View Full Version : [TF2] Favorite TF2 class, V2
February 28th, 2008, 04:26 AM
More people play it/have had time to play it since the last poll and I'm curious.
what's your favorite TF2 class now? has it changed from your old one and why? and is it your "best" class or not?
My best class is the medic, but my favorite is the spy, cos I'm just an asshole like that ;)
February 28th, 2008, 04:29 AM
Spy is my favorite. it's more tricky
but i'm best with scout or sniper.
February 28th, 2008, 10:21 AM
I do the best with Soldier, right now thats my fav, although I do like to mix it up alot just for laughs and to do the task at hand (i.e. spy to take out a bastard heavy whos mowing me down alot lol)
Spys great, but I suck balls at it =\
February 28th, 2008, 11:01 AM
im best with sniper
February 28th, 2008, 02:11 PM
Need a dispenser here!
It's fun to own as scout. Especially with the bat.
February 28th, 2008, 02:16 PM
Scout, or Pyro.
Pyro for the Taunts and ability to annoy everybody.
Scouts for the random cries of "Need a dispenser here" during heated battles.
February 28th, 2008, 03:43 PM
damn, no love for the demoman?
February 28th, 2008, 04:23 PM
Too many noobs use the demo man and whore grenade across the map. I do best with soldier but I have the most fun play DEFENSE with the Pyro(offensive)
February 28th, 2008, 04:53 PM
<3 Medic, especially when I have around 5 targets to keep tabs on (I can really prove that I'm a good medic) or when I get a damn good medi-buddy Heavy.
Also, curse you sneaky Aussies.
Bad Waffle
February 28th, 2008, 05:51 PM
I like all the classes evenly, except for the soldier. I cant kill ANYTHING with the soldier.
February 28th, 2008, 07:10 PM
FYI I am a spy.
Or a Soldier. Depends on how many explosions I want.
February 28th, 2008, 07:39 PM
February 29th, 2008, 05:59 AM
Too many noobs use the demo man and whore grenade across the map. I do best with soldier but I have the most fun play DEFENSE with the Pyro(offensive)
ability to grenade jump + decent health + powerfull weapons (if a little tricky to get the hang on) + ability to hold a bottle neck on their own un-supported for extended lengths of time with nothing more than a threat + bottle = EPIC WIN
February 29th, 2008, 06:39 AM
I want TF2 D:
This looks fun.
February 29th, 2008, 08:06 AM
I like all the classes evenly, except for the soldier. I cant kill ANYTHING with the soldier.
WoL's not a Solja Boy. He can't YOO dat ho.
February 29th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Sniper, although I also enjoy Spy and Demoman.
February 29th, 2008, 11:25 AM
I've never played this before, but my army friend has so I entered his fav in. If the PX here wasn't so lame, and mail-orders weren't so slow, maybe I would get it ;_;
February 29th, 2008, 11:27 AM
For the short half hour that I managed to get my hands on the game at a friends house; I enjoyed playing as a pyro :)
February 29th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Pyro, burn, burn everything. Though I only take Pyro if the team needs it, otherwise I'll take a class if it isn't all ready by members of that team and one that I don't suck at using. Though I've accumulated most points with the Engineer, making that my best class for the time being.
February 29th, 2008, 10:32 PM
What situations specifically require a pyro?
I suck at the class and ask out of curiosity.
February 29th, 2008, 10:50 PM
I find it easiest to sneak up on people when their trying too kill members of my own team, then toast them when their not looking.
February 29th, 2008, 11:06 PM
KM00, you do know that you can download it directly from Valve, right? You don't need a disc to run the game, hence you can dl it with a steam account directly to your comp (and pay via credit card). Problem solved?
February 29th, 2008, 11:55 PM
KM00, you do know that you can download it directly from Valve, right? You don't need a disc to run the game, hence you can dl it with a steam account directly to your comp (and pay via credit card). Problem solved?
Fuck. Steam. I've farted better gas :v
March 1st, 2008, 12:19 AM
You'd be surprised. it's actually pretty damn good these days >_>
besides, even if you bought retail you'd still have to use steam :downs:
March 1st, 2008, 12:26 AM
Medic. Invulning scouts=win.
March 1st, 2008, 05:50 AM
Medic. Invulning scouts=win.
Explain how you come to this comclusion?
March 1st, 2008, 09:37 AM
I invulned one, a second later he ran away from me and died immediately, in a most hilarious fashion.
March 1st, 2008, 04:19 PM
For a moment there, I thought it was some awesome strategy I'd never thought of/heard of xD
March 2nd, 2008, 11:54 AM
Spy spy spy spy all the way.
