View Full Version : Hey protesters, quit whining and learn to appreciate your Government
Mr Buckshot
February 11th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Yep, another public issue in beautiful Vancouver, which is a little less beautiful with all those idiots in my streets.
If you don't already know, Vancouver will host the 2010 winter olympics, and started a massive construction project back in 2005, most notably a big stadium in neighboring Richmond, and a giant Skytrain network. I am mighty impressed and I can't wait, because as non-athletic as I am, I love the Olympic games and would rather watch a match than play video games.
So this week, some, I mean many, shit-faced assholes decided to show that they were opposed, by holding a big parade in the streets downtown and blocking off traffic. Meanwhile, our pigheaded Vancouver police and RCMP respond by simply erecting barricades to prevent these morons from going too far, rather than send their riot police. But oh wait, the riot police are busy tasering innocent Polish immigrants ( to death at the airport.
So why were these fuckers blocking the streets? Well, I personally saw their ugly posters with my own eyes. They think that the government should spent time on giving social assistance rather than glorifying the 2010 Winter Olympics. They think that the public works are environmentally unfriendly, which is a load of crap. They think that the public works are an unacceptable inconvenience, how hypocritical.
Hello, shitheads? I seem to recall that Canada is renowned for its social assistance programs that people in my country of origin would kill for. Since the 1930s, you've been pampered with donations and other forms of charity. The reason why half of you are still sitting in the streets homeless is because you spend the money that we kind citizens give you on pot and cigarettes and other junk, rather than save it carefully and figure out how to use it to help your pitiful life. Our government is being highly generous compared to other governments. You have no right to ask for more. Let us proceed with our 2010 Olympics while you continue to shit in the streets and spend donations on cigarettes.
So you guys are gonna look at me and say "wow this elitist Chinese bastard is at it again." Well guess what, my grandparents grew up in poverty worse than yours (due to WW2 devastating Shanghai). They didn't have fancy Canadian assistance, yet they managed to migrate to Singapore and succeed financially and give their descendants a bloody good life. They didn't descend morons like the rioters in the streets of Vancouver, not because they were Asian, but because they used their brains and figured out how to turn their lives around.
And you know what's worse? These rioters have vandalized a building owned by a sponsor of the 2010 Olympics. And with my own eyes, I witnessed them attempt to vandalize an old lady's car (the same incident appeared on the evening news). The old lady honked at the rioters because they were blocking the road, and in response they attacked her car. My dad was about to jump out of his car and help (he has a strong combat background in the Singaporean army), but the police managed to save the old lady in time. My heart goes out to that old lady - she was only minding her own business. I really hope some serial killer with a sniper rifle picks the rioters for a target - if so, I would send him presents every year.
I'd really, really like to see these guys try this stunt in mainland China, or worse, Singapore. In either country, it's perfectly ok to go on strike, oppose a public works, hate the government, etc, so long as you don't jeopardize the general public by holding massive marches in the streets. In China, you'd get shot and run over by tanks (Tianmen square, anyone?), and survivors would get jailed and beaten brutally. In Singapore, the riot police would incapacitate anything that breathes, chuck them in jail, charge massive fines that would drain their life savings, and then they'd be as good as dead. As a result, no one dares to hold protest marches there.
Once again, my condolences to whoever's safety was compromised by these moronic rioters, and to the sponsors whose property was vandalized. I hope that any Canadians on this forum appreciate their government's social assistance (I successfully applied for a bursary to pay for some school fees just for the heck of it) rather than oppose their public works like that.
If this shit keeps happening, I'm moving to a real province, like Ontario.
February 11th, 2008, 09:02 PM
When you listen to fools, the mob rules.
February 11th, 2008, 10:04 PM
One Million flies can't be wrong.
February 12th, 2008, 12:09 AM
The anti-olympics protesters are scum, pay them no heed.
February 12th, 2008, 12:11 AM
I think imho that they are appreciating their government...we have right to gather and state our Beliefs.....
Now if they get violent....I believe they should be mowed down by a Fully automatic machine gun....sweep their knees off...
