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View Full Version : Bill Cosby to release a rap album

Llama Juice
February 11th, 2008, 08:18 PM
... http://www.pastemagazine.com/action/article/6412/news/music/bill_cosby_to_release_rap_album_titled_state_of_em ergency

Since the dearly departed Cosby Show went off the air in 1992, actor, comedian, and Jell-O pudding pusher Bill Cosby has become a popular talking head, appearing most recently on MSNBC's Meet the Press to discuss the state of African-American culture in the 21st century:


The much-loved television comedian (and one of the finest positive fatherly role models on any channel, now or then) has been subjected to a plethora of backlash in response to his very public criticism of young African-American males, and in particular to the statements he has made about gangsta rap.
Cosby has been the subject of heavy Internet ridicule as well, and multitudes of videos have been posted on YouTube that depict Photoshopped images of the actor rapping (http://youtube.com/watch?v=QIVKbHZ8H3A%22).
But now, Cosby is responding.
The Internet exploded yesterday with the news that a rap album is in the works from the former Ghost Dad himself. The album, entitled State of Emergency according to AllHipHop.com (http://allhiphop.com/stories/news/archive/2008/01/31/19220155.aspx), will focus on social issues like drug abuse, high school dropouts and teenage pregnancy.
Response so far has been unquestionably unpleasant, and it seems that poor Bill is on his way to becoming an Internet joke. Here's to hoping that love for Dr. Huxtable runs deep enough to quash at least some of those critical voices.


February 11th, 2008, 08:41 PM
It seems that poor Bill is on his way to becoming an Internet joke.

Wha? I thought he already was one? :confused2:

February 11th, 2008, 09:09 PM
Oh my God no. Sweet Jesus please don't allow this to happen. Poor guy will be destroyed.

February 11th, 2008, 09:14 PM
one word: lmao

February 11th, 2008, 09:23 PM
Je-je-je-jell-yo yo yo. Bitches up in mah crib eatin' Je-je-je-jell-yo yo yo.

February 11th, 2008, 09:24 PM
Now you see, the kids, they listen to the rap, which gives them the brain damage. With their heebin' and their hobbin' and their pippin' and their poppin' so they don't know what the jazz is all about, you see?

February 11th, 2008, 09:56 PM
Why can I actually see this happening?


February 11th, 2008, 10:07 PM
This is the single most marvelous event since the invention of the shiskebab.

February 12th, 2008, 01:46 AM
Now you see, the kids, they listen to the rap, which gives them the brain damage. With their heebin' and their hobbin' and their pippin' and their poppin' so they don't know what the jazz is all about, you see?http://www.austinchronicle.com/binary/c3922e57/i_see_what_you_did_there.jpgfor those of you who have downs, it's a Simpsons reference :P

teh lag
February 12th, 2008, 08:09 AM
Now you see, the kids, they listen to the rap, which gives them the brain damage. With their heebin' and their hobbin' and their pippin' and their poppin' so they don't know what the jazz is all about, you see?

I see your text, and raise you a YTMND.


February 12th, 2008, 06:29 PM
I see your text, and raise you a YTMND.


A challenger appears!


February 12th, 2008, 06:35 PM
A challenger appears!



EDIT: I see your cosby and raise you one super truck

February 12th, 2008, 09:02 PM
he makes some good points in that you tube video...

February 12th, 2008, 11:46 PM
I dont understand why people like Llama get on the Hate bill Cosby Band wagon.

i mean c'mon
the fellas a nice dude that goes out of his way to help the younger generation, and is a pretty good role model.
so because of that he deserves your ridicule?

Get the fuck off the bandwagon and learn to walk on your own kids.

February 13th, 2008, 08:40 AM
I dont understand why people like Llama get on the Hate bill Cosby Band wagon.

i mean c'mon
the fellas a nice dude that goes out of his way to help the younger generation, and is a pretty good role model.
so because of that he deserves your ridicule?

Get the fuck off the bandwagon and learn to walk on your own kids.
I don't hate him, not at all, I just don't want him to do something that he will be universally ridiculed for on the internet for years to come. The Cosby show was good, but I don't want to something like this to ruin his reputation. Well, by reputation, I mean the 12-30 year old demographic, which will have a hay day with this...
....i'm not hatin'.

Llama Juice
February 13th, 2008, 08:57 AM
You'd rather him just hide in his own shadow of a reputation he has? I say more power to the guy. I'm interested in hearing this album... it'll be funny to hear rap that isn't negative against blacks for a change.

February 13th, 2008, 08:33 PM
....i'm not hatin'.

Don't you EVER say that again.

February 13th, 2008, 10:46 PM
reminds me of something I saw after school today. There was this wanna-be gangsta kid riding in the disability bus for some reason... oh wait :downs:

February 13th, 2008, 10:51 PM
Well, by reputation, I mean the 12-30 year old demographic, which will have a hay day with this...
who gives a shit what they think anyway?

edit: oshit, didnt notice I double posted :X

February 14th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Did Bill go blind in one eye?

February 14th, 2008, 12:42 AM
reminds me of something I saw after school today. There was this wanna-be gangsta kid riding in the disability bus for some reason... oh wait :downs:
What of gold rims?

purple Dice.