View Full Version : Anti-Immigration vs. human rights
February 24th, 2008, 06:17 PM
Seeing this video deepened my impression that anti-immigration (formerly known as 'pilgrimage') is simply an excuse for racists to commit hate crimes, varying from harrasment to murder.
Rights on the Line (
Remember when and how 'America' started? Native Americans, if anyone, have proper rights here, and the Mexicans are their cousins, so to speak. Imo, the horrific deed done would be forgivable if implementing a melting pot of cultures, but a border is contradictory to that.
February 24th, 2008, 06:20 PM
I'm afraid to click the link :tinfoil:
February 24th, 2008, 06:52 PM
Same here.
All I know is that I follow a simple rule: If it appears to be one-sided information, I look for information from the other side first before making judgements.
Or, like now, I just don't look at either side and just use my version of morality, instead of someone elses'.
February 24th, 2008, 06:57 PM
You walk into America, you're bound to our laws. Our laws say that to immigrate to this nation, you must go through a process that is simply more than walking in. The border patrol is simply doing what they've got to do to enforce the law. I applaud them for enforcing the law. As for the vigilantes who are working to keep an eye out for illegal immigrants, my hat is off to them. I mean, come on.... They're breaking the law by being here without gaining citizenship or the appropriate permits.
February 24th, 2008, 06:59 PM
and two wrongs always make a right :awesome:
February 24th, 2008, 07:31 PM
Watch it, or shoot yourself in the head for Jeasus :D No. You are just as bad as the other guys, using threats or insults to make your point look better. Jesus Christ I hate two-party politics.
February 24th, 2008, 07:45 PM
Was he being serious?
i thought he was just making a lame joke :/
February 24th, 2008, 07:48 PM
If it appears to be one-sided information, I look for information from the other side first before making judgements.
Thats why I posted this. To help present the other side's perspective
February 24th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Where's the first side then? <_<
February 24th, 2008, 08:14 PM
Jesus Christ I hate two-party politics.
Doesn't everyone?
February 24th, 2008, 08:14 PM
Was he being serious?
i thought he was just making a lame joke :/
The shoot yourself in the head bit was a lame joke, but otherwise, I'm severely dissapointed in my fellow american's behavior with their border paranoia, and worried for those who have little else of a choice
Where's the first side then? <_<
It's all over the news, one of the things the presidential candidates like to argue about, 'securing our borders'
Watch it, or shoot yourself in the head for Jeasus :D[QUOTE]
[quote=Skiiran;225264]No. You are just as bad as the other guys, using threats or insults to make your point look better. Jesus Christ I hate two-party politics.Sorry, bad joke. I figured those who wouldn't be interested in seeing their perspective are pre-disposed to disliking immigrants
What's 'two-party politics' mean? Us and them? I don't understand that one
February 24th, 2008, 09:38 PM
personally, I'm all for imogration from mexico to the US, and I don't even live there.
who else is going to work at your macas and 7/11 and wallmart and those things?
February 24th, 2008, 09:46 PM
who else is going to work at your (1) macas and (2) 7/11 and (3) wallmart and those things?
1: Teenagers (I'm assuming you meant McDonald's)
2: Indians (from India, not Native Americans)
3: Old people
February 24th, 2008, 09:49 PM
and be the garbage collectors, and janitors.
February 24th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Janitors are old white rapists, garbage collectors actually make a fair share of money and are mostly black or white. Those spots can also easily be filled by asains.
February 24th, 2008, 09:51 PM
"Diverse individuals searching for economic oppurtunity? Fetch me shotgun."
Video was intresting. Personally I support this group and their message.
I mean, undocumented immigrants are now justified targets of human rights' violations?
+1 reason for gun control in U.S.
February 24th, 2008, 09:53 PM
Haha, gun control means only the law breakers have guns.
February 24th, 2008, 09:59 PM
Well, that would include vigilantes. But I think they like to pretend they do good things in good ways.
February 24th, 2008, 10:36 PM
As for the vigilantes who are working to keep an eye out for illegal immigrants, my hat is off to them. I mean, come on.... They're breaking the law by being here without gaining citizenship or the appropriate permits."Minute Men" were civilians who trained to confront in a minute invaders seeking to kill them. Immigrants are not invaders. They do not seek to kill us, they simply wish to make funds to educate their children and feed their families, because for some ( reason, they can't do that in their own country.
