View Full Version : see through building in sapien?

March 29th, 2008, 10:27 AM
Can somebody tell how I can fix this?


Llama Juice
March 29th, 2008, 11:11 AM
..... what is it?

tiny dark pictures = fail

March 29th, 2008, 11:12 AM
It's sort of a skybox building, you can see in from the outside :P

March 29th, 2008, 11:51 AM
For us to provide help, you must first describe what it should be doing and then say what it is actually doing.

March 29th, 2008, 03:19 PM
Well i was actually just making a test level. I made a building or a "box" but the walls are see through. Ive been trying to figure out on how to fix this so you cant see throuugh the walls

March 29th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Maybe you should try flipping the faces on the box?

March 29th, 2008, 03:47 PM
maybe actually give it WALLS? instead of one-sided polygons.

March 29th, 2008, 04:09 PM
maybe actually give it WALLS? instead of one-sided polygons.

March 29th, 2008, 05:04 PM
This thread...

Yeah...you have to give objects a thickness if they are inside of another object.

March 29th, 2008, 06:36 PM

Yeah...you have to give objects a thickness if they are inside of another object.

can you tell me how to do that please?

March 29th, 2008, 06:48 PM
make the exterior of the building. make the interior of the building. make sure door and windows line up. attach. done.

March 29th, 2008, 06:54 PM
Easiest way in my opinion is select all of the inside faces, clone them, scale it up a bit, flip the faces, even up the doors, windows, and, well everything. then create faces to make them connect. Or if you don't care what it looks like just make the faces 2 sided by putting a % after the sub-material of the building walls in 3ds max. But i can not see exactly what your talking about because it's much too dark.

March 29th, 2008, 09:33 PM
Well thanks for the suggestions i'll try them out. Here goes some more brighter pictures of what im talking about.



this is the building that see through

EDIT: Thanks Snafubar and johnny

March 30th, 2008, 12:09 AM
I usually start with the exterior then when I'm ready I'll create my faces where the main door or entrance (really it could be anything that is a path inside) and start extruding in and then out to the sides to create the inside walls/ceiling/floor.

March 30th, 2008, 06:23 PM
what happened to the photos...already down or just replaced??

anyway, just like a real building you need two pieces to make up an interior wall... just punch a hole in your drywall and what do you see... another piece of drywall...

or just do the % thing to make your faces double-sided.. they will look odd then as it will be real thin and not very 3d.

Easiest way i've done it is to start with a plane. Create all of your detail (like window openings, door openings, etc) then select the plane and Shift-clone it over a little. Then flip the new wall so that it is facing the opposite way. When the positioning is right, attach the two planes under Polygon mode. then in polygon mode select create and create new polys to connect the two planes... now you have two identical pieces giving your wall depth and the windows and doors are already done and easy to make look nice.

I'm working on a bunch of buildings myself... look at the Scorpion Song thread in the releases forum... Last post by me has a pic of some of them.. they still need lots of work but this will give you an idea of what it will look like when you do the above method.

fyi - it's easier to do this without the floor already there... i've been making my buildings first and then i merge them and put in a floor.. then surround it all in a box to seal the world.. then package and play, etc... also make sure to get rid of any polys that you won't see.. like the bottoms of the walls.. no need for those to be there...yes you get some errors in sapien when you do it this way but I've had no problems with that so far.. and you could always attach this to the floor with target weld in vertex or edge mode... i'm sure there are bttr ways but this is what works for me now...

This is exactly what Johnny explained above with a little more detail to how to do it...

March 30th, 2008, 07:09 PM
From what im understanding is you are trying to make it a room with a wall on the out side and a wall on the in side,

From what I see you have there, you will need to slect all 6 faces that make up the boxed room and in the modifier list find "shell" then just turn up the outer thick ness.

Alot easyer and alot better than making it % or all that scaleing stuff.

Just try it.

March 30th, 2008, 07:12 PM
that's why i like these forums...

I'll try it too.

