case and get on with my life. I'll watch the news constantly to see his status. If he gets arrested, charged, and then walks scot free again, though, there'll be no mercy.

February 2nd, 2008, 04:56 PM
I wrote several I.B. essays supporting the death penalty for Theory of Knowledge class.

It's not executing the killer that makes a difference. It's that our taxpayers' money has to go towards keeping him alive in prison and nourishing him and providing him with a clean habitation that more deserving people don't have. In some countries, good people would be elated if they had living quarters with the same quality as North American prisons. The prison provides a bed, free food, and proper sanitation, and taxpayers' money maintains that. And why does a sadistic killer deserve those privileges? Life imprisonment =/= sucking in resources for nothing.
WRONG. You call a maximum security prison minimal quality existence? Let other countries worry about their own problems, if they want assistance then they can ask for it, the north american union is a glutton of energy and resources anyway, I'm sure theres someway we can provide better for other people if they just ask. Even then, some prisoners even have a code of conduct, I've seen prisoners beat others because they one being beaten killed somebody.

Not to mention that with our bottom-of-the-barrel judges and lawyers, the killer of my friend has a 50% chance of walking free after being charged. He may serve a few months, but the point is that he has a good chance of walking in the streets, ready to kill again. He can be arrested a second time, but releasing him once is good enough to let him take another life.
You're putting the blame on someone else, have your people do your part by hiring better lawyers, inscrease the standards and credentials. Elect politicans who you think will appoint honest people. Sometimes the judge himself can be an excellent judge but has to abide by the jury or certain legal creeds. Do YOUR part and make your legal system better instead of bitching about it and doing nothing.

As long as the killer stays alive, my entire community's safety is threatened. My friend was nabbed when he left the house to walk to school. I walk to school and I live near his house. I could be the next victim for all I know. My neighbors could be the next victims.
Take the proper precautions, get a parent or friend to drive you to work, start a neighborhood watch program, carry a blunt object with you for fucks sake. Like I said above, don't bitch if you don't take proper precautions.

Fine, I'll get real and ignore the case and get on with my life. I'll watch the news constantly to see his status. If he gets arrested, charged, and then walks scot free again, though, there'll be no mercy.
Stop making empty threats and move on. I find it highly immature.

Answers in bold.

February 2nd, 2008, 05:01 PM

I agree. Buckshot, you feel this way now, but give it time. Life takes its course, and tragic as it is, you have to accept some things. Threatening someone else's life won't help your situation, and if I'm correct, this is the second stage of loss and grief: Anger, the first being denial, which you have mildly demonstrated through the search-party, under the best-case-scenario that Aries was still alive. As you progress through you mourning, I wish you the best of luck. Take solice in the knowledge that you have friends and family whom you may call upon to comfort you.

February 2nd, 2008, 05:39 PM
And I thought it was bad to see ONE person killed.
I only heard about the other one.

Just don't disappear on us, OK? :saddowns:

February 2nd, 2008, 06:18 PM
i say death pealty on ALL crime.
i guarantee a drop in crime rates.

You have no idea how right you are. Just let the police gun them down and take care of it. I really think this is the only way for crime rates to decrease.

It is pointless to cry about it. If you think it is a big issue, then do something about it.

February 2nd, 2008, 07:29 PM
i say death pealty on ALL crime.
i guarantee a drop in crime rates.

Hello deathnote.

February 2nd, 2008, 07:41 PM
You live in Surrey? Every time I hear about some crime in Vancouver news, it's always in Surrey

also, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I can't imagine what that must be like...

February 2nd, 2008, 07:47 PM
Con, you're a bit late. ):

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 07:54 PM
Nope, I live in the greater Vancouver area near a secondary school called Sir Winston Churchill.

I guess I've been immature and all, blaming random people and making empty threats. It's hard to lose a good friend, especially when he was murdered in cold blood. I don't even want to think about what his parents and siblings are going through right now.

If any of you people have seen Dirty Harry, you'll find that the justice system in Vancouver has a lot in common with the justice system of that movie. I'm referring to the part where Scorpio got away scot free after murdering a girl...

My friend Aries was a good guy who was happy with his life, always avoided the delinquent students, and hated guns despite liking shooter games (just like me). He had a loving family and good friends. When I joined in the search for him this morning, I already had the nasty feeling that he had run into danger since he's the last person I'd expect to run away from home or be involved with gangs.

February 2nd, 2008, 08:21 PM
Buckshot it hurts, alot I know.

I lost my friend Ren 6 years ago, he was shot by a drunken redneck at a party. He died in my arms. I know how it feels, but you can't let it get to you. If you don't start picking up the peices right away, it will just lengthen the pain.

