View Full Version : Help please!

February 18th, 2008, 01:52 PM
I go through all the steps and when I go to compile the .ass the console says this


Can anyone help me? This is my first time for making a map and im using the trial version of 3ds Max 8.

February 18th, 2008, 01:55 PM
That error means you do not have materials for your map. What are your materials?

February 18th, 2008, 03:31 PM
lets see i used
and plate_rusted, not including the normal blue i used for the sky

February 20th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Come On Guys Help Me!!

February 20th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Tried to follow a (there are a lot) video-tutorial?

February 20th, 2008, 08:29 PM
do you have the f_im in front of the shader name?

like this "f_im panels_generic_ext_unearthed"

f = forerunner folder
I = industrial folder
m = metals folder

; ========== general-purpose shaders (invisible collision geometry, etc)
g scenarios\shaders\generic
n scenarios\shaders\nature
m scenarios\shaders\multi
shared scenarios\shaders\shared\shaders
ui scenarios\shaders\ui
mainmenu scenarios\shaders\ui\mainmenu

; ========== forerunner shaders
f scenarios\shaders\forerunner
f_if scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\floors
f_ig scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\glass
f_il scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\lights
f_im scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\metals
f_it scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\tech

; ========== covenant shaders
c scenarios\shaders\covenant
c_mm scenarios\shaders\covenant\military\metals
c_mt scenarios\shaders\covenant\military\tech

; ========== human shaders
h scenarios\shaders\human
h_um scenarios\shaders\human\urban\metals
h_ug scenarios\shaders\human\urban\glass
h_ugrnd scenarios\shaders\human\urban\ground
h_up scenarios\shaders\human\urban\pavers

; ========== nature shaders
tre scenarios\shaders\nature\trees
flo scenarios\shaders\nature\flora

; ========== level-specific shaders
dune scenarios\shaders\multi\dune
ag scenarios\shaders\solo\alphagasgiant
moon scenarios\shaders\solo\alphamoon
cont scenarios\shaders\solo\controlroom
dt scenarios\shaders\solo\deltatemple
ark scenarios\shaders\solo\earthark
city scenarios\shaders\solo\earthcity
city_nm scenarios\shaders\solo\earthcity\new_mombassa
ship scenarios\shaders\solo\forerunnership
grave scenarios\shaders\solo\gravemind
high scenarios\shaders\solo\highcharity
fort scenarios\shaders\solo\sentinelfortress
dcr scenarios\shaders\solo\deltacontrolroom
hq scenarios\shaders\solo\sentinelhq
ss scenarios\shaders\solo\spacestation
long scenarios\shaders\multi\headlong
burial scenarios\shaders\multi\burial_mounds
shared scenarios\shaders\shared
ww scenarios\shaders\multi\waterworks
tri scenarios\shaders\multi\triplicate
ascent scenarios\shaders\multi\ascension
zanzibar scenarios\shaders\multi\zanzibar
colo scenarios\shaders\multi\colossus
lo scenarios\shaders\multi\lockout
cy scenarios\shaders\multi\cyclotron
coag scenarios\shaders\multi\halo\coagulation
bc scenarios\shaders\multi\halo\beavercreek
bw scenarios\shaders\multi\backwash
tu scenarios\shaders\multi\turf
cmt scenarios\shaders\multi\containment
el scenarios\shaders\multi\elongation
sc scenarios\shaders\multi\deltatap
gem scenarios\shaders\multi\marathon\gemini

February 20th, 2008, 10:39 PM
yea, I added the proper fronts, but it still doesnt seem to work, and I have tried 2 different tutorials but the same error still comes up

February 23rd, 2008, 12:34 AM
ok i think i know what you done wrong.

did you link your geometry to the "b_levelroot"?

i just tested not linking it and got the same error.

ok 1st create a box anywhere
2nd: name it b_levelroot
3rd: link everything you want to be in halo to the box named b_levelroot.


and for tutorials http://h2v.halomaps.org/index.cfm?pg=6&sid=23

February 24th, 2008, 08:47 PM
Yea, I linked it, but it still gives me the errors

February 24th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Did you apply the materials after adding them?

February 24th, 2008, 11:34 PM
um ok... just try creating a simple box map with just +sky and f_im panels_generic_ext_unearthed mats and try that. could be a corrupt h2ek.

oh and what 3ds max are you using? because if its 9 and your using that max script exporter then.. idk

February 24th, 2008, 11:51 PM
Ok, I fixed my mistake, now what do I do after I open the file and import my .wrl file, what do I do with those dots that appear? someone help please

February 25th, 2008, 06:02 AM
well if imported correctly those dots should appear over your geometry where there are errors, like open edges.

ya and if 3ds max goes nuts with the lighting just goto rendering then environment... and set ambient to black.

February 25th, 2008, 01:16 PM
Ok... and what do I do to fix those open edges/errors?

February 25th, 2008, 07:48 PM
Ok because I don’t know what you know ill just tell you some basic stuff to get you started.

I am going to assume you work with edit mesh and that you followed the tutorial that came with h2v.
Also I don’t know what 3ds max you got so ill just use max 7.
and im going to be lazy.

Ok when you import the wrl file you should get a window up.
Deselect the 1st 2 options.

Now to find the errors.

Ok once you found them, select your geometry, we will need to seal up the world, with an error like mine Ill just create a new face.

now click on each of the verts and blam! you got a new face.

now your world is sealed and MC and elites can live. well in the unreal engine if its not sealed the player will die, idk what happens in halo.

anyway if you get a line over an area that looks sealed just remake that area by deleting faces and recreating them.

any yes i can do more than a box map.

February 25th, 2008, 08:09 PM
He'll live alright but fall right through.

I got a question for Zephyr, you ever made a working map? If not go make a box first, like the one warningshot made, walk on it, see how boring it is, make some abysses and hills, see how boring it is, put in 30 scorpions, 20 hogs, and 40 ghost, still boring... try get a good idea for a map... then start making a real map.
Porting a map might be a little tough for starters.

February 25th, 2008, 08:28 PM
how about sharing a pic of what you got. That way you will get help faster.

February 25th, 2008, 09:17 PM
Never Mind, I fixed it. Thanks Guys

February 25th, 2008, 09:58 PM
Ok because I don’t know what you know ill just tell you some basic stuff to get you started.

I am going to assume you work with edit mesh and that you followed the tutorial that came with h2v.
Also I don’t know what 3ds max you got so ill just use max 7.
and im going to be lazy.

Ok when you import the wrl file you should get a window up.
Deselect the 1st 2 options.

Now to find the errors.

Ok once you found them, select your geometry, we will need to seal up the world, with an error like mine Ill just create a new face.

now click on each of the verts and blam! you got a new face.

now your world is sealed and MC and elites can live. well in the unreal engine if its not sealed the player will die, idk what happens in halo.

anyway if you get a line over an area that looks sealed just remake that area by deleting faces and recreating them.

any yes i can do more than a box map.

Nice Tut, i doubt he read it though, but i learned something. Doesn't max have STL check. Would that be easier than the wrl file.

February 25th, 2008, 10:41 PM
yeah a stl check before exporting doesnt hurt but sometimes it doesnt pick up errors. sometimes i think tool just likes to piss people off by making errors and somehow putting them into your max files.

its a conspiracy by Bungie to take over the world!!!
let me explain. by slowing us down we wont be able to get a job in the games industry before Bungie takes over the world, so by the time we are ready Bungie will own the world and the only place to work in the industry is at Bungie.

yea im joking.