Mr Buckshot
February 12th, 2008, 12:38 AM
The anti-olympics protesters are scum, pay them no heed.
True, every time I see them, I want to use the micro-nuke bomb from Predator on them. Most of the protesters are homeless dudes in the streets who can't get out of their current lives because they refuse to think about how to improve in the first place.
All I can say this, they definitely don't want to mess with my dad. If they tried to vandalize his car when he honks at them, they'd be run over or beaten into a pulp (due to Singapore's obligatory 2-year army training, my dad is a skilled combatant).
Also, has anyone noticed that the protesters are all local Caucasians? I'm not being racist, but they are being an embarrassment to their race.
I'm also bashing the Vancouver Police Department on this one - instead of breaking up the protest with riot weapons, they sit there and feebly attempt to keep the protesters in a straight line. Hello, cops? Your job is to serve and protect the public, just like in the States. You aren't doing that for the public right now.
February 12th, 2008, 01:17 AM
The Cops have no right to attack them when there being Peaceful.
Peaceful negotiations is what got you the Rights you Flaunt and wave around saying that Other "other country's would kill for".
the cops should of just guided them to one side of the road and managed traffic, stopped the vandalism, and Fuck over anyone that got Violent.
Look and i know you where referencing to me and i can sympathize on your situation, my grandparents where dirt poor as well. my grand farther started work at 14 and worked till he was 21 or 24 without seeing a cent of money. It all went to his mother to support his Dirt poor family.
That left him with absolutely no savings when he started a family of his own.
I agreed with and supported what you where saying right up until you started getting into unlawful beatings, government suppression, racism, fascism, murder and Unjustifiable stereotypes.
Mr Buckshot
February 12th, 2008, 01:47 AM
I agree with you Zilla.
Still, they had no right to attack that old lady's car. If I were more physically fit, I would have hopped out and bashed them up. It was her right of way, the stupid protesters were blocking the road and she just wanted them to get out of the road.
IMO, the protesters should be given one chance to pack up and leave within 10 minutes. If they're smart and comply, no one gets hurt. If they resist, they basically ask to be attacked by riot police.
Singapore and mainland China have been notorious for using brutal methods to put down riots, and while their actions are not well justified, it does send a lesson to others not to disturb public safety by demonstrating in the streets. Like I said, it's perfectly all right to go on strike, to hate the government, or to dispute public construction projects. But it's not all right to march in the streets and demonstrate. And it's especially wrong to vandalize public property as a sign of protest.
I appreciate the Canadian government's efforts to help the poor, and I do wish that other developed countries did the same. However, the fact that there are still so many homeless scums polluting the streets shows that someone is abusing the social welfare system and wasting good money donated by good people.
February 12th, 2008, 01:48 AM
I think imho that they are appreciating their government...we have right to gather and state our Beliefs.....
Now if they get violent....I believe they should be mowed down by a Fully automatic machine gun....sweep their knees off...
The problem is that they don't demonstrate peacefully, these vigilante clowns try to seize property, trash government offices, and generally make our officials' jobs a living hell.
I'm also bashing the Vancouver Police Department on this one - instead of breaking up the protest with riot weapons, they sit there and feebly attempt to keep the protesters in a straight line. Hello, cops? Your job is to serve and protect the public, just like in the States. You aren't doing that for the public right now.
Ya, allowing protesters to cut off a busy street definitely shouldn't be a valid response. Move them to a public park or something if they want to protest.
Mr Buckshot
February 12th, 2008, 01:52 AM
When you listen to fools, the mob rules.
Like mentor, like mentee.
Just shows how foolish some local Canadians can be. Then again, more than half the protesters are homeless scums, so it's not a surprise that they listen to fools.
About my opinion of homeless street dudes, I don't think all of them are bad. I mean, I've seen some fairly talented buskers, and I always drop a few dollar coins into their cups. But if I see some homeless punk smoking a cigarette and acting like wannabe gangster, I ignore him, because he doesn't deserve a penny from anyone. The day that such people no longer need to exist is the day that the world becomes a utopia.