February 2nd, 2008, 08:49 PM
Buckshot it hurts, alot I know.

I lost my friend Ren 6 years ago, he was shot by a drunken redneck at a party. He died in my arms. I know how it feels, but you can't let it get to you. If you don't start picking up the peices right away, it will just lengthen the pain.

Shit happens...but time heals all wounds.

February 3rd, 2008, 05:37 PM
i say death pealty on ALL crime.
i guarantee a drop in crime rates.

note to the people quoting me on this, i ment this. this isn't sarcasm.
maybe not death on EVERYTHING, like stealing an apple or something for example. but still good punishment should be due there.
i also stand for rapists being tortured to death tbh.

February 3rd, 2008, 08:22 PM
i also stand for rapists being tortured to death tbh.
Or, they could be raped to death by the very people they once raped.

Poetic justice is the best kind.

February 4th, 2008, 02:17 PM
I wrote several I.B. essays supporting the death penalty for Theory of Knowledge class.

It's not executing the killer that makes a difference. It's that our taxpayers' money has to go towards keeping him alive in prison and nourishing him and providing him with a clean habitation that more deserving people don't have. In some countries, good people would be elated if they had living quarters with the same quality as North American prisons. The prison provides a bed, free food, and proper sanitation, and taxpayers' money maintains that. And why does a sadistic killer deserve those privileges? Life imprisonment =/= sucking in resources for nothing.

Not to mention that with our bottom-of-the-barrel judges and lawyers, the killer of my friend has a 50% chance of walking free after being charged. He may serve a few months, but the point is that he has a good chance of walking in the streets, ready to kill again. He can be arrested a second time, but releasing him once is good enough to let him take another life.

As long as the killer stays alive, my entire community's safety is threatened. My friend was nabbed when he left the house to walk to school. I walk to school and I live near his house. I could be the next victim for all I know. My neighbors could be the next victims.

Fine, I'll get real and ignore the case and get on with my life. I'll watch the news constantly to see his status. If he gets arrested, charged, and then walks scot free again, though, there'll be no mercy.

Could you please move out of Canada before you get to be voting age? Thanks. :gonk:

February 5th, 2008, 10:01 AM
The very fact that you're posting this one the internet makes me think that you either didn't actually know these people well, or have some kind of emotional disorder. You're posting on h2vista.net about a someone who got stabbed at your school (ok, I understand that, shit like that happens all the time at my school, I live in Alberta btw). However, posting and telling us that one of you're close friends was found dead, seriously, what the fuck. People are making fun of this thread already. Shit like this doesn't belong on the internet, talk to real people, kthx.

February 5th, 2008, 05:18 PM
As long as the killer stays alive, my entire community's safety is threatened. My friend was nabbed when he left the house to walk to school. I walk to school and I live near his house. I could be the next victim for all I know. My neighbors could be the next victims.
Take the proper precautions, get a parent or friend to drive you to work, start a neighborhood watch program, carry a blunt object with you for fucks sake. Like I said above, don't bitch if you don't take proper precautions.Correction:
Carry one of those "American guns," preferably of the .45 caliber for optimum balance between handling and stopping power.

February 5th, 2008, 05:32 PM
The very fact that you're posting this one the internet makes me think that you either didn't actually know these people well, or have some kind of emotional disorder. You're posting on h2vista.net about a someone who got stabbed at your school (ok, I understand that, shit like that happens all the time at my school, I live in Alberta btw). However, posting and telling us that one of you're close friends was found dead, seriously, what the fuck. People are making fun of this thread already. Shit like this doesn't belong on the internet, talk to real people, kthx.

Well, forums aren't a bad place to talk to people you know. It teaches people about what's going on around the world. I know, we could watch the news, but since we are here, might as well put information up, right?

February 5th, 2008, 05:40 PM
Well, forums aren't a bad place to talk to people you know. It teaches people about what's going on around the world. I know, we could watch the news, but since we are here, might as well put information up, right?

Indeed. I live in Canada, and this was never even touched upon by my local news channel. All we got was something about some local kid winning $1.4M in a European poker tournament.

February 5th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Holy shit I'm thankful I live in Gig Harbor and this shit doesn't happen around here.

Sorry for your loss, but if you're that angry do something about it, don't just talk the walk, walk the talk.

Mr Buckshot
February 6th, 2008, 12:14 AM
I'm attending a funeral this weekend :(.

Thread can be locked, as there's nothing I can do but be more wary on the way to school to avoid being the next victim.

The cops and his family still refuse to say how my friend was killed, but they did admit that it wasn't suicide.