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Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 12:24 AM
First of all,
The rooster teeth website is down!!!
second of all,
emmzee is bant :'(

March 15th, 2008, 12:27 AM
Today, we're going to talk about a little thing called bullshit.

Today at approximately 10:59 PM EST, I decided to visit the Halo 2 Vista forums, a place I frequent, when I'm greeted by this message:

You have been banned for the following reason:
Honestly, we've detained you what? Twice? And told you to cut out the shit posting? I looked through your recent posts and most of them were shit posts. You've got 6 days, March 20th you are unbanned. Okay? Enjoy the vacation, see you soon babe.

Talk about bullshit. There was ONE motherfucking “shitpost.” I got warned for it, accumulating one warming point. I need 5 to be temp banned. Only ONE of my posts was a shit post. You can see it right here. Also, when I was banned (accidentally, or so Jcap said – like I believe that bullshit) last time, it said who banned me – Jcap. This time, nothing. The style of the writing in the ban message leads me to believe it was Atty, but he wasn't on the forums at the approximate time of banning, nor was he on AIM. They made it look like it was Atty, who usually stands up for me, but I won't fall for their bullshit. Timo gave me the warning, so it seems unlikely that he would ban me after giving me the warning. That leaves TheGhost, who I can rule out, for he hardly ever does jack shit but pay for the site, Jcap, p0lar, who I have been cool with for something like a year and a half now, and the most likely candidate: Zeph. Zeph put me into detention the first time, and he's the “tough” moderator at these forums.

What do I mean when I talk about a “tough” moderator? Well, every forum large enough has different kinds of moderators: A “nice” one, who everybody likes and who always says he's sorry for giving out warnings, bannings, etc., an “indifferent” one, who you hardly ever hear from, and gives justified warnings/bannings, but nobody really knows a lot about, an “AFK” one, who is hardly ever active, and a “tough” one, who everybody hates and calls a faggot, yet he doesn't seem to care. Now, it is the duty of the “tough” moderator to do as much as possible to gain ire from the community, thus making all the other moderators seem to be as good as possible. A “tough” moderator is the ultimate troll: one who has actual power. Zeph is a troll. He is also a moderator. By banning a popular member for a single shit post WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN WARNED, he is getting much ire from the community.

In short, this is bullshit.
message from emmy

March 15th, 2008, 12:35 AM
Zeph is tough? He should be happy Snaf was never made a mod...

March 15th, 2008, 12:38 AM
i would strike down so many of you for shitposts it wouldn't even be funny. i would guess it has something to do with just about every one of his post being a penis or gay joke. that's shitposting right there.

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 12:39 AM
Zeph is tough? He should be happy Snaf was never made a mod...


March 15th, 2008, 12:43 AM
oh damnit.

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 12:47 AM
Lol What did I do this time?

March 15th, 2008, 12:49 AM
The important part is not the particular instance but your continuing pattern of supreme failure.

March 15th, 2008, 12:49 AM
make me look like even more of a nazi ok.

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 12:50 AM
thy wants me to remove?
if so i will

March 15th, 2008, 12:50 AM
i wouldnt say tough, so much as retarded.

like my detention.
1. create a thread to work out some difference's with the admins ect.
2. warned, locked, moved to detention.
3. post in thread to work out my differences with the admins.


look i aint no saint when it comes to posting, nor do i have any desire to be so. when a good thread comes up i'll throw in my two sense and try to not sound like an idiot, but after we lost people like, Aggy, Rossmum, Textrat ect. we lost those particular intellectual based threads.

sure theres a diamond in the rough occasionally but thats too far away, or takes to long to happen to encourage the kind of continual intelligent posting you'd appreciate snaf.

hence why most the time i just dribble shit, laugh at stupid pictures and make Gay jokes with other members.
because without that this site doesnt have much more to offer.


March 15th, 2008, 12:52 AM
yeah, no good intellectual or philosophical discussions anymore.

