View Full Version : That special someone on V day? Well it's this dude.
February 14th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Ever meet someone that you thought wasn't half bad at first, and you actually thought you could be friends. (and in spite of how that title sounds, no I'm not gay) However, after a while that person reveals them self to be a fucking moron. Well, this was how I spent my after school Valentines Day.
I know no one really cares but I felt a need to share how stupid people are in this world. So, enjoy:
Cascadegame03 (2:59:46 PM): decided to unblock me?
Flyboy654 (3:28:38 PM): I'm not lineman
Flyboy654 (3:28:41 PM): just no more god crap
Flyboy654 (3:28:46 PM): I believe what I believe
Flyboy654 (3:28:48 PM): deal with it
Cascadegame03 (3:29:59 PM): And I believe what I believe
Cascadegame03 (3:30:08 PM): And I believe you don't juts say "god crap"
Cascadegame03 (3:30:15 PM): THat only makes me wanna persist
Flyboy654 (3:30:52 PM): I don't question your religion so don't question mine, if it could be called that
Flyboy654 (3:30:55 PM): live with it
Cascadegame03 (3:30:58 PM): So, anyways how has ur Valentine's day been
Cascadegame03 (3:31:02 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (3:31:10 PM): u probably dont have a girl
Flyboy654 (3:31:10 PM): idc about valentines day much
Flyboy654 (3:31:12 PM): I do
Cascadegame03 (3:31:17 PM): lol, yeah right
Flyboy654 (3:31:20 PM): I have something for her tomarrow
Cascadegame03 (3:31:21 PM): becuz then u would
Cascadegame03 (3:31:25 PM): i luv v day
Cascadegame03 (3:31:30 PM): and its big where i live
Flyboy654 (3:31:38 PM): mhm
Cascadegame03 (3:31:39 PM): hmm, interesting LOVE is
Cascadegame03 (3:32:00 PM): It's like a good and perfect God intended on us to experience this special feeling
Flyboy654 (3:32:13 PM): we can experience it any day I think
Cascadegame03 (3:32:28 PM): OKay
Cascadegame03 (3:32:34 PM): I didnt say u couldnt
Cascadegame03 (3:32:42 PM): Actually the Bible says we are
Cascadegame03 (3:32:50 PM): Supposed to
Cascadegame03 (3:32:54 PM): feel that way
Cascadegame03 (3:33:02 PM): There's nothing scientific about love
Flyboy654 (3:33:16 PM): lol, technically I could counter that but w/e
Cascadegame03 (3:33:41 PM): You familiar with Lord Calvin?
Flyboy654 (3:33:49 PM): nope
Cascadegame03 (3:34:30 PM): Or..ugh
Cascadegame03 (3:34:33 PM): i mean Lord Kelvin
Cascadegame03 (3:34:44 PM): The one who came up with Kelvin scale
Flyboy654 (3:34:49 PM): ik what kelvin is but not Lord kelvin
Flyboy654 (3:34:52 PM): oh
Flyboy654 (3:34:53 PM): wait
Flyboy654 (3:34:55 PM): then ya
Cascadegame03 (3:34:57 PM): mhm
Cascadegame03 (3:35:00 PM): well
Cascadegame03 (3:35:48 PM): Did u know, he is one of the most respected of all scientists of all time...and he even himself said that if u study science long enough and close have to some to the conclusion..that there is a God
Flyboy654 (3:36:19 PM): *hits head* you really don't get it do you
Cascadegame03 (3:36:29 PM): Get what?
Flyboy654 (3:36:30 PM): I'm not interested in debating this further
Cascadegame03 (3:36:38 PM): Oh I get it
Cascadegame03 (3:36:41 PM): But do I care?
Flyboy654 (3:36:46 PM): apparently not
Cascadegame03 (3:36:47 PM): No
Cascadegame03 (3:36:51 PM): Bingo
Cascadegame03 (3:37:00 PM): Ur not even considering what i say
Flyboy654 (3:37:06 PM): I am considering what you say
Flyboy654 (3:37:10 PM): I'm considering it bull shit
Cascadegame03 (3:37:14 PM): U just reject it like the usual close-minded atheist
Cascadegame03 (3:37:19 PM): How is it bullshit?
Cascadegame03 (3:37:28 PM): A great scientist once said this
Flyboy654 (3:37:35 PM): and you just accept it like a narrow minded christian
Cascadegame03 (3:37:54 PM): I accept it because there's historical varification that he said it ,dumbfuck
Cascadegame03 (3:38:03 PM): It's in one of his journals
Flyboy654 (3:38:05 PM): i don't care if he said it or not
Flyboy654 (3:38:11 PM): it doesn't make me believe
Cascadegame03 (3:38:21 PM): Do you care that Einstein agreed with him?
Cascadegame03 (3:38:27 PM): Along with Benjamin Franklin
Flyboy654 (3:38:49 PM): no, just because I think these people were genius' and I look up to them, doesn't mean I need to believe in god with them
Cascadegame03 (3:39:04 PM): Well, these were the most brilliant minds
Cascadegame03 (3:39:08 PM): U atheist claim to be to right
Cascadegame03 (3:39:19 PM): BecAUSE u think u have all this shitty evidence
Flyboy654 (3:39:20 PM): so do you christians
Flyboy654 (3:39:25 PM): and SO DO YOU
Cascadegame03 (3:39:33 PM): And these brilliant minded ppl
Flyboy654 (3:39:43 PM): that doesn't make them right
Flyboy654 (3:39:47 PM): nor does it matter
Cascadegame03 (3:39:49 PM): WHo studied science all their lives and actually founded science
Flyboy654 (3:39:53 PM): if this is what it means to go to hell
Flyboy654 (3:39:54 PM): then so be it
Flyboy654 (3:39:56 PM): I'm fucked
Cascadegame03 (3:39:56 PM): came to that
Cascadegame03 (3:40:20 PM): Well, it seems to be you just don't want there to be a God
Flyboy654 (3:40:24 PM): once again, it doesn't mean their right
Cascadegame03 (3:40:36 PM): U know, it takes more faith to be an atheist than to be a Christian
Cascadegame03 (3:40:41 PM): U have to ignore a lot
Flyboy654 (3:40:45 PM): Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science - Darwin
Cascadegame03 (3:41:08 PM): ...ok
Cascadegame03 (3:41:16 PM): why the hell did u just post that random quote?
Cascadegame03 (3:41:25 PM): Awww, I get it...HE'S UR HERO
Flyboy654 (3:41:27 PM): do you not see how it relates perfectly to this?
Cascadegame03 (3:41:36 PM): He's the idiot who came of with evolution
Flyboy654 (3:41:42 PM): no, he's a genius
Cascadegame03 (3:41:43 PM): Well let me ask u something
Cascadegame03 (3:41:54 PM): If evolution occured..then why are there still apes?
Cascadegame03 (3:42:04 PM): And other prime apes
Cascadegame03 (3:42:07 PM): And what not
Flyboy654 (3:42:16 PM): just because something is modified doesn't mean the original species is eliminated
Flyboy654 (3:42:20 PM): survival of the fittest
Flyboy654 (3:42:23 PM): just because
Cascadegame03 (3:42:27 PM): ...and they aren't the fittest
Flyboy654 (3:42:28 PM): we're fitter
Flyboy654 (3:42:33 PM): doesn't mean the moderatly less fit aren't
Cascadegame03 (3:42:33 PM): And if that were true
Flyboy654 (3:42:49 PM): it is
Cascadegame03 (3:42:59 PM): Then why is it that like...the original organisms from which horses evolved from arent still here?
Flyboy654 (3:43:04 PM): nature only eliminates those that can't keep up
Flyboy654 (3:43:06 PM): the apes kept up
Flyboy654 (3:43:10 PM): we evolved from them yes
Flyboy654 (3:43:13 PM): but they still remain
Cascadegame03 (3:43:19 PM): How does nature "eliminate" them?
Flyboy654 (3:43:26 PM): and likely yes they might be
Flyboy654 (3:43:32 PM): ok, lets put it this way
Flyboy654 (3:43:35 PM): shut up and listen
Flyboy654 (3:43:45 PM): interupt me and I won't even bother to continue
Cascadegame03 (3:43:53 PM): I don't rlly care
Flyboy654 (3:43:58 PM): apparently
Cascadegame03 (3:44:00 PM): But u can state u case
Cascadegame03 (3:44:03 PM): ur*
Cascadegame03 (3:44:08 PM): Because im interested
Flyboy654 (3:44:26 PM): in the instants where you have a group of animals, all living in a perfect habbitat in one place or another
Flyboy654 (3:44:41 PM): however, 3000 miles away there might be a relitily same group of species
Flyboy654 (3:44:55 PM): now at one of those places, something happens
Flyboy654 (3:45:03 PM): think of any kind of natural disaster
Flyboy654 (3:45:18 PM): earthquake, volcano, asteriod, radiation (somehow)
Flyboy654 (3:45:31 PM): if this disaster can inpact the environment long enough
Flyboy654 (3:45:40 PM): then the animals in that environment have three choices
Flyboy654 (3:45:44 PM): A. Die
Flyboy654 (3:45:54 PM): B. Leave to a more suitible area
Flyboy654 (3:45:57 PM): C. Addapt
Cascadegame03 (3:46:08 PM): and so they just change themselves?
Flyboy654 (3:46:14 PM): and it has been proven, through studies that DNA with code and change itself
Flyboy654 (3:46:16 PM): yes
Flyboy654 (3:46:23 PM): bassed on the challanges with the current generation
Flyboy654 (3:46:43 PM): this studie was done on the malaria virus when it was introduced into a blood stream of cycle cells
Flyboy654 (3:46:48 PM): of which are imune to malaria
Cascadegame03 (3:46:49 PM): so..we're evolving right now?
Flyboy654 (3:46:57 PM): yes and no
Cascadegame03 (3:47:09 PM): as long as us humans have been on the Earth,,wouldnt we have evolved by now?
Flyboy654 (3:47:19 PM): the genes you were born with you are stuck with
Flyboy654 (3:47:21 PM): and shh
Flyboy654 (3:47:43 PM): however, the next generation might be encoded differently based on the kind of physical and environmentle problems you had
Flyboy654 (3:47:44 PM): but hey
Flyboy654 (3:47:52 PM): humanity has made it along fine and dandy
Flyboy654 (3:47:57 PM): there is no need to change things
Flyboy654 (3:47:59 PM): so we don't
Flyboy654 (3:48:01 PM): however
Flyboy654 (3:48:13 PM): because we've made it along so fine
Flyboy654 (3:48:14 PM): and dandy
Flyboy654 (3:48:30 PM): our average world wide IQ has dropped a few points over the past hundred years
Cascadegame03 (3:48:39 PM): okay..
Flyboy654 (3:48:39 PM): ass we require our intellect and cunning less and less
Cascadegame03 (3:48:51 PM): but no
Flyboy654 (3:48:54 PM): because of the environment we live in (which is very easy going by animal standards)
Cascadegame03 (3:48:57 PM): humanity hasnt been doing fine and dany
Cascadegame03 (3:49:01 PM): over the past years
Flyboy654 (3:49:04 PM): we evolve in a negitive way
Cascadegame03 (3:49:14 PM): then thats not evolving rlly
Cascadegame03 (3:49:27 PM): and ur whole theory was a fable from the beginning
Flyboy654 (3:49:54 PM): however, going back to the two environment thing, if one of the species was required to addapt in that area of diaster, the one who didn't encounter the disaster would remain relitivly the same while the other evolved, eventuall leading to two similer but differenanimals
Cascadegame03 (3:50:15 PM): ...wait a sec
Cascadegame03 (3:50:21 PM): coming from what u said
Cascadegame03 (3:50:47 PM): ur saying the whole reason that the apes because of various natural disasters
Cascadegame03 (3:50:59 PM): and so their DNA changed to help it better adapt to its enviroment
Flyboy654 (3:51:00 PM): no, that was an example
Flyboy654 (3:51:05 PM): but it could very well be a variable
Cascadegame03 (3:51:14 PM): well if that were true
Cascadegame03 (3:51:24 PM): then werent all the apes subjected to the same thing?
Flyboy654 (3:51:35 PM): apparently not because we still have apes
Cascadegame03 (3:51:44 PM): Or maybe evolution just doesnt exist
Flyboy654 (3:51:46 PM): dude, there are litterally MILLIONS of variables to consider
Cascadegame03 (3:51:47 PM): ..
Cascadegame03 (3:51:53 PM): Or not
Cascadegame03 (3:51:57 PM): It's wrong
Flyboy654 (3:52:10 PM): the best genius's can't plot WHY these things came out as they did to that detail, the best they can do is guess and give examples like I just did
Cascadegame03 (3:52:13 PM): OKay, let's say that this long story was true
Flyboy654 (3:52:19 PM): evolution has only been considered for 50 years
Cascadegame03 (3:52:24 PM): okay,i dont care
Cascadegame03 (3:52:32 PM): the Bible has been practiced for over 4000
Flyboy654 (3:52:40 PM): doesn't make it right
Cascadegame03 (3:52:40 PM): so take that an shove it up ur ass
Flyboy654 (3:52:47 PM): hey
Cascadegame03 (3:52:47 PM): and it doesnt make evolution right
Cascadegame03 (3:52:56 PM): So stop trying to give me hard numbers
Flyboy654 (3:52:56 PM): human sacrifice was practiced for thousands of years
Flyboy654 (3:52:59 PM): was that right?
Cascadegame03 (3:53:05 PM): No..but i wasnt saying anything
Flyboy654 (3:53:10 PM): for thousands of years people thought the earth was the center of the universe
Flyboy654 (3:53:11 PM): was that right?
Cascadegame03 (3:53:14 PM): Ur the one trying to use numbers to ur advantage
Cascadegame03 (3:53:18 PM): So i was just cpying u
Cascadegame03 (3:53:26 PM): But anyways
Cascadegame03 (3:53:30 PM): If this theory was right
Flyboy654 (3:53:36 PM): I didn't try to make it my advantage
Cascadegame03 (3:53:41 PM): The evolutionary theory were correct
Flyboy654 (3:53:41 PM): I was trying to explain yet another thing
Flyboy654 (3:53:45 PM): until you cut me off
Flyboy654 (3:53:47 PM): ignorant fuck
Cascadegame03 (3:53:47 PM): Ok,shut up
Cascadegame03 (3:53:56 PM): Read my question
Flyboy654 (3:53:59 PM): i did
Flyboy654 (3:54:03 PM): ya, so what?
Cascadegame03 (3:54:16 PM): If this long story were correct...and apes rlly did evolve into humans
Cascadegame03 (3:54:22 PM): did the apes get here?
Flyboy654 (3:54:32 PM): the same process, something inferior
Flyboy654 (3:54:39 PM): and something inferior before that
Cascadegame03 (3:54:41 PM): well how did that get here?
