March 12th, 2008, 08:44 PM
Well I want to learn how to script. I have searched but I don't know which tutorials would apply to what I want to make. Also don't know if I need any prior knowledge about the Halo CE engine. Anyways here is my idea, I want to make it, so can someone show me the way to some tuts.
Idea brought up:
[size=1]--- Original message by: ILLEGALLcheatsMAN[/size=1]
What I think would be good is to make invisible setinel ai withough collision, sound, nor weapons, allthough There could be a way to script them so if you are aiming exactly on them for 2.5 seconds they will fire a one hit killing beam, and you could edit the strings instead of saying "(name) was killed by the guardians" to say
"(name) was killed for being an aimbotter, I suggest you ban him"Jay's script:
[size=1]--- Original message by: Jay2645[/size=1]
I wrote said script a while ago.
Unfortunately, it only works if you are MAKING a map, not if you are in a dedicated server.
(script continuous antiaimbot
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 0)) "head" biped1 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 1)) "head" biped2 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 2)) "head" biped3 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 3)) "head" biped4 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 4)) "head" biped5 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 5)) "head" biped6 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 6)) "head" biped7 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 7)) "head" biped8 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 8)) "head" biped9 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 9)) "head" biped10 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 10)) "head" biped11 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 11)) "head" biped12 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 12)) "head" biped13 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 13)) "head" biped14 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 14)) "head" biped15 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 15)) "head" biped16 "right hand")
I lost the invisible biped needed for that script to work, you would have to make it yourself.
[size=1]--- Original message by: Jay2645[/size=1]
The invisible biped's hand is RIGHT in front of the camera, forcing the camera to turn left to target the nearest target. As you move, so does it, so it keeps chasing the biped, rendering an aimbot useless.
Unless you let go of Shift, it will either crash the server or give you an exception from spinning too quickly.My Idea (By combining the two mentioned above):
Yes the aimbot aims at the head but you can always make it aim somewhere else by lowering the height. I saw a pic of one of the aimbots and has a FOV option, a height option, lead option, and distance option. So yeah you can duplicate the bipeds but also wouldn't that just lag up the server. I personally like that setinal idea earlier. That would actually be the best thread against aimbots. We just need a better way of detecting them other than staring at them for 2 seconds. Maybe combine it with this script. I don't remember whose it is.
The invisible biped's hand is RIGHT in front of the camera, forcing the camera to turn left to target the nearest target. As you move, so does it, so it keeps chasing the biped, rendering an aimbot useless.
Unless you let go of Shift, it will either crash the server or give you an exception from spinning too quickly
So basically have the invisible biped's hand be the setinal and so if you lock onto it for 2 seconds it will instantly kill you and announce it to the world that you bot. Basically it eliminates the possibility of false accusation and server crashing. Because 2 seconds won't do that.
Idea brought up:
[size=1]--- Original message by: ILLEGALLcheatsMAN[/size=1]
What I think would be good is to make invisible setinel ai withough collision, sound, nor weapons, allthough There could be a way to script them so if you are aiming exactly on them for 2.5 seconds they will fire a one hit killing beam, and you could edit the strings instead of saying "(name) was killed by the guardians" to say
"(name) was killed for being an aimbotter, I suggest you ban him"Jay's script:
[size=1]--- Original message by: Jay2645[/size=1]
I wrote said script a while ago.
Unfortunately, it only works if you are MAKING a map, not if you are in a dedicated server.
(script continuous antiaimbot
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 0)) "head" biped1 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 1)) "head" biped2 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 2)) "head" biped3 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 3)) "head" biped4 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 4)) "head" biped5 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 5)) "head" biped6 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 6)) "head" biped7 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 7)) "head" biped8 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 8)) "head" biped9 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 9)) "head" biped10 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 10)) "head" biped11 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 11)) "head" biped12 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 12)) "head" biped13 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 13)) "head" biped14 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 14)) "head" biped15 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 15)) "head" biped16 "right hand")
I lost the invisible biped needed for that script to work, you would have to make it yourself.
[size=1]--- Original message by: Jay2645[/size=1]
The invisible biped's hand is RIGHT in front of the camera, forcing the camera to turn left to target the nearest target. As you move, so does it, so it keeps chasing the biped, rendering an aimbot useless.
Unless you let go of Shift, it will either crash the server or give you an exception from spinning too quickly.My Idea (By combining the two mentioned above):
Yes the aimbot aims at the head but you can always make it aim somewhere else by lowering the height. I saw a pic of one of the aimbots and has a FOV option, a height option, lead option, and distance option. So yeah you can duplicate the bipeds but also wouldn't that just lag up the server. I personally like that setinal idea earlier. That would actually be the best thread against aimbots. We just need a better way of detecting them other than staring at them for 2 seconds. Maybe combine it with this script. I don't remember whose it is.
The invisible biped's hand is RIGHT in front of the camera, forcing the camera to turn left to target the nearest target. As you move, so does it, so it keeps chasing the biped, rendering an aimbot useless.
Unless you let go of Shift, it will either crash the server or give you an exception from spinning too quickly
So basically have the invisible biped's hand be the setinal and so if you lock onto it for 2 seconds it will instantly kill you and announce it to the world that you bot. Basically it eliminates the possibility of false accusation and server crashing. Because 2 seconds won't do that.