View Full Version : Vista re-install.

February 21st, 2008, 02:08 PM
Hey all. I currently have a dual boot setup, with XP Home and Vista Home premium. Because my old computer went kaput, i re-installed the whole dual boot thing on a new computer. I forgot to re-activate vista. And because its an OEM copy, i couldn't register it more than once.
Here's the question: Would i be able to re-install vista on the partition with vista already on it, and still have the option so start in XP also when i boot up? I know one of the operating systems modifies the boot file or something, the thing that lists the different OS's when you start the computer. I just dont remember if its XP or Vista.
I want to re-install vista on a 30 day trial, and call to re-activate the key. Ill just tell 'em that my old comp fried (which it did), and get it re-activated. I just need to know how i should go about doing this, because i want to be able to boot into XP as well.


February 21st, 2008, 04:46 PM
You will still have the option to load XP still. I've reinstalled Vista three times already and each time I had to go to XP =/

February 21st, 2008, 05:06 PM
You will still have the option to load XP still. I've reinstalled Vista three times already and each time I had to go to XP =/
So right now, if i wanted to, i could turn off my computer right now, boot from the vista cd, re-install, and when i reboot it would look the same as i have it now? Meaning it would still give me the option to boot into XP?

February 21st, 2008, 05:15 PM
It should yes, as long as you don't touch the XP partition ;)

February 23rd, 2008, 04:49 AM
XP always installs the boot sector on C:

You don't know how much of a pain in the ass that is. If Vista is on C: and you reformat that, go figure, good luck. ;)

February 23rd, 2008, 08:24 AM
XP always installs the boot sector on C:

You don't know how much of a pain in the ass that is. If Vista is on C: and you reformat that, go figure, good luck. ;)

I thought it gives you the option if you partition your HDD? I had my XP installed on D:\ and other files on C:\

February 23rd, 2008, 08:44 AM
It still will install the boot sector on C: regardless where you install XP.

C: or HDD(0) Part(0)...which is basically the same ;)