Cascadegame03 (3:55:10 PM): how did the very first thing most inferior thing get here?
Flyboy654 (3:55:11 PM): they have done expiriments taking all of the original earths chemicles, electrifying them makes all the necessary amino acids
Flyboy654 (3:55:13 PM): it explains it
Cascadegame03 (3:55:26 PM): ..what?
Cascadegame03 (3:55:39 PM): well that doesnt explain how they got here
Flyboy654 (3:55:44 PM): um ya
Cascadegame03 (3:55:47 PM): no, it doesnt
Cascadegame03 (3:55:53 PM): And even if, i sorta think ur lying
Cascadegame03 (3:55:56 PM): I want an article
Flyboy654 (3:55:57 PM): chemicles in the earths atmosphere
Flyboy654 (3:56:00 PM): and on the ground
Cascadegame03 (3:56:03 PM): which include..
Cascadegame03 (3:56:17 PM): Oxygen..Nitrogen...mostly
Flyboy654 (3:56:22 PM): I saw it on a television documentary, but if you gave me a while I could find it
Cascadegame03 (3:56:26 PM): And some carbon dioxide
Cascadegame03 (3:56:31 PM): which our body doesnt need
Cascadegame03 (3:56:45 PM): ..
Cascadegame03 (3:56:49 PM): Better question
Cascadegame03 (3:56:54 PM): How did this Earth get here?
Flyboy654 (3:56:58 PM): yes but electrified they make the necesary componants for life
Flyboy654 (3:57:02 PM): ok I can explain that as well
Cascadegame03 (3:57:06 PM): lol,ok
Flyboy654 (3:57:13 PM): some star either died out, blew up, imploded w/e
Flyboy654 (3:57:16 PM): long agio
Cascadegame03 (3:57:21 PM): and what caused that?
Flyboy654 (3:57:22 PM): 6-7 billion years ago infact
Flyboy654 (3:57:30 PM): then fucking star ran out of fuel
Flyboy654 (3:57:32 PM): thats what caused it
Flyboy654 (3:57:39 PM): and because matter is neither created or destroyed
Cascadegame03 (3:57:42 PM): and how did the star get there in the first place?
Flyboy654 (3:57:54 PM): see, we don't know, but that doesn't mean there's a god
Cascadegame03 (3:57:58 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (3:57:59 PM): you can go back as far as you want
Flyboy654 (3:58:06 PM): and you will reach a point were we don't know
Flyboy654 (3:58:09 PM): but guess what
Cascadegame03 (3:58:10 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (3:58:12 PM): you don't either
Cascadegame03 (3:58:16 PM): Yes..I do
Cascadegame03 (3:58:20 PM): It's called GOD
Flyboy654 (3:58:21 PM): this is all from a fucking book
Cascadegame03 (3:58:27 PM): lol,i dont care
Cascadegame03 (3:58:31 PM): that doesnt make it right
Cascadegame03 (3:58:44 PM): my earth sciecne book says pluto's a planet
Cascadegame03 (3:58:50 PM): And now it's apparently not
Cascadegame03 (3:59:12 PM): though i think it should still be personally
Cascadegame03 (3:59:14 PM): but hey
Flyboy654 (3:59:17 PM): "And thus I cloth my naked villeny in old oth ends; stolen forth from holy writ, and seam a priest when most I play the devil"
Flyboy654 (3:59:30 PM): pluto is no longer a planet
Flyboy654 (3:59:33 PM): because of definition
Flyboy654 (3:59:37 PM): thats a human element
Flyboy654 (3:59:45 PM): not a physical property of the universe
Cascadegame03 (3:59:46 PM): What was the deal with that quote?
Cascadegame03 (3:59:50 PM): where's that from?
Flyboy654 (3:59:51 PM): shakespear
Cascadegame03 (3:59:58 PM): ...i think ur gay
Flyboy654 (4:00:07 PM): I think your likely to start a cult
Cascadegame03 (4:00:09 PM): u have a rainbow AIM background
Flyboy654 (4:00:12 PM): and fuck this world up more than it alraedy is
Flyboy654 (4:00:19 PM): not by choice
Cascadegame03 (4:00:21 PM): and u quote shakespeare
Flyboy654 (4:00:23 PM): if I do, I didn't select it
Flyboy654 (4:00:27 PM): and even if I do idc
Cascadegame03 (4:00:46 PM): Well, don't know..and never will know what started anything
Flyboy654 (4:00:54 PM): neither will you
Cascadegame03 (4:00:57 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (4:00:59 PM): at least I admit I won't
Cascadegame03 (4:01:00 PM): I already know
Cascadegame03 (4:01:04 PM): God
Flyboy654 (4:01:09 PM): your an idiot
Cascadegame03 (4:01:13 PM): You're*
Flyboy654 (4:01:13 PM): not because you believe in god
Flyboy654 (4:01:18 PM): but because your a cocky ignorant fuck
Flyboy654 (4:01:28 PM): w/e
Cascadegame03 (4:01:30 PM): First of all, I'm not ignorant nor am I cocky
Flyboy654 (4:01:31 PM): this is AIM
Cascadegame03 (4:01:38 PM): And second of all uve shown me ur more ignorant
Flyboy654 (4:01:38 PM): spelling doesn't count for shit along with grammar
Flyboy654 (4:01:48 PM): ha
Flyboy654 (4:01:48 PM): really
Cascadegame03 (4:02:01 PM): U made evolution look like a 4th grader's idea
Flyboy654 (4:02:03 PM): because I don't make up stories after not knowing what happened
Flyboy654 (4:02:07 PM): thats all religion is mate
Cascadegame03 (4:02:16 PM): ...some are
Flyboy654 (4:02:18 PM): ha
Flyboy654 (4:02:21 PM): so is yours
Cascadegame03 (4:02:24 PM): but u cant make that generalized statement
Flyboy654 (4:02:25 PM): that is ignorance
Cascadegame03 (4:02:26 PM): Rlly how?
Cascadegame03 (4:02:31 PM): U were there when it started?
Flyboy654 (4:02:33 PM): religion is religion is religion
Flyboy654 (4:02:39 PM): every religion believes that theirs is the best
Cascadegame03 (4:02:46 PM): Christianity is different from Buddhism
Cascadegame03 (4:02:49 PM): Actually ,no
Flyboy654 (4:02:52 PM): and your (excuse me, you're) proving that to me right now
Cascadegame03 (4:02:55 PM): Further proving ur ignorance
Cascadegame03 (4:03:05 PM): The Quaran
Cascadegame03 (4:03:07 PM): IN Islam
Flyboy654 (4:03:14 PM): you're tying your own nuece
Cascadegame03 (4:03:15 PM): tells u that if ur not sure of ur salvation
Cascadegame03 (4:03:20 PM): To read the Bible
Flyboy654 (4:03:21 PM): you might think your right but your blatenly wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:03:40 PM): Which means, they dont believe there's is the best
Cascadegame03 (4:03:46 PM): And i know Wiccans dont believe that
Flyboy654 (4:03:46 PM): once again, how does that make it right>
Flyboy654 (4:03:47 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (4:03:55 PM): And it's not about what makes us "the best"
Cascadegame03 (4:03:59 PM): It's what righteous
Cascadegame03 (4:04:00 PM): And pure
Flyboy654 (4:04:02 PM): right, but they di believe in wiccanism
Cascadegame03 (4:04:08 PM): OK
Flyboy654 (4:04:09 PM): why don't they believe in christianity
Flyboy654 (4:04:10 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (4:04:32 PM): I have no idea..some say it didn't work for them..and some just don't believe in Jesus
Flyboy654 (4:04:47 PM): which automatically makes them wrong right?
Flyboy654 (4:04:51 PM): just like me
Cascadegame03 (4:04:54 PM): Well, yes
Cascadegame03 (4:05:00 PM): BUt it's like this:
Cascadegame03 (4:05:11 PM): If ur flying on an airplane
Flyboy654 (4:05:12 PM): ha, your so brainwashed
Cascadegame03 (4:05:19 PM): from Michigan to Virginia
Cascadegame03 (4:05:31 PM): And someone sitting next to u says
Cascadegame03 (4:05:36 PM): "Excuse me...
Cascadegame03 (4:05:49 PM): This plane is going to Arizona, correct?"
Cascadegame03 (4:05:57 PM): And id be like "No..its going to VA"
Cascadegame03 (4:06:12 PM): But they, despite the flight plan to VA
Cascadegame03 (4:06:19 PM): Still wanna believe its going to Arizona
Cascadegame03 (4:06:36 PM): Does it make me wrong for thiking their wrong, when i know whats right?
Flyboy654 (4:07:00 PM): you know because it's obvius, knowing because a book told you to doesn't make you right
Cascadegame03 (4:07:08 PM): Ur right
Cascadegame03 (4:07:12 PM): it doesnt
Cascadegame03 (4:07:24 PM): But when that book was written by the creator of the Earth himself
Cascadegame03 (4:07:29 PM): It does
Flyboy654 (4:07:30 PM): evolution says: ok, here's what we think, don't believe us, go study it and you can find some pretty good logic and scientific back up.
Flyboy654 (4:07:43 PM): religion can only say: go read more of this, it's what god said
Flyboy654 (4:07:46 PM): interprited by man
Flyboy654 (4:07:51 PM): it's like that play
Cascadegame03 (4:07:52 PM): Science has been failing society decades after decades
Flyboy654 (4:07:59 PM): Cats through the eyes of dogs interprited by man
Cascadegame03 (4:07:59 PM): And u wanna believe in it?
Flyboy654 (4:08:07 PM): ha
Cascadegame03 (4:08:08 PM): And put ur faith in it?
Flyboy654 (4:08:08 PM): how so?
Cascadegame03 (4:08:28 PM): lol, if u dont know how science has failed man, go look up HISTORY OF SCIENCE in google
Cascadegame03 (4:08:32 PM): ull find out there
Flyboy654 (4:08:40 PM): ok, then look at how science has sucseeded
Flyboy654 (4:08:48 PM): I'll bet you you'll find much more
Cascadegame03 (4:08:51 PM): Look, dude, im actually not lying when i say i havea girlfriend
Flyboy654 (4:08:53 PM): 100x more
Cascadegame03 (4:08:57 PM): and with it being valentines day
Flyboy654 (4:08:58 PM): neither am I
Cascadegame03 (4:09:01 PM): ive gotta go
Cascadegame03 (4:09:06 PM): so ill see ya later
Flyboy654 (4:09:10 PM): have fun
Cascadegame03 (4:09:12 PM): God bless and have a happy v day
Flyboy654 (4:09:15 PM): ...
Cascadegame03 signed off at 4:09:18 PM.
Cascadegame03 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
I have no problem with Christians, in fact I think the Christian concepts and ideas are generally good natured. However, idiots like this can't accept it, and they make their religion look dumb for the simple reason of intolerance to others beliefs. I don't go around trying to get people to become atheists, and yet this guy just loves trying to get me to see his idiotic side of the story.
(And no, this is not a typical AIM conversation for me. I have a life, and it isn't based around scientific crap.)
February 14th, 2008, 03:37 PM
Stop challenging people's beliefs, because you'll never win against faith, because that's just what it is, faith.
You place all your faith in science. It's no different for you.
February 14th, 2008, 03:41 PM
From what I can see, you DO have a problem with Christians. That's fine. But this guy WAS forcing his beliefs on you, and that's wrong.
February 14th, 2008, 03:45 PM
i lol'd at the end.
February 14th, 2008, 03:48 PM
i lol'd at the end.
I also engaged in a chuckle
February 14th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Stop challenging people's beliefs, because you'll never win against faith, because that's just what it is, faith.
You place all your faith in science. It's no different for you.
You could say the same to him. He pressured what he thought on me, so of course I'm going to get angry. I only challenged his because he's stupid enough to keep doing it to mine.
I don't know why unbanned the retard in the first place.
February 14th, 2008, 04:17 PM
The way I see it, there may or may not have been a god, there really isn't enough proof either way for me to decide, or for me to try to convince others, but all religions aren't about god, they're about power. The bible hasn't been practiced for 4000 years, it's been less than 2000, because it was written almost 100 years after the supposed jesus died, by the same people who supposedly killed him so that they could gain power. The bible was a blatant plagiarism of the beliefs of the ancient egyptians. (Savior born on December 25th to a virgin, crucified and resurrected 3 days later)
People who base their entire life on religion are ignorant. Any time I'm around people who pray before their meals I always tell them, If you were god, would you want millions of people bothering you at the same time? I mean, if there is a god, he knows he made your shit, he doesn't need you to thank him for your food that YOU had to work for. After all, he gave it to YOU for a reason, he gave YOU free thought for a reason, and he really wouldn't care what you think, but I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't want you killing other people who don't believe in him, or believe that there are 2 of him, or that believe that he is actually a woman, or anything else.
Bad Waffle
February 14th, 2008, 04:17 PM
You should take a course in philosophy, so that you can get some real ammo against that guy.
For example, you should have asked him--'What created god?'
or even as he was talking about the beginning of the universe, you should have said "the contents of the universe can measured with a beginning and an end, but what about the stuff outside the bubble of the universe? it is outside our perception, therefore we can assume as well that they follow a different rule of existence which doesnt include a narrow 'beginning' or 'end' as that follows our plane of dimensions (time). Yes, a 'god' may exist, but what about others? he may just be a dreamer, and we are all in his dream. He may exist on a whole new world, full of others like him, dreaming--and this is just his dream for the night."
I havent worked the whole heaven idea into my thesis of existence, but go for it yourself.
February 14th, 2008, 04:23 PM
yay its v
and yes, i did infact forget it. gf was pissed of as fuck :(
I would say if christians were to be coherent and logical, they should dismiss the whole concept of evolution and not be trying to somehow reformulating it so that it doesnt interferes with the "bible" or the "christian god". come to think of it, if evolution implies some sort of divine intervention (not literally more like the first cause in a deterministic machine), the whole "christian" concept of "god" would have to be rewritten or completely dismissed. such a god wouldnt give a flying duck wether or not humans should be allowed to eat pork, spend their weekends sitting in dim lit churches/getting seizures and calling it spiritual extasy, worshipping crucifixes, vote republican, have sex with no intentions of marriage and so on.
and why should he care? a compromise between evolution and the "bible" would imply that god "loves" all his "creations" alike. that would mean man is neither more nor less important than any other animal, plant and simply the enviroment (=antirepublican =antichristian). and again that would imply that man should have the same respect for nature as he has for his fellow man for god loves all life. (heretic isnt it?)
So a in a compromise between evolution and "the bible" whit a "weaker "god" it wouldnt be the christian god anymore, it would be a philosophical (=universal) concept of god. so for their own faiths sake , christians should just shut the hell up when it comes to "discussing" evolution and just dismiss the whole thing.
in b4 "lol faith dont need any logic/coherency"
in b4 awsum quote "arguing with creationists is like playing chess with a pigeon"
You should take a course in philosophy, so that you can get some real ammo against that guy.
