View Full Version : Ambush + Modern warfare = win
February 1st, 2007, 09:12 PM
As originally posted by Penguin:
Well me and Snaf were talking and we decided that we would merge our teams, seeing as how we're both working on a mod based at the same time period and combining would only better each mod. So now it consists of my, btd's, and snafubar's mod. Each mod will be finished with our own original intent then once each is complete me and snaf have something else for you
: ). Now that we have joined here's some new things that will be appearing in each mod :happy:
M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank (me)
2,200 polies still a few more minor details left and a bit of cleaning up to lower the poly count.
AK-47 (me)
Remington 870 (snaf, duh)
U.S soldier (bungie's model modified+reskinned by mattae, rigged by kiwi)
Can't find the rigged insurgent model atm but it's ingame as a permutation and we almost have a script working to assign them :D
And here are just some weapons appearing in either mod, you may see them in all 3 or just one, most likely just one but things may change.
Beretta 92 (mine)
M4, M4-ACOG, M16/M203, AK-47 (also mine >_>)
Remington 870 (snaf)
Master Key Setup (Shottie-snaf, M4-me)
Ambush preview, BSP By Scooby (^m4 model shown is an old model, will be replaced >_> by one shown above)
p.s. <3 random for making the biped script, so far not perfect but will be soon i hope : D
so there you have it. pengin + me + btd = win
Edward Elrich
February 1st, 2007, 09:28 PM
sweet. Hopefully those will make an apperance in some map, but not necessarily a CMT map.
February 1st, 2007, 09:29 PM
Fuck my brother >:U
anyways wtf o_0
Shotty attachment o_0 i've seen it before :/
Good luck on your mod.
February 1st, 2007, 09:37 PM
lol thats cool
February 1st, 2007, 10:56 PM
sweet. Hopefully those will make an apperance in some map, but not necessarily a CMT map.
More like under no circumstances whatsoever.
Awesome stuff guys, now to go cut over how much more skilled you are than poor little me ;_;
February 2nd, 2007, 12:31 AM
Lol rossmum, you're our only official beta tester, and probably only will be for a long time :P
Good to see me ripping for turbosquid paid off!!
February 2nd, 2007, 12:39 AM
i am omg when did this happen
Looks like I need to get used to shitty netcode again :p
February 2nd, 2007, 04:05 AM
this wins :D
how are you going to make it so you can put the shot gun atachment on your gun?
and what is this? a custom campaign or a total conversion (UI, levels, multiplayer the lot)?
n00b out
February 2nd, 2007, 04:57 AM
Different attachments on different maps. MP only last time I checked.
February 2nd, 2007, 07:57 AM
Snaf's tank is the best but has loads of poly's, is that why you uesd BTD's?
(urs still rocks tho btd :D)
February 2nd, 2007, 08:56 AM
Uhhh.... Not snaf's tank, and it doesn't have loads of polys.
February 2nd, 2007, 09:22 AM
Uhhh.... Not snaf's tank, and it doesn't have loads of polys.No shit.
Im talking about the tanks snaf has made in the past..
February 2nd, 2007, 12:16 PM
It's not btd's tank either, and I don't remember snaf making a tank.
February 2nd, 2007, 12:33 PM
It's not btd's tank either, and I don't remember snaf making a tank.Snaf has made tanks in the past im pretty sure of it :)
February 2nd, 2007, 01:43 PM
*cough* what could that be?
/sarcasm : )
and what is this? a custom campaign or a total conversion (UI, levels, multiplayer the lot)?
n00b out
total conversion minus sp. well maybe sp if we find the time. but when it's all said and done NOTHING will even resemble halo. all new sounds, vehicles, UI, HUD, everything. and random almost has a script to assign the 2 separate bipeds a spawn, not perfect yet but i hope it will be soon. *hint hint*
February 2nd, 2007, 04:24 PM
I still like my tank better :P
February 2nd, 2007, 04:52 PM
total conversion minus sp. well maybe sp if we find the time. but when it's all said and done NOTHING will even resemble halo. all new sounds, vehicles, UI, HUD, everything. and random almost has a script to assign the 2 separate bipeds a spawn, not perfect yet but i hope it will be soon. *hint hint*
I must get my hands on this. D:
February 2nd, 2007, 06:30 PM
I still like my tank better :P
SnaF and I offered to finish the texturing/UVWing, but you said no :P
February 2nd, 2007, 06:34 PM
and random almost has a script to assign the 2 separate bipeds a spawn, not perfect yet but i hope it will be soon. *hint hint*
say what?
public release mb? i was under the impression that was impossible (why i was thinking it was a SP mod)
n00b out
February 2nd, 2007, 06:57 PM
SnaF and I offered to finish the texturing/UVWing, but you said no :P
He did WHAT?
