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View Full Version : wtf...FEMA concentration camps??? FTL Indeed.

March 7th, 2008, 12:19 AM

That's right, complete with furnaces.. :gonk:

It can't be like the camps they have for illegal immigrants because this one is way up in indiana. and If FEMA is using this to actually 'Help' people in times of emergency, then why the hell does it have barbed wire at the top of the fencing to keep people in?

This may be an old video, but still, WTF?

March 7th, 2008, 12:29 AM
Zombie day protection. Be glad.

But umm, those furnaces. What's wrong with them? Are they trying to insinuate they're to be used to burn people or something? Other than that, it looks normal for a military instalation. Drive by one of your local military reserves and take a look.

March 7th, 2008, 12:32 AM
but still, It's fema.. why would people supposedly to help in emergencies like floods and all build these camps?

I think it has to do with the damn verichip in the making..

March 7th, 2008, 12:48 AM
I dont know, maybe because there's a viral outbreak? Biological warfare reached a rediculously deadly point ages ago. FEMA does is supposed to do more than simply provide monetary funding for people in act-of-god disasters.

March 7th, 2008, 12:54 AM
They should have used their money helping new orleans better than making a.. deathtrap.

Ironic, Hitler Fema is using going to use taxpayer money to kill taxpayers.

March 7th, 2008, 12:58 AM
i agree.
viva la Revolution!

March 7th, 2008, 01:03 AM
What the hell at this thread, seriously.

March 7th, 2008, 01:34 AM
They should have used their money helping new orleans better than making a.. deathtrap.

Ironic, Hitler Fema is using going to use taxpayer money to kill taxpayers.

Yeah, because the government has the cash (note I didn't say liquid assets or stock) and available land to pay for an entire metropolitan area to live for an indefinite amount of time. This may sound terrible, but should these 'concentration camps' be used to house American citizens at least there wouldn't be the crazy amount of fraud that was involved following Hurricane Katrina.

I'm not even going to go as far as to call you a conspiracy nut because there's not a conspiracy here. You're just a paranoid kid who listens to anything that sounds mysterious. If the government wanted to use these places to exterminate people it would look like a big hole in the ground with a big pile of dirt next to it. Ammunition is cheap where the cost of food, shelter, or elaborate means to kill are not. What you need to be afraid of is a large empty field in the middle of nowhere with heavy digging equipment nearby surrounded by a tall fence.

March 7th, 2008, 01:43 AM
seems bogus to me, all she does is formulate bs by observing some parking lots and fences :\

March 7th, 2008, 05:31 AM
Ironic, Hitler Fema is using going to use taxpayer money to kill taxpayers.
Ironic that you believe everything you hear\read.

They feed you what you want to hear. This looks much more to be a decontamination zone. Think of it. Infact, go watch the movie "I am Legend" and you will see the reason for having fences like that when people are scared for their lives because of a possibility that they are contaminated from chemical or radiological forces.
All those different color zones could easily just designate severity areas.
Those burners? Could easily be for destroying materials which contain the product (chem\radio) and need to be processed in heavily fortified burners (as to not get it in the air)
Of course a fucking black heli is going to check out what your fucking doing. YOUR VIDEO TAPING A FUCKING MILITARY INSTALLATION! Which is a no-go in ANY case.
In a area like that, where everything is fenced to hell, a heli would probably be the fastest way in and out, so I really don't see a problem with all the flags.

Really, put some thought into the other possibilities of what the fuck is going on before you jump to conclusions.

March 7th, 2008, 05:48 AM
i lol'd at how they were claiming that the world leaders want to exterminate 2/3 of the world population in order to gain control.

firstly, world leaders already have control
secondly, who the hell are they going to control when 2/3 of the global population is wiped out
thirdly, i'm pretty sure that a large global population is more beneficial to their bank accounts and the businesses/incomes they already control than dead people

:tinfoil: indeed

March 7th, 2008, 06:36 AM
secondly, who the hell are they going to control when 2/3 of the global population is wiped out

theyre just going to wipe out the poor, hungry negroes that bareley generate $ mr smartypants. :eng101:

March 7th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Ironic that you believe everything you hear\read.

