View Full Version : current state offline sign-in failed

February 15th, 2008, 06:16 PM
I've had this issue on several dedicated server installs I've attempted, and have installed the patches posted. I can logon to live using my username and password, but not from the server using the live signin and live autosignin. When I check status, it says that my login failed. I'm SURE it's correct. Any suggestions?

February 15th, 2008, 07:29 PM
Firewall? Caps-lock?

February 16th, 2008, 12:19 PM
The firewall might be an issue; I can check the ports again. If you can direct me to a URL that lists all the required ports, or if you know them, just list them, I'll double check.

February 16th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Forwarding UDP 3074 to your server pc should do.

February 17th, 2008, 02:02 PM
I've done that - both statically and using PAT. Would you see any issues if I created a virtual 2003 server on the local machine with a different IP address?

February 17th, 2008, 02:39 PM
As in hosting a ded and playing the game on the same machine? Better have some muscle-cpu then, it's been described on this forum somewhere already...and it still lagged :P

February 17th, 2008, 07:02 PM
Well, I moved the whole process off to it's own server, running vista, gave it its own public IP address, played with the firewall, including shutting it off, and no luck. Odd, but offline - reconnecting - offline - reconnecting problem occurs when I use the live autosignin and if I manually try to sign in, the status says offline sign-in failed.

You can put a gun to my head on this one - it's not a fat-finger, caps lock, user password space-out issue. It's the same user name / account I use when I play halo 2. There's nothing wrong at this end.

I've read something about a gamertag association, and I don't think that's the problem either.

February 17th, 2008, 07:55 PM
So either you have multiple internet IPs or you're creating network collisions. If the server machine is behind a router let it have a local IP and forward UDP 3074 to it. I would also create a separate free silver account for the server (gamertag you make will be the servername).

February 17th, 2008, 09:15 PM
multiple internet IPs

Check that 1st, although it could be multiple IP's on that one computer, not necessarily Internet IP's.

Oh snap, I think I just corrected Vicky. So sorry. So sorry

February 18th, 2008, 11:58 AM
I have multiple IPs - 8 total, 6 usable (

February 18th, 2008, 12:00 PM
I already have a Gold Account, so would an additional silver account be necessary?

Incidentally, thanks for all your help so far.

February 18th, 2008, 12:31 PM
I just looked at my postings, and realized how vague I’m being, so let me recap again.

I have a dedicated server running on a Windows Vista Ultimate workstation. The workstation is connected directly to the internet. Other than the Windows firewall, there’s no other port blocking taking place. According to the Windows firewall, the dedicated server is in the exception list, and I also did a manual entry to allow port 3074 UDP to pass.
I’m using a block of public addresses with a /29 mask ( which gives me 8 IP address, six of which are usable. I’m TCP/IP savvy, so there’s no obvious routing issues here, and given that this server isn’t behind a router, IP issues shouldn’t be causing any of these symptoms anyway.
Now, I took all the default settings for the installation path with one exception; I renamed the “Halo 2 dedicated server” directory to H2DS to save some finger fatigue when starting things up from the command line. For what it’s worth, I get my same issues even with the original path intact.
I’ve installed all four patches that were specified elsewhere on the forum. If memory serves, two were LIVE patches, and 2 were HALO patches.
I do have to admit that the gamertag is a bit vague to me, so I’m not sure if I’m up to date on that. I’m not even sure if I understand it, but I can say this; the username (email address) and password that I use works fine when I’m playing Halo 2, or logging into live for “support.” I have a Gold account.
On the dedicated server (leaving alone running the server as a window’s service) if I logon using the live autosignin option, and then check status, the system seems to show me one of three results.

h2server$ live signin account@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Password: xxxxxxxxx
Confirm password: xxxxxxx
Signing in manually.
h2server$ status
Network mode: LIVE
Current state: offline - sign-in failed
: account@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com (Manual)
Description: Blood Guts Etc.
Playlist: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\H2DS\example.hpl
Custom map folder: C:\Users\h2ds\Documents\My Games\Halo 2\Maps
Use "live autosignin" or "live signin" to attempt to sign in again.

Note that the current state indicates offline with a failed sign-in. If I attempt using the autosign in, it toggles between offline and reconnecting. In other words, it fails as well. Now, I did sniff some of the packets from both a regular halo 2 game, and this server, and the results are very different. I can post them if you like, but like most captures, it’s very verbose.

Let me know if I left anything out.

February 18th, 2008, 12:56 PM
Thanks for re-summarizing. Here's your issue: Multiple IP's. Drop all but one of your IP's, then maybe a reboot (who knows). Then try starting the Dedi service and using the 'Live Autosignin' command. I bet it works for you. Multiple IP's is a Halo2DS killer.

