View Full Version : Skateboarding?

March 29th, 2008, 04:33 PM
any users from this forum skateboard?

if so feel free to post pics for reppage ;)

March 29th, 2008, 04:36 PM
i used to skate, then global warming came, and it was wet all year round, resulting in major slipperage and no skating.

i'm mainly inline skater, but i've also tried boards. tbh, i prefer in-line, it's got alot more control, and you have a better feeling for what you're doing i guess. and it's not so much "TRICKING" the board into dong what you want it to do, it's just actually DOING stuff.

March 29th, 2008, 04:40 PM
ha, i could never stand in blades so i submitted to the lure of the board :P

plus i like the fact i can jump off the board when i know that there is imminant fail about to happen

heres an old pic of moi whizzplanking:

March 29th, 2008, 04:41 PM
i used to skate, then global warming came, and it was wet all year round, resulting in major slipperage and no skating.

i'm mainly inline skater, but i've also tried boards. tbh, i prefer in-line, it's got alot more control, and you have a better feeling for what you're doing i guess. and it's not so much "TRICKING" the board into dong what you want it to do, it's just actually DOING stuff.

I agree. Except I stopped skate boarding just for the fact I kept snapping my boards trying new thinks lol. Now im more of an inline skater since its so much harder for me to break the skates, and its so much easier to skate with complete control over where im going. Yeah, you can control a board, but its so much easier for my to just control using my legs and not having to position them on a board.

I <3 my current blades:

March 29th, 2008, 06:32 PM
Nice moldy stairs...

March 29th, 2008, 06:41 PM
I don't skateboard. Used to have awesome inline rollerblades but my feet got too big and I never felt like getting another pair. <_<

March 29th, 2008, 07:08 PM
Nice moldy stairs...

I don't skateboard. Used to have awesome inline rollerblades but my feet got too big and I never felt like getting another pair. <_<
Same here...:)

March 29th, 2008, 07:11 PM
I did back in 7th-9th grade. I never was any good though.

March 29th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I used to skate religously, never got great though, been starting back up lately since its started to get decent out, been landing kickflips decently, fell on a fakie 360 flip today though, kind bummed me out cuz i hit my elbow pretty good and I have to work tomorrow
for pepsi working out pallets store to store :-\

definately gonna need to get out there and take some pics soon and throw em up in here..

March 29th, 2008, 08:34 PM
eat it plasbian

March 29th, 2008, 09:18 PM
Nice moldy stairs...

who said stairs weren't allowed to be mouldy...

wtf is Plasbian eating?...

March 29th, 2008, 10:02 PM
eat it plasbian
eat it ßðÐŻÍ££å

March 31st, 2008, 12:09 AM
yeah... I started skateboarding mostly because I got heavily into snowboarding. I'm starting to like skating more though, mostly because I can do it when I want where ever I want mostly, apposed to snowboardings restrictions. (you need snow, which I don't have very often). Not to say I like it more then snowboarding, but I'm starting to skate a lot more. Plus I'm finally landing kickflips, I still got a ways to go... I can do them stationary fine, and even catch them fairly high, but when moving everything becomes inconsistent with my kickflips.

My best trick = Varial flips lol, those are even more inconsistent.

Only consistent tricks... pop shove-its, mb 180's...

But yeah, been skating for prolly about 3 years... didn't really start to do it alot till last summer though. (before that it felt more like work then fun because I sucked at ollieing and couldn't land pop shove-its moving) Once I landed pop shove-its and 180's things started to get more fun.

I <3 Skateboarding.

Oh yeah, I do Rollerblade (aggressive inline) too, I was into that for some time too, I'ma have to do it again soon, I never tried it in a park yet, and I'm looking forward to that. (I mostly just did spins like 180's and 360s, plus jumping over interesting things, never really slid or grinded anything)

EDIT: one other thing... I really wanna figure out casper tricks... there neat to me for some reason, just annoying as hell when I try to do them lol. Most of the time I'll get into it, and the board jus kind of slides out, prolly cuz I use a street deck (not a freestyle) and it has to much concave though, idk, either way I'm buying a new deck soon, I need it, I learned how to do varial flips off the nose of my board, the tail is completely flat.... XD

March 31st, 2008, 12:26 AM
I used to skate back in my more youthful days, back between 12 and probably 15, then I stopped. Got pretty good, a few months went by that I spent every saturday and sunday at Tampa Skatepark (better known as Spot.) Used to dominate the Half Pipe and the vert indoor section, never really cut it on the street part, always failed hitting a kickflip into a grind.