They feed you what you want to hear. This looks much more to be a decontamination zone. Think of it. Infact, go watch the movie "I am Legend" and you will see the reason for having fences like that when people are scared for their lives because of a possibility that they are contaminated from chemical or radiological forces.
All those different color zones could easily just designate severity areas.
Those burners? Could easily be for destroying materials which contain the product (chem\radio) and need to be processed in heavily fortified burners (as to not get it in the air)
Of course a fucking black heli is going to check out what your fucking doing. YOUR VIDEO TAPING A FUCKING MILITARY INSTALLATION! Which is a no-go in ANY case.
In a area like that, where everything is fenced to hell, a heli would probably be the fastest way in and out, so I really don't see a problem with all the flags.

Really, put some thought into the other possibilities of what the fuck is going on before you jump to conclusions.

This is what is great about these forums, people are not afraid to share their opinions because they are not afraid to be banned for what they say.

I never really thought about it like that,
the woman filming could have been some noob hoping to scare people...
or make them look like idiots, like I just was by making this topic :embarrassed:

March 7th, 2008, 02:32 PM
theyre just going to wipe out the poor, hungry negroes that bareley generate $ mr smartypants. :eng101:
Those are the people who end up in the military due to promised money for education, etc. I don't think they'd wipe out their number one recruitment source.

March 7th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Those are the people who end up in the military due to promised money for education, etc. I don't think they'd wipe out their number one recruitment source.
STOP ADVERTISING YOU JACKASS, wait until I'm fully out to do that shit <:mad:>

March 7th, 2008, 04:42 PM
i agree.
viva la Revolution!

It's a shame the US Constitution prevents any kind of uprising. :downs:

March 7th, 2008, 05:44 PM
They should have used their money helping new orleans better than making a.. deathtrap.

Ironic, Hitler Fema is using going to use taxpayer money to kill taxpayers.
I love how you get all your "facts" from a single YouTube video.

Also, good job with Godwin's Law there.

March 7th, 2008, 09:28 PM
I keep telling myself that one day people can see straight. The fact that anyone ever believed this video has shattered that hope.

EDIT: Where does it prevent 'uprising?' Do you mean state secession? Because there is a damn good reason for that and it is called the American Civil War. I'm not saying it's good now, it's just one can see how such law would remain in place.

March 7th, 2008, 09:30 PM
It's a shame the US Constitution prevents any kind of uprising. :downs:
It's also a shame that the number of gunowners in the states greatly outnumbers the personell in all branches of the military.

March 7th, 2008, 09:34 PM
It's also a shame that the number of gunowners in the states greatly outnumbers the personell in all branches of the military.
That's only to spite the communists hyper-liberals who get all pissy when you defend yourself. Or to shoot far-right extremists trying to cut your nads off for having premarital sex.

March 7th, 2008, 09:39 PM
It's also a shame that the number of gunowners in the states greatly outnumbers the personell in all branches of the military.

The number of fire arms, NEVER make up for proper training. :eng101:

March 7th, 2008, 09:48 PM
The number of fire arms, NEVER make up for proper training. :eng101:
North Korea in the early 1950s would like to have a word with you about human wave tactics. Also Medieval dudes.:hist101:

March 8th, 2008, 12:01 AM
I love how you get all your "facts" from a single YouTube video.

actually it was a few youtube videos and a couple wikipedia sites :D

March 8th, 2008, 12:04 AM

March 8th, 2008, 12:08 AM
The number of fire arms, NEVER make up for proper training. :eng101:

March 8th, 2008, 12:09 AM

anyways I wasn't posting this topic saying the goivernment was out to get us or anything, I was just posting this video hoping to find your opinions about it.

March 8th, 2008, 12:12 AM

anyways I wasn't posting this topic saying the goivernment was out to get us or anything, I was just posting this video hoping to find your opinions about it.