March 15th, 2008, 12:54 AM
i wouldnt say tough, so much as retarded.

like my detention.
1. create a thread to work out some difference's with the admins ect.
2. warned, locked, moved to detention.
3. post in thread to work out my differences with the admins.


look i aint no saint when it comes to posting, nor do i have any desire to be so. when a good thread comes up i'll throw in my two sense and try to not sound like an idiot, but after we lost people like, Aggy, Rossmum, Textrat ect. we lost those particular intellectual based threads.

sure theres a diamond in the rough occasionally but thats too far away, or takes to long to happen to encourage the kind of continual intelligent posting you'd appreciate snaf.

hence why most the time i just dribble shit, laugh at stupid pictures and make Gay jokes with other members.
because without that this site doesnt have much more to offer.


o plz zil, u don't do it in excess like SOME people :glomp:

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 12:54 AM
Atleast we dont have the :awesome: smiley whoring anymore

March 15th, 2008, 12:55 AM
o plz zil, u don't do it in excess like SOME people :glomp:
too many acronyms in that post meister.
warn increased by 1.

March 15th, 2008, 01:11 AM
Hey, my shit posts are the only ones I ever get +rep for, so I'm tending to make more of them now.

March 15th, 2008, 01:14 AM
Ain't that unfortunate
Just remember, Emmzee got banned for shitposts :o

March 15th, 2008, 01:18 AM
[16:14] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: please quote the proceeding rant.
[16:15] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: The reason the forums don't improve is simple: it's full of idiots and shit posters.
[16:15] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Whenever someone tries to do something intelligent, they get ridicule and the thread gets derailed.
[16:15] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Sure, I'm to blame for this sometimes, but who isn't?
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: If I used the reason I got banned as a precedent, then roughly half of the people active in Off Topic should be perma banned by now.
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: but are they?
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: No.
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Why?
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Because Zeph is a faggot.
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Also, banning everyone would kill the forums.
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: So what do they do?
[16:16] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: They intentionally create an uproar.
[16:17] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Why?
[16:17] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Fuck if I know.
[16:17] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: But they still do it.
[16:17] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: And with that, I'm gone.
[16:17] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: Goodnight.
[16:17] <This user is now offline>
you should never go to bed angry..........

March 15th, 2008, 02:07 AM
too many acronyms in that post meister.
warn increased by 1.
Acronyms? "SOME" was an inside reference?

March 15th, 2008, 02:52 AM
Acronyms? "SOME" was an inside reference?
excuse my french.


March 15th, 2008, 05:07 AM
First of all,
The rooster teeth website is down!!!
second of all,
emmzee is bant :'(

ftfu >:3

March 15th, 2008, 07:13 AM
... epic fail.


March 15th, 2008, 07:39 AM
big fucking dramabomb

March 15th, 2008, 08:06 AM
big fucking dramabomb
ftfu >:3

March 15th, 2008, 10:17 AM
... why do I care? Oh, wait. I don't. Back to my coding...

March 15th, 2008, 10:24 AM
I'll never understand people on these boards. They complain when someone gets away with shit-posting and they complain when the rules are enforced.

And oh, dont post for banned users.

March 15th, 2008, 10:26 AM
I lol'd at his shit posting though :\

March 15th, 2008, 10:26 AM
so he admits to shitposting and now he's crying because he got banned for it?


Pyong Kawaguchi
March 15th, 2008, 10:30 AM
emmzee was one of the few reasons to visit this board.
He posted funny stuff.

March 15th, 2008, 10:32 AM
Acronyms? "SOME" was an inside reference?

Now what rock did you crawl out from under.

March 15th, 2008, 12:07 PM
Its only 6 days, cry me a fucking river emmzee, get over it.

I've never fully agreed with Zeph's ways, but he is a good moderator.

March 15th, 2008, 12:24 PM

March 15th, 2008, 12:55 PM
so he admits to shitposting and now he's crying because he got banned for it again?



March 15th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Today, we're going to talk about a little thing called bullshit.

Today at approximately 10:59 PM EST, I decided to visit the Halo 2 Vista forums, a place I frequent, when I'm greeted by this message:

You have been banned for the following reason:
Honestly, we've detained you what? Twice? And told you to cut out the shit posting? I looked through your recent posts and most of them were shit posts. You've got 6 days, March 20th you are unbanned. Okay? Enjoy the vacation, see you soon babe.