February 12th, 2008, 03:57 AM
Buckshot, you talk so high and mighty all the time it just about makes me sick to see another topic started by you. You're a hate-monger, and you post just like it. You talk a whole bunch of nonsensical drivel packed with emotional response, and you're quite braggadocios.
People like the protesters not existing = utopia? Hardly, if people with your frame of mind are running around. Utopia is about social unity and perfection, and, sorry to say, you don't qualify. One hardline political party thought and spoke the way you do of these people in the late 30's and 40's, back in NAZI GERMANY. So chill out. You talking about utopia? hah haha!
So you guys are gonna look at me and say "wow this elitist Chinese bastard is at it again." You read my mind. Get over yourself.
You would've bashed them up? No, you wouldn't. Don't talk so tough when you lack the vigor and conviction of the words you type up here. Have you ever been to a protest? Have you EVER put your body in SERIOUS harm's way to defend someone? HUH? Have you been handled roughly by riot officers and nearly had your skull split with a baton? I have, on a few occasions (both defending someone and with the cops at a peace rally), and it's not fun. You are a bystander, a viewer, and nothing more. Kapish? GOOD.
Have you even considered that a good majority of these people could be homeless because they lack financial understanding or have any multitude of problems that won't allow them to seek help, or did you just go straight away to posting more emotion-based fanatical drivel?
E: CONVERSELY, the protesters COULD consider the likely possibility that the city revenue would benefit from the '10 winter Olympics, that a portion of this income probably will go to citywide public service and community programs, and most likely, their funds at this time have not been dipped into.
February 12th, 2008, 02:58 PM
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Snafubar again."
February 12th, 2008, 03:21 PM
I agree with you all actually.
If their peaceful but merely an annoyance, they are within all legal rights to do what they are doing.
However, violence is a riot and that is bad obviously....a riot is defined as A public disturbance involving an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons, which act or acts shall constitute a clear and present danger of, or shall result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual or a threat or threats of the commission of an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons having, individually or collectively, the ability of immediate execution of such threat or threats, where the performance of the threatened act or acts of violence would constitute a clear and present danger of, or would result in, damage or injury to the property of any other person or to the person of any other individual.
Something like what Anon did is harmless, but a riot it was not....
My thoughts.....if its violent fight violence with violence and it just gets worse....
lets just gas 'em >:]
il Duce Primo
February 12th, 2008, 04:15 PM
Ok i read a few of posts on the front page and have to say.
Those homeless people probably don't have an eduaction that you take for granted. They don't know. And did everyone in that riot attack that old lady. I highly doubt it. So instead of saying this whole riot and it's people should die is just... I think you should die.
February 12th, 2008, 06:16 PM
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Snafubar again."
Seriously, the point of a protest is to get your issue noticed. There are few better ways to get noticed than having a large group of people with like opinions march down a street with banners, signs, etc. The police were right in the actions they took. I don't know much about Canadian law, but I am pretty sure there is a "right to assemble" somewhere in its primary legal document.
February 12th, 2008, 06:35 PM
I agree with Snafubar as well. Not every homeless person on the streets of Vancouver spends all their money on cigarettes, booze and other drugs, which is what Buckshot appears to be saying. As far as I'm concerned, just because one comes from relatives that were poor once (once being a long time ago!) doesn't give them a right to pass judgement on those that are poor now. Sure, your relatives managed to turn their fortunes around. Guess what? Not everyone is that lucky. Someone in a middle-to-upper class existence is not in any position to judge all homeless to be "scum".
February 12th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I read this as "boo hoo people protesting held up traffic and made me late boo hoo OMG YOU GUYS SOMETIMES A PROTEST TURNS VIOLENT BY A FEW BAD APPLES BUT I COULD TOTALLY KICK THEIR ASSES ONLY I WON'T BECAUSE I'M TOO TOUGH"
Cry me a fucking river.