These racists stalking the border looking for an excuse to fuck with Mexicans is an insult to American history ( They have no right to shoot anyone, and some should be prosecuted for manslaughter. If our laws do not accomidate that, I'll fucking go balistic! Just kidding, but really, who do they think they are? Should a peice of paper dictate the value of someone's life?
Besides, there's much more important issues to address, like helping the 500,000+ refugees displaced by our antics in the middle east, and weeding out the liars who started it [/diatribe]
February 24th, 2008, 10:37 PM
If they are trying to educate there children why are so many of them at my school being dumbasses?
Not trying to be mean here but 4/5 Hispanics at my school don't try and just come to school so they can dress like a gangster and show other people.
February 24th, 2008, 11:13 PM
Sorry, bad joke. I figured those who wouldn't be interested in seeing their perspective are pre-disposed to disliking immigrants
What's 'two-party politics' mean? Us and them? I don't understand that oneLet me be clear, since my other one was a bit hot-tempered: I completely agree with you. It's just that the lame jokes came off the wrong way and made you look like a leftist extremist. I hate extremists on both sides of the party line, and therefore we get my post.
February 24th, 2008, 11:23 PM
Let me be clear, since my other one was a bit hot-tempered: I completely agree with you. It's just that the lame jokes came off the wrong way and made you look like a leftist extremist. I hate extremists on both sides of the party line, and therefore we get my post.
But I am a leftist extremist! What is a leftist extremist, anyway?
If they are trying to educate there children why are so many of them at my school being dumbasses?
Not trying to be mean here but 4/5 Hispanics at my school don't try and just come to school so they can dress like a gangster and show other people.
I don't know, but I'd guess the pre-established, older hispanic population in your area has been jaded, and resorted to a sort of 'screw it, this shiz don't work' attitude about the system, and the younger ones have that to look up to. Do you think it's genetic or something? I think not.
February 24th, 2008, 11:27 PM
But I am a leftist extremist! What is a leftist extremist, anyway?
The inverse of Bill O'Reilly's politics but still as crazy. So if you aren't that, sorry.
February 24th, 2008, 11:46 PM
The inverse of Bill O'Reilly's politics but still as crazy. So if you aren't that, sorry.
So, like 1/
We're pleased to announce that former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow will be joining the Factor as Bill's permanent fill-in host for the Radio Factor!==
someone who'd denounce Tony Snow as an accomplice to an administration of war criminals, on air, right?
I think whatever Tony's a part of needs some serious counter-balancing, so don't be sorry yet
February 24th, 2008, 11:50 PM
I am liberal. I am just wary of crazy liberals, just as I am wary of crazy conservatives or independents. Bill O'Reilly is crazy. There has to be a liberal counterbalance out there, but I've never seen/heard of/met one.
I fear, however, that we are straying off-topic. Illegal immigrants are people and should be treated as people, however, this country has laws for a reason. Like this fellow Maddox (, I believe that immigrants should be given equal pay as human beings and that American jobs are not at risk because of people trying to make a living. There should be a process to make them citizens, however, criminal background checks before citizenship just makes sense.
February 25th, 2008, 12:01 AM
You want to come in my country, do it legally. Don't walk across illegally and expect the same rights as me. I have no problem if some Mexican wants to immigrate to America as so long as they do it the right way.
February 25th, 2008, 12:13 AM
It would make sense to me too, if we didn't already have masses of bad apples in here. I think if a person is given a chance to live a decent life, they will behave decently. However, if we shut them out in their NAFTAly diminished living situation, they'll likely become not so happy, and could possibly one day become rather upset with us, like those who took out the WTC.
Besides, we/our for-fathers (if you're a cracka, like me), stole this land, and have no true right to claim ownership. Rather, there's a tremendous (and growing) debt.
February 25th, 2008, 01:02 AM
Fucking indies stole if from the dinos.
Whats the point?
February 25th, 2008, 01:07 AM
wow i just had a spooky thing happen while reading this thread.
Frenzal Rhomb - Racist
just started playing O___o
I get tired of finding out, that what
you think is given in the best relationships
is just a pile of shit
Well I get tired of finding out that what you take
for granted is thrown back in your face
Sometimes it seems too late.
To educate when there's a national debate, on an
issue that appears to be so straight-forward and
you say it's alright, but it's not alright, it's not alright.
To ignore is to condone it if you think
about it don't shut up. You might as well be speaking
at the next one nation meeting.
And everytime you have a pointless dickhead relating
another unfunny ignorant joke based on pigment you should say
That belongs in yesterday.
