View Full Version : Ive been hacked and I need help
March 17th, 2008, 09:02 PM
My day has gone from shitty, to just kill me now...
anyways, im gonna jump the bs and get to the point
my friend calls me, tells me my myspace looks like it got hacked..
indeed it did, filled with literally gay statements and a shit load of chris crocken stuff, making it seem like he was the hacker at first, before I knew anything about this tranny freak.
So i hopped on my email and reset my myspace password, thinking that it was a myspace bot, boy was I fucking wrong.
so i fixed my space, got back on my xbox( i was at a buds house the whole time) and then i get back on the computer to check my space again, its fine, my email though, was compromised since I used the same password(DOH but I used the same password for everything i ever did for the past 6 years, now i know it was a mistake, though i thought it was uncrackable, I used to know how, and everything aboue bruteforce's and shit)
so now my emails fucked, cant retrieve password because hotmail asks me for my mothers place of birth and everything i tried is a no go.
so i rushed home, the live site said any live account can be retrieved if u use messenger and have it set to auto, well that was bs, cuz i cant fucking sign in to check my email....
ive emailed myspace and live about it, with another email account.....
What the fuck can i do people, i need help, i have things linked in emails that could jeopardize my whole life right now, financialy, the whole get go..........
edit:yes i know, my grammars sucking right now, but can you fucking blame me..
March 17th, 2008, 09:14 PM
I think the moral of the story is to not put your info on myspace. :(
Neuro Guro
March 17th, 2008, 09:17 PM
March 17th, 2008, 09:19 PM
I'd reccommend using the phone to call up Hotmail and have your account suspended. Immediately. If possible.
Also scan your computer for viruses and keyloggers. I'd reccomend AVG (Google it), or whatever you prefer.
I doubt there's a tangible way any person on this board can help you. Sorry :(
Also, stack up on Bell Peppers.
Neuro Guro
March 17th, 2008, 09:27 PM
March 17th, 2008, 09:31 PM
He kinda probably had account and credit card info and all his family's addresses and emails and personal info and stuff on his account
also what kind of activities
March 17th, 2008, 09:52 PM
yea i could honestly care less about myspace, but its my email thats worrysome. I cant seem to find a number to reach hotmail, i've looked for an hour..
the only info i really have is concerning me and my father, and thats what worrys me.
March 17th, 2008, 10:00 PM
and with no hotmail, no gamertag, and no X360. Get that account suspended ASAP
March 17th, 2008, 10:04 PM
This happened to me a while ago, lucky for me I managed to guess the secret question I used for Yahoo (I lied when I made the account 7 years ago). From there, I made an alt account here, and asked Jfap and the other mods to ever-so-nicely reset my password to a different one, which I then changed to something completely different.
He got into every other account I had, too, including my Paypal, but once I got into my Email again, it was no problem resetting it.
March 17th, 2008, 10:34 PM
i filed out a form for the passport services..
hopefully once they reply I can give them every bit of info they need in order to verify i was hacked..
yea, i was freaking out.. so sorry for making a pointless thread really..
ive sort of calmed down, but the fact i cant even be me on my xbox has really got me down and not want to touch my 360
March 17th, 2008, 10:46 PM
See if you can find out who took your Live account. Talk to XBL support and say you wish to take legal action and require the information. Best case, they give you the information. Worst case, they tell you to get it with a court order.
March 17th, 2008, 10:47 PM
They can't just give out information like that.
March 17th, 2008, 11:11 PM
i filed out a form for the passport services..
hopefully once they reply I can give them every bit of info they need in order to verify i was hacked..
yea, i was freaking out.. so sorry for making a pointless thread really..
ive sort of calmed down, but the fact i cant even be me on my xbox has really got me down and not want to touch my 360
this isn't a pointless thread. if we can give suggestions then it's still wort that you post here and we'll see what we can advise you to do.
March 18th, 2008, 08:13 AM
if your email has been compromised, how did you log in to change your myspace pass.
if you still can log in, change the password.
March 18th, 2008, 09:43 AM
Reformat, Reinstall.
March 18th, 2008, 09:45 AM
so i fixed my space, got back on my xbox( i was at a buds house the whole time) and then i get back on the computer to check my space again, its fine, my email though, was compromised since I used the same password(DOH
fixed space, thought it was a bot, not a real person, idiot me didnt change email password while i still could..
so ive been emailing live support about the dealio but they're being idiots so far..
Reformat, Reinstall.
honestly, what would that do for me now... and i know my laptop is clean, and my pc I never touch..
March 18th, 2008, 09:55 AM
I meant if you had the key loggers and shit, thats the only sure fire way to get rid of them.