Explosive, are you on crack? 0_o
February 2nd, 2007, 07:26 PM
say what?
public release mb? i was under the impression that was impossible (why i was thinking it was a SP mod)
n00b out
impossible is nothing child
also finished the tank
2,225 polies
February 2nd, 2007, 07:40 PM
All those seats will be ingame too, I imagine?
February 2nd, 2007, 07:40 PM
Face Error Now It Sucks U Made It Ugly Thanks Alot
February 2nd, 2007, 07:43 PM
awsome :D
what are the things on the side? look like smoke launchers or something.
so how's it driven? i take it the guy on the bottem drives it, but does he operate the guns to? or is their another seat for that.
incidentally, i asume their won't be shields in this mod?
n00b out
February 2nd, 2007, 07:43 PM
well right now driver will be where the guy in front is, and for de-noobing purposes his head will stick out so you can shoot him. there will be a passenger seat on the left side there and the guy on the right i'm not sure if he'll be another passenger or make him the gunner and have him stick out because driver and gunner will be 2 separate seats
no shields, no health packs. head shots are pretty much a one hit kill (this applies for mine snaf may make his map different)
February 2nd, 2007, 07:48 PM
awsome :D
what are the things on the side? look like smoke launchers or something.
They are indeed smoke grenade launchers.
February 3rd, 2007, 04:30 AM
Shame Blam 1 isn't more advanced, otherwise you could have a small chance that a headshot would knock you out or paralyze you. Headshots aren't always an instant kill... just ask the Japanese pilot who copped the better part of a splintered .50 BMG above the eye and lived to a ripe old age, becoming good friends with the man who shot him :p
February 3rd, 2007, 04:55 AM
Yeah. Kinda like how when you're decapitated, you actually live until the oxygenated blood already in your head is gone... then you die. So for a few seconds, your head is alive but separate from your body, so you can see what your own neck looks like when it's had a dirty great piece of metal go through it...
Hope anyone wasn't planning on eating, heheh. :p
February 3rd, 2007, 05:13 AM
links plz snaff.
February 3rd, 2007, 06:12 AM
that's the way it should be. no whoring! :v
oh, and a headshot with any weapon in my maps= instant death.
Haven't seen mine. You can sit there for an hour shooting ME and you get nothing. I point my gun at you = death.
February 3rd, 2007, 11:57 AM
SnaF and I offered to finish the texturing/UVWing, but you said no :P
Oh, that. I said I'd think about it, then realized I was stupid for not accepting the offer outright, then got high and just sort of...wandered off.
JK, but IM me.
February 3rd, 2007, 08:51 PM
well i saw a dude In a Doco that tried to hill himself. put the gun under hist chin and fired into his brain.... Blew half the Top of his head off... he survived and lived to a ripe old age.
they where talking to doctors and where like "so how did he survive?"
Doctors: ".... we got nothing.."
February 3rd, 2007, 09:24 PM
I forgot which side of the brain you can live without...
February 3rd, 2007, 11:02 PM
The side of the brain that doesn't controls your creativity. Ithink...
Let's get back on topic?
So, where is this going to take place? (the mod)
February 3rd, 2007, 11:25 PM
Awesome. <333333
Will there be oppression and Soviet Russia?
February 3rd, 2007, 11:28 PM
And I get to beta :3 Though for H2V... heh... I might need to borrow someone's compy...
February 4th, 2007, 04:08 AM
fuckin around with the abrams,
such a fun vehicle, defiantly forces you to work more as a team
February 4th, 2007, 04:22 AM
Who is that sexy man driving the tank? He seems like a dreamboat.
February 4th, 2007, 04:27 AM
Looks like fun, wish I could've played :-(
February 4th, 2007, 04:42 AM
i saw the server on xfire.
would have loved to give it a go :_(
looks awesome though :D
n00b out
February 4th, 2007, 04:50 AM
You. Send.
One minor nitpick - Is his head clipping the turret?
February 4th, 2007, 05:06 AM
Awesome. Get Blake to send me it, since AIM doesn't seem to hate him as much as it hates everyone else. D:
February 4th, 2007, 08:42 AM
haha, that was great. polar didn't like when i snapped his dome from halfway across the map with the AK :p. i'll be started on the other two vehicles soon.
haha i enjoyed watching boba flip then nailing the tank killing all three of them :p
btw snaf on that uhh..other vehicle you were discussing, once you finish if it you want send it to me and i'll give some nice physics and weapons systems : )
February 4th, 2007, 12:58 PM
I prefer the hatch to be closeable, and the entire thing only vulnerable to AT weapons. Like in Halo 2. Also, needs shaders and working christie suspension. Like a whole bunch of warthog wheels, exactly. That's how a christie suspension works.
February 4th, 2007, 12:59 PM
Looks fun. :D
February 4th, 2007, 01:59 PM
I prefer the hatch to be closeable, and the entire thing only vulnerable to AT weapons. Like in Halo 2. Also, needs shaders and working christie suspension. Like a whole bunch of warthog wheels, exactly. That's how a christie suspension works.
would you please inform me of what anti tank weapons a bunch of poor rebels have. >_> rpgs don't really do shit. btw thats not the skin..just a test skin.