Heres a Q 4 U MR.: Could god reheat a Burrito in the microwave that not even himself could possibly eat it?
February 14th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I'm a Christian, but I don't believe in pressuring other people to become one. If somebody doesn't want to be one, theres no point in forcing it on them, it just pisses them off. Although honestly, I frequently get pissed off on these forums because of all the Christian bashing. I'm not going to mess with anybody, but I don't want anybody messing with my beliefs eaither. The argument is pointless, and each side will always have "facts" to "prove" their beliefs.
February 14th, 2008, 06:18 PM
It's not god I hate, it's his fanclub.
t3h m00kz
February 14th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Agnostic/Christianity is where it is. I was brought up in an (EXTREMELY) Christian home, pretty much brainwashed for the most part, but over time I've learned more about individuality and equality. Agnosticism seemed like more of my thing, although I tend to have a few Christian qualities. Ironically, I'm bisexual (GO FIND ME A SHEMALE BITCHES) and have the mouth of a sailor. However I'm into all that "do unto others" shit.
I'm not saying I'm against the belief of a God. For instance, this planet has a perfect balance that can support life, which is unexplained and a one in a million chance... and honestly I'm pretty sure some higher being may have formed it. As big as the universe is, however, maybe he/she/it's too busy with all the other planets and life forms to spend too much time on Earth :p
Bottom line, the way I see it, God may or may not exist. There's no way of telling.
February 14th, 2008, 11:26 PM
. Agnosticism seemed like more of my thing, although I tend to have a few Christian qualities.
all that "do unto others" shit.
i wouldn't call that Christian quality's, i'd just say that you have decent Morals, and choose to stick by them. They just happened to be christian morals as well.
Ironically, I'm bisexual (GO FIND ME A SHEMALE BITCHES)
Dear god.
not another one.
this forums will be swarming with "Orcs"-Aragorn Girls with penis's if this trend continues :-3
in b4 awsum quote "arguing with creationists is like playing chess with a pigeon"
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few pieces, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory
every religious debate thread evar[/B]It's not god I hate, it's his fanclub.
also Tl:dr
Mr Buckshot
February 14th, 2008, 11:28 PM
I agree with you. My policy is, "Believe whatever the hell you want, but don't try to spread it to others if they aren't interested, especially if they already believe something else." I am athiest btw.
And LOL @ the end of the conversation.
February 15th, 2008, 12:26 AM
I agree with you. My policy is, "Believe whatever the hell you want, but don't try to spread it to others if they aren't interested, especially if they already believe something else." I am athiest btw. And LOL @ the end of the conversation. You stole the words right out of my mouth.
February 15th, 2008, 12:39 AM
I generally try not to force my opinions down other people's throats. However, if they challenge me and proclaim that I am wrong then I am not afraid to unleash the fury of 1 semester of Logic and about 2 weeks of Philosophy upon them >=U.
Unless of coarse they are Scientologists, in which case I point them to Silly Cults.
February 15th, 2008, 01:53 AM
But from what I get some guy was trying to convince you of religion.
Tbh not topic worthy. (Especially with such a long read)
February 15th, 2008, 01:03 PM
I just wish everyone would stop taking the bible so literally.
You go ahead a listen to a 3000 year old peice of text, I'll be over here living a happy life. k? k..
February 15th, 2008, 01:54 PM
if u study science long enough and close have to some to the conclusion..that there is a God
no, they just gave the fuck up on the shit they can't wrap their heads around and explain and use an explanation they can't deny, or explain yet still.
February 15th, 2008, 02:04 PM
I prefer my own road to no where rather than the screwed up one to somewhere.
February 15th, 2008, 03:13 PM
How very queer...
Lord Mirko
February 15th, 2008, 03:43 PM
Ever meet someone that you thought wasn't half bad at first, and you actually thought you could be friends. (and in spite of how that title sounds, no I'm not gay) However, after a while that person reveals them self to be a fucking moron. Well, this was how I spent my after school Valentines Day.
I know no one really cares but I felt a need to share how stupid people are in this world. So, enjoy:
Cascadegame03 (2:59:46 PM): decided to unblock me?
Flyboy654 (3:28:38 PM): I'm not lineman
Flyboy654 (3:28:41 PM): just no more god crap
Flyboy654 (3:28:46 PM): I believe what I believe
Flyboy654 (3:28:48 PM): deal with it
Cascadegame03 (3:29:59 PM): And I believe what I believe
Cascadegame03 (3:30:08 PM): And I believe you don't juts say "god crap"
Cascadegame03 (3:30:15 PM): THat only makes me wanna persist
Flyboy654 (3:30:52 PM): I don't question your religion so don't question mine, if it could be called that
Flyboy654 (3:30:55 PM): live with it
Cascadegame03 (3:30:58 PM): So, anyways how has ur Valentine's day been
Cascadegame03 (3:31:02 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (3:31:10 PM): u probably dont have a girl
Flyboy654 (3:31:10 PM): idc about valentines day much
Flyboy654 (3:31:12 PM): I do
Cascadegame03 (3:31:17 PM): lol, yeah right
Flyboy654 (3:31:20 PM): I have something for her tomarrow
Cascadegame03 (3:31:21 PM): becuz then u would
Cascadegame03 (3:31:25 PM): i luv v day
Cascadegame03 (3:31:30 PM): and its big where i live
Flyboy654 (3:31:38 PM): mhm
Cascadegame03 (3:31:39 PM): hmm, interesting LOVE is
Cascadegame03 (3:32:00 PM): It's like a good and perfect God intended on us to experience this special feeling
Flyboy654 (3:32:13 PM): we can experience it any day I think
Cascadegame03 (3:32:28 PM): OKay
Cascadegame03 (3:32:34 PM): I didnt say u couldnt
Cascadegame03 (3:32:42 PM): Actually the Bible says we are
Cascadegame03 (3:32:50 PM): Supposed to
Cascadegame03 (3:32:54 PM): feel that way
Cascadegame03 (3:33:02 PM): There's nothing scientific about love
Flyboy654 (3:33:16 PM): lol, technically I could counter that but w/e
Cascadegame03 (3:33:41 PM): You familiar with Lord Calvin?
Flyboy654 (3:33:49 PM): nope
Cascadegame03 (3:34:30 PM): Or..ugh
Cascadegame03 (3:34:33 PM): i mean Lord Kelvin
Cascadegame03 (3:34:44 PM): The one who came up with Kelvin scale
Flyboy654 (3:34:49 PM): ik what kelvin is but not Lord kelvin
Flyboy654 (3:34:52 PM): oh
Flyboy654 (3:34:53 PM): wait
Flyboy654 (3:34:55 PM): then ya
Cascadegame03 (3:34:57 PM): mhm
Cascadegame03 (3:35:00 PM): well
Cascadegame03 (3:35:48 PM): Did u know, he is one of the most respected of all scientists of all time...and he even himself said that if u study science long enough and close have to some to the conclusion..that there is a God
Flyboy654 (3:36:19 PM): *hits head* you really don't get it do you
Cascadegame03 (3:36:29 PM): Get what?
Flyboy654 (3:36:30 PM): I'm not interested in debating this further
Cascadegame03 (3:36:38 PM): Oh I get it
Cascadegame03 (3:36:41 PM): But do I care?
Flyboy654 (3:36:46 PM): apparently not
Cascadegame03 (3:36:47 PM): No
Cascadegame03 (3:36:51 PM): Bingo
Cascadegame03 (3:37:00 PM): Ur not even considering what i say
Flyboy654 (3:37:06 PM): I am considering what you say
Flyboy654 (3:37:10 PM): I'm considering it bull shit
Cascadegame03 (3:37:14 PM): U just reject it like the usual close-minded atheist
Cascadegame03 (3:37:19 PM): How is it bullshit?
Cascadegame03 (3:37:28 PM): A great scientist once said this
Flyboy654 (3:37:35 PM): and you just accept it like a narrow minded christian
Cascadegame03 (3:37:54 PM): I accept it because there's historical varification that he said it ,dumbfuck
Cascadegame03 (3:38:03 PM): It's in one of his journals
Flyboy654 (3:38:05 PM): i don't care if he said it or not
Flyboy654 (3:38:11 PM): it doesn't make me believe
Cascadegame03 (3:38:21 PM): Do you care that Einstein agreed with him?
Cascadegame03 (3:38:27 PM): Along with Benjamin Franklin
Flyboy654 (3:38:49 PM): no, just because I think these people were genius' and I look up to them, doesn't mean I need to believe in god with them
Cascadegame03 (3:39:04 PM): Well, these were the most brilliant minds
Cascadegame03 (3:39:08 PM): U atheist claim to be to right
Cascadegame03 (3:39:19 PM): BecAUSE u think u have all this shitty evidence
Flyboy654 (3:39:20 PM): so do you christians
Flyboy654 (3:39:25 PM): and SO DO YOU
Cascadegame03 (3:39:33 PM): And these brilliant minded ppl
Flyboy654 (3:39:43 PM): that doesn't make them right
Flyboy654 (3:39:47 PM): nor does it matter
Cascadegame03 (3:39:49 PM): WHo studied science all their lives and actually founded science
Flyboy654 (3:39:53 PM): if this is what it means to go to hell
Flyboy654 (3:39:54 PM): then so be it
Flyboy654 (3:39:56 PM): I'm fucked
Cascadegame03 (3:39:56 PM): came to that
Cascadegame03 (3:40:20 PM): Well, it seems to be you just don't want there to be a God
Flyboy654 (3:40:24 PM): once again, it doesn't mean their right
Cascadegame03 (3:40:36 PM): U know, it takes more faith to be an atheist than to be a Christian
Cascadegame03 (3:40:41 PM): U have to ignore a lot
Flyboy654 (3:40:45 PM): Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science - Darwin
Cascadegame03 (3:41:08 PM): ...ok
Cascadegame03 (3:41:16 PM): why the hell did u just post that random quote?
Cascadegame03 (3:41:25 PM): Awww, I get it...HE'S UR HERO
Flyboy654 (3:41:27 PM): do you not see how it relates perfectly to this?
Cascadegame03 (3:41:36 PM): He's the idiot who came of with evolution
Flyboy654 (3:41:42 PM): no, he's a genius
Cascadegame03 (3:41:43 PM): Well let me ask u something
Cascadegame03 (3:41:54 PM): If evolution occured..then why are there still apes?
Cascadegame03 (3:42:04 PM): And other prime apes
Cascadegame03 (3:42:07 PM): And what not
Flyboy654 (3:42:16 PM): just because something is modified doesn't mean the original species is eliminated
Flyboy654 (3:42:20 PM): survival of the fittest
Flyboy654 (3:42:23 PM): just because
Cascadegame03 (3:42:27 PM): ...and they aren't the fittest
Flyboy654 (3:42:28 PM): we're fitter
Flyboy654 (3:42:33 PM): doesn't mean the moderatly less fit aren't
Cascadegame03 (3:42:33 PM): And if that were true
Flyboy654 (3:42:49 PM): it is
Cascadegame03 (3:42:59 PM): Then why is it that like...the original organisms from which horses evolved from arent still here?
Flyboy654 (3:43:04 PM): nature only eliminates those that can't keep up
Flyboy654 (3:43:06 PM): the apes kept up
Flyboy654 (3:43:10 PM): we evolved from them yes
Flyboy654 (3:43:13 PM): but they still remain
Cascadegame03 (3:43:19 PM): How does nature "eliminate" them?
Flyboy654 (3:43:26 PM): and likely yes they might be
Flyboy654 (3:43:32 PM): ok, lets put it this way
Flyboy654 (3:43:35 PM): shut up and listen
Flyboy654 (3:43:45 PM): interupt me and I won't even bother to continue
Cascadegame03 (3:43:53 PM): I don't rlly care
Flyboy654 (3:43:58 PM): apparently
Cascadegame03 (3:44:00 PM): But u can state u case
Cascadegame03 (3:44:03 PM): ur*
Cascadegame03 (3:44:08 PM): Because im interested
Flyboy654 (3:44:26 PM): in the instants where you have a group of animals, all living in a perfect habbitat in one place or another
Flyboy654 (3:44:41 PM): however, 3000 miles away there might be a relitily same group of species
Flyboy654 (3:44:55 PM): now at one of those places, something happens
Flyboy654 (3:45:03 PM): think of any kind of natural disaster
Flyboy654 (3:45:18 PM): earthquake, volcano, asteriod, radiation (somehow)
Flyboy654 (3:45:31 PM): if this disaster can inpact the environment long enough
Flyboy654 (3:45:40 PM): then the animals in that environment have three choices
Flyboy654 (3:45:44 PM): A. Die
Flyboy654 (3:45:54 PM): B. Leave to a more suitible area
Flyboy654 (3:45:57 PM): C. Addapt
Cascadegame03 (3:46:08 PM): and so they just change themselves?
Flyboy654 (3:46:14 PM): and it has been proven, through studies that DNA with code and change itself
Flyboy654 (3:46:16 PM): yes
Flyboy654 (3:46:23 PM): bassed on the challanges with the current generation
Flyboy654 (3:46:43 PM): this studie was done on the malaria virus when it was introduced into a blood stream of cycle cells
Flyboy654 (3:46:48 PM): of which are imune to malaria
Cascadegame03 (3:46:49 PM): so..we're evolving right now?
Flyboy654 (3:46:57 PM): yes and no
Cascadegame03 (3:47:09 PM): as long as us humans have been on the Earth,,wouldnt we have evolved by now?
Flyboy654 (3:47:19 PM): the genes you were born with you are stuck with
Flyboy654 (3:47:21 PM): and shh
Flyboy654 (3:47:43 PM): however, the next generation might be encoded differently based on the kind of physical and environmentle problems you had
Flyboy654 (3:47:44 PM): but hey
Flyboy654 (3:47:52 PM): humanity has made it along fine and dandy
Flyboy654 (3:47:57 PM): there is no need to change things
Flyboy654 (3:47:59 PM): so we don't
Flyboy654 (3:48:01 PM): however
Flyboy654 (3:48:13 PM): because we've made it along so fine
Flyboy654 (3:48:14 PM): and dandy
Flyboy654 (3:48:30 PM): our average world wide IQ has dropped a few points over the past hundred years
Cascadegame03 (3:48:39 PM): okay..