Start today you can say it's not OK, don't go along for the ride
well it's not too late for you to say when they say that it's alright
well it's not alright, it's not alright
Some of my best friends are racist.
I'm not racist but...
I get tired of finding out that what you
take for granted is thrown back into your face.
What a fucking waste.
Please don't feed me that old bullshit of the
whispering of the soul, you must be dreaming 'cause
my soul is screaming to shutup you reactionary fuck
how very fitting.
February 25th, 2008, 01:21 AM
+1 reason for gun control in U.S.
do me and other law abiding citizens a favor, don't vote yes on stricter gun control. you don't like guns? fine. don't buy one.
February 25th, 2008, 01:24 AM
you people do realize that other countries have the same immigration policies as us and many have much stricter? americans can't just go across the border and do as they please. it has to do with keeping the populace safe. you're not part of my populace? oh, do it right or get the fuck out of my city please.
February 25th, 2008, 09:19 AM
America can never think seriously about immigration after calling immigrates "aliens" for years.
I'm all for immigration, im against illegal immigration
February 25th, 2008, 01:04 PM
Immigrants are not invaders.
illegal immigrants are.
They do not seek to kill us, they simply wish to make funds to educate their children and feed their families, because for some ( reason, they can't do that in their own country.
Well, then why dont they fill out the proper paper work and do so legally?
These racists stalking the border looking for an excuse to fuck with Mexicans is an insult to American history ( They have no right to shoot anyone, and some should be prosecuted for manslaughter.
Yeah they do. America is at war and they are invading our nation. They should be able to kill anyone they see crossing the border not through a checkpoint.
If our laws do not accomidate that, I'll fucking go balistic! Just kidding, but really, who do they think they are? Should a peice of paper dictate the value of someone's life?
Yes, I do believe a piece of paper dictates the value of a person's life. If you're unable to figure out which paper that is, you have some more research to do.
Besides, there's much more important issues to address, like helping the 500,000+ refugees displaced by our antics in the middle east, and weeding out the liars who started it [/diatribe]
Yeah, because you know an entire country can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.
February 25th, 2008, 03:19 PM
I haven't any quarrel with immigrants, but please do it legally, and please learn English. I don't want to live in a country that dominantly speaks Spanish within the next 20 years...
February 25th, 2008, 08:45 PM
Yes, I do believe a piece of paper dictates the value of a person's life. If you're unable to figure out which paper that is, you have some more research to do.
Ok, I'll bite: Which peice of paper would that be?
February 26th, 2008, 12:37 AM
Well, it could be one of 3, actually:
A Birth Certificate/Immigration Papers (Most likely)
A High School Diploma
A College Diploma.
February 26th, 2008, 07:58 AM
Yeah they do. America is at war and they are invading our nation. They should be able to kill anyone they see crossing the border not through a checkpoint.
I haven't any quarrel with immigrants, but please do it legally, and please learn English. I don't want to live in a country that dominantly speaks Spanish within the next 20 years...
Those are reasonable points/expectations.
The least immigrants can do, is to be able to have a very simple conversation in the respectable official language. for me, its not a beurorcratic necessity rather than a matter of respect. it also makes little sense to prefer criminals over noncriminal people (including those who commited minor crimes like everything traffic related, "light" drug abuse, minor theft charges and so on) but police records (especially in 3rd world countries) are rather unreliable as they can be reset via bribe or potential criminals dont even show up on them as they have never been catched.
idk what to think of filtering em/immigrants out according to their education level but i have a feeling that thats not really a good thing.
i for one find it very offensive when ppl actually want to impose a certain lifestyle on immigrants but id say certain minimum requirements are not to much to ask for. as i said being able to have a really really simple conversation is one of them. anoter would be to have a certain will to find (a crappy underpayed) occupation or job. it would be nice (but surely not obligatory) if theyd show the will to actually mix in/get in touch with the "native" citizens but of course i realize that acceptance, communication or just tolerance is a two way road.