March 31st, 2008, 02:32 AM
From what im understanding is you are trying to make it a room with a wall on the out side and a wall on the in side,

From what I see you have there, you will need to slect all 6 faces that make up the boxed room and in the modifier list find "shell" then just turn up the outer thick ness.

Alot easyer and alot better than making it % or all that scaleing stuff.

Just try it.

no. shell modifier doesn't make it uniform.

March 31st, 2008, 05:12 AM
It just dosent or dose it give you that non-uniform node scale?

Cause i never got that error just from shelling a face\box.:confused:

March 31st, 2008, 08:31 PM
There are many tecniques to building a structure. Either way there needs to be an outside wall along with an inside wall. Just build the outside the way you built the inside. Use the X, Y, and Z values at the bottom to make everything look alligned and in order.

March 31st, 2008, 09:06 PM
Hm making 2-sided walls seems complicated in many ways

March 31st, 2008, 09:44 PM
Hm making 2-sided walls seems complicated in many ways
not really.... you already have some walls, just clone them, push the clone over a bit, use the attach button to make the new walls a part of your original wall (plane), then just connect them with new faces (polys)....

or just do the % thing and you will have a real basic building to run in and out of for boring's sake..

March 31st, 2008, 09:57 PM
Good thing i put this thread up before this website goes down, very good advice. Thanks guys

April 1st, 2008, 01:21 AM
not really.... you already have some walls, just clone them, push the clone over a bit, use the attach button to make the new walls a part of your original wall (plane), then just connect them with new faces (polys)....

or just do the % thing and you will have a real basic building to run in and out of for boring's sake..

Didn't i say that? You need to watch some tutorials cheesey. Thats all the other advice i can give.

April 1st, 2008, 10:08 PM
Yeah, sucks being a new person around an experienced community

April 2nd, 2008, 09:31 AM
That was so fucking stupid! who the fuck would shut down a site just for a joke? I REALLY hope it was atleast shut down to do matinace.

April 2nd, 2008, 06:45 PM
You did not notice a differance? wow

April 2nd, 2008, 06:50 PM
(laughing at BigDaddy...in a good way)

ya the walls aren't all that hard to do, I'm newer than you and i got it down... its all about just doin' it... all of this is real complicated at first... every damn last bit of it...

and then, it gets easier... a little

Here: Wall Pic (http://exchange.mxotech.com/xtransfer/wallstut.jpg) <-- pic of steps below (just click on it to see it in IE...if its little then clik on it to zoom in...*lamers note)

create a plane with only 1 segment (i started mine at 1000x1000...it can be scaled down later to a size that fits masterchief better)
Convert to Editable Poly
Select Edge mode under Editable Poly
Select Insert Vertex
Insert verts where you will basically want edges to be...
Now select Create tool in Edge mode
Create the Edges between the new verts
Create more verts as needed
Create more edges as needed
With the Move tool select either the verts or the edges that you want to move around to shape your windows and doors
Once your windows and doors are all lined out and look nice (the one in the pic was done real fast...you should take some time here to get it all "on the same level") you can delete the faces that make up the window and door...essentially punching holes out
In Polygon mode, select the whole plane
Now, select the Move tool
Hold down the shift key
left click and drag on the plane (or the move tool qizmo on a specific axis<--best way)
This will copy the plane you just made
Select Clone To Object: (you can name it whatever you want, really doesn't matter)
Now use the Select by Name tool and select the new plane (Object01 in this case)
Select Polygon mode and use the Flip tool
Select the Object01 again and in Polygon mode use the Attach tool
You can left click on the first plane now or go to the Select By Name tool again and select the first plane (Plane01 in this case)
This just brings the two plains together so that you can work on them both
Now, in Polygon mode use the Create tool
This just shows you all of the verts and you can create new faces by connecting the dots essentially... i made one for the pic and left one side undone
Continue doing that between the walls, windows and doors till its all sealed up (unless you will be adding more walls.. in that case leave the places where new walls will be added)