February 4th, 2007, 02:17 PM
I at least think that the driver hatch should be closed..the rest, mb not. >>
I fell asleep and missed it :'(
February 4th, 2007, 11:10 PM
would you please inform me of what anti tank weapons a bunch of poor rebels have. >_> rpgs don't really do shit. btw thats not the skin..just a test skin.
For the purpose of a map for a video game, they do :P
keep em open. makes it a lot less whoreable.
I say CLOSED! Looks cooler, and can still be easily defeated with a few more AT weapons placed around. Of couse, the AT weapons should be made with rounds that use a shaped charge to penetrate armor, instead of a large blast, like the most commonly used RPG-7 rounds. Also, how are you adding two gunner positions? I didn't think it was possib--oshi- stupid comment! :suicide: that top hatch is so obviously a passenger seat :P
February 5th, 2007, 06:24 PM
February 6th, 2007, 04:48 AM
Now THAT is how to make a city map. <3
February 6th, 2007, 03:03 PM
wow snaf i thought you had talent. now i look back and wish i had drafted SVC :(
HA! yea right
February 6th, 2007, 03:42 PM
congrats on winning the internets snafubar :D
n00b out
February 6th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Looks great mang.
February 6th, 2007, 09:30 PM
wow snaf i thought you had talent. now i look back and wish i had drafted SVC :(
HA! yea right
Winner. :lol:
February 6th, 2007, 09:43 PM
Winner. :lol:
Can't beleive I missed the invisible text :confused: . I feel so left out :mad:
February 6th, 2007, 10:10 PM
Coming along very nicely SnaF, :)
February 6th, 2007, 10:21 PM
Looks interesting.
February 6th, 2007, 10:22 PM
February 6th, 2007, 10:29 PM
This message is hidden because SnaFuBAR is on your ignore list (
Lol. No.
February 6th, 2007, 10:47 PM
I swear to god. Soon as I saw this mod I was like "penguins gonna hide a penis in there somewhere".
February 6th, 2007, 11:49 PM
February 7th, 2007, 12:14 AM
I'm surprised it's not in his ass :/
February 7th, 2007, 01:16 AM
what's up with this penguin?
and @ firemetroid: do you have to much time on your hands? or is it some kind of fetish >.>
February 7th, 2007, 01:51 AM
February 7th, 2007, 03:47 AM
kekekeke j00 telz0r meme like now yaya!!one
pretty please?
n00b out
February 7th, 2007, 04:58 AM
I know what it is. (:<
You guys will love it. And no, don't even bother asking.
February 7th, 2007, 05:35 AM
a plane?
a light reconnaissance vehicle? (like a hog but without the huge unlimited amo turret?)
n00b out
February 7th, 2007, 05:37 AM
Not even close.
February 7th, 2007, 01:33 PM
fuck you all...fried get your mind out of the gutter >_>
almost finished the new black hawk model : )
finished the main body
February 7th, 2007, 03:01 PM
That black hawk could use more metal lol
February 7th, 2007, 05:12 PM
don't speak....
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 7th, 2007, 05:44 PM
That black hawk could use more metal lol
don't speak....Yeah. Strider.
February 7th, 2007, 05:54 PM
Yeah. or the kid has no damn clue what he's talking about...
February 7th, 2007, 07:03 PM
February 7th, 2007, 07:08 PM
AMERICA! (read these in reverse order >_>)
anyway back on topic...
February 7th, 2007, 09:08 PM
Wow... yes, this is indeed a thread of VV1|\|! Damn that doesn't look a lot like win...
Keep up the good work, people! Everything looks nice, and I'm really looking forward to what that heli looks like when it's done (only one I've flown is a UH-60 in Flight Simulator, lol!)
February 7th, 2007, 09:19 PM
Yea, and then maybe penguin can fix the choppers controls so it's not just a grounded vehicle =P
February 7th, 2007, 09:23 PM
I can wait to see this in its beta stages. I would love to beta this, I am a very good glitch finder. What size are the explosions from RPGs going to be? Also will any weapons fire armor piercing depleted uranium rounds? Don't forget to include some strategically placed chain guns with limited field of fire, it adds a real nice feel to COD2 and should work here too. Is there a sniper nest set up yet?
February 7th, 2007, 10:48 PM
I have an orsm idea for the helicopter's controls. IM me.
February 7th, 2007, 10:56 PM
That black hawk could use more metal lol
Your post could use less stupid lol
Seriously, it's not done. What the fuck were you expecting, this to be the final or something?
Anyways, great stuff Peng.
February 8th, 2007, 01:50 AM
Not even close.
