View Full Version : Just wonderin' something...

February 6th, 2008, 02:22 AM
So I haven't been here for a few months about half a year.


The point being that, Halo 2 Vista is officially messed up. Very badly. Very very badly. The question is, however, if anything can be done to save what's left.

This is completely random, just something I thought up a while ago.

Is there anyone, anyone at all who would be smart enough to unofficially patch the game? It sounds ridiculous, I know, but hey, it's happened in other games that were practically half-dead before.

And yes, before anyone tells me, I know that that could potentially void warranties (lol) and prevent you from connecting to Live (which would probably be more of a blessing than a curse, seeing as Live is just as messed up; I can't even connect with Gears of War for PC, but that's another story entirely.), but hey, Hamachi (http://hamachi.cc) exists for a reason: Virtual LAN.

Just a little hypothesis of mine. Feel free to tear it to shreds; it would help me get it out of my head.

February 6th, 2008, 09:21 AM
I totally agree with this, unfortunately we can't have everything and chances are that if someone would make an unofficial patch, Microsoft will gain the achievement of "Ape Shiv" without the use of a brute.

As for Hamachi, it doesn't work on H2V last time I heard. I think Syuusuke has been working on a way to try to make it work, but there has been little progress.

February 6th, 2008, 10:08 AM
We've known about hamachi since the game came out, but we still haven't been able to use it with H2V.