View Full Version : Where we stand today
March 23rd, 2008, 10:48 PM
As a community, we have gotten quite far.
This is mainly directed towards those that have been around since the release of the original Halo Editing Kit back in Spring of 2004. Hell, even before that.
I remember before the release of the Editing Kit, there would be much complaining about a Halo SDK. When would it be released? How would it work!?! There was an example about a test where the sniper rifle's nightvision was changed to blue. The first example of the power of the SDK.
But before it was released, the community had gotten far using simply hacking tools and changing variables. We were able to inject new models in (although limited), and convert Single Player BSP's into Multiplayer BSP's (so much drama and such).
We were basic. Then the Editing Kit released. Casualty Gorge, Schwinz (SP?) Alpha, Nightcamp, Blood Islands, and other maps that began the push for the incredible maps we see today. Everyday since release community members worked hard to get something out of this game. We were VERY displeased with the minimum documentation and help provided with the Editing Kit, so we decided to make our own.
Today we can script Single Player maps, create Total Conversions, sync objects online, design our own characters and vehicles completely from scratch, and add them into a map that will not interfere with another. Maybe it was mere luck that Gearbox had kept the code for many of the locked items in the Editing Kit that allowed us to achieve what we have achieved today.
But I am glad. I've been working with Halo Editing since I was 12 years old, HMT. The Editing Kit came out when I was 13. Now I'm 17. A waste of life? No. I've done a lot to help me learn exactly what I want to be, and exactly what I'm talented at.
There are many people here that haven't left. Drop in and say hello :D! We have been quite the community.
March 23rd, 2008, 10:59 PM
Ah, yes. The community has come a long way. I just wish I could have helped discover things rather than feed off of others discoveries. I can do quite a bit in the terms of Halo but I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the help of everyone here. I even remember my first post at Halomods. It was a thread by Patrickssj6, he made very simple map with an energy bridge and I said, "Whats the program you made that map in plz tell me, I want to make maps too." And now I know what I want to do for a living. I just want to thank all of you that have helped me. I know almost all of you, and have even talked to you on AIM before, but I'm sure you don't remember.
March 23rd, 2008, 11:15 PM
...I've been doing this shit since QT3 of 2003 ;_;
March 23rd, 2008, 11:17 PM
Once upon a time, I was a happy new teenager with his GameCube. All my friends who had gotten shiny Xboxes, however, kept talking about this new awesome game called Halo, in which you controlled some cool guy called Master Chief who killed aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
Naturally, being subject to mildly overprotective parents who insisted that blood in games would invoke major aggression later in my life, I grew up stomping on Koopa shells and collecting feathers rather than blasting demons with a shotgun. However, a year or two later, I noticed while browsing the internet (I had just gained access a year previously) that a demo for a PC version of Halo was available for download. I decided to check it out, if only so I could have a basis on which to argue with my friends that Halo really wasn't that special.
Damn, was I proved wrong.
Epic sountracks. Fast-paced, heart-pounding action. Voice acting. Guns. While my parents had allowed me to purchase GoldenEye earlier, it didn't compare to this. I was blown away merely by the opening Pelican drop in Silent Cartographer... And then I hopped into a multiplayer server, and I was addicted immediately.
Another three months of lobbying to my parents, and on my 15th birthday, I recieved a shiny copy of Halo; I wasted no time in playing it. However, I noticed that there were several new customizations on the internet added to it; I immediately found them amazing, downloaded HMT, and tried it for myself. I broke the game instantly, but I had managed some minor mods and these only straightened my resolve.
Then I found Halo Custom Edition, and I took my work to a whole new level. At first, I would simply improve an effect here and there, maybe add a custom weapon tag or two, add a detail map here, and the likes. A couple months later, for nostalgia, I booted up vanilla Halo and played the campaign again, and I quite simply could not believe the difference between that and my modded CE campagin (still nothing compared to the stuff here, but it's a matter of personal pride.)
In '07, I discovered H2V, lurked, signed up so I could use the search function, lurked some more, and then attempted to assimilate into the community, even at this late stage. I would say my efforts have been fairly successful so far, and the techniques and criticism (and sometimes sheer assholery) improved my modding ventures greatly; even more so after I started posting.