Chewy Gumball
February 12th, 2008, 06:52 PM
There are a lot more reasons why homeless people can't get off the street than just laziness. They may have (mental)disabilities that affect them holding a job, or they may have an addiction they can't get rid of. Thats not to say that there aren't people who are just lazy, but the majority of homeless people are not homeless because they are lazy.
Not having an education is the worst excuse to be homeless. If you show you want to work and learn, you can find a job doing something, making enough money to support yourself.
The police did the right thing. Even if it isn't legal to parade down a street like that(it might be I don't know), charging into a crowd of peaceful protesters with batons and tazers isn't going to help at all, not to mention very easily arguable as unconstitutional. It may work in china where the government is a scary thing, but here, there will be some major major consequences unless you have a REALLY good reason as to why you did what you did. That they were blocking traffic isn't one of those reasons. The people can stand up to the government here, unlike in china. Its like saying "If my dog pees on the rug, I will kick it 15 times in the head because he is not aloud to do that.", which clearly isn't going to further your goal of potty training your dog.
Telling protesters they can disagree with the government's policy but they can't voice their views in public is unconstitutional. They might as well not be able to disagree with the government. They have the right to peacefully protest no matter how stupid you think their reasons are.
Really, the constitution is to keep people with your views from doing exactly what you would like to do.
il Duce Primo
February 12th, 2008, 07:21 PM
There are a lot more reasons why homeless people can't get off the street than just laziness. They may have (mental)disabilities that affect them holding a job, or they may have an addiction they can't get rid of. Thats not to say that there aren't people who are just lazy, but the majority of homeless people are not homeless because they are lazy.
Not having an education is the worst excuse to be homeless. If you show you want to work and learn, you can find a job doing something, making enough money to support yourself.
The police did the right thing. Even if it isn't legal to parade down a street like that(it might be I don't know), charging into a crowd of peaceful protesters with batons and tazers isn't going to help at all, not to mention very easily arguable as unconstitutional. It may work in china where the government is a scary thing, but here, there will be some major major consequences unless you have a REALLY good reason as to why you did what you did. That they were blocking traffic isn't one of those reasons. The people can stand up to the government here, unlike in china. Its like saying "If my dog pees on the rug, I will kick it 15 times in the head because he is not aloud to do that.", which clearly isn't going to further your goal of potty training your dog.
Telling protesters they can disagree with the government's policy but they can't voice their views in public is unconstitutional. They might as well not be able to disagree with the government. They have the right to peacefully protest no matter how stupid you think their reasons are.
Really, the constitution is to keep people with your views from doing exactly what you would like to do.
Why do you think that is a bad excuse. If you don't have an education it makes it extremly hard to find a job. What your going to make a living at McDonalds. They won't even hire you at McDonalds. Its not as easy as you think it is just to get a life from being a bum. They have nothing. You have to remember htat. Nothing! They ahve maybe 2 pairs of smelly cloths. They smell terrible i bet. No money. Odvesly they have no friends or people they can get help from. It would be extrmely difficult to rise out of that social rank. It is not that easy. These everyday things we have that we take for grante dthose bums don't have. They don't have a computer for one. If you were a bum what would you do?
February 12th, 2008, 07:22 PM
If I wasn't a dumbass I would've posted something similar to snafubar.. but I'm not good with words.
February 12th, 2008, 08:03 PM
I read this as "boo hoo people protesting held up traffic and made me late boo hoo OMG YOU GUYS SOMETIMES A PROTEST TURNS VIOLENT BY A FEW BAD APPLES BUT I COULD TOTALLY KICK THEIR ASSES ONLY I WON'T BECAUSE I'M TOO TOUGH"
Cry me a fucking river.
With its sarcasm, your avatar basically sums up how I feel about this whole situation.
February 12th, 2008, 08:29 PM
In China, you'd get shot and run over by tanks (Tianmen square, anyone?), and survivors would get jailed and beaten brutally. In Singapore, the riot police would incapacitate anything that breathes, chuck them in jail, charge massive fines that would drain their life savings, and then they'd be as good as dead. As a result, no one dares to hold protest marches there.
Like mentor, like mentee.