Flyboy654 (3:48:39 PM): ass we require our intellect and cunning less and less
Cascadegame03 (3:48:51 PM): but no
Flyboy654 (3:48:54 PM): because of the environment we live in (which is very easy going by animal standards)
Cascadegame03 (3:48:57 PM): humanity hasnt been doing fine and dany
Cascadegame03 (3:49:01 PM): over the past years
Flyboy654 (3:49:04 PM): we evolve in a negitive way
Cascadegame03 (3:49:14 PM): then thats not evolving rlly
Cascadegame03 (3:49:27 PM): and ur whole theory was a fable from the beginning
Flyboy654 (3:49:54 PM): however, going back to the two environment thing, if one of the species was required to addapt in that area of diaster, the one who didn't encounter the disaster would remain relitivly the same while the other evolved, eventuall leading to two similer but differenanimals
Cascadegame03 (3:50:15 PM): ...wait a sec
Cascadegame03 (3:50:21 PM): coming from what u said
Cascadegame03 (3:50:47 PM): ur saying the whole reason that the apes because of various natural disasters
Cascadegame03 (3:50:59 PM): and so their DNA changed to help it better adapt to its enviroment
Flyboy654 (3:51:00 PM): no, that was an example
Flyboy654 (3:51:05 PM): but it could very well be a variable
Cascadegame03 (3:51:14 PM): well if that were true
Cascadegame03 (3:51:24 PM): then werent all the apes subjected to the same thing?
Flyboy654 (3:51:35 PM): apparently not because we still have apes
Cascadegame03 (3:51:44 PM): Or maybe evolution just doesnt exist
Flyboy654 (3:51:46 PM): dude, there are litterally MILLIONS of variables to consider
Cascadegame03 (3:51:47 PM): ..
Cascadegame03 (3:51:53 PM): Or not
Cascadegame03 (3:51:57 PM): It's wrong
Flyboy654 (3:52:10 PM): the best genius's can't plot WHY these things came out as they did to that detail, the best they can do is guess and give examples like I just did
Cascadegame03 (3:52:13 PM): OKay, let's say that this long story was true
Flyboy654 (3:52:19 PM): evolution has only been considered for 50 years
Cascadegame03 (3:52:24 PM): okay,i dont care
Cascadegame03 (3:52:32 PM): the Bible has been practiced for over 4000
Flyboy654 (3:52:40 PM): doesn't make it right
Cascadegame03 (3:52:40 PM): so take that an shove it up ur ass
Flyboy654 (3:52:47 PM): hey
Cascadegame03 (3:52:47 PM): and it doesnt make evolution right
Cascadegame03 (3:52:56 PM): So stop trying to give me hard numbers
Flyboy654 (3:52:56 PM): human sacrifice was practiced for thousands of years
Flyboy654 (3:52:59 PM): was that right?
Cascadegame03 (3:53:05 PM): No..but i wasnt saying anything
Flyboy654 (3:53:10 PM): for thousands of years people thought the earth was the center of the universe
Flyboy654 (3:53:11 PM): was that right?
Cascadegame03 (3:53:14 PM): Ur the one trying to use numbers to ur advantage
Cascadegame03 (3:53:18 PM): So i was just cpying u
Cascadegame03 (3:53:26 PM): But anyways
Cascadegame03 (3:53:30 PM): If this theory was right
Flyboy654 (3:53:36 PM): I didn't try to make it my advantage
Cascadegame03 (3:53:41 PM): The evolutionary theory were correct
Flyboy654 (3:53:41 PM): I was trying to explain yet another thing
Flyboy654 (3:53:45 PM): until you cut me off
Flyboy654 (3:53:47 PM): ignorant fuck
Cascadegame03 (3:53:47 PM): Ok,shut up
Cascadegame03 (3:53:56 PM): Read my question
Flyboy654 (3:53:59 PM): i did
Flyboy654 (3:54:03 PM): ya, so what?
Cascadegame03 (3:54:16 PM): If this long story were correct...and apes rlly did evolve into humans
Cascadegame03 (3:54:22 PM): did the apes get here?
Flyboy654 (3:54:32 PM): the same process, something inferior
Flyboy654 (3:54:39 PM): and something inferior before that
Cascadegame03 (3:54:41 PM): well how did that get here?
Cascadegame03 (3:55:10 PM): how did the very first thing most inferior thing get here?
Flyboy654 (3:55:11 PM): they have done expiriments taking all of the original earths chemicles, electrifying them makes all the necessary amino acids
Flyboy654 (3:55:13 PM): it explains it
Cascadegame03 (3:55:26 PM): ..what?
Cascadegame03 (3:55:39 PM): well that doesnt explain how they got here
Flyboy654 (3:55:44 PM): um ya
Cascadegame03 (3:55:47 PM): no, it doesnt
Cascadegame03 (3:55:53 PM): And even if, i sorta think ur lying
Cascadegame03 (3:55:56 PM): I want an article
Flyboy654 (3:55:57 PM): chemicles in the earths atmosphere
Flyboy654 (3:56:00 PM): and on the ground
Cascadegame03 (3:56:03 PM): which include..
Cascadegame03 (3:56:17 PM): Oxygen..Nitrogen...mostly
Flyboy654 (3:56:22 PM): I saw it on a television documentary, but if you gave me a while I could find it
Cascadegame03 (3:56:26 PM): And some carbon dioxide
Cascadegame03 (3:56:31 PM): which our body doesnt need
Cascadegame03 (3:56:45 PM): ..
Cascadegame03 (3:56:49 PM): Better question
Cascadegame03 (3:56:54 PM): How did this Earth get here?
Flyboy654 (3:56:58 PM): yes but electrified they make the necesary componants for life
Flyboy654 (3:57:02 PM): ok I can explain that as well
Cascadegame03 (3:57:06 PM): lol,ok
Flyboy654 (3:57:13 PM): some star either died out, blew up, imploded w/e
Flyboy654 (3:57:16 PM): long agio
Cascadegame03 (3:57:21 PM): and what caused that?
Flyboy654 (3:57:22 PM): 6-7 billion years ago infact
Flyboy654 (3:57:30 PM): then fucking star ran out of fuel
Flyboy654 (3:57:32 PM): thats what caused it
Flyboy654 (3:57:39 PM): and because matter is neither created or destroyed
Cascadegame03 (3:57:42 PM): and how did the star get there in the first place?
Flyboy654 (3:57:54 PM): see, we don't know, but that doesn't mean there's a god
Cascadegame03 (3:57:58 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (3:57:59 PM): you can go back as far as you want
Flyboy654 (3:58:06 PM): and you will reach a point were we don't know
Flyboy654 (3:58:09 PM): but guess what
Cascadegame03 (3:58:10 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (3:58:12 PM): you don't either
Cascadegame03 (3:58:16 PM): Yes..I do
Cascadegame03 (3:58:20 PM): It's called GOD
Flyboy654 (3:58:21 PM): this is all from a fucking book
Cascadegame03 (3:58:27 PM): lol,i dont care
Cascadegame03 (3:58:31 PM): that doesnt make it right
Cascadegame03 (3:58:44 PM): my earth sciecne book says pluto's a planet
Cascadegame03 (3:58:50 PM): And now it's apparently not
Cascadegame03 (3:59:12 PM): though i think it should still be personally
Cascadegame03 (3:59:14 PM): but hey
Flyboy654 (3:59:17 PM): "And thus I cloth my naked villeny in old oth ends; stolen forth from holy writ, and seam a priest when most I play the devil"
Flyboy654 (3:59:30 PM): pluto is no longer a planet
Flyboy654 (3:59:33 PM): because of definition
Flyboy654 (3:59:37 PM): thats a human element
Flyboy654 (3:59:45 PM): not a physical property of the universe
Cascadegame03 (3:59:46 PM): What was the deal with that quote?
Cascadegame03 (3:59:50 PM): where's that from?
Flyboy654 (3:59:51 PM): shakespear
Cascadegame03 (3:59:58 PM): ...i think ur gay
Flyboy654 (4:00:07 PM): I think your likely to start a cult
Cascadegame03 (4:00:09 PM): u have a rainbow AIM background
Flyboy654 (4:00:12 PM): and fuck this world up more than it alraedy is
Flyboy654 (4:00:19 PM): not by choice
Cascadegame03 (4:00:21 PM): and u quote shakespeare
Flyboy654 (4:00:23 PM): if I do, I didn't select it
Flyboy654 (4:00:27 PM): and even if I do idc
Cascadegame03 (4:00:46 PM): Well, don't know..and never will know what started anything
Flyboy654 (4:00:54 PM): neither will you
Cascadegame03 (4:00:57 PM): lol
Flyboy654 (4:00:59 PM): at least I admit I won't
Cascadegame03 (4:01:00 PM): I already know
Cascadegame03 (4:01:04 PM): God
Flyboy654 (4:01:09 PM): your an idiot
Cascadegame03 (4:01:13 PM): You're*
Flyboy654 (4:01:13 PM): not because you believe in god
Flyboy654 (4:01:18 PM): but because your a cocky ignorant fuck
Flyboy654 (4:01:28 PM): w/e
Cascadegame03 (4:01:30 PM): First of all, I'm not ignorant nor am I cocky
Flyboy654 (4:01:31 PM): this is AIM
Cascadegame03 (4:01:38 PM): And second of all uve shown me ur more ignorant
Flyboy654 (4:01:38 PM): spelling doesn't count for shit along with grammar
Flyboy654 (4:01:48 PM): ha
Flyboy654 (4:01:48 PM): really
Cascadegame03 (4:02:01 PM): U made evolution look like a 4th grader's idea
Flyboy654 (4:02:03 PM): because I don't make up stories after not knowing what happened
Flyboy654 (4:02:07 PM): thats all religion is mate
Cascadegame03 (4:02:16 PM): ...some are
Flyboy654 (4:02:18 PM): ha
Flyboy654 (4:02:21 PM): so is yours
Cascadegame03 (4:02:24 PM): but u cant make that generalized statement
Flyboy654 (4:02:25 PM): that is ignorance
Cascadegame03 (4:02:26 PM): Rlly how?
Cascadegame03 (4:02:31 PM): U were there when it started?
Flyboy654 (4:02:33 PM): religion is religion is religion
Flyboy654 (4:02:39 PM): every religion believes that theirs is the best
Cascadegame03 (4:02:46 PM): Christianity is different from Buddhism
Cascadegame03 (4:02:49 PM): Actually ,no
Flyboy654 (4:02:52 PM): and your (excuse me, you're) proving that to me right now
Cascadegame03 (4:02:55 PM): Further proving ur ignorance
Cascadegame03 (4:03:05 PM): The Quaran
Cascadegame03 (4:03:07 PM): IN Islam
Flyboy654 (4:03:14 PM): you're tying your own nuece
Cascadegame03 (4:03:15 PM): tells u that if ur not sure of ur salvation
Cascadegame03 (4:03:20 PM): To read the Bible
Flyboy654 (4:03:21 PM): you might think your right but your blatenly wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:03:40 PM): Which means, they dont believe there's is the best
Cascadegame03 (4:03:46 PM): And i know Wiccans dont believe that
Flyboy654 (4:03:46 PM): once again, how does that make it right>
Flyboy654 (4:03:47 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (4:03:55 PM): And it's not about what makes us "the best"
Cascadegame03 (4:03:59 PM): It's what righteous
Cascadegame03 (4:04:00 PM): And pure
Flyboy654 (4:04:02 PM): right, but they di believe in wiccanism
Cascadegame03 (4:04:08 PM): OK
Flyboy654 (4:04:09 PM): why don't they believe in christianity
Flyboy654 (4:04:10 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (4:04:32 PM): I have no idea..some say it didn't work for them..and some just don't believe in Jesus
Flyboy654 (4:04:47 PM): which automatically makes them wrong right?
Flyboy654 (4:04:51 PM): just like me
Cascadegame03 (4:04:54 PM): Well, yes
Cascadegame03 (4:05:00 PM): BUt it's like this:
Cascadegame03 (4:05:11 PM): If ur flying on an airplane
Flyboy654 (4:05:12 PM): ha, your so brainwashed
Cascadegame03 (4:05:19 PM): from Michigan to Virginia
Cascadegame03 (4:05:31 PM): And someone sitting next to u says
Cascadegame03 (4:05:36 PM): "Excuse me...
Cascadegame03 (4:05:49 PM): This plane is going to Arizona, correct?"
Cascadegame03 (4:05:57 PM): And id be like "No..its going to VA"
Cascadegame03 (4:06:12 PM): But they, despite the flight plan to VA
Cascadegame03 (4:06:19 PM): Still wanna believe its going to Arizona
Cascadegame03 (4:06:36 PM): Does it make me wrong for thiking their wrong, when i know whats right?
Flyboy654 (4:07:00 PM): you know because it's obvius, knowing because a book told you to doesn't make you right
Cascadegame03 (4:07:08 PM): Ur right
Cascadegame03 (4:07:12 PM): it doesnt
Cascadegame03 (4:07:24 PM): But when that book was written by the creator of the Earth himself
Cascadegame03 (4:07:29 PM): It does
Flyboy654 (4:07:30 PM): evolution says: ok, here's what we think, don't believe us, go study it and you can find some pretty good logic and scientific back up.
Flyboy654 (4:07:43 PM): religion can only say: go read more of this, it's what god said
Flyboy654 (4:07:46 PM): interprited by man
Flyboy654 (4:07:51 PM): it's like that play
Cascadegame03 (4:07:52 PM): Science has been failing society decades after decades
Flyboy654 (4:07:59 PM): Cats through the eyes of dogs interprited by man
Cascadegame03 (4:07:59 PM): And u wanna believe in it?
Flyboy654 (4:08:07 PM): ha
Cascadegame03 (4:08:08 PM): And put ur faith in it?
Flyboy654 (4:08:08 PM): how so?
Cascadegame03 (4:08:28 PM): lol, if u dont know how science has failed man, go look up HISTORY OF SCIENCE in google
Cascadegame03 (4:08:32 PM): ull find out there
Flyboy654 (4:08:40 PM): ok, then look at how science has sucseeded
Flyboy654 (4:08:48 PM): I'll bet you you'll find much more
Cascadegame03 (4:08:51 PM): Look, dude, im actually not lying when i say i havea girlfriend
Flyboy654 (4:08:53 PM): 100x more
Cascadegame03 (4:08:57 PM): and with it being valentines day
Flyboy654 (4:08:58 PM): neither am I
Cascadegame03 (4:09:01 PM): ive gotta go
Cascadegame03 (4:09:06 PM): so ill see ya later
Flyboy654 (4:09:10 PM): have fun
Cascadegame03 (4:09:12 PM): God bless and have a happy v day
Flyboy654 (4:09:15 PM): ...
Cascadegame03 signed off at 4:09:18 PM.
Cascadegame03 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
I have no problem with Christians, in fact I think the Christian concepts and ideas are generally good natured. However, idiots like this can't accept it, and they make their religion look dumb for the simple reason of intolerance to others beliefs. I don't go around trying to get people to become atheists, and yet this guy just loves trying to get me to see his idiotic side of the story.