GTFO ross, yes i was :cop:
i said plane and it was a helicopter.
this has given me and awsome idea for a machinima >.>
we could call it "hellicopter crashed" or "dark bird in direction oposite to verticle". it would be soooo origional.
n00b out
February 8th, 2007, 02:19 AM
GTFO ross, yes i was :cop:
i said plane and it was a helicopter.
this has given me and awsome idea for a machinima >.>
we could call it "hellicopter crashed" or "dark bird in direction oposite to verticle". it would be soooo origional.
n00b out
no, you weren't because that's not what I'M working on.
Trust me, you aren't even close. At all. In any respect.
...Except the vehicle part.
February 8th, 2007, 02:20 AM
Hello. My name is doug.
Not so sure If I like the bottom one.
February 8th, 2007, 02:22 AM
Like I said, great work. Bottom one is good - it vaguely reminds me of an SVT bayonet. Very vaguely, but meh. :p
February 8th, 2007, 04:07 AM
No, the second one's a Russian knife. I was just remarking on how its overall shape kind of made me think of the bayonet for the SVT-40.
February 8th, 2007, 05:06 AM
and i'm just saying that the 2nd one is boring as shit compared to the 2nd one.
Woot for making no sense whatsoever :D
more detail please (why can't they have the same one?)
Because that would be an unholy sin.
Nothing wrong with it, at least wait until they're skinned...
also i notice you didn't coment on any of my guess's.. does that mean i won?
n00b out
No, you totally and utterly failed at guessing. Sorry. :p
February 8th, 2007, 01:43 PM
aw bite me :(
i'll fix the damn controls >_> need to finish the model, oh btw btd, i will <3 forever and ever if you uv the tank after the ak :p
February 8th, 2007, 02:25 PM
February 8th, 2007, 03:25 PM
: )
925 polies so far. just need rotars, gear, seats and the gun
February 8th, 2007, 03:31 PM
fuck you all...fried get your mind out of the gutter >_>
That's not going to happen.
@ firemetroid: do you have to much time on your hands? or is it some kind of fetish >.>
I don't know, do you consider being attracted to boobs a fetish or a waste of time?
February 8th, 2007, 07:51 PM
Them engines needs better reference pictures. They's lookin' hurrible. Srsly.
February 8th, 2007, 08:44 PM
February 8th, 2007, 11:27 PM
Add "landing gear" to that list. D:
Oh shit wait. My bad :suicide:
February 8th, 2007, 11:29 PM
: )
925 polies so far. just need rotars, gear, seats and the gun
I don't get why everyone is bitching, he said right there it still needs rotors, landing gear, seats, and the gun. So obviously it's still a work in progress
February 9th, 2007, 12:17 AM
you = :v
pwnd TBH.
what's wrong with them?
The hell I jumped bandwagon.
And nobody is bitching. That was a pointer to help him make it better, it's quite obvious to everyone it's a wip. Why not help him while it is still a wip.
February 9th, 2007, 12:41 AM
I think this forum needs to be introduced to the concept of jokes between friends.
February 9th, 2007, 12:51 AM
:| Needs less offtopic.
February 9th, 2007, 12:58 AM
y u hert me snaf :(
I spy some smoothing errors around the nose and tail. I expect it'll be fixed, but just in case... :p
February 9th, 2007, 03:46 AM
From Russia with love (Stamped :p) Out with the old, in with the new.
February 9th, 2007, 04:07 AM
There was nothing wrong with the old one, but nice work anyway :)
February 11th, 2007, 11:14 AM
Well, I set about fixing the driver hatch yesterday, and gave the finished model to Ross to render
(thanks, Ross) so I thought I'd post the picture here so Penguin can get an idea about how the driver hatch looks, and make his fixes accordingly.
February 11th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Excuse me, but I never said I wanted my tank in his map. I'm just showing Penguin the render. We both messed up the driver hatch, and I'm attempting to help to some degree. You're overreacting. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm doing something wrong. I'll remove it if you'd like.
February 11th, 2007, 04:30 PM
Now that I look at it, it does seem kinda off. I'll edit it. Sorry about that.
EDIT: done
+rep for pointing that out, Snaf
February 14th, 2007, 10:46 PM
O hai. More info/pics here
February 15th, 2007, 12:23 AM
Nice '249 you got thar.
February 16th, 2007, 01:37 AM
I will fucking saw you.
February 16th, 2007, 01:46 AM
I got dibs.
Looks awesome.
February 16th, 2007, 02:06 AM
Very nice work on everything guys. I am especially struck by Snaf's BSP, I VOTE TUTORIAL LOLOMG!!!! (pronouced, lawl-my-god) Really though, that is great stuff, keep it up!
*edit* just saw that SAW (LOL!) and that is just damn impressive. I need to learn 3DS more now xD.
*edit2* post some wireframes! *cough so I can work off of them/learn to model cough*
February 16th, 2007, 04:26 PM
Um...define the purpose of a scope on a machine gun.