Just shows how foolish some local Canadians can be. Then again, more than half the protesters are homeless scums, so it's not a surprise that they listen to fools.
About my opinion of homeless street dudes, I don't think all of them are bad. I mean, I've seen some fairly talented buskers, and I always drop a few dollar coins into their cups. But if I see some homeless punk smoking a cigarette and acting like wannabe gangster, I ignore him, because he doesn't deserve a penny from anyone. The day that such people no longer need to exist is the day that the world becomes a utopia.
ugh, please move out of my country you worthless waste of space
if you love singapore's and china's lack of freedoms so much, why don't you move there?
Chewy Gumball
February 13th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Why do you think that is a bad excuse. If you don't have an education it makes it extremly hard to find a job. What your going to make a living at McDonalds. They won't even hire you at McDonalds. Its not as easy as you think it is just to get a life from being a bum. They have nothing. You have to remember htat. Nothing! They ahve maybe 2 pairs of smelly cloths. They smell terrible i bet. No money. Odvesly they have no friends or people they can get help from. It would be extrmely difficult to rise out of that social rank. It is not that easy. These everyday things we have that we take for grante dthose bums don't have. They don't have a computer for one. If you were a bum what would you do?
There are certainly places that you wont be able to get a job, but you can definitely find one. Just because you don't have a formal education doesn't mean you have no worth, no knowledge. If you use that as an excuse, it just shows that you have not so great an attitude. I'm not saying it will be easy, but if you tried, you would find something. They also have to be realistic though, this job they find wont be the most satisfying one. Its just a stepping stone.
February 13th, 2008, 07:37 PM
ugh, please move out of my country you worthless waste of space
If you(Mr. Buckshot) hate this place so much then why don't you just leave. If a few protesters are going to make you rant and write up an essay and then post it on H2V, then you got to focus on different things.
And do not talk about homeless people like you know them. Tbh I do not think you have even experienced 1% of the shit they take from society. Sure some are bad but guess what...most of them did not choose to be there.
"wow this elitist Chinese bastard is at it again."You took the words outta my mouth.
February 13th, 2008, 07:57 PM
Who is the fool, the protester or the ignorant?
February 13th, 2008, 08:00 PM
If you(Mr. Buckshot) hate this place so much then why don't you just leave.
That sounds like something a five year old would say, grow up.
Regarding the issue at hand, I'm all for letting protesters express themselves as long as they aren't being destructive or a nuisance. As for the homeless there should be more help available for them so that they can get back on track. The ones that chose to resist this help and revert to drugs and crime can die in a fire.
February 14th, 2008, 10:25 PM
You just don't stop with your ignorance do you buckshot? Holy shit. I don't even know where to start, so I'll just spill my thoughts out I suppose.
-Homeless people: You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Judging by your general outlook on people "beneath you", I don't think you understand a damn thing about being homeless. First of all, over ~60% (I can't remember the exact percent atm) of homeless people in BC are mentally handicapped. This is one of the reasons people are actually protesting the olympics 2010. Not enough support is being given to these people, and I can tell by your ignorance that you haven't looked into this fact enough to even know it is true. Sure, programs are offered, but very few are up to standard, or funded properly. I've lived in this City and province a hell of a lot longer then you have, and I've seen the shit we call "help". Now, about the rest of these "lazy" people. First of all, this isn't the early 1900's. Everyone can't just go make a fucking farm somewhere, or live off the land like they used too (I'm referring to yours and bodzillas points of grandparents). Yes, it was very hard for them to do what they did, but in a sense it was actually easier, as you can't do the same things to stay alive as back then anymore. Also, on the note of they just don't "want" to get a job. Fuck off. Let's go with the situation of how most people end up on he streets. A shitty childhood, parents who are completely useless, and getting into the wrong things because nobody ever told them better. Now, they are out of school, and on the streets. They have old shitty clothes. They can't shower. They stink. They have no transportation or money for transportation (not enough for a daily job). Now, it's a task even for a bright teenager to get a job at a lot of places. People who are more then acceptable get turned down all the time. Do you really think it is so possible for a homeless person to get a job, even if they really wanted too? If the employers aren't hiring the well kept people every time they apply, what makes you think they are going to employ a stinking, dirty, unkept homeless person? Oh I see, there goes your "Why don't they just get a job" theory. Sometimes I wonder how you can be so fucking blind and ignorant. So, now you have all these homeless people who have no way to get a job or find a way to live. You have shitty "help" centers that are understaffed and underfunded. And then you go and fucking tell me these people are stupid for protesting that they need more support?