...Wow, that was a lot. Still, I'm glad to be part of something that's come this far along, and unless Microsoft gets off their asses and releases a superior, mod-friendly version of Halo 3 for PC some time soon, I can't see the HCE community becoming any weaker. And while, admittedly, all the really major discoveries have been made (until some script junkie h4xes in dual-wielding, bloom, and normal-mapping), it's still fun to add everything I can in the places others have neglected.
(Yeah, I like to blab about my life. At least it's on-topic.)
March 23rd, 2008, 11:17 PM
...I've been doing this shit since QT3 of 2003 ;_;
You can never tell how much time has passed until you spend a bit of time looking back at it >< I started around the same time. Damn long.
March 23rd, 2008, 11:20 PM
I've been around since the beginning of 2004, saw a hot topic about some new halo ce maps - blood islands and such. Although I didn't do anything other than marvel at what had been for a long long time :p I can't wait until some fully custom major single player levels are released, probably the last big thing yet to be done.
Edit: This here - I was fully o_o when I saw night camp.
March 23rd, 2008, 11:33 PM
Cunbelin works at Bungie now btw. Saw him a couple times while I was in kirkland :)
March 23rd, 2008, 11:42 PM
Long story
Yeah, I totally feel that. I had the same problem with my parents not allowing me to play halo, but as soon as I did I was addicted. Ever since I have really just wanted to learn to be a good animator. The community has come so far with modding that I doubt that the xbox could even handle some of our work. Amazing scripting like the portal gun (by patrickssj I think? Sorry if I'm wrong :( ) and other equally incredible feats have completely changed the game. Bungie created this surprisingly powerful game but never pushed it to its limits. Even if we are all modding an old game, its good experience.
March 23rd, 2008, 11:46 PM
Beware my life story:
My little trip with the Halo CE community began back in August of '05 (, so I guess I am a newfag xD.
I had purchased Halo for the PC in 2004 because my friends had told me awesome things about the game and I didn't feel like purchasing an at-the-time several hundred dollar xbox when I already had a PS2. I built myself a cheap PC to play it and everything was good. I started getting board bored with Halo PC around November '04 and I stopped playing for a while. I was more focused on Runescape at the time and for a while Halo sat unused on my desk. However, I realized how much of a waste of time that was and finally got back into Halo for a little while in early '05. I got decent and was actually invited to one or two clans for PC (Zeph probably might remember a little dumbfuck "lampshade45" who lied about his age and got caught trying to get into the Rabid clan xD).
In mid 2005 TechTV/G4TV (forgot what it was then) had a special on really interesting upcoming mods, and they showcased Jahrain's Legend of Zelda mod, which got me into CE. I had heard about it before but wasn't really interested because the few maps I had seen were shitty boxmaps and didn't interest me in any way. I googled in Halo CE and found out that Gearbox Software had published it and that they had a forum. I looked around and saw a bunch of relatively good looking maps being worked on (Cote de'Azur was the first map I saw, which to this day has not been released xD). I never really contributed much because school and my personal life got in the way of my game playing but I did play many hundreds of hours of CE.
I went through many of the historic events in the CE community, including the banning of UC Sarge and Strider on GBX and the resulting mass ban on other forums that resulted. At the time I didn't know much about their pasts but I later found out what exactly they had done and why there were such total losers. I went through a few other events such as the release of 9mm's scripting tutorial and many other polarizing events but didn't really get heavily involved in the CE community throughout this time. I pretty much watched the community from afar but only made a few test shitmaps that were never released.
Around August of 2006 when things on Gearbox began to die down Ghost launched H2V and I was one of the first members to join. Ghost ended up reseting the site in the first few days so my "member since" thing should actually say like August 2006 but meh, doesn't really matter xD. Back then there was a lot more content being released and a much better sense of community in my opinion. However, even now I would say that H2V is a huge improvement over Gearbox's forums, which I stopped visiting in mid-late 2007.
Anyway, I continued playing HCE on and off for a while until I finally gave up on the game a little while after CMT released their final map pack. The only maps that were being played regularly were Blood Gulch, Yoyo and Snow Grove and I had gotten so totally bored of those that it simply wasn't very fun. Aimbots never bothered me much because I always saw them as just another challenge and in time I actually learned how to defeat most of them easily (I later found out why crouching and getting into vehicles screwed most of them up so badly xD). I remember my last "real" game of CE was on HIV's server when not many people were on and the admins were just screwing around having fun. That was one of the most fun games I played and I decided that this final round would be a fitting round to retire one of my favorite games ever.