and if anything fails we can always blacksack em and ship them to cuba. :/
February 26th, 2008, 05:59 PM
Meh, I think these anti-immigration laws just give an excuse for Caucasian Americans Gone Wild (CAGW, as seen on TV!) with slavery withdrawls to get their power trip fix
[DN: 8/31/07] ROSANA CRUZ: The immigrant community historically in New Orleans has been a marginalized community, one that was geographically pushed to the edges of the city. And some of the bigger issues that they dealt with was just this complete language barrier and lack of access to information. The city didn’t have any kind of set plan for folks with limited English.Also, immediately after the storm, what we saw was large numbers of immigrants being brought into the city. In the work that Safe Streets ( has done in collaboration with other organizations, we’ve seen that both African American communities and Latino communities have experienced this level of criminalization really around work. It’s really interesting that when Orleans Parish Prison was reopened, immediately employers were calling the prison and saying, “We need your guys. We need workers.” And so, the impetus there was to refill that prison as quickly as possible to provide this labor force, which has afforded historically the sheriff a great deal of patronage power. And so, you see African Americans being arrested, funneled into a prison system, being put to work through the sheriff’s program. And then, at the same time, Latino workers being brought in, invited, basically, to come work, recruited to come work here. And meanwhile, law enforcement, particularly Immigration Customs Enforcement, inflated by, I want to say, over 700 new agents in the Gulf Coast. So, immediately behind them, an enforcement agency to criminalize and arrest them.
The Danziger Bridge Killings: How New Orleans Police Gunned Down Civilians Fleeing the Flood (
Well, it could be one of 4, actually:
A Birth Certificate/Immigration Papers (Most likely)
A High School Diploma
A College Diploma
Liscence to own a firearm.
so it would seem
February 26th, 2008, 07:02 PM
Meh, I think these anti-immigration laws just give an excuse for whities with slavery withdrawls to get their power trip fix
The Danziger Bridge Killings: How New Orleans Police Gunned Down Civilians Fleeing the Flood (
so it would seem
Now who's using racial slurs?
February 26th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Meh, I think these anti-immigration laws just give an excuse for Caucasian Americans Gone Wild (CAGW, as seen on TV!) with slavery withdrawls to get their power trip fix
The Danziger Bridge Killings: How New Orleans Police Gunned Down Civilians Fleeing the Flood (
so it would seem
Do you try to be completely ignorant, or does it just come naturally?
Also, the single slip of paper that places a value on your life is a life insurance form.
February 26th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Also, the single slip of paper that places a value on your life is a life insurance form.
Some lulz there.
February 26th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Do you try to be completely ignorant, or does it just come naturally?
Also, the single slip of paper that places a value on your life is a life insurance form.
Quite naturally, I assure you. Simply reciprocating an inverted generalization for yous :p
Thats all fine and well for those fortunate enough to be born into a situation which provides them the opportunity to obtain the various whatnots to obtain such a thing... meanwhile, species after species goes extinct... so I'm gonna bitch my fool ass off about it. Ok? Hello, prime directive ring a bell?
February 26th, 2008, 09:50 PM
There are no separate species of humans...and a race will become extinct anyways as it melds in with other races.
February 26th, 2008, 10:12 PM
There are no separate species of humans...and a race will become extinct anyways as it melds in with other races.
the terminology of 'species' is a man-made idea, or concept, and the quantification of seperations is likewise a product of perception, having no effect other than the implementation of the perception. And yeah, as popular astrophysics' theory goes, we all eventually get squished into a singularity. I can't wait! [/digression]
February 26th, 2008, 10:21 PM
There still aren't any different species of humans :eyesroll:
February 26th, 2008, 10:43 PM
What is this species-as-manmade-figment bullshit.
You cannot mate with a seagull. A bull and a lizard will not create a demon.
February 26th, 2008, 11:34 PM
The Danziger Bridge Killings: How New Orleans Police Gunned Down Civilians Fleeing the Flood (
But... But... Then the Flood would consume their dead bodies, and they would have MORE Flood to deal with.
Damn Gravemind, invading New Orleans...
February 27th, 2008, 05:20 AM
There are no separate species of humans...and a race will become extinct anyways as it melds in with other races.
do we gotta keep fuckin each other till we're all the same color? /bullworth
if you guys don't know what i'm talking about you suck.
February 27th, 2008, 05:23 AM
the terminology of 'species' is a man-made idea, or concept, and the quantification of seperations is likewise a product of perception, having no effect other than the implementation of the perception. And yeah, as popular astrophysics' theory goes, we all eventually get squished into a singularity. I can't wait! [/digression]
February 27th, 2008, 05:35 AM
the terminology of 'species' is a man-made idea, or concept, and the quantification of seperations is likewise a product of perception, having no effect other than the implementation of the perception. [/digression]
sorry but thats not a valid argument as it can be applied to almost anything and thus putting the entire reality in question.
but on the race-issue
now i dont know about the specific definition of "race" but they say there are some significant differences between white, black and asian ppl that, in comparison, might cause serious brick-indigestion. (lulz?)
