View Full Version : Halo Xbox Cd?
March 7th, 2008, 03:19 PM
ok, i don't know if this illegal. but here it goes.:rolleyes:
I remember seeing a tutorial along time ago on how to make your own Halo Xbox CD but now i seem to have misplaced the Webiste address, so could someone point me in the right direction.
P.S. i have tried searching, but no luck :(
Mr Buckshot
March 7th, 2008, 10:11 PM
1. Halo PC
2. You can find a pre-played copy for $5 USD or less. Get on the bus, go to EB, and buy the damn game.
3. Brand-new copies cost $10-$15, if your local area doesn't have any stores that sell pre-played titles.
4. Yes, I think it's illegal if you don't already own the Halo Xbox game. However, if you own the game and the disc was scratched or something, then you have every right to download the Halo Xbox game and burn it (you need a modded Xbox to read the disc).
March 7th, 2008, 10:15 PM
But, isn't a modded Xbox illegal...
Mr Buckshot
March 7th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Not true, quite a few CMT team members modded their Xboxes, but for the purpose of running custom user-created Halo Xbox content. As long as you aren't modding to read pirated discs, it's ok. Heck, some people managed to put emulators of older consoles ON the Xbox itself.
March 8th, 2008, 03:30 AM
Heck, some people managed to put emulators of older consoles ON the Xbox itself.
heh, if you think thats impressive, you don't know much about the modded xbox-scene.
March 8th, 2008, 03:37 AM
heh, if you think thats impressive, you don't know much about the modded xbox-scene.
aye, i second that. sweet apps like dashboards ](unleashX is my fav), xbox media center, etc etc
anyways the way i see it, if theres no money involved and you own your xbox and games, then modding it and making backups of your game causes no harm. my opinion.
March 8th, 2008, 07:26 AM
Everyone in the United States needs to shut up who says that modding your Xbox is illegal.
Grow the fuck up and learn.
Dr Nick
March 8th, 2008, 02:48 PM
Not true, quite a few CMT team members modded their Xboxes, but for the purpose of running custom user-created Halo Xbox content. As long as you aren't modding to read pirated discs, it's ok. Heck, some people managed to put emulators of older consoles ON the Xbox itself.That's not very hard, I've got a N64 emulator and a GBA emulator on mine! Although, I only have games that I legally own.
March 8th, 2008, 03:14 PM
Everyone in the United States needs to shut up who says that modding your Xbox is illegal.
Grow the fuck up and learn.
EULA states that modifying the dashboard software (and/or BIOS, i think) is illegal.
...completely replacing it, however, is not. :D
The worst that happens with XBox modding is:
1) LIVE/Matchmaking (Halo) ban.
2) You brick your box
3) Warranty is voided
March 8th, 2008, 06:37 PM
I didn't agree to anything meester, so there
Mr Buckshot
March 9th, 2008, 03:02 AM
I know that MY old xbox (sold long ago) was that I could see the Juggernaut thing in Halo 2, lol. Never touched the innards of my 360 yet due to the warranty.
Well Mr. emma watson liker, I suggest you prove you own the old Halo xbox game first before you ask about burning it any more.
March 9th, 2008, 04:58 PM
well i have bought halo! lol i'm trying to find the tutorial so i don't have to buy halo anymore.. i have bought it like 2-3times now...:mad:
my brothers throw my CD's around alot. so they get all screwed up.
some help would bve awesome:) omg how do i prove i bought it?
P.S. sorry for taking so long on the reply, i was gone all weekend.
Mr Buckshot
March 9th, 2008, 05:07 PM
Write your username in pen on piece of paper, crinkle the paper a bit (so we know it's not PS'ed), and place it next to the game. Then photograph it.
And slap your brother and keep your discs in a place where he can't reach them. Tell your parents to stop him. I mean, I was a pretty destructive kid when I was two or three years old and my parents and sister simply kept their fragile stuff in safe areas to avoid their destruction.
How to burn the game: .php
Use Nero or Alcohol. Obtain an ISO (I won't give you the link since other visiting users might use it for piracy) and burn it. But first and foremost, you need to mod your Xbox, as the standard un-modded model won't even read burned music CDs.
March 13th, 2008, 01:06 PM
ok, never mind, sounds way to annoying... i'll pass. thanks for your help though. :)
March 13th, 2008, 09:40 PM
way too annoying? its mad simple, and quick..
or you just dont own the game :p /sarcasm
March 16th, 2008, 01:15 AM
Everyone in the United States needs to shut up who says that modding your Xbox is illegal.
Grow the fuck up and learn.Depends on what you do...
DMCA is such a hole-filled piece of shit it's ridiculous.
You can get sued for 125,000$ + 5 years prison for even talking about the shift key. (The shift key in Windows -- maybe not Vista -- disables Autorun. If used to cancel the automatic running of DRM software on CDs... such as Sony's rootkit... you can be sued for 125,000$ and get 5 years of federal prison... or even talking about it like I am now. Yes, you heard me perfectly clear -- you can get sued for 125,000$ and get 5 years of federal prison for telling someone how to NOT get their computer infected with a rootkit.) {Note: I believe it's 125,000$ -- not entirely sure though. I do know it's 5 years federal prison and a 6-digit fine.}
Hence: In the USA -- just about everything is illegal if you take all laws, including old legacy laws, 100% literally and/or extrapolate their gray-area.
Luckily in the USA it's ALSO final jurisdiction of a judge to deem whether the law is applicable and/or reasonable. I doubt many judges will convict you of protecting your computer from a virus. And even if they do -- there's always appeals... and likely the judge will get penalized and/or investigated in some way shape or form.
March 16th, 2008, 03:05 AM
DMCA is such a hole-filled piece of shit it's ridiculous.
You can get sued for 125,000$ + 5 years prison for even talking about the shift key. (The shift key in Windows -- maybe not Vista -- disables Autorun. If used to cancel the automatic running of DRM software on CDs... such as Sony's rootkit... you can be sued for 125,000$ and get 5 years of federal prison... or even talking about it like I am now. Yes, you heard me perfectly clear -- you can get sued for 125,000$ and get 5 years of federal prison for telling someone how to NOT get their computer infected with a rootkit.) {Note: I believe it's 125,000$ -- not entirely sure though. I do know it's 5 years federal prison and a 6-digit fine.}
To test said theory, I am emailing the DMCA right now and reporting you.
March 16th, 2008, 10:10 AM
way too annoying? its mad simple, and quick..
or you just dont own the game :p /sarcasm
Who dosen't own the game? It's only like 5 bucks used at a game stop. And yes for a fact i know HE own's the game. I think he's afraid of screwing up the disk.
March 17th, 2008, 03:34 PM
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