Since then I've basically played a bunch of games and gotten more involved in learning game design and such. However, my focus has been on the Source Engine because it is much more flexible then the Blam! engine and also has a much larger audience to cater to.
So yeah, Pretty much from when I was 13 to now I have been involved with the HCE community. I have spent only about 3 years here but the community really has helped me become a better person, even if it sounds silly =P. I've learned many things from interacting with people and without Gearbox and H2V I honestly wouldn't be as technical of a person as I am today.
March 24th, 2008, 12:01 AM
I started in the Halo CE community on teh day it says I joined, and sadly i was brought here by an add by Stealth on for CMT's new spiker. I'm such a noob.
Reading through the post though, the beginning days oh Halo CE modding sounds like exactly whats happening on Halo 2 xbox, but that will never have an editing kit lawl.
Bad Waffle
March 24th, 2008, 12:11 AM
I remember starting out in good old Halomods in 04 or 03--back in the days of sparkedit, HMT. I'm credited with one of the only really creative log mod, and the creation of a whole new level with those logs that were remade into blocks. I should redo that only in a real was actually fun.
I remember the "how to add turrets to your map" tutorial i made. I remember going to gearbox because of H2CE--nitro, supreme taco, rec0, KmOO, lightning...
I remember the sucky release of H2CE, but that awesome downloader tool was sweet.
I remember my first post on GBX because of a map i was making for a school project--the first build of Ravaged. It played great. I should redo that map too. Maybe for HRH. Would be a quick thing to model.
I remember the BR i made--the kestrel, municipality, CMT, all the fun we used to have on the HIV server, the map rotations--frost, fissurefalls, NMC, schwinnz, decoy, etc. I remember when wartorn cove came out, and half the community bitched that there were too many scenery objects.
I remember when we were all excited and ready to move to H2V when it came out, with a new engine--i was personally excited because of evolution. Then we all joined H2V in anticipation, and now i don't know how long ive been here.
March 24th, 2008, 12:50 AM
Aw, shit.
Hmm, I popped in about Q2 2005. I was getting into video game modding; I used to dink with editing The Sims objects, Ragnarok Online interfaces, and was looking into UnrealED for UT99 before I realized I just couldn't get it to work for me. I bought Halo PC because I heard a lot about it and tried it out at my uncle's house.
After a few months of nubbing it up on HPC, I heard of Custom Edition and saw version 2 of Zanzibar. I tried it out, and got hooked. I became a regular (later an admin) of Beavis's Bunghole, quite possibly the best server ever (wasn't around for Hive so stow it >:|). Eventually that lead me to GBX. I was with CE on its rise and in its prime.
I got into modding because, as fun as the maps were, I kept seeing imperfections in the mods that would stand out and slap me in the face, like how custom HUD bitmaps would downsample when I turned down my graphics settings, or weapons working not as you'd expect them to. In fact, I got into CE modding because I had hopes to join H2CE, or maybe do better than they were doing. Yes, nubbish aspirations, I know. But hey, I was naive back then.
I certainly don't feel like I've wasted any time here, either. I've had a lot of fun during my stay with this community, I've learned a lot about everything, and met some good friends. CE's come a long way, and I have to say, so have I.
March 24th, 2008, 12:56 AM
all i have to say is the editing kit can give people some great options when they grow up.
i remember looking at these maps when i got custom edition and saying, wow how can people do this stuff, and then i easily made my first box map. Then over the year and a half ive been trying to make something look so realistic and stuff, i realized start small and then go big.
March 24th, 2008, 01:10 AM
I came to CE early 2005 I think, and it's kept me entertained ever since. I spent my first year doing the old school stunting thing and made a lot of friends and learned my way around CE. Then I got into the map-making scene at GBX, thankfully not halomaps. What's kept CE alive is the community which I have really come to love and enjoy. I wish it could last forever... who knows, maybe it will :-3
March 24th, 2008, 01:20 AM
I started modding CE in mid 2006, and joined up here around early 2007. :\
March 24th, 2008, 01:21 AM
TBQH, I think bungie will be more open, or at least I hope, with halo 3's hek, as they are no longer influenced by Microsoft and have seen how far this community has come.