(And no, this is not a typical AIM conversation for me. I have a life, and it isn't based around scientific crap.)
Nothing personal Flyboy.:)
February 15th, 2008, 07:06 PM
You place all your faith in science. It's no different for you.
Meh I beg to differ, but I was never brought up under any religion, and I'm not saying I don't believe in god, because I simply can't prove he doesn't exist.
Unfortunately the reason I have strong beliefs in science is because a lot of it can be proven and most of it has been proven through experimentation. The majority of religion is all based on believing in prophet's, things people said or did, and just having faith in all of that in general.
Religion bases all of its beliefs off of books, records and people who we thought were prophets that carried the word of god.
Science on the other hand doesn't completely dismiss god nor prove god, instead it deals with current known facts that can be proven through experimentation.
I guess what I am getting at is, religion takes the route of saying "Have faith" thats all they ever really seem to say. Science actually tries to explain itself. They don't just say have faith.
Its kind of like... I could hold up a piece of wood, and you tell me to have faith that it is really a piece of gold worth thousands of dollars and one day I'll be rich as long as I have faith and believe that this wood truly is gold.
The scientific approach on the other hand is, you would look at it and be like, this is clearly not gold, you could test it and do experiments on it and never find any gold in it. (unless of course some gold randomly some how got deposited into it but thats just a random variable).
Although I do believe some religious beliefs are truthful, the people I have a problem with are the ones that call them selfs a religion, and just say that there going to have faith in it and not question anything because thats just ignorance.
The whole "have faith" phrase gives us an excuse to be ignorant and ignore facts and even believe in lies. This is what leads to scandals within many church systems imo. You have the preacher or what ever preaching one thing, but then if the preacher goes against what hes preaching, why should you have faith in anything hes been saying now?
Don't get me wrong religion probably has a true place in this universe, I just think its been abused by too many people as the answer to everything.
Which is why I like science because it examines everything leaving little to no room for ignorance. Not all scientists say god doesn't exists and not all of them are atheists, I'd like to think of exploring science as looking for more answers, and not being satisfied with just having faith. Of course many people point out that this is evil, and we have lost our faith, which is where people start fighting. Another thing I would like to state, some atheists have too much faith that there is no god, which I also think is another bad thing. I'm not an atheist nor a religious person. I'd rather keep an open mind and just explore, although I will say I have faith in some sort of life after death and some sort of single god that controls everything in more of a realistic matter then what religion claims.
I have a tendency to ramble on about topics like this so I wont be surprised if no one reads all of that.
February 15th, 2008, 08:19 PM
All of it.
February 15th, 2008, 08:26 PM
How very queer...
Because that wasn't insulting at all.
February 15th, 2008, 08:27 PM
Because that wasn't insulting at all.
Was that insulting enough?
February 15th, 2008, 08:30 PM
Job well done MZ.
February 15th, 2008, 08:56 PM
Religion is the worst thing that could ever be mixed up with stupidity and racism. I'm betting hes a common southerner completely closed off from the outside world and trapped in his own 'god' world. I literally frown and hate people like this. All you ever need to say to them when they mention god to you, is 'For every god, there are thousands of wars; Millions dead, would god let that happen? No one was a sinner, so why would they die?'
February 15th, 2008, 09:06 PM
'For every god, there are thousands of wars; Millions dead, would god let that happen? No one was a sinner, so why would they die?'
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Oh, did I just ruin your whole argument? Sorry about that.
February 15th, 2008, 09:36 PM
Yea I'm a Catholic... I believe in God, etc. While I engage in discussions about my religion and religion in general... I make it a point to not press my beliefs on anyone.
There's not really anything in science that contradicts religion... there's not really anything in religion which contradicts science. (Except blind faith versus scientific method... but that's not a factual conflict -- just methodology)
Nature itself is fine-tuned to allow for life.
If the gravitational and electromagnetic constants of attraction were changed -- stars would either form too quickly or too slowly to support life.
If gravity followed *any* other attraction function than inverse-square... we'd either be shot to infinity or pass through the origin each year. In other words? We'd be cooked by passing through the sun year by year perpetually.
There are literally dozens of scenarios involving this.
Science's logic {which is still being heavily debated...} states that the reason why we live in such a fine-tuned world is because we're one of infinite possible universes and the only reason why we live in the universe which supports life is because the universe supports life allowing us to perceive it.
I kinda find that a cop-out of course :)
Regardless... debating religion versus science is a vicious circle. In my opinion -- when I die I'll ask God all the questions that plague my feeble human lil' mind. If you don't believe in God -- your choice.
So... yea.
February 15th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Assuming there is Heaven, would it be considered gauche to look down on all the Atheists in Hell, say "I told you so," point, and laugh?
I feel that if they're wrong, they deserve a bit of ridicule.
As if eternal torment wasn't bad enough.
February 15th, 2008, 09:57 PM
if there was a god worth worshipping, they'd acknowledge that an atheist who is a good person and chooses not to believe in god based on logical argument doesn't deserve eternal damnation.
otherwise fuck them.
February 15th, 2008, 10:02 PM
Mine does that woo
at least my interpretation of him does
February 15th, 2008, 10:03 PM
if there was a god worth worshipping, they'd acknowledge that an atheist who is a good person and chooses not to believe in god based on logical argument doesn't deserve eternal damnation.
otherwise fuck them.
February 15th, 2008, 10:06 PM
if there was a god worth worshipping, they'd acknowledge that an atheist who is a good person and chooses not to believe in god based on logical argument doesn't deserve eternal damnation.
otherwise fuck them.
You're just mad because you're destined for Hell.
February 15th, 2008, 10:19 PM
if there was a god worth worshipping, they'd acknowledge that an atheist who is a good person and chooses not to believe in god based on logical argument doesn't deserve eternal damnation.
otherwise fuck them.
funny thing. in islam if you damn someone, it's believed the words go to the gates of heaven, are rejected, come back to you, the angels say "amen", and you've basically damned yourself. nobody is good enough to say "lol ur going to hellz lolz". eternal judment is reserved for God himself. i'm sure there are many who don't follow my ways who are getting into heaven.
E: maybe even some of you. :raise:
February 15th, 2008, 10:20 PM
Now, while I don't really know/care whether there's a god or not, I've noticed something: There are some people who fail to think about the fact that a "god" might have actually created this universe, along with the physics that go in it. So, using that logic, both science and religion can be correct.
Honestly, though, I'm agnostic, and proud of it. And, I don't give a shit what happens to me when I die, either. :D
February 15th, 2008, 10:22 PM
funny thing. in islam if you damn someone, it's believed the words go to the gates of heaven, are rejected, come back to you, the angels say "amen", and you've basically damned yourself. nobody is good enough to say "lol ur going to hellz lolz". eternal judment is reserved for God himself. i'm sure there are many who don't follow my ways who are getting into heaven.
E: maybe even some of you. :raise:
Now you see, why can't Christians have that mindset, no one has the right to judge. Yet everyday I hear, "oooh you're going to hell!!!"
February 15th, 2008, 11:09 PM
funny thing. in islam if you damn someone, it's believed the words go to the gates of heaven, are rejected, come back to you, the angels say "amen", and you've basically damned yourself. nobody is good enough to say "lol ur going to hellz lolz". eternal judment is reserved for God himself. i'm sure there are many who don't follow my ways who are getting into heaven.
E: maybe even some of you. :raise:It's *basically* the first commandment.
There is one God -- you may worship only him...
A corollary of which is:
You are not God and therefore cannot pretend to be God... and therefore cannot judge people's eternal fate.
One thing the Westboro Baptists just do not understand o.O'
Now you see, why can't Christians have that mindset, no one has the right to judge. Yet everyday I hear, "oooh you're going to hell!!!"See above.
That being said -- I don't pretend to know God's actual plan and intention in everything... so take my comment with a grain of salt. It'd be ironic if I said I did :p
February 15th, 2008, 11:24 PM
The problem with religion is all the nutjobs making it look bad even there are only a few crazy people out of a few billion.
It's really the media's fault for giving Equal Time for Nutjobs.
February 16th, 2008, 01:24 AM
Cascadegame03 (4:08:28 PM): lol, if u dont know how science has failed man, go look up HISTORY OF SCIENCE in google
Cascadegame03 (4:08:32 PM): ull find out thereWithout science, there wouldn't be google. Complete and udder uneducated bastard.
February 16th, 2008, 02:30 AM
funny thing. in islam if you damn someone, it's believed the words go to the gates of heaven, are rejected, come back to you, the angels say "amen", and you've basically damned yourself. nobody is good enough to say "lol ur going to hellz lolz". eternal judment is reserved for God himself. i'm sure there are many who don't follow my ways who are getting into heaven.
E: maybe even some of you. :raise:
February 16th, 2008, 05:39 AM
I still believe all japanese ppl are going right to hell and it will be full of rape, tantacles and loli.
February 16th, 2008, 05:44 AM
We can hope.
Lord Mirko
February 16th, 2008, 08:51 AM
I still believe all japanese ppl are going right to hell and it will be full of rape, tantacles and loli.
:lol::lol::lol: ROFLMAO :lmao::lmao::lmao:
February 16th, 2008, 01:21 PM
Without science, there wouldn't be google. Complete and udder uneducated bastard.If you want to be picky -- Google has a lot more to thank from Math than from Science. Science brought it computers... but Google itself was (quoth my last year's CompSci prof) "A billion-dollar Eigenvector"
February 16th, 2008, 01:54 PM
This guy's awesome, I'm going to have a chat with him. :haw:
February 16th, 2008, 02:12 PM
but all islamists are terrorists
holy shit guys bush is hacking! l o l
February 16th, 2008, 03:48 PM
This guy's awesome, I'm going to have a chat with him. :haw:
I tried adding him a few days ago, but he never responded :smith:
February 18th, 2008, 08:53 PM
Cascadegame03 (8:41:43 PM): Who'se "he"?
BobaTheFett76 (8:42:14 PM): Flyboy
Cascadegame03 (8:42:28 PM): well the fact that u know him
Cascadegame03 (8:42:38 PM): shows ur probably a friend of his
BobaTheFett76 (8:42:43 PM): Indeed
Cascadegame03 (8:42:49 PM): And ur probably as much as an atheist as him
BobaTheFett76 (8:42:57 PM): Nah, I'm satanic
Cascadegame03 (8:43:10 PM): ugh...
Cascadegame03 (8:43:13 PM): Even worse..
BobaTheFett76 (8:43:36 PM): Somethign bad, yo?
Cascadegame03 (8:43:39 PM): Well, part of me doesn't eblieve you
Cascadegame03 (8:43:51 PM): And another part of me is 2 seconds away from blocking u
BobaTheFett76 (8:44:15 PM): Why would you block me, sir?
Cascadegame03 (8:45:06 PM): Because 1) you obviously think this is a joke and 2) if u rlly are a satanist, ur much too disgusting and dispicable for me to even begin to want to be influenced by
Cascadegame03 (8:45:49 PM): I love my God and He loves me. I don't need anyone who things the Christian faith is a joke to try to convince me otherwise.
BobaTheFett76 (8:46:00 PM): I'm an athiest, son
BobaTheFett76 (8:46:03 PM): God doesn't love me, man, he drafted me to Vietnam
BobaTheFett76 (8:46:09 PM): I saw some shit man
Cascadegame03 (8:46:15 PM): Oh, so you lied?
Cascadegame03 (8:46:26 PM): And I was do think this is some joke
Cascadegame03 (8:47:00 PM): PLeas shut up
Cascadegame03 (8:47:10 PM): You're really just trying to bug me
Cascadegame03 (8:47:22 PM): And it's so obvious
BobaTheFett76 (8:47:25 PM): Those kongs, man
BobaTheFett76 (8:47:28 PM): they were in the trees
BobaTheFett76 (8:47:28 PM): In the trees, man
Cascadegame03 (8:47:59 PM): *sigh*
BobaTheFett76 (8:48:00 PM): So I went to those orgy, right, got a tub of ass-lube
Cascadegame03 (8:48:04 PM): God bless you
Cascadegame03 signed off at 8:48:07 PM.
cascadegame03 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
What a fucking lulz killer.
February 18th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Wow what a douchebag.
February 18th, 2008, 11:28 PM
What a fucking lulz killer.
boba you didnt......
OMG :omfg:
February 19th, 2008, 12:30 AM
lmao boba
February 19th, 2008, 12:42 AM
What a fucking lulz killer.
March 19th, 2008, 01:40 PM
What the fuck, bump, sir. You religious people might want to look away.
BobaTheFett76 (1:33:14 PM): no one else
BobaTheFett76 (1:33:15 PM): to talk to
BobaTheFett76 (1:33:16 PM): sir
Cascadegame03 (1:33:24 PM): ur an atheist
BobaTheFett76 (1:33:33 PM): So? >_>
Cascadegame03 (1:33:47 PM): a Christian, and i dont think i wanna talkt o you
Cascadegame03 (1:33:50 PM): oh and today
Cascadegame03 (1:33:52 PM): in biology
Cascadegame03 (1:34:03 PM): we watched a video debunking darwinism
Cascadegame03 (1:34:06 PM): and evolution
Cascadegame03 (1:34:17 PM): So ...hope that makes u feel better^^
BobaTheFett76 (1:34:21 PM): ..
BobaTheFett76 (1:34:33 PM): Hey, I just read a book
BobaTheFett76 (1:34:39 PM): Br Stepthen Hawking
BobaTheFett76 (1:34:43 PM): debunking religion.
Cascadegame03 (1:34:55 PM): rlly? wuts it called?
BobaTheFett76 (1:35:48 PM): A Breif History of Time
BobaTheFett76 (1:35:52 PM): sir.
BobaTheFett76 (1:35:56 PM): brief*
BobaTheFett76 (1:35:57 PM): haha
Cascadegame03 (1:36:10 PM): what i dont get is how a book could debunk all religion
Cascadegame03 (1:36:16 PM): ud have to do it individually
Cascadegame03 (1:36:23 PM): debunk Christianity?
Cascadegame03 (1:36:27 PM): do that for me
BobaTheFett76 (1:36:49 PM): The big bang
BobaTheFett76 (1:36:51 PM): done.
Cascadegame03 (1:37:42 PM): WHat the hell?
Cascadegame03 (1:37:48 PM): The big bang is a load of shit
Cascadegame03 (1:37:54 PM): lol, sorry to break it to ya
Cascadegame03 (1:38:06 PM): That sounds more farfetched than anything ive heard
BobaTheFett76 (1:38:20 PM): Appearently you haven't read the bible.