February 16th, 2007, 05:15 PM
Too, uh, see farther? I can see the use for them. It's not like an 8X zoom on there or anything, you're not sniping with it. Basically to increase you view range. It's used in afghanistan, I think mostly by Canadian troops too, for certain types of fighting. I mean if you watch some vids of them fighting with it, unless it's suppressive fire, they rarely fire full auto, they use burst. Being able to see farther would only help, can't see it hindering you. Probably not so useful in halo, but I don't think it'll be used in it anyways.
February 16th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Teekup, WWII GIs used to use scoped Browning M2s in semi-auto as long-range, high-powered sniper rifles. That's pretty much where the idea of the .50 cal sniper rifle came from.
February 16th, 2007, 06:22 PM
Um...define the purpose of a scope on a machine gun.
I'm with you on this one; but meh.
February 16th, 2007, 08:13 PM
Thats what I mean, in halo that would be useless. If the recoil effect is added.
February 16th, 2007, 09:46 PM
actually if you're stationary it'll help for scanning and such. but moving around won't really have much purpose.
February 17th, 2007, 03:36 PM
when are thease maps coming out?
February 17th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Um...define the purpose of a scope on a machine gun.
The top sniper in the vietnam war used a Browning M2 .50 cal with a scope on it. Its barrel and mount makes it more effective than a .50 cal sniper rifle...
February 17th, 2007, 04:51 PM
The top sniper in the vietnam war used a Browning M2 .50 cal with a scope on it. Its barrel and mount makes it more effective than a .50 cal sniper rifle...
Thank you, Katarn. :)
February 17th, 2007, 05:31 PM
So far they aren't, so I don't know.
Oh, by the way, I can flip the tank!
February 17th, 2007, 05:48 PM
so can WOL...over...and over...and over lol, vehicles will not be first person, however the gunner seats will have the effect of first person but doesn't really work flawlessly
February 17th, 2007, 07:06 PM
ok that was one time!!!
no it doesn't work right, looks all retarded.
February 17th, 2007, 07:38 PM
So make it not look retarded?
Move the camera position around (if you can) until it's not going through the geometry.
February 17th, 2007, 07:41 PM
I think they're doing it with Crater. (whatever happened to that? they started talking about it again and then poof!)
February 17th, 2007, 10:58 PM
phrag died again. i haven't talked to him in a while, and the way camera tracks work it would f things up
February 17th, 2007, 11:57 PM
Argh. 1st person driving would have ruled.
February 18th, 2007, 04:55 AM
I fucked your sister.
February 18th, 2007, 10:33 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Phraggah is involved with this now?
February 18th, 2007, 08:32 PM
:D...hey's that ak? >_>
February 18th, 2007, 09:56 PM
something on the first tank reminds me of a face heh. Anyways, those are nice :P
February 19th, 2007, 09:04 AM
Katarn's (thetub's, actually) skin was incredible.
February 19th, 2007, 12:22 PM
Nice. Warhead needs more green, though. Then again, it is still WIP.
February 19th, 2007, 01:54 PM
seeing as how not many of you are familiar with rendering wip skins...the black (and guess the wood) is just a base skin...not the actual skin.
February 19th, 2007, 01:58 PM
February 19th, 2007, 05:15 PM
I'm liking the rocket part, obviously it's wip so I won't say anything else.
February 19th, 2007, 07:06 PM
warhead is actually comin along pretty nice, this'll look great when it's done
February 19th, 2007, 10:43 PM
Base -> Major details -> Minor details
IMO too early for WIP pics.. but eh, snaf has premature ejaculation syndrome.
February 19th, 2007, 11:07 PM
only when looking at my work.
February 20th, 2007, 01:25 AM
only when looking at my work.
No, what I give out when you show me those pics is vomit, not sperm :P
February 20th, 2007, 01:34 AM
Woah nice work there :D
Not asking when its out, but is any of this in game yet, doesnt matter if its textured or not just trying to guage how far progress is. Models are looking awesome so far :P
Anyways time for me to fry some pancakes
February 20th, 2007, 07:39 AM
Nice going snafu!!!! Like the progress of this shows that your dedicated to what you do! I wish that I could make "CITY MAPS" like you I dont know how to set shit up correctly to make it look right I guess im not made to make "City Maps" If you could help me on how to choose the right layout tell me PM me Please! And untill then Im gonna stick to modeling outside maps like Covi Strucure Maps Or Probably War Maps which sounds really good to me Id like that Id make it like idk like the nazi highway map I like it well, and btw agian good job
February 20th, 2007, 05:15 PM
Ingame /w animations, or just to try see what they look like?
February 20th, 2007, 07:36 PM
It's a bad idea Leiuk, because then we'll just want to "test" every little change. It's better just to finish all the content, then do tests after. We have had a few little tests with vehicles and such, but no one else has seen them, weow!
February 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM
Oh, lol that's not what I meant. I was just wondering what's ingame already, and to what extent. You're right it'd be dumb to put in every little change.