March 24th, 2008, 01:33 AM
TBQH, I think bungie will be more open, or at least I hope, with halo 3's hek, as they are no longer influenced by Microsoft and have seen how far this community has come.
It's hard to say there. Bungie would probably be set on making it limited multiplayer modding only for the simple reason that both Halo PC ports thus far are pretty much locked in to using stock content. It's how the engine works, and they'd have to redesign the whole goddamn thing to make it the way we'd ideally want it.
March 24th, 2008, 01:47 AM
At the very least, they can open up the Guerilla editor to support all tags, a la Korn's version. We've been able to create completely custom content for H1CE through mere community hacking (all due respect to those involved), so if Bungie themselves were to package those kind of tools with a PC release, we could still go incredibly far.
Besides, if people really want to make a big total conversion that completely changes the way the game is played, Source or Unreal would probably be a more ideal engine. But for "lite-modding" which has become such a staple of HCE, I think that all they have to do is unlock the proper editors and maybe make some improvements in map-making/model importing.
(And even if they don't, we'll get on it right away, probably. >_>)
March 24th, 2008, 04:40 AM
i started with overloading the memory on the Xbox to try and get a banshee without a driver on the level Halo, on the xbox.
then iron forge released the offset lists
then hmt/sparkedit
then more shit,
then hek etc.
March 24th, 2008, 05:00 AM
I even remember my first post at Halomods. It was a thread by Patrickssj6, he made very simple map with an energy bridge and I said, "Whats the program you made that map in plz tell me, I want to make maps too."
My name already appears in the first post of this thread? I'm touched. :)
ppl beware and dare to download...the ghost (vehicle) can kill yourself lawl (
Aztec Mod:
MAH FLAMEHOG! (immure pplz asked me how I did it):,2004.jpg
Other usual crap:
March 24th, 2008, 06:45 AM
In before Golden Age.
I figure I arrived just on the cusp of Halo Modding's finality. I remember browsing Halomods looking for skin mods, explaining the process to my brother as he insisted "You know those are fake, right?" Hmm. I really should follow through with making a map or something one of these days. Give back to the community...
March 24th, 2008, 07:02 AM
I started getting involved with video games in... 01 or 02. I remember in 02 that I learned of the life altering disease of Halo. At first, I just tried modding the demo, but then I just surrendered the $10.00 and bought the retail halo. I just tweaked some of the weapons for a while, but later, I learned of Custom Edition and the HEK. I downloaded them as fast as I could, and the HEK... I was like "THE TUTORIAL DOESN'T HELP IT"S ALL GIBBERISH." And that's when I decided to search for guides. I searched Halomaps first, but I realized, they were mostly all idiots. That's right where I learned of H2V. I lurked for about 6 months, and then joined.
March 24th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Why don't anyone release any of this stuff, like that bullet chase cam. Lol.
And the color changing biped.
March 24th, 2008, 08:01 AM
Lawls, I played the halo trial back in grade 9 2 years ago, and got the game around last year, after about 5 weeks I found out about the HEK, but having no idea how to use it, I never touched it. Then a while later after reading around, I got an idea of how to use the HEK all by myself, where i then created the best map ever. ( [/spoiler) Then I went around and created some new shits, and joined the community about a week after I created that map. And then I came here :\
Havent been here that long compared to some D:
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 24th, 2008, 08:09 AM
Ive modded games since Starsiege: Tribes.
I doubt many people here, if anyone knows about that game, But, if you do, Its an older game. (1998)
March 24th, 2008, 08:39 AM
Joined CMT end of 06, learned to paint in photoshop and uv map over the time period between then and now. Ever constantly trying to expand on my creativity.
Also, I could have been in the community LONG ago, back in 03 in fact, but I didn't know what a forum was and how to get to it even :X
I guess it's a good thing. Imagine if I had been painting and texturing since then :o
March 24th, 2008, 09:19 AM
I join forums on "Oct 3, 2006" So I am guessing I started about 5 months before, but it may of been 1 year before I joined halomaps.
So i'm guessing I might of started 3 years ago.
