View Full Version : Comp won't POST, beep, or anything but power on

February 10th, 2008, 02:49 PM
So today I decided that I would see if I could OC my comp any farther then I had so far. I set memory speed down from 800 to 667 to help stay stable, wrong move. I set up BIOS at a level I had set it at before and it had been stable at with same voltage etc. But after saving the setting and restarting a message came up about how my processor did not support that speed and then it froze there. I hit reset, blank screen. I reset CMOS, still nothing. Removed CMOS battery, nothing. Took out RAM and reinstalled it, nothing.

The only thing I haven't done so far is remove processor and then reinstall it, but I'm not sure that that would do it. When a mobo has its processor removed does it just wipe all setting in the BIOS that could be causing it?

I really need some help with this guys, thanks.

February 10th, 2008, 03:39 PM
Resetting CMOS would reset the BIOS...wouldn't it?

If I were in your shoes, what would I do =?

February 10th, 2008, 03:48 PM
Do you know if removing, then putting the processor back could fix it?

February 10th, 2008, 03:56 PM
I don't think so, since I don't think it'll care if the processor is in or not until its on... but it doesn't hurt to try remove and put it back...unless its too much of a hassle if you have a heatsink/fan that's annoying.

February 11th, 2008, 07:39 AM
Don't remove the CPU unless you reapply thermalpaste. I posted a responds to this issue somewhere already (on this forum).

I had the same symptoms...faulty mobo. How old is it? Condensators next to the CPU socket are made to be broken shortly after the warranty runs out causing the whole thing to fail.

Top Things that get broken:

Top Things that rarely get broken:
-Graphic Card

February 11th, 2008, 12:39 PM
I have had the Mobo about 8 months and it has a 1 year warranty.

I need to try running it outside of the case to see if its short circuiting, but it shouldn't be because it was working finer 1 minute, then I changed something in BIOS then it wouldn't POST.

February 13th, 2008, 09:04 PM
Ok, I'm going to mail it tomorrow. How long does an RMA usually take with MSI? 1-2 weeks, less or more? It is the mobo though, did everything I could and its the mobo, even "borrowed" a P4 from my dads computer to see. Its mobo, but at least it gave me a good excuse to rewire my case and desk. Zip ties plus electrical tape makes for much better airflow, that and having round IDE cables. Right now I'm on my backup, an Old P3 with 64MB of RAM and Windows 2000 Pro. The weird thing is, it takes the same amount of time for it to load Windows 200 as my currently down comp takes to load XP. So yeah, sorry for Double post.

February 14th, 2008, 02:28 AM
oh shit, MSI? you're screwed. don't ever buy from them. their customer service sucks, they're just going to blame you for the problem. their rma is really fast, because they don't fix it. they're going to tell you they ran tests etc and it must be your PSU/OC/memory/anything else they can bring off the top of your head.

if they actually send you a new one, you're totally lucky. be sure you get your serial number off the thing, they're probably going to send the same one back. have fun figuring out their RMA form, no less.

February 14th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I'll bet it's your motherboard, regardless. Same thing happened when I first built this rig. It was a faulty mobo, so I just got a new one from the guys I bought it from.

Memory Express ftw.

February 14th, 2008, 09:02 AM
oh shit, MSI? you're screwed. don't ever buy from them. their customer service sucks, they're just going to blame you for the problem. their rma is really fast, because they don't fix it. they're going to tell you they ran tests etc and it must be your PSU/OC/memory/anything else they can bring off the top of your head.

if they actually send you a new one, you're totally lucky. be sure you get your serial number off the thing, they're probably going to send the same one back. have fun figuring out their RMA form, no less.
Aehm...sry snaf but imagine this situation:

I have this mobo...socket 939 which was a socket that was only temporally available to introduce the X2 series. The mobo didn't get produced for like a year...and I am in Germany...I turned in the Mobo and sent it to Munich (only needed purchase recipe) and they told me that it is an American mobo that doesn't get produced anymore but they still shipped me one from America for free. They even asked me if I want the special version again because the normal one would be already here in stock in Germany.

February 14th, 2008, 02:12 PM
maybe they were like that a while ago, but they sure as hell didn't operate like that with me. someone else sent in an 8600 for rma as well, and they sent him back a 6800. i'm sorry, but they made my situation enough of a headache not to trust or do business with them.

February 14th, 2008, 07:44 PM
Yeah, I've heard some pretty bad stories about MSI's RMA.

February 14th, 2008, 09:14 PM
so here's how the conversation between MSi and The Snafster.

::ring ring:: ::ring::
SnaF: "hello?"
MSi: "hello, you requested a second rma on a p5 motherboard and i'm calling to see what problems you're experiencing"
SnaF: "it was a videocard..."
MSi: "oh. ok. well tell me the problems you've got"
SnaF: "ok well, I RMA'd my 8600gts overclock about a week ago, and i got it back in 3 days. To my understanding, it was supposed to be repaired or replaced, neither of which happened. i still get the same bluescreen when running any applications."
MSi: "ok. they test these things and something like that wouldn't have gotten by. did you test other components? it's probably your motherboard."
SnaF: "yeah, i tested the motherboard with 3 other videocards, checked with another power supply, clock speeds on the card, and tested the videocard in another computer as well as 5 different driver releases. i only get the bluescreen with the card i bought from you."
MSi: "that doesn't mean very much. like i said they tested it and it came back ok"
SnaF: "so the bluescreen message nv4_disp.dll and nv4_mini.sys pointing to a hardware error means nothing to you?"
MSi: "it would've been cau..."
SnaF: "just send me a new RMA #. TODAY."
MSi: "....ok. i'll have it done"
