View Full Version : What the Hell Texas???
March 3rd, 2008, 11:48 PM
Here in a suburb of Dallas texas:
In the sommer it was on average 90-100 degrees, lower than usual.
In mid january it was anywhere from 30 to 65 degrees depending on the day and time.
A few days ago, i was sweating outside in almost 80 degree heat. It has been around 70 all month.
This morning I woke up and it was about 65-70 degrees, very nice.
I walk out of school in mid-afternoon and its about 50. Still nice, yet sightly chilly.
I am standing in work watching snow pour down all around, and fall off the roof today at around 9-10pm. THE FIRST F*CKING SNOW ALL YEAR! Its the middle of March, and we haven't even come CLOSE at all this year........
What the hell? I believe as I type this its about 45 degrees, and all the snow is melting.
This is my car after driving down the interstate on my way home:
March 3rd, 2008, 11:53 PM
Texas has some screwed up weather. I live in San Marcos, down by Austin, but were not getting any. It's cold, but not THAT cold. Lucky. :(
March 3rd, 2008, 11:56 PM
Hurray global warming...shame on you none believers.
A storm threy call "Emma" hit this plane right before landing. The 39 year old pilot did an amazing job of saving it.
Hamburg, Germany
March 4th, 2008, 12:05 AM
Well, that would explain the wind and sudden rain we started getting last week :v
March 4th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Hurray global warming...shame on you none believers.It's called Global Climate Change.
Pretty awesome that it snowed though.
March 4th, 2008, 12:42 AM
Obviously this is an omen, don't vote for Hillary!
March 4th, 2008, 01:55 AM
airliner video
i wonder how many people won't fly again after that little scare.
March 4th, 2008, 05:29 AM
silly snaf, u fail to realize thats how germans fly, sideways! its the latest fad, but u lame ppl living in americaz wouldn't know that b/c u are too worried about ur silly oil :downs:
March 4th, 2008, 05:39 AM
why do you put u for you but spell are >__>
March 4th, 2008, 06:20 AM
Texas 0
Al Gore 1
March 4th, 2008, 07:40 AM
It snowed a little here in Dallas... not enough to make schools close. :(
Dr Nick
March 4th, 2008, 08:28 AM
Today, light snow. Next year , The Day After Tomorrow?
March 4th, 2008, 09:10 AM
Hurray global warming...shame on you none believers.
A storm threy call "Emma" hit this plane right before landing. The 39 year old pilot did an amazing job of saving it.
Hamburg, Germany
Those are crosswinds, pilots are trained for them. Nothing new.
March 4th, 2008, 09:32 AM
We had freezing rain yesterday, and school was cancelled....
March 4th, 2008, 09:38 AM
Xetsueiâ„¢;227822']Those are crosswinds, pilots are trained for them. Nothing new.
Theres a big difference between training and reality...especially if you have 200 people behind and 200 million Euros below your ass.
You are getting trained for combat, after you get shot you can't regret the mistake you made in the first place :v
March 4th, 2008, 11:17 AM
why do you put u for you but spell are >__>
it was r to begin with, but I decided to spell it out. So sue me.
March 4th, 2008, 01:05 PM
it was r to begin with, but I decided to spell it out. So sue me.
he's not american KM. your safe.
March 4th, 2008, 02:18 PM
which is exactly why I said it :downs:
March 4th, 2008, 04:15 PM
Texas 0
Al Gore 1
Too bad Al Gore didn't invent the idea of global warming. It's been around since at least the seventies.
Also, snow in Texas would be considered global cooling.
March 4th, 2008, 04:42 PM
It was 60 degrees yesterday, tonight there is going to be an ice storm. Something is seriously wrong.
March 4th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Next thing you know I'm going to wake up to a tornado saying "oh hai, die".
March 6th, 2008, 04:21 PM
I woke up this morning to a beautiful cloudy 65 degree day, and was very comfortable in my T-shirt. This was 7-8 AM
At around noon it looks like this:
Note: It is still snowing, you jsut can't see it.
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