March 18th, 2008, 09:58 AM
honestly, what would that do for me now... and i know my laptop is clean, and my pc I never touch..You can *never* tell if a computer is clean *ever*.
You can make a virus so sneaky now that you could never find it. Why? Because it rewrites Windows to deny you access to it.
Even these Rootkit revealers don't work 100% of the time...
March 18th, 2008, 10:17 AM
They can't just give out information like that.
If there are people with access to the information, they can. Will they is the question.
March 18th, 2008, 10:28 AM
If there are people with access to the information, they can. Will they is the question.
If its completely true they can, if it isnt, its defamation.
March 18th, 2008, 12:49 PM
Your email should be the most secure password out of all the passwords you use, sadly for you the pass you use for email was also your pass for other things. My email pass is over 16 characters long. Obviously now you know you did wrong by using same pass, so you wont like people keep going on about it.
You cant ring up hotmail, you'd need to ring up msn, if thats possible. Theres pretty much 0% of them giving you your email back, that is if you get through on the phone. THere is nothing binding YOU personally with that email address, apart from the fact you know the old password. You said you dont know the secret question pass? thats another fail I'm afraid to said. If this was your ISP email address, you'd have more power and alot more proof its YOURS and not "this hackers".
Now, onto how they got the pass, there are many ways for people to obtain your passwords, one, keylogger, I doubt your pc is "clean", most pcs arent fully clean, theres always some low level shit on nowadays, its high level keyloggers you want to worry about. Another way is phishing, have you entered your password into any dodgy looking websites?
I very much doubt some one actually hacked their way into your accounts, I also very much doubt they brute forced you, theres not really any thing to gain to gaining access to your accounts, unless you REALLY pissed someone off, so I'm guessing they got your pass and just thought lets just piss him off.
Important question, have you ever used teamspeak, and used THAT password? If so I'm guessing thats where they got your pass, teamspeak passwords arent encrypted.
March 19th, 2008, 10:55 PM
no teamspeak, Microsofts investigating, he spent over 180 bucks over xbox live, whats more to fucking investigate really since i had to go to the bank and close my account and now have to go through this shiat...
honestly, im over it, he deleted all my myspace friends, xbox live friends, set my motto to epic lulz before changing my live account to private, i watched it all go down.. and theres nothing i can do but wait till friday unless microsoft calls me tomorrow..
edit: checked my alt. email, looks like Microsoft emailed me a link to reset my password, and it worked, its quite good now, sadly my myspace was deleted but eh fuck it its stupid shit anyways right?
now just to get my xbox live friends recovered? and get my money back.. stuffs finally working out for me i think..
March 20th, 2008, 10:02 AM
well thats good to hear you got your email back, and things are starting to look up.
real bummer that the jerk off not only robbed your shit, but hes spending your money too, thats low.
hope everything gets resolved and something bad happens to whoever is doing it.
March 20th, 2008, 10:26 AM
Did they ever find the guy? Cause your probibly one of the many this guy has hacked. And tell M$ you want all your money/points back. And as far as the friends being recoverd I don't think live keeps a file of them.
March 20th, 2008, 02:23 PM
friends list:
if you cant remember their names, they propably werent friends anyway.
March 20th, 2008, 04:04 PM
lol, well i got my live account back, that bastard bought 15,000 M$ points, totally 187.50 and yea, bought everything for rockband, as many xbla titles as he could, etc etc.. and then used the last 800 points to change my gamertag from randreach454 to "DarkSkydiver" too bad the douchebag didnt know i got my email back and such and triple checked my info so that theres no way he could recover it..
i called microsoft back, told them that i got my shit back, and they were like yea the higher ups are still investigating theyll call you asap.. so i told the outsourced lady to just put it in the notes that my gamertag was changed etc etc..
just sucks i gotta wait 2 weeks to get my new debit card since i had to close my old account..
edit: oh yea and he only deleted 4 friends off my live account, 2 of which i cant remember so thats pretty sweet.. i thought all were gone cuz he set my shit to private and deleted my buddy off the friends, so i was misleaded.
March 20th, 2008, 06:43 PM
So he spent money with your debt card? Seems like he has gotten himself in some serious shit now, hope they catch him.
Glad you got your email back, hope they give you the money back to your account. I'm surprised about Microsoft sending you a reset password to an unknown email, did you have to prove you were you some way?
March 20th, 2008, 10:59 PM
i dont get why you need to get a new debit card/account.
i thought the most information he could have gotten off the account was the last 4 digits..
March 21st, 2008, 08:11 AM
eh the bank said i should so they could put an alert on the account if he tried to spend more money or something idk..
yea I had to fill out this form i did like 3 times with all my info, last 4 digits of card etc etc to get the link for my email.. I called microsoft yesterday but once again i was told to wait till the higher ups call me
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