March 19th, 2008, 01:52 PM
You, Mr. Boba = a hero
He = an hero
March 19th, 2008, 01:53 PM
Cascadegame03 (1:37:48 PM): The big bang is a load of shit
Cascadegame03 (1:37:54 PM): lol, sorry to break it to ya
Cascadegame03 (1:38:06 PM): That sounds more farfetched than anything ive heard
BobaTheFett76 (1:38:20 PM): Appearently you haven't read the bible.
that was awesome :rolleyes:
March 19th, 2008, 01:58 PM
That is one of the truest and funniest statements I've heard all day.
March 19th, 2008, 02:16 PM
We need to start a campaign on this guy.
March 19th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Cascadegame03 (1:33:47 PM): a Christian, and i dont think i wanna talkt o you
Cascadegame03 (1:33:50 PM): oh and today
Cascadegame03 (1:33:52 PM): in biology
Cascadegame03 (1:34:03 PM): we watched a video debunking darwinism
Cascadegame03 (1:34:06 PM): and evolution
Srsly you couldnt possibly pull shit like that over her in europe. ever.
i mean i live in a country side and even here, in Redneckville, Hillbillycounty its nearly impossible to teach shit like interlligent desing or debunking evolution. so i think its safe to say:
Only in Merica.
March 19th, 2008, 02:45 PM
More like: "Only where people are ignorant enough to put their children in schools that make sure the next generation is just as ignorant."
Most of the schools here teach evolution, you need to go to a private school to learn that idiotic shit. What I find stupid is:
Cascadegame03 (1:36:10 PM): what i dont get is how a book could debunk all religion
Cascadegame03 (1:36:16 PM): ud have to do it individually
Cascadegame03 (1:36:23 PM): debunk Christianity?
Cascadegame03 (1:36:27 PM): do that for me
After I already did it for him.
March 19th, 2008, 02:58 PM
[14:55] RaduMachedon: I now ask you this : Why do you choose the Bible over other religious texts?
[14:55] Cascadegame03: Because it's true
This is a fun chat room, I must say.
teh lag
March 19th, 2008, 04:07 PM
RaduMachedon (4:29:45 PM): So please answer my question : as long as you believe in Jesus, you're going to Heaven even if you're a total asshole?
Cascadegame03 (4:30:16 PM): Yes,but hre's how it works
RaduMachedon (4:30:31 PM): That doesn't seem very fair.
Cascadegame03 (4:30:32 PM): Jesus's blood was used to pay for our sins
Cascadegame03 (4:30:42 PM): And he suffered a terrible death
Cascadegame03 (4:30:44 PM): on the cross
RaduMachedon (4:30:47 PM): How can one be accountable for evil deeds then?
Cascadegame03 (4:30:48 PM): He was crucified
Cascadegame03 (4:30:51 PM): ok, stop
Cascadegame03 (4:30:55 PM): i will get there
Cascadegame03 (4:31:25 PM): God saw that since he can't allow anything less than perfection into Heaven, that man was all going to Hell
Cascadegame03 (4:31:32 PM): So he sent his son, Jesus
Cascadegame03 (4:31:43 PM): So that he may shed his blood and PAY the fine
Cascadegame03 (4:31:48 PM): for all of our sins
Cascadegame03 (4:31:56 PM): Because he payed the perfect price
Cascadegame03 (4:32:05 PM): he led the life of a perfectly sinless person
Cascadegame03 (4:32:08 PM): and arose
Cascadegame03 (4:32:18 PM): form the dead
Cascadegame03 (4:32:26 PM): God lifted Him from the dead
Cascadegame03 (4:32:33 PM): Because his price was paid
RaduMachedon (4:32:41 PM): How do you know that part wasn't just added into the Bible to give people a reason to believe in it?
Cascadegame03 (4:32:54 PM): ...because it wasnt just added
RaduMachedon (4:32:59 PM): I think that deserveds an answer.
Cascadegame03 (4:33:01 PM): Smeone gave a historical account of it
RaduMachedon (4:33:06 PM): Who did?
Cascadegame03 (4:33:10 PM): They went to the tomb
Cascadegame03 (4:33:14 PM): The disciples
Cascadegame03 (4:33:19 PM): And saw that it was empty
RaduMachedon (4:33:21 PM): Isn't that in the Bible?
Cascadegame03 (4:33:23 PM): But im not tdone
Cascadegame03 (4:33:26 PM): Yes, it is
Cascadegame03 (4:33:30 PM): OK, but im not done
Cascadegame03 (4:33:32 PM): Sto stop
RaduMachedon (4:33:33 PM): So then...
Cascadegame03 (4:33:35 PM): So stop
Cascadegame03 (4:33:38 PM): INterupting me
Cascadegame03 (4:33:38 PM): Now
Cascadegame03 (4:33:53 PM): Now, because Jesus' death was sufficient
Cascadegame03 (4:33:59 PM): There is NOTHING that we can do
Cascadegame03 (4:34:03 PM): to save ourselves
Cascadegame03 (4:34:08 PM): He payed the price
Cascadegame03 (4:34:13 PM): And if we accepted his gift
Cascadegame03 (4:34:20 PM): then we will see that
Cascadegame03 (4:34:30 PM): HIs death was sufficient
Cascadegame03 (4:34:33 PM): and so
RaduMachedon (4:34:39 PM): I don't care about the story, I care about your reasoning.
Cascadegame03 (4:34:45 PM): to say that someone could lose their faith
Cascadegame03 (4:34:53 PM): Is to say that his daeth was insufficient
Cascadegame03 (4:35:00 PM): If it was insufficient
Cascadegame03 (4:35:09 PM): then he wouldnt have been allowed to rise
Cascadegame03 (4:35:16 PM): it's the law of sin and death
Cascadegame03 (4:35:23 PM): It's a physical law in itsel
Cascadegame03 (4:35:25 PM): itself*
Cascadegame03 (4:35:32 PM): But none of us can test it
Cascadegame03 (4:35:38 PM): Unless we accept Jesus
Cascadegame03 (4:35:55 PM): If u accept Jesus, u will live for all of eternal
RaduMachedon (4:36:00 PM): How can you trust something to be an authority on itsself?
Cascadegame03 (4:36:07 PM): oh my gosh
RaduMachedon (4:36:16 PM): It's a perfectly valid question.
Cascadegame03 (4:36:18 PM): Why do u believe the Julius Cesar existed?
Cascadegame03 (4:36:39 PM): There is nothing but his bust and someone's own account of his rule
RaduMachedon (4:36:40 PM): Because there are numerous, seperate accounts of his existance
Cascadegame03 (4:36:43 PM): No
RaduMachedon (4:36:46 PM): Yes.
Cascadegame03 (4:36:47 PM): No for Cesar
Cascadegame03 (4:36:49 PM): Not*
Cascadegame03 (4:36:54 PM): I did a project on him
Cascadegame03 (4:37:06 PM): There is more evidence for Jesus then there is for Cesar
Cascadegame03 (4:37:14 PM): I kid u not
RaduMachedon (4:37:20 PM): I'm not saying that Jesus didn't exist.
Cascadegame03 (4:37:26 PM): He did
RaduMachedon (4:37:41 PM): I'm saying that I don't trust the Bible to be totally accurate about his life.
Cascadegame03 (4:37:53 PM): ..why not?
Cascadegame03 (4:37:59 PM): Why cant the Bible be accurate?
Cascadegame03 (4:38:06 PM): Its just like any other historical text
Cascadegame03 (4:38:10 PM): Its like a diary
RaduMachedon (4:38:12 PM): Because I have yet to see any evidence of what it says.
Cascadegame03 (4:38:18 PM): Im telling u
Cascadegame03 (4:38:29 PM): Its just like evry other historical text
Cascadegame03 (4:38:40 PM): SOmeone saw this happening and wrote it
RaduMachedon (4:38:45 PM): I don't take history as pure fact either. Anything old and written down is subject to innacuraccy.
Cascadegame03 (4:38:53 PM): OK
RaduMachedon (4:38:57 PM): Only science can be tested again and again to prove itsself.
Cascadegame03 (4:39:09 PM): But i highl doubt that someone just made this up
Cascadegame03 (4:39:16 PM): An there is evidence that it happened
RaduMachedon (4:39:16 PM): Oh, of course not.
RaduMachedon (4:39:24 PM): All stories have an origin.
Cascadegame03 (4:39:27 PM): Mhm
Cascadegame03 (4:39:30 PM): But hold on
RaduMachedon (4:39:38 PM): I don't believe that the origin is God.
Cascadegame03 (4:39:43 PM): Do you get why u can't lose ur salvation?
RaduMachedon (4:40:01 PM): I get it and don't care, because I don't believe such a thing exists.
Cascadegame03 (4:40:08 PM): why not?
Cascadegame03 (4:40:13 PM): U dont believe in Heaven?
RaduMachedon (4:40:16 PM): No.
Cascadegame03 (4:40:18 PM): Oh,ok
Cascadegame03 (4:40:43 PM): well im not gonna force u to believe
RaduMachedon (4:41:03 PM): I believe in a cold, cruel universe where our lives are meaningless specks of time when we are capable of feeling emotion in between two voids of nothingness.
Cascadegame03 (4:41:13 PM): wow
RaduMachedon (4:41:51 PM): I see and accept science because I can see it in action whenever I please.
Cascadegame03 (4:41:54 PM): then how do u explain morals?
RaduMachedon (4:42:22 PM): I want to be happy in this period of time where happiness exists, I wouldn't want to deprive someone else of it.
RaduMachedon (4:42:57 PM): In my eyes, life and existance, emotion itsself are temporary, and we should use them to their fullest.
Cascadegame03 (4:43:18 PM): OK, well that's a load of crap
Cascadegame03 (4:43:27 PM): Atheism can not explain morality
RaduMachedon (4:43:34 PM): Morality needs no explanation.
Cascadegame03 (4:43:37 PM): If we rll are here
Cascadegame03 (4:43:48 PM): then why dont we just shoot ourselves?
Cascadegame03 (4:43:55 PM): Huh?
Cascadegame03 (4:43:57 PM): Why not?
RaduMachedon (4:44:00 PM): Because that would be stupid.
Cascadegame03 (4:44:03 PM): Why?
Cascadegame03 (4:44:08 PM): Why would that be stupid?
RaduMachedon (4:44:09 PM): We have developed to survive.
RaduMachedon (4:44:20 PM): Why don't animals kill themselves?
Cascadegame03 (4:44:21 PM): Why is it okay to live?
Cascadegame03 (4:44:26 PM): Im asking u
Cascadegame03 (4:44:35 PM): Why sholdnt we just kill ourselves?
Cascadegame03 (4:44:41 PM): If our life has no meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:44:47 PM): We're nothing special
RaduMachedon (4:44:48 PM): Because we haven't developed to think like that.
RaduMachedon (4:44:54 PM): We are nothing special.
Cascadegame03 (4:44:54 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (4:44:55 PM): ok
Cascadegame03 (4:45:06 PM): So u think we're nothing special?
RaduMachedon (4:45:10 PM): I do.
Cascadegame03 (4:45:17 PM): Why SHOULDNT i just kill myself?
RaduMachedon (4:45:21 PM): It is our own mindset that prevents us from killing ourselves.
Cascadegame03 (4:45:26 PM): ok
Cascadegame03 (4:45:34 PM): but why shouldnt i kill myself
RaduMachedon (4:45:41 PM): I just explained it.
Cascadegame03 (4:45:42 PM): if we're here for nothing
Cascadegame03 (4:45:45 PM): and life has no meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:45:47 PM): no u didnt
Cascadegame03 (4:45:52 PM): that did not answer my question
Cascadegame03 (4:46:00 PM): Why SHOULDNT we kill ourselves
Cascadegame03 (4:46:08 PM): And btw, plenty of ppl kill themselves
Cascadegame03 (4:46:14 PM): SO we have developed a mind to do that
RaduMachedon (4:46:15 PM): Us and our concern for others is the only reason not to kill ourselves.
Cascadegame03 (4:46:19 PM): Its called suicide
RaduMachedon (4:46:21 PM): Only in extreme situations.
Cascadegame03 (4:46:33 PM): But life has no meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:46:38 PM): we're just here to live and die
Cascadegame03 (4:46:43 PM): No struggles
Cascadegame03 (4:46:45 PM): or the loves
Cascadegame03 (4:46:47 PM): means anything
Cascadegame03 (4:46:59 PM): All the things we go through is for nothing
Cascadegame03 (4:47:03 PM): Just do die
RaduMachedon (4:47:06 PM): Love, hate, pain are all just something we experience. We should make the best of them.
Cascadegame03 (4:47:07 PM): Has NO meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:47:16 PM): But it has no meaning
RaduMachedon (4:47:19 PM): So?
Cascadegame03 (4:47:22 PM): Love is something we experience
RaduMachedon (4:47:28 PM): Playing a video game has no meaning.
Cascadegame03 (4:47:29 PM): SO why shouldnt i just kill myself?
RaduMachedon (4:47:32 PM): But we still do it.
Cascadegame03 (4:47:33 PM): Thats hopeless
Cascadegame03 (4:47:36 PM): Yes, it has a meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:47:39 PM): To have fun
Cascadegame03 (4:47:50 PM): thats the whole rationale behind playing any game
RaduMachedon (4:47:50 PM): Fun is something to keep ourselves happy.
Cascadegame03 (4:47:53 PM): Right
Cascadegame03 (4:48:03 PM): And what is the meaning of even doing that
RaduMachedon (4:48:08 PM): Happiness is just another emotion that tells us when our lives are going well.
Cascadegame03 (4:48:11 PM): If there is no morailty
Cascadegame03 (4:48:15 PM): Then
Cascadegame03 (4:48:25 PM): its perfectly fine for me to just go rape my neighbor
RaduMachedon (4:48:32 PM): No, it is not.
Cascadegame03 (4:48:36 PM): or to kill a random innocent old lady
Cascadegame03 (4:48:37 PM): Yes it is
Cascadegame03 (4:48:41 PM): There's no rule against it
Cascadegame03 (4:48:44 PM): Life has no meaning
Cascadegame03 (4:48:46 PM): WHy not?
Cascadegame03 (4:48:51 PM): We're just here to live and die
RaduMachedon (4:48:53 PM): You need a rule to tell you not to do that?
Cascadegame03 (4:48:56 PM): Why not just to that
Cascadegame03 (4:49:03 PM): We NEED A MORALITY
Cascadegame03 (4:49:08 PM): A sense of morailty to know
RaduMachedon (4:49:14 PM): Why not? Because you wouldn't want someone to do that to you.
Cascadegame03 (4:49:15 PM): If there is no meaning for life
Cascadegame03 (4:49:22 PM): then there is nothing wrong with me doing that
Cascadegame03 (4:49:27 PM): She's just doing to die some day
Cascadegame03 (4:49:33 PM): So what the matter with me killing her
RaduMachedon (4:49:38 PM): Why deprive someone of the ability to feel happy?
Cascadegame03 (4:49:46 PM): Because its doesnt matter
RaduMachedon (4:49:46 PM): Meaningless things can still be enjoyable.
