View Full Version : battlefield 2 help

March 30th, 2008, 12:55 PM
ok i've been everywhere online and i can't seem to find anything to help me with my dilema.

i just bought Battle field 2 yesterday, and i came home to install it, and it installed fine, but, whenever i try to start it up, it goes through all the Ads. and it gets to the Static screen where the Girl says "welcome to duty" and than it freezes, and goes Black, and minimizez, and says my Gfx card had a VPU error... and so i Downloaded a new Driver for my Gfx card, and it still doesn't work. i g ointo EAsy info, and it says my Display Memory = Fail.

my Computer is well over the required hardware.

256mb ATi radeon 9250.

2.53Ghz intel Celeron D.


16X CD drive.

and i got like 13GB left.

so if you know whats going on with Display Memory, it would be awesome to let me know.:)


March 30th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Those specs are way too bad for Battlefield 2. You will not be able to play it srry.

March 30th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Those specs are way too bad for Battlefield 2. You will not be able to play it srry.

umm, the required specs are:

1.7GHz intel celeron D.

512mb RAM.

2GB space.

128mb Gfx Card.

so i should at least be able to start up the game:mad:

Mr Buckshot
March 30th, 2008, 11:09 PM
You can run BF2 but the performance will be so bad it's really not worth it. Trust me, the Radeon 9250 is a DX8.1 video card. It'll struggle to keep up.

The game obviously has trouble recognizing the memory in your video card since it may not be coded for that technology (It's meant to be played with at least a Radeon 9600 or higher).

Even if you do get the game running, you won't like it because it will be so choppy. Upgrade, unless you only have PCI slots in which case you're pretty screwed for high-end PC gaming. Next time, before you buy the game, download the free demo first - those things exist so that you can not only test out the gameplay but also the performance. If you can't run the demo well, you can't run the full game well.

March 30th, 2008, 11:18 PM
yah, your video card is the problem.

March 31st, 2008, 01:05 AM
ok, and ya, i only have PCI ports... i guess i'll wait until like October when i getta new computer. from www.digitalstormonline.com (http://www.digitalstormonline.com)

thanks guys.