View Full Version : Blood.

March 17th, 2008, 12:15 AM
oh hi gaiz watd i miss lol

Basically, I've been working on some new blood effects, since I'm a sadistic freak like that. (For specifics, see conspicuously small text at end of post.) At first I tried replicating Halo 3, but I eventually just went off on my own tangent. But I know you guys don't care how I made them, so here's some screens and descriptions. And for the interested, these are 256x256 each, as opposed to the old 64x64 each.

Note: If you're the guy who turns decals off when you play solely because you don't like seeing all the splats, steer clear, as this will hold no interest to you.

First off, grunts. I've taken the liberty of adding some purple to the normally light-blue blood, which is not only reflected in the decals but in the actual bleeding effect, too.


And yes, it still becomes partially transparent when you shine your flashlight on it. (It turned out looking better than I intended, actually.)


Ignore the horrible ragdoll physics acting on the Elite's face. Not much fancy here; same basic texture as the Grunt, but thanks to the wildly different characteristics, it's a little hard to tell. And no, that's not your browser; there's a big white box at the bottom of the picture for some reason.


More purple, but this time coming out of a Jackal.

I haven't got the human's effect working right, so none of that, and the Hunter is just like the Grunt, but orange. Haven't even started working on the Flood yet; it'll be a completely different style.

Effect-wise, I'm using the same droplets, but I've been trying to incorporate a bloody mist after being hit by a plasma weapon. Also, rather than simply creating a splatter below the hit, it'll create one behind the enemy if there's a wall (a la Half-Life), and I've mixed about 2 drops into the normal 15 or so which cause some smaller decals (they all have the same velocity, so it looks like all the ones are causing a single decal or two.) Grunt drops are now self-illuminating, too, and I've killed the mega-fountain that spews when you melee an Elite/Jackal.

Per usual, comments and criticism welcome, but don't be an asshole. >:X

I've upgraded my router to Wireless-G, but it took a month to get everything working smoothly. I remembered some old blood effects I was modifying in my internet-less boredom, decided to go ahead with it, and voila, here you go. Oh, and that Assault Rifle texture is one I cooked up a few months ago; I'm replacing it with a less dirty one once I finish working with the blood.

Also, why do you guys wait until I'm gone to do the interesting stuff? I come back and there's a Crysis board, the Gallery thread is locked, Korn seems to have h4xed the H2V engine, and there's probably a bunch of other drama that happened.

March 17th, 2008, 12:36 AM
get rid of the purple and the dark spots in the grunt blood decals, it looks horrible. the others are nice, though.

March 17th, 2008, 12:44 AM
Looks pretty good. We've been fooling with blood in CMT for ages. Mostly with coagulating effects which are pretty easy to re-create if you want me to show you.

March 17th, 2008, 12:50 AM
Actually, those were some of my first experiments; I had the more gooey, fresh, light blue overlay, and that would slowly fade into the more hardened, darker blue. Getting the darker one to look good was giving me hell, though, so I was postponing it unt-


Ooh, that gave me an idea. I'll work on it tomorrow.

March 17th, 2008, 12:51 AM
I still like mine


March 17th, 2008, 01:17 AM
...Also, rather than simply creating a splatter below the hit, it'll create one behind the enemy if there's a wall (a la Half-Life),...

I thought it already did that by default, at least with human/cyborg blood. I've unloaded many a shotgun shell into idle teammates on Non-FF servers who were standing by a wall. What a mess :suicide:

March 17th, 2008, 05:17 AM
Make it glow...while you're at it...add HDRL :v

March 17th, 2008, 06:09 AM
Make it glow...while you're at it...add HDRL :v
Fuck, don't stop there, make it form into a single liquid mass and then retract back into it's rightful owner, T-1000 style :downs:

March 17th, 2008, 06:23 AM
Very nice I'm liking

March 17th, 2008, 05:12 PM
Kenny: I still like your blood too, but mine's blue and transparent.http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/337/ninjaws7.gif

p0lar: That's actually true only for the shotgun's cyborg blood effects. Nearly all other effect files simply have the decal location marker set to "gravity," which is whatever happens to be below the object at the time of spawning; what I do is spawn a decal at the general "negative incident" location marker (basically, the opposite of "reflection"). As I said, the shotgun effect for the cyborg impact already did this; I simply applied it to Grunt, Human, and Elite categories for all weapons.