Ok I have more to say but I don't want to make this unbeleivably long, because I could. I'll come back after a few posts and make some more points.
February 14th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Buckshot's point is schizophrenic (nevermind being close-minded and ignorant). First he argues that the protesters should "quit whining and love the amazing freedoms" *note that this is not word-for-word in any stretch of the sense* and then praises countries like Singapore, or China, where their methods of dealing with protesters include crushing them with tanks.
Your point is contradictory to your argument, therefore I dub you wrong.
February 15th, 2008, 02:14 AM
That sounds like something a five year old would say, grow up.
I'd really, really like to see these guys try this stunt in mainland China, or worse, Singapore. In either country, it's perfectly ok to go on strike, oppose a public works, hate the government, etc, so long as you don't jeopardize the general public by holding massive marches in the streets. In China, you'd get shot and run over by tanks (Tianmen square, anyone?), and survivors would get jailed and beaten brutally. In Singapore, the riot police would incapacitate anything that breathes, chuck them in jail, charge massive fines that would drain their life savings, and then they'd be as good as dead. As a result, no one dares to hold protest marches there.
Ohhhhhhh no. They're blocking our streets. Clearly too far...Clearly. We should just send the tanks in to kill them all. /sarcasm
He clearly loves the communist ways of China. So I just made a recommendation to move to a place he seems to enjoy more.
Hello, shitheads?
I also don't enjoy being called a "shithead"
PS. If you love the way China treats their protesters, you'll love the way they treat their innocent bystanders. (
February 15th, 2008, 06:44 AM
so? even if they are slightly better in canada than they would be i china, their still living in the shit. leave them alone. because
1. you probably have no idea what its like to be in thei shoes
2. you have no idea what the support their given is acutally like
3. you were late for work huh? big whoop. some of them had to search trash cans for food
4. its not like anyone is going to listen to them. theyre few, there unorganized, theyre scum. its sad but its just like that.
also, ive heard many iraq/afghanistan vets ended up on the streets to. was that just a rumor?
February 15th, 2008, 04:16 PM
also, ive heard many iraq/afghanistan vets ended up on the streets to. was that just a rumor?
Not in the case of Vietnam vets. Dunno about ones from the more recent wars.
February 15th, 2008, 04:21 PM
Mr. Buckshot,
I am calling you out. You still have not contradicted me on the points that:
1.) You are a willy.
2.) Your argument contradicts itself.
3.) We win.
I request a proper response by sundown today or we do, in fact, win.
February 15th, 2008, 04:22 PM
February 15th, 2008, 09:10 PM
What's the challenge. He'll only do it if he has the bigger gun.
February 16th, 2008, 12:50 PM
I formally challenge you to tazers at dawn over this matter. Agree to these terms or admit defeat.
February 20th, 2008, 08:46 AM
Aboot the ol lady getting jumped from her car, consider this possibility
notice, the police and the "protesters" wear the same boots. Nevermind that this is in canada, the point is the tactic: To dis-credit the protest, so people overlook what's (actually) getting protested
The Olympics being hosted in China would be an honor it's administration does not deserve, for allowing the militant Junta to kill thousands of peacefull protestors (watch this (, and this one (, towards the end, explains China's position on the matter. If you're still not feeling it, or you want to see some graphic violence, try watching/stomaching this video (, and keep in mind, China has the ability to stop it, if it so chose), motherfuckers
February 20th, 2008, 05:46 PM
It isn't a problem for us so much as it is for him. He's the one refusing tasers at dawn.
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