February 20th, 2007, 08:57 PM
Ummm none of the stuff snaf and I have made is ingame.. to my knowledge.. though a fair amout of penguins stuff is.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 20th, 2007, 10:49 PM
When was V- ingame? You mean the old betas? Or some secret ones that I did not hear about. :?
February 21st, 2007, 06:12 PM
Probably the old ones he hosted when I had no CE.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 21st, 2007, 06:33 PM
Actually, I hosted them. :P
February 21st, 2007, 06:37 PM
Yo whip whats you website address..
Then tell me map directory.
Then beta directory...
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 21st, 2007, 06:40 PM
February 21st, 2007, 08:39 PM
Password is Beau
username is Whiplash
if you try this you're a moron
February 21st, 2007, 08:42 PM
i know but i wanted to see if you were really that stupid as to post it >_> you never know.
February 21st, 2007, 08:44 PM
Hooray for ninja tags.
February 21st, 2007, 08:56 PM
once again
February 21st, 2007, 09:24 PM
Fuck I hate Boba.
February 22nd, 2007, 02:53 AM
good stuff there, snaf.
.....god, what a ridiculous understatement. :lol:
February 22nd, 2007, 03:28 PM
but you can't see that in the pics :P
It's probably scenery. If so, you could do different arrangements for different gametypes. That could be a good idea.
February 23rd, 2007, 08:23 AM
snaf, you could've just asked for it
February 23rd, 2007, 02:03 PM
So razor-wire fences are going behind these to prevent people from passing them?
February 23rd, 2007, 02:29 PM
barbedwire/razor wire will also be in there, but there's no sense in rendering those since it really requires a texture with alpha... personally i like the hedgehogs kartarn has better, i was gunna make those cause they look cooler but meh, I-beams work
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 23rd, 2007, 05:35 PM
I don't think you would want to be hearted by razor wire...
No, it can't really hurt you unless you used some scripts, which wouldn't really be worth it. It would stop you though.
February 23rd, 2007, 06:05 PM
Wouldn't razor wire and barbed wire be very high poly? Or would it be a bitmap?
The tanktraps look good btw.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 23rd, 2007, 06:06 PM
It would just be a simple texture with an alpha on a plane or several planes. And the alpha would act as its transparency mask.
February 23rd, 2007, 06:25 PM
Good. I don't want a million polys lagging me. Lol, that is the obvious choice tho.
February 23rd, 2007, 06:34 PM
I prefer the I-beams over katarns for the map. I mean Katarn's look good and everything, I think these just go better with it.
February 23rd, 2007, 07:05 PM
Katarn's is all WWII-ish.
He probably made it for that D-Day project he was working on, actually.
February 23rd, 2007, 07:17 PM
yeah, that's what I was thinking. I-beams seem a little more suitable for modern combat.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 23rd, 2007, 07:36 PM
I realized that those renders don't have the updated pillar textures and bumps.
Here is an update I guess:
Trust me, you do not want to see the roof. I am still searching for a texture that will fit with this kind of brick.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 23rd, 2007, 07:41 PM
Snaf and I were talking about a video preview last night.
February 23rd, 2007, 08:30 PM
It would just be a simple texture with an alpha on a plane or several planes. And the alpha would act as its transparency mask.
February 23rd, 2007, 10:04 PM
ahhh almost complete, just needs the scope and the ris attachment
1,100 polies
February 23rd, 2007, 10:07 PM
Uh... yeah, I like the M21 :|
February 23rd, 2007, 10:13 PM
yea well the ejection port hates you! that thing was a bitch, but yea this will be the US sniper
February 23rd, 2007, 10:56 PM
Wouldn't razor wire and barbed wire be very high poly? Or would it be a bitmap?
The tanktraps look good btw.
I want to see someone do a barbed wire fence with polygons. Perfectly curved too. :lol:
February 23rd, 2007, 11:36 PM
Your tank barricades need a panel or something thats holding them together.
February 23rd, 2007, 11:43 PM
Nonono penguin, all your proportions for the action are wrong! I'll give you some rendars of my garand through a PM.
February 24th, 2007, 12:23 AM
i'd appreciate that very much katarn, this was quite a painful model >_<
February 24th, 2007, 10:25 AM
ok well after looking over some ref pics leuiki was withholding from me >_> i think i fixed proportions a little bit, they were quite off as katarn pointed out, dunno how much better this is
February 24th, 2007, 12:19 PM
but yea this will be the US sniper
What happened to the Arctic Warfare Magnum?
February 24th, 2007, 02:33 PM
to overused
February 24th, 2007, 07:05 PM
What about the M24?
February 24th, 2007, 08:15 PM
bf 2 has one, also m14 just fits better for what i need.
February 24th, 2007, 09:18 PM
Check the front sights - I think that the actual side parts were a continuous surface from the sight base. Not 100% certain though.
Either way, can't wait to use that thing.
