View Full Version : A different kind of Risky proposition.
February 25th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Hello mods and admins, i just wanted to create a poll for the return of a thread to the forums.
the Post your clipboard thread.
basically it's been a fair while since it was taken away and i reckon it might be time we gave it another shot.
i thought it was a great asset to the forums because it kept alot of cool and interesting things that although where awesome, didnt deserve their own thread. Saved a bit of spam by centralizing it so to speak :)
not a demand. Just sorta wondering where you guys stand on this now.
and is there any objections to this making a comeback?
February 25th, 2008, 12:44 AM
TBH, it was a waste of a post count(s). Yes. A waste. Just like the "post all your youtube videos here lawl" thread, I really don't care to shift through the two or three pages that build up since the last time I checked the forums (but then again, I'm not that serious into foruming). It just gives users the reason to post stupid shit without fear of attacks from people that see it in bold on a forum's thread listing, just the people that like them, like to post stupid shit at will.
Oh, no offense btw.
February 25th, 2008, 12:51 AM
i dont care about post counts lol. Can they simply disable it from adding onto your post counts?
We could impose it so it's not actually POST YOUR CLIPBOARD, but more for un-thread worthy things.
take this for example.
I expressed my view on this earlier, the only realistic reason for dual/quad core is the industries ability to use basic terms such as 2 is better then 1 and 4 is better thant 2, so they can take advantage of the average joe who has no deeper understanding of CPU/GPU's. If you approach a person of the street that's over 25 and has the purchasing power for this stuff dual and quad to him sounds like a Ferrari so to speak. Little does he know that it's simple 4 OLD CPU's grouped as one which means no REAL enhancements have been made over the years.
Company A is on single Core | Company B is on dual Core
if you had no idea about computer what would you buy for your business and home? You have no patience to learn and thus 2 > 1 so you go with company B, little did you know that Company A had a single core with 8GHz as apposed to 2 x 1.6 GHz (pure example). Also for the computer fanatics, 8 > 4 > 2 >1 = more is better then less.
Badzilla is abolutly right, Instead of whacking on another 50 cores we should have a few years or should have had a few years of steady progress to enhance systems as a whole, faster bus, better architecture, nano tech and crazy speeds under less pressure pretty much an overhual of the current system. Once this is achieved a sub-group of the company should focus on dual, quad, octo capabilities. See most would say ummm... that's what there doing, but essentially there not. They are focusing on adding chips NOT enhancing them respectively.
Mind you this is a very slow process and is this way for a reason, If you take into consideration the diamond industry, they are simply not rare... Diamonds are one of the most common gems. The Diamond mines are stocking up on millions of diamonds every week and slowly releasing them so to maximize profits and not flood the market. It can be interpreted that the Computer industry is on the same path, we may technically be 5 years ahead but due to money hungry business a slow release literally milks us dry. After all why not? I would if I was the head of Intel, AMD, Nvidia, ATI, Asus and many others. You the consumer after all don't mean anything to me. We NEED the suppliers more than they need us because we want easier lives, and computerized houses, cars and what not. So we pay for it in progress and cash.
Sadly enough i'm more then willing to pay, because this luxury to me is worth more then $10 000 and so I respectively pay accordingly.
i just saw this post and thought it was a fucking good post, and well worth a read, but unless i PM everyone, or create an unworthy thread for it i cant display it.
see what i mean :/
E: also none taken KM <3
February 25th, 2008, 12:54 AM
The "waste of a post count" wasn't directing at post whoring (however, for n00b's case, it is, but at the fact that they are on average just lame posts. Thus, lame = waste, waste + post (which counts) = waste of post counts. Making sense?
But yes, I can see where you are coming from
February 25th, 2008, 12:57 AM
Maybe we could impose some tougher restrictions then "copy paste" to keep it from becoming a shitfest?
but then that creates another question. what are the restrictions? :|
February 25th, 2008, 01:02 AM
Even more, who will see those restrictions through? Ghost has life, goat is no longer mod, pedo bear is slaving away on other things already, just an effortless bastard so he doesn't factor in, Zeph maybe, Timo maybe too, IDK.
sup Timo
February 25th, 2008, 01:54 AM
(however, for n00b's case, it is
hey go die. :smith:
seriously though, I loved the PYC thread. I found plenty of cool shit in it, from slackerz, to funny storeys, to awesome websites and heaps of other crap. yes it was a spam thread, but who cares. IMO if it get's a cap that then wipes older posts as new ones are made it'd be fine.
February 25th, 2008, 11:51 AM
these types of "post your" threads are useless and only serve to clutter the forum.
February 25th, 2008, 03:08 PM
don't bring it back. this forum has some of the dumbest topics i've ever seen. i'd rather not see that pointless clutter again.
February 25th, 2008, 03:15 PM
I thought this was for the Post your Cock thread, and then I read your post fully, and I was dissapointed :(
February 25th, 2008, 03:16 PM
What we need (in my opinion) is a sub-forum for ANY topic (as long as it still adheres to the site rules) where any threads inactive for a certain time will be deleted. A good example is's sub-forum, seen here (
February 25th, 2008, 06:12 PM
If I had cared about post counts, I would've made a 4K thread.
I believe the Clipboard had a genuinely useful purpose: post awesome stuff that doesn't deserve its own thread.
However, the name was an invitation to post whatever you felt like, i.e. a spam thread.
Same thread concept, different title.
February 25th, 2008, 07:21 PM
If I had cared about post counts, I would've made a 4K thread.
I believe the Clipboard had a genuinely useful purpose: post awesome stuff that doesn't deserve its own thread.
However, the name was an invitation to post whatever you felt like, i.e. a spam thread.
Same thread concept, different title.
sorta the same way i feel.
February 25th, 2008, 07:42 PM
IAWTP (two above mine).
We need a clipboard thread :(
February 26th, 2008, 01:19 AM
I thought this was for the Post your Cock thread, and then I read your post fully, and I was dissapointed :(
ffs teekup, stop spreading the gay D:
also agree with mz
February 26th, 2008, 01:43 AM
I honestly thought that thread had a purpose. So, yes.
February 26th, 2008, 07:47 AM
Sever's idea + post count wont go up is by far the best one I've heard.
February 27th, 2008, 03:24 PM
I like this idea because I like to go down my IM list and post funny stuff...
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