February 27th, 2008, 06:01 AM
but on the race-issue
now i dont know about the specific definition of "race" but they say there are some significant differences between white, black and asian ppl that, in comparison, might cause serious brick-indigestion. (lulz?)
That's just modern-day evolution. Race could effectively be defined as the human equivelant to breeds of dogs/cats, etc. African people and their descendants are generally stronger/faster, because their muscle structure is naturally stronger than the American body type. While North Americans are typically wider and bulkier, the "American Muscle" body-type. I'm not sure why we ended up like this, but it's likely caused by hundreds, sometimes thousands of years of adapting to our environments. On the topic of modern day evolution, it's interesting to note that humans could be considered in mid-evolution. You may have noticed that giving birth hurts quite a bit. In the wild, this procedure is less painful, and over much faster. Flaws in our making such as that will eventually be reduced and obliterated over time, thanks to medical advances and natural evolutionary advance, but still, it's interesting to look at.
February 27th, 2008, 06:30 AM
I see nothing wrong with anti immigration.
The truth is, there are a lot of people who just want to come into our counties just to detonate themselves and assasinate a bunch of officials.
Its not like immigrants have a spotless record as a whole, so there is no reason why it cant just be said that enough is enough, were not letting you in.
Then theres the other ones and I see it all the time, people who have just come into my country, who immediately begin breaking the law. Im not being discriminatory here, but it actually is the blacks/muslims who from my own experience I can say are the ring leaders of a lot of crime problems.
February 27th, 2008, 08:56 AM
That's just modern-day evolution. Race could effectively be defined as the human equivelant to breeds of dogs/cats, etc. African people and their descendants are generally stronger/faster, because their muscle structure is naturally stronger than the American body type. While North Americans are typically wider and bulkier, the "American Muscle" body-type. I'm not sure why we ended up like this, but it's likely caused by hundreds, sometimes thousands of years of adapting to our environments. On the topic of modern day evolution, it's interesting to note that humans could be considered in mid-evolution. You may have noticed that giving birth hurts quite a bit. In the wild, this procedure is less painful, and over much faster. Flaws in our making such as that will eventually be reduced and obliterated over time, thanks to medical advances and natural evolutionary advance, but still, it's interesting to look at.
intresting points there. but im sure there are also other features that evolved quite differently and ive always wondered why and how if you catch my drift.
im really serial.
February 27th, 2008, 02:30 PM
I see nothing wrong with anti immigration.
The truth is, there are a lot of people who just want to come into our counties just to detonate themselves and assasinate a bunch of officials.
Its not like immigrants have a spotless record as a whole, so there is no reason why it cant just be said that enough is enough, were not letting you in.
Then theres the other ones and I see it all the time, people who have just come into my country, who immediately begin breaking the law. Im not being discriminatory here, but it actually is the blacks/muslims who from my own experience I can say are the ring leaders of a lot of crime problems.
+1 for total ignorance.
February 27th, 2008, 04:09 PM
+1 for total ignorance. experience
Im not trying to be discriminating here, but I live here, and I see it almost every day, at school they cause almost all the problems, if its that bad there, I dont want to imagine what the world is like.
February 27th, 2008, 04:34 PM
Im not trying to be discriminating here, but I live here, and I see it almost every day, at school they cause almost all the problems, if its that bad there, I dont want to imagine what the world is like.
What he says is true. At my school, Mexicans are the cause of most of the problems.
Then again, that is to be expected, because there is only 15 blacks and 5 whites total, counting myself and my gf. Everyone else in the school's 1380 student population is Mexican, so of course they would cause all the problems.
However, they came here ILLEGALLY, taking jobs away from Americans. They say "Oh, I need to support my family!". TOO. FUCKING. BAD. YOU messed up YOUR country, YOU need to fix it. If you want to come here, get the proper papers.
I am sick and tired of Mexicans. All over the school, I hear Spanish. They even stopped doing the morning announcements in English.
Every morning, I hear: "Que Pasa, *insert words I don't understand here*!" over the intercom.
I filed a complaint with the school, along with some teachers who I know don't speak any Spanish. This morning, they did a Spanish THEN an English version of the morning announcements. Granted, that's an improvement, but they need to get rid of the Spanish version entirely.
All over my town, there is signs in Spanish, all the grocery stores are closing down and being replaced by ones that only are in Spanish. Hell, I walked into an AT&T store the other day, and there was NO English translation for any of the signs whatsoever. The manager (A Mexican native) was no help, he didn't even bother to translate them. I walked out.
