View Full Version : The Tech rant/tin-foil hat theory thread
February 7th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Basically this site has a few Rant threads over the years and i'd like to start one for Tech.
you got something that you think is bullshit? then post here.
Got a Tin foil hat theory? Post here.
1. Post your Rant with a title in Bold so it's easy to distinguish.
2. Feels free to comment, agree or disagree with any rants. (just reference which one your replying too ;) )
3. NOTE: NOT A MICROSOFT SUCKS WANG THREAD (as much as it may be true) your rant MUST have a firm and sound argument with depth supporting it.
I've got a few rants swimming around my head at the moment but i only got time to put one down.
Single Cores and single GPU's :
I Believe that Company's are deliberately holding back the development of Single Cores, and GPU's For Multiple Cores and Sli systems. Simply because in order to get the same amount of performance percentageIncrease we got with other Series like from the 6 -> 7 or 7 -> 8 (in nvidia GPU's) We will have to use multiple cards and cores costing 3 times as much money in parts EVERY TIME WE UPGRADE.
and with the development of Games such as Crysis (that cant run full settings on 3 SLI'd 880GTX ultra and get over 60 FPS) Gamers are being silently forced into SLI systems costing them thousands of dollars for each computer.
and as a result The hardware manufacturers are reaping Massive profits from the computer gaming user base.
Basically a Croc of shit.
Post your rants or feel free to reply to any one else's :)
February 7th, 2008, 08:12 PM
Heh, yeah... I'm glad I only have 1 GPU slot. Forces me to wait for a GX2/SSC.
Where the hell is GeForce 9?
I'm not complaining about it not being shipped any time soon, it's only been ~2 years since G80... my complaint is the lack of information. Can't we have more info than "it's from NVidia"? I know that companies shouldn't give away too much info at the risk of changing something, but this is ridiculous.
Yes, they've given out the fact that the 9800GX2 will have a 30% increase over the 8800 Ultra. At this point, I'm convinced that someone fucked up and meant 8900GX2. There's no way a company can be this fucking lazy. Badzilla is right about the whole "lol let's make them buy multiple cards!" deal, but that's no excuse for having the next gen be a piece of shit, even WITH multiple cards.
In closing, the one useful piece of information they've actually given out about GeForce 9 happens to make next gen look like a bucket of phail. Nice job, NVidia.
February 7th, 2008, 08:16 PM
My rant will be on DirectX10 and how Crytek was seemingly bribed or forced into making DX9 features of Crysis that were working years ago part of the DX10 renderer. Many of these features, which include dynamic day/night cycle, physics in multiplayer, etc. were working at least back when the 7950 GX2 was the top of the line card (as I remember seeing it in the early promo videos and hearing that the performance was going to be relatively good considering how much was being rendered). My theory is that MS either asked Crytek really nicely (ex. threw money at them or EA) to move some features from the DX9 version up to the DX10. I believe this because when the feature cuts were announced the general opinion of DX10 wasn't very good considering it added almost nothing that couldn't be done in DX9, at least in the current implementations. This definitely applies here considering a lot of the higher end features of Crysis can be easily re-enabled under DX9 (google it). Considering how poorly Vista has been doing and how much hype Crysis had it would make sense for MS to bug Crytek to make the cuts to encourage people to upgrade to Vista and DirectX10 to get all the shiny features.
EDIT: Oh yeah, don't get me started on the naming schemes Nvidia has had as of late.
February 7th, 2008, 08:54 PM
Where the hell is GeForce 9? it's only been ~2 years since G80What the fuck are you smoking? It was released on November 8th 2006. That's a about a year and 3 months.
February 7th, 2008, 10:32 PM
What the fuck are you smoking? It was released on November 8th 2006. That's a about a year and 3 months.
February 21 2008? That doesn't even sound remotely close to November 8th 2006.:tinfoil:
February 7th, 2008, 10:55 PM
I'm talking about the G80, which he claimed came out around 2 years ago.
February 7th, 2008, 11:27 PM
Tech rants are great if you do your research and write up something well structured with the appropriate measures taken to back up your arguments with source material. This is far from it.
I Believe
Is a no-no. As it is, this thread is based without the inside knowledge of companies and just a load of conspiracies. Bod, if you want to look into the evolution of CPU and GPU architecture and discuss the trends between a completely new architecture being developed and simple die shrinks, provide examples, and continue on with a rant PM it to me and I'll open this topic back up for you. Pretty much the same thing for you Legion. If you want to look into Crytek's development of Crysis with alpha DX10 hardware and see how they were forced to develop on a platform that didn't exist at the moment and how the engine evolved as the hardware became closer to RTM, provide proof, and continue with your rant that'd be fine. Shadow, I dont know much of what else to say about your rant other than to inform you that computer hardware manufacturers hold out all their information till the last minute simply for pricing. If nVidia gives out all the info on its next GPU, then AMD will have the opportunity to tailor their advertisements against it.
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