Used to love to just skate around places though, miss doing that.

March 31st, 2008, 01:06 AM
i used to dabble in most of these sports tbh,

did a bit of scooting (scootering :S?) a fair bit of Skateboarding (never any good i used to just ride around all over the place, Inline Blades i was good at when i was younger but i was mainly into BMX riding.

used to build ramps, table tops and tracks all over the place :)
had some pretty good balance back in those days. Plus i could ride backwards :D!
never the street style tho.

March 31st, 2008, 04:45 AM
i got a kickflip bs boardslide down a rail yesterday was stoked... and tryin to get kickflip bs crook grind but is so frustrating..., i cna kickflip nose manual so i think if i learned how to noes grind propery i'd get them down... but i get angry at myself quite often when skateboarding because shit seems so simple but hurts so much for no reason at all.

March 31st, 2008, 06:55 AM
i used to do backflips at the local skate park thingy. just for lols, and because i could, and nobody else could.

March 31st, 2008, 02:51 PM
ha, i wish i could do an early grab backflip over a funbox on a skateboard, would be jokes...

March 31st, 2008, 04:40 PM
I like to beat up skaters, they ruin my park time.
ride bikes plz

March 31st, 2008, 07:41 PM

some idiot once ghostied their bike into me (missed) so i fucked all their spokes up and buckled the wheels and when they ran over pushin me n shit i knocked the fucker to the floor.

dont even get me started with arogant biker cunts.

'oooh, i can do a backflip off a deathbox to a spine conversion....' - whoopie all looks the same to me... boring.

March 31st, 2008, 09:17 PM

some idiot once ghostied their bike into me (missed) so i fucked all their spokes up and buckled the wheels and when they ran over pushin me n shit i knocked the fucker to the floor.

dont even get me started with arogant biker cunts.

'oooh, i can do a backflip off a deathbox to a spine conversion....' - whoopie all looks the same to me... boring.
They were obviously just playing, you don't have to be so overdramatic, fucking skaters :S
Yeah, just because we have to actually deal with pain if ever we bail. Sorry, but your falling off or onto a piece of wood pales in comparison to getting a pedal wedged into your shin.

March 31st, 2008, 09:22 PM
a biker friend of mine did stack pretty hard the other day... was trying to do a tiretap on a wall above a quarter and went down on his face! (somehow), some of his teeth had gone through the front of his face... was in hospital for a couple of days...

then again... skateboarding can be fucking painful as a skateboard can go pretty much where it wants inbetween your legs.

Ive fucked a drop trick up a couple of times and had to check that i wasnt bleeding from a certain orophis.

March 31st, 2008, 09:35 PM
And.. you can get just as many sacks on a bike except you're going faster and you have a 25lb piece of metal that falls on you.

March 31st, 2008, 09:45 PM
your fault for riding the thing.

March 31st, 2008, 10:45 PM
Yeah, just because we have to actually deal with pain if ever we bail. Sorry, but your falling off or onto a piece of wood pales in comparison to getting a pedal wedged into your shin.
:lol:, what a pathetic retort. Because we all know there is only one way to bail on either and thats falling straight off a skateboard or falling on your side while trying to ride your bike :downs:.

Way to overgeneralize! http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-jerkbag.gif

April 1st, 2008, 01:08 AM
yeah, thats why I'm going to do my body a favor and not ride bmx... idk how in the hell I'd bail safely away from one of those things XD Idk... its something I might try but just seems too dangerous, if I'm gonna ride bikes and get fucked up on them, I'd at least like to do it on a dirt bike... seems more fun to me.

Idk, I like skateboarding because of all the technical things you can potentially do on it if you get good at it.

Its kind of like... heres my little innocent plank of wood with wheels on it, watch me control it underneath my feet with my mind now. :cool: Looks like mad fun to me.

April 1st, 2008, 11:30 AM
:lol:, what a pathetic retort. Because we all know there is only one way to bail on either and thats falling straight off a skateboard or falling on your side while trying to ride your bike :downs:.

Way to overgeneralize! http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-jerkbag.gif

Okay, how do you fall on a skateboard that you can hurt yourself, its so terribly easy to get away from it.
With a bike, no matter what way you bail, you're going to have the bike within 2 feet of you and you're most likely going to collide with it.

Choking Victim
April 1st, 2008, 11:35 AM
You do realize you're arguing over who can hurt themselves the most, and with what object? ...dumbest. argument. ever.