View Full Version : please help me fix my playlist

March 17th, 2008, 12:42 AM
hi guys im trying to set up an mlg server for the game but whenever i make a custom playlist i keep getting
tons of unknown settings errors in the cmd

this is it ,if you can help me id really appreciate it

;example playlist
;last updated Feb 2007
;ranking = no
;max players = 16
;Pregame Team Selection Delay=5
;Pregame Delay=5
;Postgame Delay=8


variant=Team Slayer
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Slayer
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Slayer
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
map=Beaver Creek
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Slayer
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Slayer
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Primary Turret=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Ball
Resolve Ties=Off
Score to Win Round=5 Minutes
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=Team Ball
Resolve Ties=Off
Score to Win Round=5 Minutes
Round Time Limit=15 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time
Weapons on Map=No Duals
minimum players=2
maximum players=8

variant=CTF Classic
Resolve Ties=Off
Round Time Limit=30 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Flag At Home to Score=Off
Flag Touch Return=Off
Flag Reset Time=10 Seconds
Flag Indicator=Off
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time

variant=CTF Classic
Resolve Ties=Off
Score to Win Round=5
Round Time Limit=30 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Flag Reset Time=15 Seconds
Flag Indicator=Off
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time

variant=CTF Classic
Resolve Ties=Off
Score to Win Round=5
Round Time Limit=30 Minutes
Motion Sensor=Off
Suicide Penalty=None
Team Changing=Off
Respawn Time Modifier=None
Betrayal Penalty=None
Flag Reset Time=15 Seconds
Flag Indicator=Off
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
Weapon Respawn Time=Double Time

variant=Free For All
Weapons on Map=Human
Score to Win Round=50
Round Time Limit=20 Minutes
Suicide Penalty=None
Starting Weapon=Battle Rifle
minimum players=8
maximum players=8

March 17th, 2008, 04:20 AM
no thats wrong. take a look at one of my old/basic ones. the top ones are custom variants/rules. the bottom ones are the actual PLAY list.

; yodogg

[custom variant]
name= team slayer
game type=Slayer
friendly fire=on
betrayal penalty=15 seconds
motion sensor=on
round time limit=none
score to win round=50
team play=on
team scoring=sum
team changing=on
suicide point loss=off
death point loss=off
respawn time=5 seconds
suicide penalty=10 seconds
weapons on map=new classic
starting weapon = Battle Rifle
secondary weapon = SMG

[custom variant]
base variant=ctf classic
round time limit=none
max active players=16
score to win round = 5
team changing=on
flag type=flag per team
sudden death=on
flag at home to score=on
flag touch return=on
flag reset time=15 seconds
slow with flag=off
flag hit damage=massive
vehicle operation=off
weapons on map= new classic
starting weapon = battle rifle
secondary weapon = smg

[custom variant]
base variant=ctf classic
max active players=16
score to win round = 5
team changing=on
flag type=flag per team
sudden death=on
flag at home to score=on
flag touch return=on
flag reset time=15 seconds
slow with flag=off
flag hit damage=massive
vehicle operation=on
weapons on map= new classic
starting weapon = battle rifle
secondary weapon = smg


variant=team slayer


map=beaver creek

variant=team slayer



March 17th, 2008, 06:42 AM
Another thing to watch in the beginning options is using the semi-colon. ; That means the rest of the line is a comment and will be ignored. So all of those timer settings and max players are being ignored.

Setup custom variants with all your specific settings (weapons, vehicles, game options, etc), then setup your actual match lists at the bottom, just as Johny has it laid out. Notice a 'custom variant' actually has a 'custom name' as well. So dont say 'Team Slayer' and think yu can change the rules. Call it 'My Team Slayer25', then set all of the options you want for that game.

The match is a pretty quick association of the 'game type/custom variant' and map. The server will reference all the rules within custom variant.

March 17th, 2008, 08:58 PM
thanks so much guys i believe everything is working now