What you do here depends on where you are going with it..
You can clone this whole wall now and put it in as another wall... rotate it around so that the corners meet up nicely
Then with Poly mode Attach tool attach the two walls
I use Vertex mode to move my corners to a 45 degree angle and then I use Target Weld to weld the verts together... you could use Edge mode too (Target Weld)
Now you have two walls... just keep going like that until you are all done

its all about manipulating your verts and edges, the clone tool, attaching and optimization... you should make it look nice (my example pic was done real quick and is kinda ugly)... let me know if you have any questions or what not.. its pretty easy actually

Hope that helps.. and I am interested if anyone has a better method or what not... I like to learn

April 2nd, 2008, 08:40 PM
(laughing at BigDaddy...in a good way)

ya the walls aren't all that hard to do, I'm newer than you and i got it down... its all about just doin' it... all of this is real complicated at first... every damn last bit of it...

and then, it gets easier... a little

Here: Wall Pic (http://exchange.mxotech.com/xtransfer/wallstut.jpg) <-- pic of steps below (just click on it to see it in IE...if its little then clik on it to zoom in...*lamers note)

create a plane with only 1 segment (i started mine at 1000x1000...it can be scaled down later to a size that fits masterchief better)
Convert to Editable Poly
Select Edge mode under Editable Poly
Select Insert Vertex
Insert verts where you will basically want edges to be...
Now select Create tool in Edge mode
Create the Edges between the new verts
Create more verts as needed
Create more edges as needed
With the Move tool select either the verts or the edges that you want to move around to shape your windows and doors
Once your windows and doors are all lined out and look nice (the one in the pic was done real fast...you should take some time here to get it all "on the same level") you can delete the faces that make up the window and door...essentially punching holes out
In Polygon mode, select the whole plane
Now, select the Move tool
Hold down the shift key
left click and drag on the plane (or the move tool qizmo on a specific axis<--best way)
This will copy the plane you just made
Select Clone To Object: (you can name it whatever you want, really doesn't matter)
Now use the Select by Name tool and select the new plane (Object01 in this case)
Select Polygon mode and use the Flip tool
Select the Object01 again and in Polygon mode use the Attach tool
You can left click on the first plane now or go to the Select By Name tool again and select the first plane (Plane01 in this case)
This just brings the two plains together so that you can work on them both
Now, in Polygon mode use the Create tool
This just shows you all of the verts and you can create new faces by connecting the dots essentially... i made one for the pic and left one side undone
Continue doing that between the walls, windows and doors till its all sealed up (unless you will be adding more walls.. in that case leave the places where new walls will be added)

What you do here depends on where you are going with it..
You can clone this whole wall now and put it in as another wall... rotate it around so that the corners meet up nicely
Then with Poly mode Attach tool attach the two walls
I use Vertex mode to move my corners to a 45 degree angle and then I use Target Weld to weld the verts together... you could use Edge mode too (Target Weld)
Now you have two walls... just keep going like that until you are all done

its all about manipulating your verts and edges, the clone tool, attaching and optimization... you should make it look nice (my example pic was done real quick and is kinda ugly)... let me know if you have any questions or what not.. its pretty easy actually

Hope that helps.. and I am interested if anyone has a better method or what not... I like to learn

:gonk:*ugh* so much knowledge stuffed in my hollow brain.

April 2nd, 2008, 09:21 PM
Just work with this once through and it'll change how you look at building a structure. I'll admit it may be overboard for what you're trying to do but its a good thing.


April 2nd, 2008, 09:35 PM

i was thinking of modeling my dream home and porting it into halo2 so i can smash everything when i get all piss3d off...

April 2nd, 2008, 09:46 PM
You seen the house in that beta i was working on Idijiki. lol Anyways The tecnique used in that tutorial is a good one to build a human style base or struture in my opinion.

April 2nd, 2008, 11:05 PM
You did not notice a differance? wow

all i noticed was the new color. is that it? it dont take a whole day. w/e

April 3rd, 2008, 11:46 AM
ummm... new forums, blog space for all members, etc