Talk about bullshit. There was ONE motherfucking “shitpost.” I got warned for it, accumulating one warming point. I need 5 to be temp banned. Only ONE of my posts was a shit post. You can see it right here. Also, when I was banned (accidentally, or so Jcap said – like I believe that bullshit) last time, it said who banned me – Jcap. This time, nothing. The style of the writing in the ban message leads me to believe it was Atty, but he wasn't on the forums at the approximate time of banning, nor was he on AIM. They made it look like it was Atty, who usually stands up for me, but I won't fall for their bullshit. Timo gave me the warning, so it seems unlikely that he would ban me after giving me the warning. That leaves TheGhost, who I can rule out, for he hardly ever does jack shit but pay for the site, Jcap, p0lar, who I have been cool with for something like a year and a half now, and the most likely candidate: Zeph. Zeph put me into detention the first time, and he's the “tough” moderator at these forums.

What do I mean when I talk about a “tough” moderator? Well, every forum large enough has different kinds of moderators: A “nice” one, who everybody likes and who always says he's sorry for giving out warnings, bannings, etc., an “indifferent” one, who you hardly ever hear from, and gives justified warnings/bannings, but nobody really knows a lot about, an “AFK” one, who is hardly ever active, and a “tough” one, who everybody hates and calls a faggot, yet he doesn't seem to care. Now, it is the duty of the “tough” moderator to do as much as possible to gain ire from the community, thus making all the other moderators seem to be as good as possible. A “tough” moderator is the ultimate troll: one who has actual power. Zeph is a troll. He is also a moderator. By banning a popular member for a single shit post WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN WARNED, he is getting much ire from the community.

In short, this is bullshit.
Your ignorance is absolutely mind-boggling. Your assumptions about everything are childish and completely inaccurate. You refuse to accept the truth and to improve on your habits. Now, let's take this from the top...

There is no "law" in place for us saying that we have to use infractions until someone is banned. Since the revision of the rules, it was never intended that way. The only reason for the infractions is to keep a record of people's bad posts which don't exactly constitute a ban, but need action done about them. Just because you have one active infraction doesn't mean that your other posts aren't just as bad as the one which received the infraction. If you really want, we can go through and give them all infractions, but then I guarantee you would never come back.

We detained you THREE TIMES about this. There are three threads in the detention forum from 11/14/2007, 11/25/2007, and 2/18/2008. All three times you promised you would cut your shit and improve the quality of your posts, yet you DID NOT. Tell me how this is bullshit? You've been given more lives than a cat and you still complain.

It also seems you made a mistake in the consistency of your "logic." You still refuse to accept the fact that your last banning was a mistake, even though the situation was fully explained in detail and is very easy to understand how something can go wrong. You state that I banned you, then a few more sentences down you state that Zeph was the one who threw you away.

All you are trying to do right now is single out a moderator and put the blame on them for your ban, even though it is your own fault. Right off the bat, I'll tell you that Zeph didn't ban you. Now you can make up another excuse to not like him. Why does it matter if a moderator is tough? Isn't that what everyone claimed we needed back in December? I'd love to know where you are even coming up with that childish statement that he is a troll, because I can't see that anywhere. Also, there is no ire towards him, or anyone for that matter, for your banning.

The only bullshit here is your post history.

March 15th, 2008, 01:11 PM
o snap

March 15th, 2008, 01:24 PM
I can't believe that people actually CARE about their status on forums... It is after all, the internet.

March 15th, 2008, 01:24 PM
About time Emmzee was banned. I couldn't stand his "jokes". And before people jump on the "too many good people have been banned" bandwagon, these boards have improved ever since Rossmum and Aggy were banned, I don't see how you can argue that the admins are hurting this community.

March 15th, 2008, 01:40 PM
I can't believe that people actually CARE about their status on forums... It is after all, the internet.
Quoted for great truth.

In real life, I don't care much about my e-peen, the shiny 3 bars of rep I have, or HCE in general. It won't change my life in any way. It's the internet. A series of tubes. Nothing special.

March 15th, 2008, 02:49 PM
Why so serious?