Cascadegame03 (4:49:50 PM): no
Cascadegame03 (4:49:56 PM): but if it's meaningless
Cascadegame03 (4:50:01 PM): then why even enjoy?
Cascadegame03 (4:50:05 PM): if we're just gonna die
RaduMachedon (4:50:11 PM): Because it feels good.
Cascadegame03 (4:50:15 PM): lol, but so?
RaduMachedon (4:50:22 PM): We CAN experience pleasure, so why not?
RaduMachedon (4:50:29 PM): Would you feel happy if you killed someone?
Cascadegame03 (4:50:34 PM): If we're dead for all of eternity and the rest of our lives, what is the ephemeral pleasure to us?
Cascadegame03 (4:50:49 PM): That pleasure in our lives is like 10 seconds
Cascadegame03 (4:50:58 PM): compared to the etenity of death
RaduMachedon (4:51:07 PM): It doesn't matter why, just that we can.
RaduMachedon (4:51:16 PM): We CAN feel happy, so why not?
Cascadegame03 (4:51:18 PM): See, now you're spiralling out of nonsense
RaduMachedon (4:51:24 PM): Nonsense to you.
Cascadegame03 (4:51:28 PM): No, it's nonsesne
Cascadegame03 (4:51:33 PM): U dont even believe it I think
Cascadegame03 (4:51:37 PM): Thats so hopeless
RaduMachedon (4:51:39 PM): I do.
Cascadegame03 (4:51:43 PM): We experience all of this
Cascadegame03 (4:51:46 PM): All the struggle
Cascadegame03 (4:51:51 PM): All the turmoil
Cascadegame03 (4:51:53 PM): Just to die
RaduMachedon (4:51:57 PM): It's hard to accept it's for nothing, but it is.
Cascadegame03 (4:52:02 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (4:52:05 PM): Because it's nothing
RaduMachedon (4:52:08 PM): The world is not a fair place.
Cascadegame03 (4:52:12 PM): If everything in science was for a reason
Cascadegame03 (4:52:19 PM): then why wouldnt life?
Cascadegame03 (4:52:24 PM): Whats the meaning of life?
Cascadegame03 (4:52:33 PM): to be happy?
Cascadegame03 (4:52:40 PM): thats it?
Cascadegame03 (4:52:43 PM): And then just die
RaduMachedon (4:52:45 PM): To be happy and to ensure that others are happy.
Cascadegame03 (4:52:48 PM): lol
RaduMachedon (4:52:51 PM): effectively, yes.
Cascadegame03 (4:52:53 PM): And why is it okay that
Cascadegame03 (4:52:58 PM): we are hapy
RaduMachedon (4:53:02 PM): Why not?
Cascadegame03 (4:53:06 PM): How do we know that it's okay to be happy
Cascadegame03 (4:53:10 PM): And now be sad
Cascadegame03 (4:53:16 PM): Why is it good to be happy
Cascadegame03 (4:53:21 PM): And is happiness even good?
RaduMachedon (4:53:27 PM): Because that's what our minds say it is.
Cascadegame03 (4:53:34 PM): And why does it say it is?
Cascadegame03 (4:53:40 PM): How does it say it is?
RaduMachedon (4:53:46 PM): Because that's just how we've developed.
Cascadegame03 (4:53:47 PM): How do we know right from wrong?
Cascadegame03 (4:53:59 PM): No, that'snot an acceptable answer
RaduMachedon (4:54:02 PM): We know them by applying them to ourselves.
RaduMachedon (4:54:06 PM): I'm sorry, but it is.
Cascadegame03 (4:54:07 PM): No
Cascadegame03 (4:54:12 PM): Before we even applied them
Cascadegame03 (4:54:14 PM): We knew
Cascadegame03 (4:54:17 PM): The Myans
Cascadegame03 (4:54:22 PM): Knew the right from wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:54:29 PM): Before applying anything
RaduMachedon (4:54:39 PM): They were human, weren't they?
Cascadegame03 (4:54:41 PM): You dont need application to know that killing someone is wrong
RaduMachedon (4:54:53 PM): It's instinct.
Cascadegame03 (4:54:55 PM): Or that breaking someone down mentally is wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:54:59 PM): Or that
RaduMachedon (4:55:11 PM): A dog won't randomly bite another dog, they will do it for a reason.
Cascadegame03 (4:55:11 PM): Making someone feel bad for the way they were created is wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:55:28 PM): U dont need to know from application
Cascadegame03 (4:55:31 PM): It feels bad
Cascadegame03 (4:55:43 PM): Because we're actually born with a sense of morality
RaduMachedon (4:55:50 PM): Right and Wrong are concepts we have created
Cascadegame03 (4:55:55 PM): No, they arent
RaduMachedon (4:56:04 PM): Only in your view of things.
Cascadegame03 (4:56:04 PM): We knew it from when were born
Cascadegame03 (4:56:08 PM): if that were true
Cascadegame03 (4:56:26 PM): It would take all 6 billion ppl from the times they were born to create whats right and wrong
RaduMachedon (4:56:35 PM): And it does.
Cascadegame03 (4:56:41 PM): and we'd have all these differing opnions
RaduMachedon (4:56:46 PM): and we do.
Cascadegame03 (4:56:49 PM): No, everyone agrees on whats right and wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:56:57 PM): im pretty sure
Cascadegame03 (4:57:03 PM): Look at the laws, of each country
RaduMachedon (4:57:06 PM): Only in a very vague sense.
Cascadegame03 (4:57:08 PM): ull see a general flow
RaduMachedon (4:57:14 PM): Do you support the right to an abortion?
RaduMachedon (4:57:16 PM): I do.
Cascadegame03 (4:57:20 PM): I dont/
RaduMachedon (4:57:26 PM): We diffeer in opinions, then.
Cascadegame03 (4:57:31 PM): That's clearly wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:57:38 PM): Because u dont see it as killing
RaduMachedon (4:57:49 PM): Then how is it wrong if I don't see it as wrong?
Cascadegame03 (4:57:52 PM): If u saw it as killing, then u would think it be wrong
Cascadegame03 (4:58:03 PM): Wouldnt u?
Cascadegame03 (4:58:08 PM): Its how u look at it
RaduMachedon (4:58:18 PM): Which is exactly what I am saying.
Cascadegame03 (4:58:18 PM): Look, once again
RaduMachedon (4:58:31 PM): Right and wrong are subject to our lives, what we have learned.
Cascadegame03 (4:58:38 PM): Every atheist i have talked to has gotten entangled in this frontier
RaduMachedon (4:58:42 PM): Which means they are not absolute.
Cascadegame03 (4:58:45 PM): of morailty
Cascadegame03 (4:58:55 PM): And u cant
Cascadegame03 (4:58:58 PM): Explain it
Cascadegame03 (4:59:06 PM): Scroll up and thuroughly read what u said
Cascadegame03 (4:59:09 PM): U said a bunch of shit
Cascadegame03 (4:59:13 PM): Sorry
Cascadegame03 (4:59:28 PM): And im not willing to talk about this with someone as ignorant as such
RaduMachedon (4:59:42 PM): If we hadn't developed emotions for good and bad (and thus right and wrong), we wouldn't exist as we do now.
Cascadegame03 (4:59:46 PM): So bye, and God bless
Cascadegame03 signed off at 4:59:49 PM.
I love how he just up and left after shutting his ears to everything I said.
March 19th, 2008, 04:22 PM
RaduMachedon (4:55:11 PM): A dog won't randomly bite another dog, they will do it for a reason.
Cascadegame03 (4:55:11 PM): Making someone feel bad for the way they were created is wrong
I'm betting his parents called him their little "accident."
Or God's little accident.
March 19th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Rationalism hurts doesn't it. Do you actually type grammatically in aim? I could never do that and keep up speed.
March 19th, 2008, 06:27 PM
I'm too lazy to IM him, so I'll debunk Christianity for everyone here. Feel free to use this against him.
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
First, God created Adam. Then he made Eve. Then, Eve magically disappears and Adam names the animals. Then Eve was created again.
Christians say that this is 2 different accounts. If it is, then why wasn't the first account taken out in favor of the more detailed, second account?
In order to make the human race, Adam and Eve must have had a lot of sex, and their children must have had the same. This is incest, and incest causes mutations, so why aren't we all mutated?
Next, we get to Noah. Noah and his wife were the only survivors of a great flood. Which means there had to be MORE incest, among people AND animals, which should have seriously fucked up everything on Earth. Not to mention that THERE IS NO HISTORICAL RECORD OF A FLOOD THAT SIZE. EVER.
Noah was Mesopotamian, which is a tannish-colored race. If they were the only survivors, then where did Black and White people come from?
On to Moses. Moses had to lead the Jews on a huge journey to and across the Red Sea, which is the WRONG WAY TO JEWLAND... Err... Israel. Not to mention the Red Sea is what, 30, 40, 50 miles wide?
Oh, and the Jews were slaves who had to build the Pyramids, remember? Actually, no. Outside of the Bible, there are NO historical references to Jews EVER being slaves to the Egyptians. The Pyramids were built WAAAY before Moses' time, and they were built by Egyptian workers, who were paid handsomely.
We then move on to the Ten Commandments. These were supposedly hidden somewhere in the Ark of the Covenant, but while we can find Dinosaur fossils from 65 Million Years ago, how come we can't find some stupid tablets buried somewhere in the Middle East?
Let's skip ahead to the New Testament. Jesus was born. Jesus died. Jesus became a Zombie and came out from a cave.
First off, there are at least 5 different "saviors" at the time that Jesus supposedly lived. They all taught Judaism and were Crucified. None of the Roman Records EVER show anyone named Jesus Christ being Crucified at that time period. He simply didn't exist, or had a different name than what the Bible says. Now, if he had a different name, that means that the Bible was wrong, and if the Bible got the name wrong, couldn't it have gotten something else wrong?
No one has been able to find the cave that Jesus was resurrected from. Shouldn't it still be SOMEWHERE?
Also, his disciples were the only people to see Jesus come out of said cave, right? And that is magically true, correct? Tomorrow I can get together with all of my friends and say that Epic Fail Guy (/b/tards will know who I'm talking about) got out of a Limo in front of us and gave us all masks, which we then show the same masks seen at the Co$ raids. So, since multiple people saw it and they all have some "evidence" to back them up, it's true, right?
On to Revelations. It says the world is going to end. It's been 2000+ years since that book was written. The world hasn't ended yet, nor is about to.
And if God created everything, who created God?
San Bernardino County Library
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March 19th, 2008, 06:48 PM
You basically killed him.
But, I agree with that post. There really isn't anything to prove that any of the events in the bible happened... That and the fact that half of the stories in the bible completely defy physics.
The bible was written for one reason, and one reason only, in my opinion: to teach lessons.
Now, I'm going to IM that guy, see what he says to me.
March 19th, 2008, 06:53 PM
Lets note that I am an atheist, and don't believe in God whatsoever. So who better to contradict Jay's supposed "Christianity debunking" arguments.
I'm too lazy to IM him, so I'll debunk Christianity for everyone here. Feel free to use this against him.
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
First, God created Adam. Then he made Eve. Then, Eve magically disappears and Adam names the animals. Then Eve was created again.
Christians say that this is 2 different accounts. If it is, then why wasn't the first account taken out in favor of the more detailed, second account?
This isn't debunking at all. It's just laziness on the part of Christians.
In order to make the human race, Adam and Eve must have had a lot of sex, and their children must have had the same. This is incest, and incest causes mutations, so why aren't we all mutated?
Who says we aren't? Adam and Eve could have looked strikingly different to what we consider normal. If they were created in God's image, then you can bet they weren't originally the genetic wastes of space we are today.
Next, we get to Noah. Noah and his wife were the only survivors of a great flood. Which means there had to be MORE incest, among people AND animals, which should have seriously fucked up everything on Earth. Not to mention that THERE IS NO HISTORICAL RECORD OF A FLOOD THAT SIZE. EVER.
This is valid.
Noah was Mesopotamian, which is a tannish-colored race. If they were the only survivors, then where did Black and White people come from?
Environmental adaptation.
On to Moses. Moses had to lead the Jews on a huge journey to and across the Red Sea, which is the WRONG WAY TO JEWLAND... Err... Israel. Not to mention the Red Sea is what, 30, 40, 50 miles wide?
Possibly valid.
Oh, and the Jews were slaves who had to build the Pyramids, remember? Actually, no. Outside of the Bible, there are NO historical references to Jews EVER being slaves to the Egyptians. The Pyramids were built WAAAY before Moses' time, and they were built by Egyptian workers, who were paid handsomely.
Possibly valid.
We then move on to the Ten Commandments. These were supposedly hidden somewhere in the Ark of the Covenant, but while we can find Dinosaur fossils from 65 Million Years ago, how come we can't find some stupid tablets buried somewhere in the Middle East?
You'll find that dinosaurs are a lot bigger. Also, we haven't found many of them relative to how many there were. It's entirely likely that the tablets could simply be lost forever.
Let's skip ahead to the New Testament. Jesus was born. Jesus died. Jesus became a Zombie and came out from a cave.
You're only hurting your own credibility by being informal.
First off, there are at least 5 different "saviors" at the time that Jesus supposedly lived. They all taught Judaism and were Crucified. None of the Roman Records EVER show anyone named Jesus Christ being Crucified at that time period. He simply didn't exist, or had a different name than what the Bible says. Now, if he had a different name, that means that the Bible was wrong, and if the Bible got the name wrong, couldn't it have gotten something else wrong?
If you think that every record from thousands of years ago is still around today, you are sorely mistaken. No civilization is that beaurocratic.
No one has been able to find the cave that Jesus was resurrected from. Shouldn't it still be SOMEWHERE?
People have been exploring the world for centuries. Maybe it has been found. Does the Bible ever mention where it specifically is? Perhaps it's been blasted away to form an oil plant. Unless we know more than "there was a cave", this is not valid.
Also, his disciples were the only people to see Jesus come out of said cave, right? And that is magically true, correct? Tomorrow I can get together with all of my friends and say that Epic Fail Guy (/b/tards will know who I'm talking about) got out of a Limo in front of us and gave us all masks, which we then show the same masks seen at the Co$ raids. So, since multiple people saw it and they all have some "evidence" to back them up, it's true, right?
Did you expect a whole tailgate party to be camping outside Jesus' tomb? It's a miracle anyone saw it. And if anyone was going to be there at the time, it would likely be his disciples. As for your idea about you and your friends, no. That's not quite how it works. You would be found out eventually. 2000 years ago, they just had less elaborate ways of investigating. If you remember, Jesus wasn't all that popular until after his death, so a formal inquiry likely never took place.
On to Revelations. It says the world is going to end. It's been 2000+ years since that book was written. The world hasn't ended yet, nor is about to.