Well anyway, over the years I've been an ass. But I've also helped people ;)
And I think I have improved on modeling, I don't know what everyone else thinks, But i know I have gotten pretty good. :D
Scooby Doo
March 24th, 2008, 10:49 AM
i used to be gay...then i found the halo ce community. wow!
unfortunately, i'm still gay though...
but seriously, we sure have come a LONG way. i'm honestly surprised the community has lasted as long as it has. everyone thought that halo 2 & 3 would ruin the community, but it really hasn't at all. i admit, our community isn't gone, but i haven't seen some really nice work around here in a while. but i'll be playing this game for a while..or at least modding it.
March 24th, 2008, 04:17 PM
-sniff- Good old times. Mono's first AotCR conversion, the AI in MP maps tricks... I know I made the Elite Battles mod for PC when I was a wee 13 year old. Fun stuff.
And then the HEK came out. It was a pretty sunny day, it felt weird looking at new halo software. Downloaded, just about no one knew how to use it properly, it was great. Schwinnz was one of the first, and is still my favorite custom map. Screw Wartorn, Schwinnz is the way to go!
And the maps came in... All kinds of stuff. Then kornman came with his psbl cookies and shit, everyone tried to unravel the mysteries. Stupid ass :P
Indeed, we've come a long way.
March 24th, 2008, 04:25 PM
i remember :-P, i found it on the summer of 05, on when i was looking for something else, i could only do shit at the time with it, was addicted to my halo pc mods :p
March 24th, 2008, 04:29 PM
2004 - Bought Halo PC, later in 2004 downloaded Halo Custom Edition, couldn't find any maps then saw how quickly websites with maps went down, over quota or just dissappeared. Started Halo Maps in summer 2004 with Night Camp (, Blood Islands (, Elite Mass Death (, Faith (, JUMP ( and Casualty gorge ( Halo CE needed a stable file archive for the game to grow.
After over 7,126,502 map files and 203.75 Terabytes downloaded the game is still attracting new users and pretty much as popular as it was when it came out. And you know.... I am still fielding complaints about download speeds.
March 24th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Ah yea I remember downloading Halo demo on my 56k and getting locked out of my house (thus allowing the download to finish without any interruptions...) This was 2004
Then this was early 2005 when I got the real Halo...then I got H:CE after getting a better PC and DSL... Turning point of my gaming life was when I downloaded Halo Trial.
March 24th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Sup everyone.
Should I finish stuff? D:
March 24th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Sup everyone.
Should I finish stuff? D:
dare you to
March 24th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Sup everyone.
Should I finish stuff? D:
bet you wont...
March 24th, 2008, 07:18 PM
Sup everyone.
Should I finish stuff? D:
March 24th, 2008, 07:48 PM
Believe it or not I was a halo modder back in the days of, where that was pretty much the only site to go on... I actually still remember seeing yoyo's first thread on this map he was making, and how he didn't know the total poly count was 10,000, so he had to redo it. Well I guess it didn't matter now, did it? :rolleyes:
March 24th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Yeah, tbh, I started out as a lurker at halomods back in 2002 (not creating an account until mid 2003). Fuck that was so long ago :(
March 24th, 2008, 07:57 PM
I was a lurker too :L
Love to lurk
teh lag
March 24th, 2008, 08:01 PM
Got Halo PC at the start of '04, modded PC until mid '05, when Nknave's work inspired me to move to CE. (Oddly enough, he also inspired me to learn how to do advanced stuff like SP map rebuilding with HMT and ripping stuff from CE.) I lurked at GBX from 05 until March '06, when I posted my hax and got kidnapped by Masterz to work for CMT.
March 24th, 2008, 08:01 PM
Lurking is fun, but yeah, I kinda just appeared :embarrassed:
March 24th, 2008, 09:25 PM
I remember when the announcement for Halo PC was made. I was soo mad because that awesome game on the Xbox was going to be on something I can easily obtain, but I wouldn't be getting my own computer at home for quite some time. Luckily, I was able to get it in time for Custom Edition's launch. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do. The stupid closed-source attitude of the community didn't help. I had to get Captain Lag to leak me builds of the unfinished tag extractor so I could look at existing single player tags to figure out now how, but why, things worked the way they did. Even then, my art abilities still sucked so I wasn't getting very far.