Pretty much sums up my view. Emmzee, Ross, Aggy, all the usual suspects, the general no-good-nicks, they made/make it fun to come here. Perhaps it's an aquired taste, but I like their particular brand of foolishness. Just my 10 cents, since everybody's throwing opinions in here. If the mods think they're too out of hand, so be it.

March 15th, 2008, 02:50 PM
Your ignorance is absolutely mind-boggling. Your assumptions about everything are childish and completely inaccurate. You refuse to accept the truth and to improve on your habits. Now, let's take this from the top...

Now I'm 100% positive they're accurate. I mean, to get a response like that...

There is no "law" in place for us saying that we have to use infractions until someone is banned. Since the revision of the rules, it was never intended that way. The only reason for the infractions is to keep a record of people's bad posts which don't exactly constitute a ban, but need action done about them. Just because you have one active infraction doesn't mean that your other posts aren't just as bad as the one which received the infraction. If you really want, we can go through and give them all infractions, but then I guarantee you would never come back.

I can't argue with this, but one point? Come on. If my other posts were as bad as that one, shouldn't they have been warned too? Good job using your “logic” there.

We detained you THREE TIMES about this. There are three threads in the detention forum from 11/14/2007, 11/25/2007, and 2/18/2008. All three times you promised you would cut your shit and improve the quality of your posts, yet you DID NOT. Tell me how this is bullshit? You've been given more lives than a cat and you still complain.

I complain because I made one bad post, not several as the ban message said I did. That's why it was bullshit. In fact, I don't see why the banning was necessary at all. I get warned for something, I stop doing it. FACT. And, yes I did improve the quality of my posts. Overall, my shit post to good post ratio was significantly lower each time after I was put in detention. But you wouldn't want to hear about that, because it might destroy your “argument.”

It also seems you made a mistake in the consistency of your "logic." You still refuse to accept the fact that your last banning was a mistake, even though the situation was fully explained in detail and is very easy to understand how something can go wrong. You state that I banned you, then a few more sentences down you state that Zeph was the one who threw you away.

You banned me the first time. The second time, it was Zeph. Way to read what I wrote. Oh wait.

All you are trying to do right now is single out a moderator and put the blame on them for your ban, even though it is your own fault. Right off the bat, I'll tell you that Zeph didn't ban you. Now you can make up another excuse to not like him. Why does it matter if a moderator is tough? Isn't that what everyone claimed we needed back in December? I'd love to know where you are even coming up with that childish statement that he is a troll, because I can't see that anywhere. Also, there is no ire towards him, or anyone for that matter, for your banning.

Wrong again. I'm singling out the whole bullshit moderation system you have in place. He's a troll in how he aggressively handles users, and if anyone does anything against him, he squashes it.

The only bullshit here is your post history.

The only bullshit here is your banning policy.

March 15th, 2008, 02:52 PM

March 15th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Seems to me that whenever the forums get quiet, some dramabomb involving a moderator happens. Conspiracy?

March 15th, 2008, 02:53 PM
I warned you for that tl;dr post, and then the mod team decided to off for 6 days since most of your posts were generally crappy.

Also, I'm not sure how you can say now that this:
"By banning a popular member for a single shit post WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN WARNED, he is getting much ire from the community."
Is for a previous ban, not this one - when your other bans iirc have been from accumulated points.

March 15th, 2008, 02:55 PM
It's only for 6 days, what's his problem?

March 15th, 2008, 02:57 PM
I kind of don't want this closed. This could be interesting to watch :(

*Reaches for the popcorn*

March 15th, 2008, 02:58 PM
Also, keep this crap into one thread. You're lucky enough that's been left open. :|

March 15th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Hey, my shit posts are the only ones I ever get +rep for, so I'm tending to make more of them now.

That just proves that we have a lot of "shitheads" here.

March 15th, 2008, 03:05 PM
Dont post for banned users.

March 15th, 2008, 03:07 PM
I dont even know why this is being discussed. The user in question has had plenty of chances to comply, but has failed to do so. End of discussion.

March 15th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Emmzee's ban has been extended two weeks, pending permanent.