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View Full Version : American Heart Association

March 13th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Hello folks, I'll keep my typing brief, but the post semi-long.

Taken from good ol' Gearbox Forums: with a few changes... (http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=62965)

Hi, some of you know me, most of you don't.

My school participated in the “Hoops for Heart” and “Jump Rope for Heart” events, again, that are associated with the American Heart Association. To keep it simple, this association’s goal is to fight heart disease , cardiovascular disease, and stroke (all-in-all fighting obesity). My school (and many other schools in the U.S.) are donating money to them and are invested like so:

Public Health Education----40.6%
Professional Education.......11.7%
Community Service….….......6.1%
Fund Raising…………….......…13.0%
Management & General…..….7.2%

I myself will be in the Jump Rope for Heart event (wish me luck on Friday, I’m going to break 300=) still. It turns out that jumping rope will raise more money during the event, what is the rate? I really do not know.

Q: What the hell does this have to do with me?
A: Because the schools is trying to raise funds (and to beat last year’s total donations of…$16,000…), I would like to ask you GBX’ers to donate as little as one or two dollars (I would say five dollars but really, your choice)

Q: Really…well…this is obviously a scam…how will I pay you?
A: Via paypal. If y-

Q: WTF? What a ****** scam!!!! IM REPORTIN JOO k?
A: If you let me finish my sentence please…
If you went to their site (or my damn little sub-website they made me set up in which you ALSO have to sign up in) the minimum you can donate (WITH a credit/debit card ONLY) is $25 dollars, I don't think many people would donate that much if I'm giving them a chance to donate one to two dollars

Q: http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/images/smilies/gbxomg.gif?
A: Yeah, that’s why I’m asking you guys to donate one or two dollars (or five) so it can accumulate to (or more then) $25 dollars =) So when it’s time, I will transfer all the money to my bank account, write a check to them (if it didn’t add up to $25, then I will use my own money) and voila.

Q: What will I get in return?
A: Well, my gratitude and...be glad that you're taking part in helping in raising funds for those who are suffering No.1 and No.3 American killers, heart disease and stroke. You also get what usually get in return when you donate, which I don't know what that would be.

Q: What about No.2?

Isn't that Lung Cancer? Actually I don't know why they didnt say No.2, but a #1 and #3 is still on the top.

Q: Tax deductions?
A: Only if you donate more than $250 dollars, I'm serious, it says it on the flap of the sheet I have.

Q: What’s your Paypal email account?
A; sil3ntdarkn355@yahoo.com

Q: Anything else?
I'll need your name to put under the section "Sponsor's Name" but paying by paypal will most likely show it, I think.

Q: Just $1-$2 or more?

So all in all, please donate one or two dollars via paypal at this crappy e-mail address: sil3ntdarkn355@yahoo.com

If you have any questions or concerns, try to contact me here, by e-mail, IM, or some other way. And NO, this is NOT a scam for me to gradually get rich from all of you donating one dollar to me Paypal account. Although I really want that iPhone, but I highly doubt I'll raise enough for one.

Think of all the people with has heart disease, cardiovascular disease and gone through strokes. I'm not the only one doing this, but, don't you think every dollar counts?

For more info...go here americanheart.org (http://americanheart.org/)

...and if you want to check out the jump rope section =) americanheart.org/jump (http://americanheart.org/jump)

Yes it's a bit childish but, hey, my school signed up.

Last time I was able to raise $20 for myself and my school's total was around $740. One guy from GBX was able to donate $2, I got $18 from myself, family and friends =) Let's try to top that 20 and reach...$30!

I'd like to at least thank you for reading this post.

March 13th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Did this in 3rd grade... thought it was gay.

But good luck with your fund raising. :)

March 13th, 2008, 07:27 PM
Donate so we can fix atty, he says he wasn't feeling well :(

March 13th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Oh ya, Atty =( Poor guy, maybe the aspirations of AHA could help him.

March 13th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Donate so we can fix atty, he says he wasn't feeling well :(
atticus doesn't put out anymore :mad:

March 14th, 2008, 11:50 AM
atticus doesn't put out anymore :mad:
b/c he can't grow into it :-/