By today's standards the visual capacity of Custom Edition might not make it as appealing as some of the recent engines, but I find it incredibly appealing despite this. I grew up in my development life on the tag and I've found it really hard to work with other engines. With tags, you can easily isolate problems and save time by using the same asset over and over again. Granted, you can do this in other engines, but I find it soo much easier to copy/paste a directory than select every object I want to modify in a viewport.
Just for ease of interaction, I'd take Halo's toolkit over any other. I'd love to see a Guerilla and Sapien for Unreal.
March 24th, 2008, 11:42 PM
Good times on Halo, terrible at Gearbox...oh right nobody knows who I am...
Well, it was awesome...from putting up a bunch of Halo Scenary to "make" maps (over others) with small tools like Spark Editor to a total game conversion: Interface, HUDs, Bipeds, Vehicles, Weapons... Some used the Halo Engine for their own projects and stuff, and most to have fun and learn.
March 24th, 2008, 11:48 PM
lets just say if it werent for my friend telling me about halo pc, i would never have played it, and i never would have heard of HCE, and I would never have downloaded the HEK, and i would never have heard of 3ds max, and I would never have become interested in computer graphic arts, and I would never have chosen this as my career path.......
March 24th, 2008, 11:56 PM
I've been lurking around Gearbox ever since late 2004/early 2005. I remember when Strider appeared, I remember when Atty was known as Atticus...good times.:rolleyes:
^Damn, your future was chosen by a colorful CD.
March 25th, 2008, 12:28 AM
ive been playing halo pc since the hpc beta..
i remember when gold was announced as well ( i even saved the pic from gbx :D )
god 2003... so long ago. and i played halo on xbox before pc was even announced :|
a long fucking time with this community, and tbh, even after all the drama and bullshit, im glad it was this community with this game that ive spent so many years.
gbx was like the only website i went to... ever... man those forums rocked back in the day.
March 25th, 2008, 03:40 AM
Semi-lurker, 2003-present.
March 25th, 2008, 03:35 PM
What's considered old/The golden age? Is it when modding started for PC, around 2003?
Who here stepped in during HMT? I made my first mod with an HexEditor and IronForges Hex list :-3
March 25th, 2008, 04:20 PM
What's considered old/The golden age? Is it when modding started for PC, around 2003?
Who here stepped in during HMT? I made my first mod with an HexEditor and IronForges Hex list :-3
I started when HMT was 2.0. Then came 3 and the Single Player conversion.
March 25th, 2008, 10:40 PM
I dont even remember the year I started XD, I know I got xbox right around when it first came out, shortly after got halo, played it like non stop for the longest time. Picked up halo pc shortly after its release, stumbled upon modding it by following some random forum from a Google search I did. I started modding sometime around before hmt 3 was released, and a while before spark edit was able to let you make scenery maps.
First thing I did was swap projectiles, mainly just for laughs shotguns shooting rockets ha. Never did anything too amazing, got into modeling via milkshape recreated the transport hog using the rocket hog mesh (back when you couldn't add polys to models and could only manipulate the mesh).
Mostly just lurked around, frequently and still do.
I remember being in halomods irc chat and people talking about hek release, and not being able to download it because too many people were trying to get it, and not enough server bandwidth. Learning 3dsmax... learning hek, and tagging. Kirks video tutorials haha.
This was definately a good time, but I'm definitely starting to move on, I was on off keeping up with ce stuff for the past year, but I think this summer I'll be around less and less, apposed to the usual of school ending and having more free time. My lifes changed, doesn't mean I don't like halo, its just that I don't have time to throw at it anymore, I still like to 3d model though, and I thank this whole experience for any skills I have in that area, and hope I might one day be able to make use of them. I'm currently trying to get better at drawing though.
Its funny I've had conversations with Neurokoneza in the past about artistic subjects such as perspective. Hes showed me some pretty amazing drawings hes made too. He told me much of his skills and quickness in modeling come from the fact that he had always been into perspective drawing.
When I compare what he said to my experience, I'm completely the opposite. I didn't start drawing till about 2 years ago (at least seriously trying to draw) How ever I've been into 3d modeling for close to 4 years now possibly... XD. Whats funny about what Neuro said is, instead of learning from my drawing, my 3d modeling is teaching me to draw. Dealing with 3d mesh's on the computer for so long has given me such an amazingly useful sense of perspective when drawing, and I love drawing in perspective, it lets the viewer connect with your vision so much better.