This is NOT Mexico, go back to your homeland, faggots.
Someone provide a pro-Mexican argument so I can rip it to shreds. I'm feeling Bloodthirsty right now.
February 27th, 2008, 04:45 PM
The whites at my school outnumber the blacks/muslims by a lot, but they still manage to cause problems more than anyone else :|
February 27th, 2008, 05:19 PM
What he says is true. At my school, Mexicans are the cause of most of the problems.
Then again, that is to be expected, because there is only 15 blacks and 5 whites total, counting myself and my gf. Everyone else in the school's 1380 student population is Mexican, so of course they would cause all the problems.
However, they came here ILLEGALLY, taking jobs away from Americans. They say "Oh, I need to support my family!". TOO. FUCKING. BAD. YOU messed up YOUR country, YOU need to fix it. If you want to come here, get the proper papers.
I am sick and tired of Mexicans. All over the school, I hear Spanish. They even stopped doing the morning announcements in English.
Every morning, I hear: "Que Pasa, *insert words I don't understand here*!" over the intercom.
I filed a complaint with the school, along with some teachers who I know don't speak any Spanish. This morning, they did a Spanish THEN an English version of the morning announcements. Granted, that's an improvement, but they need to get rid of the Spanish version entirely.
All over my town, there is signs in Spanish, all the grocery stores are closing down and being replaced by ones that only are in Spanish. Hell, I walked into an AT&T store the other day, and there was NO English translation for any of the signs whatsoever. The manager (A Mexican native) was no help, he didn't even bother to translate them. I walked out.
This is NOT Mexico, go back to your homeland, faggots.
Someone provide a pro-Mexican argument so I can rip it to shreds. I'm feeling Bloodthirsty right now.
Word up. They either pool down there, or flock up here to the DC metro area. Luckily, we don't have announcements in Spanish over here.
February 27th, 2008, 06:37 PM
well i guess where i live the whites/christians are the bad ones because they cause the majority of all the problems? not to mention it's mostly white christian government leaders that wage the most wars?
see where your argument takes that one.
February 27th, 2008, 06:47 PM
well i guess where i live the whites/christians are the bad ones because they cause the majority of all the problems? not to mention it's mostly white christian government leaders that wage the most wars?
see where your argument takes that one.
The Whites are the ones who cause the wars because they're the ones who got up the ladder. If the Mexicans were the ones high up on the ladder, they would be causing just as many, if not more, wars.
It's not just about causing problems. If you come here illegally, you should be deported to your home country. You don't pay taxes, you don't learn the language, and LEGAL citizens suffer for it.
And while whites tend to wage the most wars, Mexicans tend to be the ones who join the gangs, sell the drugs, break into people's houses, shoot up neighborhoods, and cause various other crimes.
This is why there are more Mexicans than Whites in jail.
Not to mention, this is actual fact, Whites seem to be smarter than Mexicans. I'm not being racist here, it's an actual, proven fact. I'm not saying Mexicans are dumb, I know a few bright Mexicans myself. I'm also not saying all white people are smart (Look at our President for a good example of a dumb white).
Ever notice that most rich people who got famous for being smart are white? Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, the founders of Google, Steve Jobs.... The list goes on.
February 27th, 2008, 07:22 PM
well i guess where i live the whites/christians are the bad ones because they cause the majority of all the problems? not to mention it's mostly white christian government leaders that wage the most wars?
see where your argument takes that one.
Im not saying the government is any better, but Im just saying from my experience, and I see this country wide, the minorities of blacks/muslims at my school cause most of the problems.
You seem to be mistaking my arguement here, because Im not saying theyre bad because they cause most of the problems, in most cases they are, but thats not my basis. Im just fucking sick of it, It would be nice to see one day with out some civilized happenings, instead of this retardified bullshit.
February 27th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Quite naturally, I assure you. Simply reciprocating an inverted generalization for yous :p
Using the Thesaurus too much, especially when you don't even know the meanings of the words you're using, doesn't justify being ignorant.
Thats all fine and well for those fortunate enough to be born into a situation which provides them the opportunity to obtain the various whatnots to obtain such a thing... meanwhile, species after species goes extinct... so I'm gonna bitch my fool ass off about it. Ok? Hello, prime directive ring a bell?No.
February 27th, 2008, 08:31 PM
They say "Oh, I need to support my family!". TOO. FUCKING. BAD. YOU messed up YOUR country, YOU need to fix it ...