I'm starting to like the demoman and their sticky placement, but still
spy spy spy spy
March 2nd, 2008, 12:31 PM
For a moment there, I thought it was some awesome strategy I'd never thought of/heard of xDWell, if you can convince them to wait up for you, very fast captures. (Scout collects 2x time + invuln = fast cap)
March 2nd, 2008, 12:33 PM
Except that only starting and end CPs can be captured in very fast time, the rest takes longer than an uber can hold.
March 2nd, 2008, 12:42 PM
Except that only starting and end CPs can be captured in very fast time, the rest takes longer than an uber can hold.shhh. >_>
March 2nd, 2008, 01:02 PM
I play as scout the most; sometimes I play engi, sometimes spy although I'm shit at it. But I am really starting to like pyro.
Dr Nick
March 2nd, 2008, 05:08 PM
I loved the engineer before, but now I'm leaning a little toward the Demoman.
He's got the same speed, more health, and heavier weapons.
He's great for defending an area, or base(CTF) with his sticky bomb launcher.
I often find it fun to plant some bombs in the enemy sewers and watch them walk into my trap while engineers set up!
March 2nd, 2008, 06:37 PM
I thought that an Uber'd unit couldn't capture... Hmm...
March 3rd, 2008, 12:07 AM
Well, if you can convince them to wait up for you, very fast captures. (Scout collects 2x time + invuln = fast cap)
except you can't do objectives while your ubur'd :v
March 3rd, 2008, 09:53 AM
Oh yea, that too xD
March 3rd, 2008, 03:41 PM
I like all the classes evenly, except for the soldier. I cant kill ANYTHING with the soldier.
Lol ur using rockets, how you do NOT hit anything?
The Spy is one of my more successful classes. And it's worth noting that I play 2Fort 97% of the time i'm on TF2.
Here's a quick tip for being a spy on 2Fort:
Since there are always so many demomen around, just diguise as one of them and jump off the battlement with your cloak engaged and run BACKWARDS towards the enemy sewer. Just make sure they aren't firing blindly out of it or you most likely will be discovered. Keep running backwards up the stairs and put some charges on any turrets you see. Next find some unsuspecting sniper and back stab him, quickly disguise up as anything but an engineer. Rinse, Repeat, Domination.
March 3rd, 2008, 07:06 PM
March 3rd, 2008, 07:13 PM
I thought you'd play a scout. I don't know why, but it suits you.
Also, Amit, I play on Dustbowl a lot, so there is quite a different Spy strategy there. I've found it best to disguise yourself as a Sniper, thus allowing you to sit on the enemies' back line and wait for the perfect target. Stab, cloak, re-disguise, repeat.
March 3rd, 2008, 09:41 PM
I love this strategy, oh sprays you are so useful, that and my one of a sniper thats animated. From a distance it looks like 6 snipers are at your base. Works great at 2Fort. Also I can play TF2 again finally, because my RMA finally came in woot.
March 4th, 2008, 03:53 AM
Yeah, sure. That was just a ridiculously bad spycheck. I would love to see the animated spray though. I've only seen the little chick dance.
March 4th, 2008, 09:40 PM
except you can't do objectives while your ubur'd :v
April 2nd, 2008, 01:21 AM
Shizneh..... i bumped the wrong topic :/
Spy baby!
April 2nd, 2008, 06:48 AM
This game needs more people that know how to medic.
April 2nd, 2008, 06:54 AM
I know how to medic, and quite well at that. What we REALLY need is more people who don't squander or abuse their ten seconds of being uber'd. They'll either run AWAY from combat, which results in zero dead enemies, or straight INTO combat, which results in at least one dead ally (notably themselves).
e: I've been working on my Scout skills a bit, so I've got a little bit of the offensive/defensive-precision-elimination combat in my skill set. Otherwise, I'll be a point-defense Heavy (when an Engineer will actually LISTEN to me :/) or a multi-target offensive/single-target-precision-strike Medic (depending on how good my targets are - the better the target, the more of my attention they'll get. I once had one target that was so good he had 3 Medics wanting to heal him at once).
April 2nd, 2008, 06:57 AM
i spy medic and sniper
i'm a supportive player :D
just got 120 points for medic in one round :D!
April 2nd, 2008, 07:10 AM
I once got 1,778 healing points in one round.
April 2nd, 2008, 07:16 AM
I got 22 points as a point-defense Heavy in one life (cap-1 of section 3 of Dustbowl). They just kept pouring out of those doors...
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