CrAsHOvErRide: Actually, I tried to make it glow by spawning a small, shaped lens flare along with the decal creation effect, but it looked pretty crappy and completely raped the framerate with all the spawning of flares, but the bitmap alpha usage ("component max" as opposed to elite/human "multiply") makes it entirely self-illuminated, negating the need for actual glow.

Korn: no u

As for my previously mentioned idea, I'm having the grunt splats start out nice and shiny blue, but fade to hardened and darkened redpurple after a bit; still ironing out the kinks, but once that's finished and I've got the human blood working, I'll show it off.

March 17th, 2008, 05:33 PM
I still like mine

that looks awesome, reminds me of cs

March 18th, 2008, 11:30 AM
nah, urs doesn't have that real kinda blood look, your blood looks more like blood from a tom cruise movie. looks ok tho :)

March 18th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Ya and yours looks so real with fluorescent blue and purple. ;)

March 18th, 2008, 10:45 PM

I've successfully crafted some decaying blood decals. So far I've only done it for the Grunt, but now that I know it works, I'll take care of the other guys.
Rather than simply fading from a bright one to a dark one, I have five different decals at work here (base decal, first decay stage, second decay stage, third, and last) which all spawn at the same time, but disappear at different rates. There's probably a more streamlined way to do this, but I think it works fine; not only that, but since there are four different decal possibilities for each stage, that leaves dozens of possible decay combinations, so that each time it looks a little different. Anyway, here's some screens.


Here's a fresh splatter. Pretty much the same as before. However, it'll start to dry out shortly, and in about a minute...


...The decal takes on a more purple/dark hue and begins to fade away around the edges slightly.


After another mintue or so, only the center is still bright glowing blue. The edges have completely dried, and some of the outer fuzz has completely disappeared.


Give it another two minutes, and you'll be left with this. This last phase will disappear into nothing.


Here, I've recently spilled some grunt guts over the walls and floor before going in and finding the security door below locked. I'll go down there, kill the Covenant, blast futilly at the Zealot for a bit while Foehammer and Keyes do their thing, and then come back up.


As you can see, in the time I've been gone, the decals have slowly worn away and darkened. This is how you'll probably notice them in-game, as opposed to my five-minute sitting session I detailed above.

Also, here's some pics of the Human and Hunter blood decals.

Obviously, the draw size here needs a little tweaking.


As I said, it's like the grunt, but orange.

And there you have it. I'll finish off the decay for the other decals, and then I'll get to work on some Flood decals; I want to have a completely different style (and definitely a different base texture) for them, so that could take a while.

Your thoughts are always appreciated, but please don't take that request out of context.

March 18th, 2008, 10:53 PM
I have to admit, those look fantastic.

March 18th, 2008, 11:00 PM
I think that the blood looks really cool, but the grunt blood seems to have to much vibrant purple. This is really impressive, I love the decaying. It looks even more natural than CMT's.

March 19th, 2008, 12:53 AM
Alright, I've run into my first unsolvable problem. Trying to decay the Elite's and Human's blood splatters is becoming very difficult; since the shader method (multiply) simply modifies whatever it's on top of rather than covering the texture (like component max), adding in darker decals darkens the ones above it too, making it look like only the last stage of decay is there. Yes, I've ordered the decal layers properly (last two are in primary, first one in secondary.)

Any thoughts on how to fix this? Using a component max/min method for the Elite/Human blood makes it look highly unrealistic and uncharacteristic, so I've already ruled that out.

(Oh, and I'm going to bed for the day, so don't expect for me to reply to any suggestions immediately.)

March 19th, 2008, 01:47 AM
Are these photos off the XBox version or is that actually Halo CE? If so...Why aren't our shaders looking like that hot shit?

Seriously, we make all of these shader restorations and stuff, but it NEVER looks close to the real thing! ;_; Why?

and I like the Human and Hunter Blood the most

March 19th, 2008, 02:20 PM
that is awesome

March 19th, 2008, 03:45 PM
Looks awesome, I love the human blood.