Someone provide a pro-Mexican argument so I can rip it to shreds. I'm feeling Bloodthirsty right now.
..., because for some ( reason, they can't do that in their own country
Do you try to be completely ignorant, or does it just come naturally?
... meanwhile, species after species goes extinct ... Hello, prime directive ring a bell?
No. :D
February 27th, 2008, 08:35 PM
because for some ( reason, they can't do that in their own country.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. If they HAVE to be here, speak English. Spanish annoys me more than anything else.
No papers = No America.
February 27th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Im not saying the government is any better, but Im just saying from my experience, and I see this country wide, the minorities of blacks/muslims at my school cause most of the problems.
You seem to be mistaking my arguement here, because Im not saying theyre bad because they cause most of the problems, in most cases they are, but thats not my basis. Im just fucking sick of it, It would be nice to see one day with out some civilized happenings, instead of this retardified bullshit.
so your experience in your school is your view of the entire country?? where else do you see this? you see it "all over the country" so you must have some great examples. are they setting out to cause the problems or are they backlashing? i think you're trying to make an argument that you don't fully understand yourself, or you're completely biased against blacks/muslims, so you need to stop.
February 28th, 2008, 06:28 AM
so your experience in your school is your view of the entire country?? where else do you see this? you see it "all over the country" so you must have some great examples. are they setting out to cause the problems or are they backlashing? i think you're trying to make an argument that you don't fully understand yourself, or you're completely biased against blacks/muslims, so you need to stop.
News, vacations, just roaming around town, gives me a good idea of what is going on in the country, the news is the only one I dont completely trust, beacause they have a tendency to overdramaiffy things.
I used my school as an example, because unfortunately, thats where I spend most of my time :|
Either way Im not belittling your opinion, I respect it, but my personal experience is this, and it happens all over the place :\
EDIT: I am not completely biased against them, I dont mind them, its when they start going about being stupid twats that it gets on my nerves, then I get irked and start ranting like this about how annoying it is.
__________________________________________________ _______________
I dont think I ever got around to my views on the mexicans. There is no reason why the US shouldnt be able to close their borders to them. Problem is that most of them went into the country illegally. They are actually eating away at the economy and may be one of the contributing causes to the upcoming recession that well be seeing. I can see that theyre doing it because their country is fucked, but they should make an effort to fix it first. So far all theyve proven is that if they can get enough of them into a country, then the same thing will happen that happened to theirs.
And for those of you who think Im just being a racist, heres something for you, by calling my arguement racist and dismissing it, youre being just as bad as they are, try to keep an open mind. There are so many illegal mexicans in the USA that you can almost always call the police on every single one you see, and theyll be illegal. Then theyre all having children, and reproducing like rabbits. There is no reason why the US cant say enough is enough and close theyre borders to these people that are coming in Illegally anyway, get over it, life isnt fair.
February 28th, 2008, 03:58 PM
By your reasoning that you can take a small portion of a country and extrapolate it to be representative of a whole nation, I think I'll go and judge all of america on those rednecks who tried to kill the guys from topgear :awesome:
February 28th, 2008, 04:28 PM
By your reasoning that you can take a small portion of a country and extrapolate it to be representative of a whole nation, I think I'll go and judge all of america on those rednecks who tried to kill the guys from topgear :awesome:
Good choice.
Unfortunately, I lack the ability to see what every memeber of a race is doing, and judge them on that, so the best I can do is assume that there are very similiar patterns to what goes on around me.
February 28th, 2008, 04:37 PM
trust a working man: people shall not be judged by their race but by their tips.
February 28th, 2008, 06:44 PM
Actually, we need the Mexicans. They are the ones who do most of the agricultural work. No agriculture means no food for the rest of us. I don't mind them coming into the country as long as they speak English, do it legally, and (to add one to the list) instill some set of values into their kids so they don't end up like Julio down the street selling marijuana and popping caps into people who don't pay up.
February 28th, 2008, 07:18 PM
Maybe if Julio was paid his fair share in the job market (here and at home), he wouldn't need to pop caps and sell drugs... and maybe if our brilliant corporate executives didn't enslave outsource job positions to other countries, where they can take advantage of a rediculously low minimum wage, well, these corp execs would have to profit a little less and spend more on human resources, paying either you, or Juan what's earned. Wouldn't Juan be happy, to earn his fair share and be able to sleep next to his wife at night, rather than mingle with BIGGOTS who blame him for their relatively slight misfortune?
