Echo Ranger 449
March 12th, 2008, 07:26 PM
I'm trying to do a single player script for two spartans- one will man the kestrel's turret, the other will drive the thing.
I test out the script with just the driver. I give him control of the back turret. Works out great. He goes around killing the banshees at the beginning of the level, then regroups with the rest of my allies, helping to take out the enemy on the ground.
Now I decide to give the gunner seat back its powers and add a gunner to the seat. The gunner will not spawn, or if he does, he spawns at the default location (the ai encounter I created is "not initially placed" and is spawned using the ai_place script- however, I created one starting position).
Here is what my script looks like:
(ai_place pilots/gunner )
(ai_place pilots/pilot )
(vehicle_load_magic escort "driver" (ai_actors pilots/pilot ))
(vehicle_load_magic escort "gunner" (ai_actors pilots/gunner ))
(object_teleport escort insertion_escort_flag )
(ai_follow_target_unit pilots/pilot insertion_pelican_1 )
So I thought, hey maybe the vehicle will only accept one "vehicle load". So I swapped the vehicle loads around so the gunner goes in first.
The pilot still spawned in the seat and drove the kestrel. So I must be doing something wrong with the marker name. I check the marker name and it's the same. I also checked for AI noncombatants. Also, when I get in the kestrel, the spartans can also.
I test out the script with just the driver. I give him control of the back turret. Works out great. He goes around killing the banshees at the beginning of the level, then regroups with the rest of my allies, helping to take out the enemy on the ground.
Now I decide to give the gunner seat back its powers and add a gunner to the seat. The gunner will not spawn, or if he does, he spawns at the default location (the ai encounter I created is "not initially placed" and is spawned using the ai_place script- however, I created one starting position).
Here is what my script looks like:
(ai_place pilots/gunner )
(ai_place pilots/pilot )
(vehicle_load_magic escort "driver" (ai_actors pilots/pilot ))
(vehicle_load_magic escort "gunner" (ai_actors pilots/gunner ))
(object_teleport escort insertion_escort_flag )
(ai_follow_target_unit pilots/pilot insertion_pelican_1 )
So I thought, hey maybe the vehicle will only accept one "vehicle load". So I swapped the vehicle loads around so the gunner goes in first.
The pilot still spawned in the seat and drove the kestrel. So I must be doing something wrong with the marker name. I check the marker name and it's the same. I also checked for AI noncombatants. Also, when I get in the kestrel, the spartans can also.