Oh and to save on the typing, copy the command prompt to the actual Halo2 Dedicated Server folder. Then you just have to enter the commands instead of 'CD' (Change Directory).

Regarding the Gold/Silver account. Obviously the Dedi requires you to login using a live account. Might as well create a 'new' and 'free' silver account for this purpose. Than you can use your gold account for your own gameplay. The additional info here is this: Your Dedi server will be listed -BY NAME- of the Live account you used to sign it in with. So with little effort, you can create a silver account with whatever title you want for your dedi.

Clearer now?

February 18th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Thanks for your response.
You mentioned multiple IPs as a possible problem. That's not the case here, as the server has one IP address assigned to it, and only one IP address assigned to it.

What I should have said was that I have a number of IP addresses available, but one of them is dedicated for this server's use only.

Sorry, is that anymore clear?

February 18th, 2008, 01:59 PM
Well, bad news. I created a new account for Live, associated it with a new gamer tag, and when I try that account, I get EXACTLY the same error message.

February 18th, 2008, 02:58 PM
Can you login with msn on that account? (or any 'Live'-site for that matter)

February 18th, 2008, 03:43 PM

February 18th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Maybe as a short test disable the firewall? (sort of running out of ideas) Perhaps the vista firewall blocks more than you want.

February 18th, 2008, 05:18 PM
Actually, I had done that. I may have forgotten to mention it above. Doesn't work. But I have made a few observations which lead to some specific questions.
1. Regarding forwarding port 3074. Should I be able to telnet to that port from outside that server?
2. Would you try telnetting to port 3074 on ANY working server and telling me if it at leasts answers?

February 18th, 2008, 06:03 PM
1. Not with the windows telnet, the server is UDP based.
2. Maybe with UDPTN it would...

February 18th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Well I'm stumped. What few threads on this topic exist are either incomplete, or just as stumped as I am.

February 18th, 2008, 09:36 PM
As stupid as it sounds, the IP stuff is still where I would look. Take the firewall off, and change the Subnet mask to ( and see what happens.

The goal here is to be as standard as possible. The Hired Gun people made it that way. The {XF} servers had the same login problem until we reduced the 4 IP's down to just one. The subnet mask was already the default as listed above.

I also not fully understanding how you are able to specify a subnet mask without specifying an IP address. But you said the server is directly connected to the internet? Does that mean you are given a static # that the server can use? and that is why you are able to change the subnet mask?

February 19th, 2008, 09:27 AM
And how did you disable the firewall? Just from the CP (or however you got there) or the service? Might be an idea to disable the firewall-service, disable defender, disable ICS (if enabled) just to see if it will connect. And... probably very obvious but, that machine can access the internet right?

February 19th, 2008, 03:17 PM
And how did you disable the firewall? Just from the CP (or however you got there) or the service? Might be an idea to disable the firewall-service, disable defender, disable ICS (if enabled) just to see if it will connect. And... probably very obvious but, that machine can access the internet right?

Yes, it accesses the internet just fine. I disabled the firewall by shutting it off completely. I didn't actually go through the services and shut that off, because the firewall doesn't run as a service that I can see. But in any case, it appeared to be wide open, no firewall, etc. No change. I put the firewall back into place again.

February 19th, 2008, 03:21 PM
[/quote]I also not fully understanding how you are able to specify a subnet mask without specifying an IP address. But you said the server is directly connected to the internet? Does that mean you are given a static # that the server can use? and that is why you are able to change the subnet mask?[/quote]

Sorry, I know this can be vague at times, since I come from a Cisco background, I tend to be a bit too verbose. To answer your question, you cannot have just a mask and no IP address. TCP/IP won't work that way.

I did supply an IP address. When I say the server has its own IP address, I mean that literally. It has a PUBLIC IP address assigned to it. There's no natting involved because there's no separate router between the server and the internet.

Not to get into a lengthy discussion about TCP/IP, but if I said my ISP bridges me 8 public IP addresses, and I'm using only one of them, would that make more sense?

February 19th, 2008, 05:18 PM
Hurray! It's working. Here's what I did. 1. I renamed everything back to the original installation path names, then I reapplied all four updates in this order; halo, halo, live, live. Then, BING logged on and locked in. Phew! Those updates were applied before, but when the server path was modified. That's gotta be it. Now, I'm going to check out your Server Rcon substitute, Vikky.

February 19th, 2008, 05:49 PM
Great! So no install path changes for the server then, someone could create a 'How to install a ded without (that much) trouble' by now...

February 19th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Great! So no install path changes for the server then, someone could create a 'How to install a ded without (that much) trouble' by now...