February 28th, 2008, 07:31 PM
Maybe if Julio was paid his fair share in the job market (here and at home), he wouldn't need to pop caps and sell drugs... and maybe if our brilliant corporate executives didn't enslave outsource job positions to other countries, where they can take advantage of a rediculously low minimum wage, well, these corp execs would have to profit a little less and spend more on human resources, paying either you, or Juan what's earned. Wouldn't Juan be happy, to earn his fair share and be able to sleep next to his wife at night, rather than mingle with BIGGOTS who blame him for their relatively slight misfortune?
Who are you calling a bigot?
You just said that all illegal immigrants kill people and sell drugs. Once again, do you try to be the most retarded person I have ever seen on the Internet, or does it come naturally?
By your reasoning that you can take a small portion of a country and extrapolate it to be representative of a whole nation
Holy shit, I just realized.
That's what Dole did.
Selentic = Dole?
February 28th, 2008, 08:08 PM
You just said that all illegal immigrants kill people and sell drugs.No, I didn't. Nice try, though
February 28th, 2008, 08:23 PM
No, I didn't. Nice try, though
Says the man who applies Star Trek communism to reality.
Don't even try to refute that. I've got more evidence than God, and if that doesn't work, I can always direct you to ACTUAL scientists.
February 28th, 2008, 11:00 PM
so your experience in your school is your view of the entire country?? where else do you see this? you see it "all over the country" so you must have some great examples. are they setting out to cause the problems or are they backlashing? i think you're trying to make an argument that you don't fully understand yourself, or you're completely biased against blacks/muslims, so you need to stop.
not that I dont agree with you, but on nbc nightly news they said that 1 in 16 adult black male is in jail, 1 in 36 adult Hispanic male is in jail. They didnt say what the stats on whities were, but id imaging something around 1 in 100.
February 29th, 2008, 12:04 AM
trust a working man: people shall not be judged by their race but by their tips.
tip;s dont exist in australia.
well they do but there not compulsary.
we believe in giving the workers a decent pay to start with and What we pay for a meal is What the meal costs.
i know it's really weird to get your head around. but in time i think i could show you :D
February 29th, 2008, 12:24 AM
No, I didn't. Nice try, though
Umm... Yes, you did.
It's you (And possibly Snaf, I haven't worked out which side he's on yet) against the rest of H2V. I think you're severely outnumbered.
Also, before anyone goes against me like they have against Selentic, I've seen the overall Mexican race here in America as a whole. My mom works for NORC ( (National Opinion And Research Center at the University of Chicago), which means she goes around and interviews people for the government. It's where we get these statistics on how many people are in jail, how many were raped in jail, what races have what jobs, who makes the most money, etc.
Most of the time, I'm either eavesdropp-I MEAN MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS while she does her interviews over the phone, or coming with her to people's houses (Not so much anymore, she got promoted). I've seen every personality and race there is to see, and I have a pretty good general idea because of it.
MOST (Not all) Mexicans are either in jail, or doing illegal activities (The interviews are 100% confidential, so there's no fear of being arrested) like drugs, theft, etc.
I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going on.
February 29th, 2008, 11:52 AM
Says the man who applies Star Trek communism to reality.
You got me, I'm a Communist with the United Federation of Planets, and it'alls gonna get assimilated
not that I dont agree with you, but on nbc nightly news they said that 1 in 16 adult black male is in jail, 1 in 36 adult Hispanic male is in jail. They didnt say what the stats on whities were, but id imaging something around 1 in 100.
More than 1 in 100 U.S. adults are in prison (
For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison,...
America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars.
..."While one in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars, for black males in that age group the figure is one in nine."...The racial disparity for women also is stark. One of every 355 white women aged 35 to 39 is behind bars, compared with one of every 100 black women in that age group....
The U.S. also is among the world leaders in capital punishment. According to Amnesty International, its 53 executions in 2006 were exceeded only by China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and Sudan.It's like a rite of passage in this society
February 29th, 2008, 02:16 PM
Good job, you just proved our points for us.
February 29th, 2008, 02:50 PM
the best I can do is assume that there are very similiar patterns to what goes on around me.
when you see it...
February 29th, 2008, 03:00 PM
when you see it...
Snaf if you really want It, Ill ass u me :3
February 29th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Good job, you just proved our points for us.
All I'm saying is our system is biased.
February 29th, 2008, 10:09 PM
All I'm saying is our system is biased.
Breaking damn news: We knew that.
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