February 25th, 2007, 12:02 AM
Needs less m14 and more m98 mauser.
February 25th, 2007, 12:06 AM
That'd be more appropriate for the terrorist sorts, along with the SVD and Mosin-Nagant 91/30.
February 25th, 2007, 09:45 AM
Tip: make them hold the gun from the other side will look much better :\
February 25th, 2007, 10:31 AM
Needs less m14 and more m98 mauser.
update: all weapons will be replaced with weapons from 1942...but vehicles will remain the same.....>_<
i'll make one for ya soon don't worry btd ;)
February 25th, 2007, 08:38 PM
Somehow I think of this when I read your post.
February 25th, 2007, 11:38 PM
First page...stop posting useless crap. k?
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 25th, 2007, 11:43 PM
Yeah, so most, if not all of the texturing/UV'ing is final. The bank roof, just ignore it, that is not the texture or UV it is going to keep for very long. Conscars is making a custom texture for it, that fits with that brick style/color. I might change some textures around for some things, but tht is after I see how the look ingame. All of the roofs that are viewable from the church tower are properly UV'd so they don't look really ugly. The rest obviously are just tiled a whole bunch. So, yeah, an ingame build of V- should be coming within the next week.
February 25th, 2007, 11:44 PM
Quite welcome.
Now ontopic. Veblenks is looking wonderful, as expected. However I crave to see ingame shots of the weapons and the tank. :)
February 25th, 2007, 11:44 PM
Just needs some decals of graffiti/rubbish/whatever all over the streets and walls.
Also, trying to raise your postcount here is futile. I'm untouchable.
February 26th, 2007, 12:27 AM
Great stuff.
February 26th, 2007, 12:43 AM
That's horrendus. If I that's the final, fuck i'm off the team.. just.. no. Learn to use more than basic textures and box UVW maps.
February 26th, 2007, 01:21 AM
February 27th, 2007, 06:58 AM
i kinda gotta agree with btd here, sorry whip. some of it just looks too repetitive, remember. unwrap uvw is your friend >_>
February 27th, 2007, 10:18 AM
what's that got to do with him having his babies? the babies might have that but so what?
i feel sick now..:sick::puke:
I don't think you get it. That's what it looks like when men have babies.
February 27th, 2007, 07:51 PM
...OKAY...moving on...
February 28th, 2007, 12:34 AM
Seeings I can't get any of you on AIM, i'll simply post here.
I hereby remove myself from the Modern Combat team, and any work I was given I am not going to complete, other than my own project. This is due to the dropping quality of work, and yes SnaF, I am referring to that 'skinning' job, if it can even be called that. I am completely appauled and ashamed you'd want to use it, and feel the same about whiplash daemen 'joining'. GL with the mod.
Leuk, I started your pistol a while back, and it's about half done.. so i'll still finish it for you. As for everyone else, I have deleted all models that aren't mine/my work, so you have nothing to worry about in that aspect :)
March 1st, 2007, 05:25 AM
Talent is hard to find it seems, especially when it comes to making a mod such as this.
I say I know people sometimes, and I do, but I doubt they would be willing to help if they were the ONLY ones doing the decent quality in the work. I have been looking at the H2 maps and decided to google a history. the H2CE team seemed to be the first best team to make things work, too bad they had to split up and part ways though, we might have seen some major achievements within the past 8 months if they hadn't. One goes off to bungie, another quits halo, and others are scattered about working on random projects here and there.
March 1st, 2007, 02:29 PM
everything you just said is completely irrelevant to this topic...
now unless you're going to be of some help...leave.
adu btd, adu : ( <3
March 2nd, 2007, 12:16 AM
Sorry to see you go btd. Thanks a million for finishing that pistol for me, I appreciate it.
March 3rd, 2007, 03:35 AM
Actually, H2 skimps on the polygons even more than H1. Better smoothing and bump mapping and whatnot.
March 3rd, 2007, 05:51 AM
I could've sworn I saw someone important say it a while ago. One example would be the BR grip, or the plasma pistol, I guess.
March 3rd, 2007, 10:41 AM
h2 models can use bumpmaps as where h1 can only do it on bsp. so i believe weapon models are geared at a lower poly level...however i don't believe anything is stopping you from doing that :p
March 3rd, 2007, 01:22 PM
Cool, attachments look sweet. And you know I'm an attachment whore. I bet h2v will be able to handle it. Just might have too juggle around with what gets more detail/effects put into the maps.
March 4th, 2007, 03:37 AM
Looks great, even though it's a fugly gun :p
Also, the sniper FP in Halo 2 is more or less a box that's had the living shit mapped out of it. Most H2 FP models are lower poly or at least lower detail than their Halo counterparts, from what I've seen.
March 5th, 2007, 11:00 PM
well, regardless, our weapons won't be boxes with uber-mapping.
Fuck, you know how godamn long this took? You sure know how to make a guy want to quit.