That isn't valid at all. Unless it says when the world is going to end. If it doesn't, this won't hold up.
And if God created everything, who created God?
Nobody, that's who. God is the universe, by Christian philosphy. So long as it has existed, so did He.
San Bernardino County Library
Penn and Teller (
My Head
The Bible
The History Channel
The Discovery Channel
National Geographic
Laughing at your lack of arguments, that's where.
Try again. If you're really dedicated to crushing someone's faith, you can do it a lot better than this.
March 19th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Right. Try refuting stuff with other stuff rather than your own ideas on the matter, because honestly a few of them don't make sense. Most were pointed out by smack (except environmental adaptation like that takes longer than a few thousand years, though your example was wrong it still shows that the story is impossible.
March 19th, 2008, 07:21 PM
I love how he just up and left after shutting his ears to everything I said.Actually -- he did have several good points that you failed to even touch on. I'd give that argument to him.
As an example -- 'if life has no meaning and is simply a fluke of nature... why don't we commit suicide and why is causing another person pain wrong?'
That's a pretty valid point... while Christianity isn't necessarily the answer -- you didn't really counter-point it.
You did say because of human nature -- but you never explained where that nature comes from... which was the point he was attempting to make.
March 19th, 2008, 07:24 PM
Actually -- he did have several good points that you failed to even touch on. I'd give that argument to him.
As an example -- "if life has no meaning and is simply a fluke of nature... why don't we commit suicide and why is causing another person pain wrong?"
Because if life has no meaning, it becomes more important to preserve it. If this is all we get, hold onto it as closely as you can, and make the most of it.
March 19th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Lets note that I am an atheist, and don't believe in God whatsoever. So who better to contradict Jay's supposed "Christianity debunking" arguments.
Try again. If you're really dedicated to crushing someone's faith, you can do it a lot better than this.
Good point. I'll shut up on this topic, but I do recommend you watch Penn and Teller's take on it ( They go into far more detail, but I have my gf over right now, so I need to spend time with her.
March 19th, 2008, 07:36 PM
As an example -- 'if life has no meaning and is simply a fluke of nature... why don't we commit suicide and why is causing another person pain wrong?'
I don't think it has a meaning and I have yet to kill myself. I think thats a valid reason in itself.
March 19th, 2008, 07:55 PM
My god why is there so much Christian bashing in video game forums out of anywhere else (no pun intended BTW). Personally I'm tired of seeing it everywhere. Lighten up people. Please don't say that just because 1 guy absolutely "knows" he's right effect your view on religion as a whole. I'm Christian myself, but NOT catholic which is most likely what he is. I'm still open to views and confused. Torn between what I "want" to believe and what I "should" believe. BTW I went to a private high school for two years and they taught evolutionism AND creationism, and yes there were atheist at our school but we did not have full-fledged arguments like you guys are. Could we calm a little more please?
March 19th, 2008, 08:05 PM
My god why is there so much Christian bashing in video game forums out of anywhere else (no pun intended BTW). Personally I'm tired of seeing it everywhere. Lighten up people. Please don't say that just because 1 guy absolutely "knows" he's right effect your view on religion as a whole. I'm Christian myself, but NOT catholic which is most likely what he is. I'm still open to views and confused. Torn between what I "want" to believe and what I "should" believe. BTW I went to a private high school for two years and they taught evolutionism AND creationism, and yes there were atheist at our school but we did not have full-fledged arguments like you guys are. Could we calm a little more please?
Wow, another Christian, I was beginning to think I was the only one. I don't feel like writing up a long ass post, but I agree with you for the most part. No matter what, neither side will ever win, EVER. Nobody will ever be able to prove Christianity wrong, or evolution. Some people will come in and think they have all the answers, but in the end nobody really can. The way I see it religion should be left alone as long as it promotes good values and doesn't hurt anybody. (don't bring up the past, that doesn't apply today)
March 19th, 2008, 08:10 PM
Wow, another Christian, I was beginning to think I was the only one. I don't feel like writing up a long ass post, but I agree with you for the most part. No matter what, neither side will ever win, EVER. Nobody will ever be able to prove Christianity wrong, or evolution. Some people will come in and think they have all the answers, but in the end nobody really can. The way I see it religion should be left alone as long as it promotes good values and doesn't hurt anybody. (don't bring up the past, that doesn't apply today)
[NotShuttingUpYet]Oh, believe me, it still does hurt people today. Look over at our conflict in the Middle East. Muslims are blowing themselves up for their "Allah", killing others in the process. It will happen today, it will happen tomorrow. No need to go into the past to show that Religion CAN still hurt people.
March 19th, 2008, 08:13 PM
[NotShuttingUpYet]Oh, believe me, it still does hurt people today. Look over at our conflict in the Middle East. Muslims are blowing themselves up for their "Allah", killing others in the process. It will happen today, it will happen tomorrow. No need to go into the past to show that Religion CAN still hurt people.
The way I see it religion should be left alone as long as it promotes good values and doesn't hurt anybody. (don't bring up the past, that doesn't apply today)
That means anything outside that is a valid point.
(Christianity doesn't apply today. Middle Eastern is something different.)
March 19th, 2008, 08:17 PM
That means anything outside that is a valid point.
I'm going to open my fat mouth one more time, for the sake of argument. Islam isn't a wholly bad religion, it teaches the same morals as Christianity. They just added a New New Testament to the Bible, that's all. However, people ARE dying because of it, so holy wars still exist.
I know your point, I just keep arguing for the sake of arguing.
E: DAMN YOU NINJA EDIT! Christianity is a Religion and Islam is a religion, and Llama said that religion in the whole sense of the word should be left alone as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. Islam and $cientology are both examples of religions that hurt people, so, while most religions should be left alone, religion itself isn't perfect.
I'll try to shut up now before we have 2 Flyboys on the forum, and now my gf is starting to throw pencils, guitar picks, and other things at me. I think she wants me to pay more attention to her or something. ;P
March 19th, 2008, 08:26 PM
I don't think it has a meaning and I have yet to kill myself. I think thats a valid reason in itself.
1) That assumes sentience
2) That's not a property of humanity.
teh lag
March 19th, 2008, 08:37 PM
I don't think it has a meaning and I have yet to kill myself. I think thats a valid reason in itself.
Correct yes, but not entirely valid. I originally intended to explain to him how our thought process is most likely a result of out need to survive as a species - killing ourselves and others certainly wouldn't be a part of that - but he'd already refused to accept the possibility of evolution, so I didn't think that'd be a good point to make.
E : I actually did brush on it a bit... slightly.
RaduMachedon (4:48:08 PM): Happiness is just another emotion that tells us when our lives are going well.
March 19th, 2008, 08:43 PM
A point that he will accept no but it is a point. And yes the reason I said that is because we have a natural love for our life, an instinct to protect ourselves. It's the same reason people feel sarow and misery for doing something questionable like killing another person. It's all there to prevent us from endangering ourselves and endangering those around us. (right now it doesn't matter, but if you lived back say a few thousand B.C. in a small clan or group, you generally would want to keep those around you alive as well. If not you could die as well. A pack mentality per say.) Whether he accepts it or not is his own problem, but to everything he can say there is a counter argument. Same with our side except I like to imagine we have a little more backing.
I'll try to shut up now before we have 2 Flyboys on the forumAww, thanks Jay. I never knew you cared.:-3
March 19th, 2008, 09:03 PM
why do people have to take the bible literally, rather then use there own understanding of the world and draw certain key principals from it.
i have a few Christian friends, one of them is very religious, but he has never tried to debunk science or argue about it because even though he believes in god and the bible ect, he knows that you dont have to believe in it to be a good person, or to look after your mates or to not be an asshole.
why other people in religion dont see the same as him i'll ever know, because to be honest it's the only smart and intelligent way to be religious.
March 19th, 2008, 09:22 PM
why do people have to take the bible literally, rather then use there own understanding of the world and draw certain key principals from it.
i have a few Christian friends, one of them is very religious, but he has never tried to debunk science or argue about it because even though he believes in god and the bible ect, he knows that you dont have to believe in it to be a good person, or to look after your mates or to not be an asshole.
why other people in religion dont see the same as him i'll ever know, because to be honest it's the only smart and intelligent way to be religious.I wonder the exact same about several Atheists/Agnostics I know who try to argue with religious people attempting to change their beliefs {usually under the pretense of "Your religion pushes beliefs on people, don't believe in them", which is more than slightly ironic}...
Religion and Science can co-exist. There is nothing in one that contradicts the other besides faith versus rigorous proof itself.
March 19th, 2008, 09:26 PM
thats exactly why i stopped arguing with people about it.
lets just say i was a little more Wild with my arguments back in the day ;).
but i dont care if someones gay, black, white, Asian lesbian, Muslim, Hindu, Christian or jew. because as long as what they believe has a positive effect on them and the people around them, i say go for it.
March 19th, 2008, 09:43 PM
I'd +rep you if I could.
March 19th, 2008, 09:45 PM
woah, when was hte last time you repped me?
your not even on my list of recent reps O___o?
March 19th, 2008, 11:26 PM
Aww, thanks Jay. I never knew you cared.:-3
Of course I care (Wait, sorry, I'm still in "gf mode").
I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their religion, but if I see someone preaching in public, trying to get people to join their religion, I tend to fight back, either seriously or humorously.
Example: Today, at lunch, there were these 2 Catholic dudes who stood up on a cement block, used it as a pedestal, and started to yell, trying to convert people. I think I had one too many Monsters, because I jumped up on another block, yelled "HAIL SATAN!" and ran like hell.
Security got me, I'm serving 1 hour detention after school tomorrow. I made my group of friends crack up, though.
March 19th, 2008, 11:49 PM
What's with all of this debunking?
Granted, it is funny watching a whole lot of bullshit getting shot out of the sky in AIM logs (speaking of which, Lag, for the reader's sake... can it be shorter next time?) in these last few pages, but I really hate it when everyone starts throwing one word around as if it's the "be all/end all" of a conversation and long behold, everyone else runs along with it, steals the one word as if it's going to gift wrap, gel-pen signature, and put a cute little bow on their side of the argument and completely undermine everything else that constitutes the individual cases of their party as well as the opposition, and the next thing we know is that half of the people in the whole conflagration have given out on thinking about what they're actually saying just to say "DEBUNK DBUNK [bang-da-bang-jiggy-jiggy] lulwtf".
Ffs people have completely stopped improvising their strategies with new material, new resources, and refined presentation (or in the very least not even stimulating their mental processes by trying to think of more appropriate synonyms) in favor of parroting their antagonists' semantic introductions back and forth at each other ad infinitum. THIS IS NOT HOW A DISPUTATION WORKS, PEOPLE. Tomorrow morning I'm walking back in here and "debunking" quite a few people. People from both sides.
March 19th, 2008, 11:54 PM
i knew htis day would come.
dole returns to a heavy thread with long quote wars.
i dont know wether to be pleased or upset given the nature of his past, but god dam this forum needs a few people like this.
and so what, i used a word thats been stated a few times in this thread. i could of said over thrown, smack down or whatever the fuck i wanted and my point and opinion would not have changed one iota.
March 20th, 2008, 04:50 AM
March 20th, 2008, 07:07 AM
why do people have to take the bible literally, rather then use there own understanding of the world and draw certain key principals from it.
Because if you allow more liberal approaches to the bible, it will be degraded to a plain collection of poems. and since interpretations of poems are purely subjective, and hence every interpretation is legit, even shit like this
has its justification.
March 20th, 2008, 07:23 AM
You guys are all bitching over something that has irrefutably been proven false.
I'll have to mention the babelfish to this guy. :awesome:
March 20th, 2008, 02:22 PM
CHRISTIANITY IS A CULT!See? It's shit like this which reduces the credibility of Atheism. People don't take you seriously when you do stuff like this.
Believe what you wish. Yes, faith in a lack of faith is a faith. Talk about the issues -- certainly. That does not constitute talking about the issues.
March 20th, 2008, 02:25 PM
You guys are all bitching over something that has irrefutably been proven false.
Yeah. O.K. since you have all the answers to the world and such.
March 20th, 2008, 02:46 PM
See? It's shit like this which reduces the credibility of Atheism. People don't take you seriously when you do stuff like this.
not really.
srsly tough:
Not really.
March 20th, 2008, 05:41 PM
Yeah. O.K. since you have all the answers to the world and such.
March 20th, 2008, 07:38 PM
The babelfish, for those who don't know, proved that God didn't exist in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The book, not the shitty movie). It translates anything from any language into things your brain can understand. And it's a website that translates things for you. (
What the book says about it went SOMETHING like this:
God says, "I cannot prove I exist, because proof destroys faith, and without faith, I am nothing."
Man counters, "But the Babelfish is a dead giveaway! Something as wholly remarkable as that COULDN'T have evolved on it's own, so it's evidence you exist, which, by your own argument, means you don't."
God says: "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." and disappears in a puff of logic.
Man then goes on to prove that red is green and gets himself killed at the nearest traffic intersection.
March 20th, 2008, 10:47 PM
The babelfish, for those who don't know, proved that God didn't exist in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The book, not the shitty movie). It translates anything from any language into things your brain can understand. And it's a website that translates things for you. (
What the book says about it went SOMETHING like this:
God says, "I cannot prove I exist, because proof destroys faith, and without faith, I am nothing."
Man counters, "But the Babelfish is a dead giveaway! Something as wholly remarkable as that COULDN'T have evolved on it's own, so it's evidence you exist, which, by your own argument, means you don't."
God says: "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." and disappears in a puff of logic.
Man then goes on to prove that red is green and gets himself killed at the nearest traffic intersection.
Cake for this man :awesome:
March 21st, 2008, 05:28 AM
What the book says about it went SOMETHING like this:
God says, "I cannot prove I exist, because proof destroys faith, and without faith, I am nothing."
Man counters, "But the Babelfish is a dead giveaway! Something as wholly remarkable as that COULDN'T have evolved on it's own, so it's evidence you exist, which, by your own argument, means you don't."
God says: "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." and disappears in a puff of logic.
I didnt understand any of this ^ :(
March 21st, 2008, 07:24 AM
In the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy trilogy for four, the babel fish this this wonderful animal and pretty much indispensables if your going to travel the galaxy. It eats sound waves, and secretes thought patterns. the practicle purpose of this is that if you stick one in your ear, it will take the words being said to you in any language in the universe, and excrete a wave of thought stimulus which would then allow you to understand exactly what it is the speaker is that the speaker is saying.
well, such a remarkable and seemingly impossible creatures cannot possibly have come about through evolution. therefor, it is proof of intelligent design by some kind of god.
well god says he refuses to prove he exists, because proof removes faith and without faith, god is nothing.
So since we have this proof that god exists, that removes faith since we now have a fact. since the faith is gone, god no longer exists.
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