I pretty much learned everything backwards, the first thing I ever drew that I even remotely considered decent I did in photoshop with a mouse.
I'm also not sure I'd be into art at all if I didn't have this experience... what I loved about halo was how immense the environment is and the background, its not just some story thrown together, the characters have depth, everything has depth, it all has some role in this other universe that they created, yet its still very different and very creative, and most of all it can still be related to the real world in some way, so you can connect with it. Halo got me interested in art... no matter how weird that sounds.
I just love the story, and the artistic style of it tells the story so well. It also helped me find my favorite artistic style, I love concept art, its always part of something bigger, and its always trying to give you a glimpse of a much larger world then our own, it provokes your imagination and gets you thinking about what could be.
I'm done blabbing... XD no ones gonna read that.
In short, I <3 halo for showing me how amazingly creative you can be.
As a community, we have gotten quite far.
Thats an understatement :D lol.
March 25th, 2008, 11:10 PM
i just started today =]
March 25th, 2008, 11:15 PM
started signing up on forums in mid 04. got my head kicked in by katarn for bad models, quickly turned that around and here i am today. my work in CE models actually landed me two design lead jobs for independent studios. blah blah blah long story short i'm thinking of releasing a lot of models for everyone to use.
March 26th, 2008, 12:58 AM
I remember sitting in my 7th grade computer class looking at pictures of halo pc waiting for it to come out. I got it on my birthday 10 days after it came out, and have never stopped playing it. I got into ce the day it was released and was inspired to start modeling after seeing New Mombasa Classic.
March 26th, 2008, 04:39 AM
started signing up on forums in mid 04. got my head kicked in by katarn for bad models, quickly turned that around and here i am today. my work in CE models actually landed me two design lead jobs for independent studios. blah blah blah long story short i'm thinking of releasing a lot of models for everyone to use.
Haha...even I remember Katarn...15 year old kid that kicked all asses (oh wait I was 13/14 at that time xD) :D
March 26th, 2008, 12:59 PM
My entire halo experience is just by coincidence, If someone in my class hadn't told me about this fun game he had at home, I would have missed this unique experience. I went to the store and bought halo, I finished the game, and played on-line, that was in 2004.
Through some friends I found out about the forums about halo, And I started to follow the gearbox forums by end 2004. Sadly I never made an account there. The years passed on and I kept reading about halo, yet I could not get myself convinced to start making maps and stuff. After gearbox I started to follow the CMT forums and, where I did make an account end 2006. By the time halo2 vista had been released, I had made my fist halo CE map, which I've never released because it was so bad. And in the end I started to make maps for halo2 vista, with my first map finished, and my second getting more and more finished. I'm quite happy I didn't miss this unique experience.
We've seen many people come and go in the halo community and there probably will come some more great people in the future, as well some leaving.
March 26th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Good old GBX forums.. ive been kicked out of there a few times...
Neon Vix
March 27th, 2008, 02:06 AM
Damn, I think I remember your cky2k account lol
March 27th, 2008, 05:54 PM
From waaaaaay back when. I think it got banned because I asked for a keygen for ps6
March 27th, 2008, 06:14 PM
oh shit you were CKY2k i remember you.
March 27th, 2008, 06:19 PM
I remember you too hahaha! I think I remember that too
March 27th, 2008, 06:34 PM
I remember him as well. ^^
March 28th, 2008, 12:36 AM
:eekdance:woohoo. popular me....
March 28th, 2008, 02:03 AM
I signed up back in 2005-2006 starting with over at gearbox then working my way over to here. I sat around watched and studied others work and taught myself things along with others help, until about 2007 when I got the application 3ds Max and Downloaded Halo Custom Edition. Then I started to work and do some modeling not really releasing much but digging myself into a endless hole, I sunk my way out of the community due to endless flaming and taking my anger from home out on others here. Long story short things are better for me now I'm not bitchy all the time and have gained more respect towards others. Now I'm back hoping to regain all that trust and appreciation many others get. Wow that Paradox thread got me =3 rep geeze I'm going to have to earn that back.