March 8th, 2008, 01:37 AM

oah! that was smooth

March 8th, 2008, 03:31 AM
thats fucking WEIRD. Me and my dad and cousin were just watching a whole bunch of videos about this tonight. I don't see any reason why we should trust them tbh. I don't care if you call me a conspiracy nut, at all. I'm a little worried about them to tell the truth. About zephs point about them just using guns and a field, well I'm sorry but this does play a similiar picture to the concentration camps of the nazis. I don't think you understand that it isn't just for killing people. Another reason for these types of things is forced labour. Not to mention the bill of allowing the presidant to have dictatorship control if there is an "emergancy". I'm also not going all out 'grab yer guns and ammo and bundle yerself in tha basement' either. I just think it's something to keep an eye on, and not brush off your shoulder.

March 8th, 2008, 03:48 AM
I guess we'll just nuke you :haw:

March 8th, 2008, 05:30 AM
The number of fire arms, NEVER make up for proper training. :eng101:

Wanna tell that to the soldiers who have died in combat in the Middle East? Those faction wars in South America beg to differ as well.

About zephs point about them just using guns and a field, well I'm sorry but this does play a similiar picture to the concentration camps of the nazis. I don't think you understand that it isn't just for killing people. Another reason for these types of things is forced labour. Not to mention the bill of allowing the presidant to have dictatorship control if there is an "emergancy". I'm also not going all out 'grab yer guns and ammo and bundle yerself in tha basement' either. I just think it's something to keep an eye on, and not brush off your shoulder.
It really just boils down to what you define concentration camp as. From what you're seeing in these videos, it's simply a visual comparison saying it's a large fenced in area. I dont see forced labor being used in this day and age as it was during WWII. It's terribly inefficient to use unskilled laborers in this day and age. Need a pit dug? Instead of having 20 slaves spend a few hours to dig it with diminishing returns, have one trained engineer use a machine to do the job in half an hour tops. Need a field of trees cleared? Instead of giving slaves who have most likely never fell a tree before the tools to cut them down, have a small crew of engineers to knock them down with heavy machinery, attach chains, and drag them away. It's a lot safer and time efficient.

March 8th, 2008, 07:06 AM
need to weave a couple of hundred carpets? do you have some gardening to do? or just need someone to clean your dishes? instead of emploing one skilled engineer who makes good use of automated machinery for minimum wage, grab yourself a bunch of mexicans instead. theyll weave your carpets, mow your lawn clean your plates and tiolets for a meal a day. still not cheap enough? employ minors then. same work, half the food.

March 8th, 2008, 08:42 AM
actually it was a few youtube videos and a couple wikipedia sites :D
Links or shut the fuck up.


anyways I wasn't posting this topic saying the goivernment was out to get us or anything, I was just posting this video hoping to find your opinions about it.


That's right, complete with furnaces.. :gonk:

It can't be like the camps they have for illegal immigrants because this one is way up in indiana. and If FEMA is using this to actually 'Help' people in times of emergency, then why the hell does it have barbed wire at the top of the fencing to keep people in?

This may be an old video, but still, WTF?
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you think the government's out to get you.

March 8th, 2008, 09:24 AM
ILLEGALcheatsMAN, you are right.

The government is out to get you.

In fact, just you.

Turn around. We have sent our...guards...to capture you.

Do not resist. You will not survive.

And you never saw anything here. Any of you.

Understood? Good.


March 8th, 2008, 10:52 AM
Wanna tell that to the soldiers who have died in combat in the Middle East? Those faction wars in South America beg to differ as well.

Battling over-zealous people who WANT to die and are willing to sacrafice themselves and everyone around them and battling pissed off red necks with hunting rifles is a BIG difference.

Should the military be called to subdue the populace, the populace would not stand a chance.

March 8th, 2008, 11:13 AM
Wanna tell that to the soldiers who have died in combat in the Middle East?

A large portion of insugency operations are lead by former members of Saddam's army, they are familiar with tactics and techniques, know where ammo and explosive dumps are, and have had no trouble emptying them in the past.

Secret facilities are always creepy. As with most things, if you're fixing your evidence around a belief, you'll find some.

March 8th, 2008, 11:45 AM
Should the military be called to subdue the populace, the populace would not stand a chance.
You're assuming that people in the military are brain washed to obey a certain person's every breathing command. You're assuming wrong http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-colbert.gif