March 6th, 2007, 12:06 AM
March 6th, 2007, 12:51 PM
Stop taking a diahrrea shit all over this thread.
Are you guys going to make a new biped -_-
March 6th, 2007, 12:58 PM
noob... stop spamming. the majority of your posts on this forum are pure spam. that doesn't mean it's a topic for you to start discussing here, it means i'm telling you to knock it the fuck off.
as for a new biped, maybe. i don't plan on venturing into making a totally custom biped, maybe penguin will. we will have new fp arms, because halo's are severely out of proportion. like fucking midget arms.
March 6th, 2007, 02:13 PM
for those who couldn't work it out, this is a parody spam
You might be the funniest person I've ever met. With that ninja text, you're a regular Conan O'Brien.
What do you mean "not totally custom?"
As in modding the existing Halo marine, like was done in Ambush?
March 6th, 2007, 02:38 PM
Fuck, you know how godamn long this took? You sure know how to make a guy want to quit.
Can I see the reference images?
And last I heard the bipeds were just modded marines. But hey, if they do the job.
March 6th, 2007, 03:07 PM
as for a new biped, maybe. i don't plan on venturing into making a totally custom biped, maybe penguin will. we have new fp arms, because halo's are severely out of proportion. like fucking midget arms.
they just need a little fixing around the elbow and need to be uv'd skinned and rigged.
leiukemia i wish i could model like that :(
and as of right now biped will remain the halo marine. it's a decent model, it's low poly. if i really feel like wasting my time, i will make an entirely new one but as of right now that is the least important thing to this mod...
March 6th, 2007, 03:42 PM
yeah that's what i meant, peng. i'm not going to make a new one from the ground up. i don't have time for that. the biped we have now is fine, it doesn't even look like the halo marine.
March 6th, 2007, 05:13 PM
I'm half tempted to offering to make one. I just dunno how yet :S
March 6th, 2007, 07:16 PM
human models arn't to hard, just time consuming.
March 6th, 2007, 09:55 PM
I could suggest a few tweaks to the current model, because some aspects really don't look right. For one, the helmet is sliiightly off. It curves in around the back instead of angling out a little bit. I could find a few refs if you'd like. Another thing is the boots. They need a bit more meat 'round the toes. They look like extended sneakers at the moment. Might also look a bit better if the sleeves weren't rolled up, but that would require a new UV, so that's really not necessary.
March 9th, 2007, 06:08 PM
heh.. well can't really edit the model other wise the rig will be messed up...
March 9th, 2007, 10:49 PM
you sure? Doesn't the rig only affect the model at the joints? What I"m suggesting has nothing to do with the joints.
March 9th, 2007, 11:47 PM
you sure? Doesn't the rig only affect the model at the joints? What I"m suggesting has nothing to do with the joints.
no. all vertices are "weighted" to the rig.
March 14th, 2007, 06:23 PM
zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom *slpode*
2,800 polies :( still need the minigun
March 14th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Looks great dude. Still a few smoothing errors though
March 14th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Black Hawk. <3
March 14th, 2007, 08:01 PM
Still needs more win on those engine intakes. Though I have to say, throughout development of this project, your modeling skills have improved immensely.
March 14th, 2007, 08:48 PM
Still needs more win on those engine intakes. Though I have to say, throughout development of this project, your modeling skills have improved immensely.
What are you talking about? Penguin has ALWAYS modeled this well. :confused:
March 14th, 2007, 08:53 PM
March 14th, 2007, 11:47 PM
Don't forget his model pack O_o
I still have nightmares about that.
Also he seemed to have a knack for doing things from memory... what little memory there was, anyway. I remember the beginnings of the Ambush project. I could link to several examples.
I refer you to The beginnings of Project Ambush (
I think he had polygonophobia, hence the lack of minor details :P
Look at the apache, in particular. If you can't see anything in the other sections of the forum, there's a filter on the bottom that's set to view topics made only in the past 30 days by default. Change it to "the beginning".
lolpenguin. I actually thought that apache looked amazing... for a while...
Woo. Amazing improvement since then, though. Really.
March 15th, 2007, 12:41 AM
lol, I remember all that. But Pengy has improved a lot in a year (can't beleive that was only a year ago, feels ancient for some reason).
Bad Waffle
March 15th, 2007, 01:12 AM
The front of the blackhawk has always bothered me, because on yours the area right about the windshield and the roof is just flat. Its actually curved into the fuselage, like this.
Here's a ref pic showing the curve a bit better.
March 15th, 2007, 09:17 AM
Aparently sarcasm as died. Maybe I should have used a different emoticon. >_>
March 15th, 2007, 01:36 PM
ah didn't notice that. thanks wol
March 15th, 2007, 03:58 PM
^ New section for Modern Warfare! All further updates will be posted there. Previous ones will be up shortly
March 15th, 2007, 04:01 PM
well, we have our section in h2v teams now, so kiss this thread goodbye lolololocked.
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