March 28th, 2008, 07:24 AM
I came out of halomaps :dramabomb:
March 28th, 2008, 10:27 AM
I haven't really been a part of the CE community very long. ive only really been here a little over a year. like others i didn't have an xbox or halo but eventually i came across the halo trial whilst looking for free games to play on I was all like "gee golly! its halo for the PC!" i played that for a while and started to mod it with HMT and what not. i found out about custom maps and learned i needed the full game and disc to get CE so i was all like "awww." then a friend gave it to me and i was all "sweet!" i was searching for maps and came across halomaps. i joined the forums and the great folks there helped me out a lot. i learned of 3ds max and started modeling and have been doing so for about a year. i came here and joined somewhere along the way. halo CE is one the best things that ever happened to me.
in short, i was a noob but now i know a hell of a lot more then i did when i started.
March 28th, 2008, 02:30 PM
It's interesting to see how many never did any modding before Halo.
I first started mapping for Dark Forces2: Jedi Knight, then moved to q3 based games like Jedi knight2, Elite Force, Quake 3, enemy territory and others. I had played Halo on a friend's xbox and loved it and made some Halo's maps for EF & Q3. I only finished prisoner and Hang 'em High. I was thrilled with the possiblity of mapping for Halo. Halo PC is the only game I have ever pre-ordered. I joined gearbox forums in 03 I think. The only original maps I've released have been for Halo, and... well... that's what I've been doing ever since. And now I'm trying to convert all the stuff I made for Halo into Unreal 3.
March 28th, 2008, 02:33 PM
It's interesting to see how many never did any modding before Halo.
I first started mapping for Dark Forces2: Jedi Knight, then moved to q3 based games like Jedi knight2, Elite Force, Quake 3, enemy territory and others. I had played Halo on a friend's xbox and loved it and made some Halo's maps for EF & Q3. I only finished prisoner and Hang 'em High. I was thrilled with the possiblity of mapping for Halo. Halo PC is the only game I have ever pre-ordered. I joined gearbox forums in 03 I think. The only original maps I've released have been for Halo, and... well... that's what I've been doing ever since. And now I'm trying to convert all the stuff I made for Halo into Unreal 3.
I modded Jedi Knight 2 and another Q3 mod called Bid for Power...but trust me it's not easy to get Quake 3 Arena when the game is A. illegal in Germany B. you are only 12 years of age and C. Kazaa was fucking slow back in the days :v
March 28th, 2008, 04:34 PM
LOL oh my gossh! I found my first map from '04.
EDIT: the date on halomaps is wrong.
March 28th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I came out of halomaps :dramabomb:
As did I.
I like trolling there, I'm better than everyone else.
March 28th, 2008, 08:25 PM
Long story shortish: I bought an Xbox with some games. I got Halo as an afterthought, but I ended up loving the game. I discovered some of the various Halo websites, where I learned about Custom Edition (this was sometime after PC's release, but before CE's release) and lurked and watched until people started releasing maps that I just had to play. So I bought Halo PC to play CE. I eventually got the urge to make my own maps, then stuff happened, and then I wrote this post.
Sup everyone.
Should I finish stuff? D:
You couldn't finish a list of things you need to finish. You couldn't finish a Rubik's Cube with crayons, paper, and glue. You couldn't finish your way out of a paper bag. :p
March 28th, 2008, 08:31 PM
You couldn't finish a list of things you need to finish. You couldn't finish a Rubik's Cube with crayons, paper, and glue. You couldn't finish your way out of a paper bag. :p
I don't know why, but I can't stop chuckling. So true, poor Lights :(
March 28th, 2008, 08:35 PM
Wouldn't Aerowyn know the most about how and when lights finishes?
I feel pathetic for laughing at my own bad sex joke.
March 28th, 2008, 11:56 PM
You couldn't finish a list of things you need to finish. You couldn't finish a Rubik's Cube with crayons, paper, and glue. You couldn't finish your way out of a paper bag. :p
thats preaty harsh, but hell i hope i dont end up like that
March 29th, 2008, 09:34 AM
You couldn't finish a list of things you need to finish. You couldn't finish a Rubik's Cube with crayons, paper, and glue. You couldn't finish your way out of a paper bag. :p
I thought you were talking about me for a second there:rolleyes:
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