View Full Version : Post your Quotes!
February 24th, 2007, 10:59 PM
RandomInsanity01:hi sexy
TSLStealth:Um, lets see, 17, M, and I'm not telling, and I'm not really playing that game, you got 2 warnings left
RandomInsanity01:so no age sex lang :(
RandomInsanity01:oh wait u say 17
TSLStealth:ya, just be lucky that I haven't blocked you yet, you're the 4th person to ask me that
TSLStealth:the last 3 got blocked
RandomInsanity01:you know who I am?
RandomInsanity01:Random :)
TSLStealth:oh, ok
TSLStealth:don't do that
February 24th, 2007, 11:00 PM
Allready been posted by Random. You've been had obviously >_>
February 24th, 2007, 11:01 PM
ya, and I'm still kicking my self.
February 24th, 2007, 11:03 PM
im out.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 24th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Holy shit this thread went to the shitter fast when I left. I'll leave it open only if it gets and stays back on topic.
February 24th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Um, ok, any one got any good quotes? I'm all out of good ones that doesn't give away anything that the public needs to know about untel the day comes.
February 25th, 2007, 12:34 AM
Dad: "poor old dog, she's allways asleep now, unless she's awake."
me: "wat??
ROFL stealth xD hahahahahaha hahaha
that is your state, I'm in Utah, land of the mormons, you can't have sex untel you have a wife, and you can't buy porn, and the licker store... don't even get me started there.
Hahahahaha thats weak dude. seriously.
i know of chicks taht where sleeping around when they where 13.
i have been friends with countless ppl that where on the drugs, and they where some of the coolest ppl i've ever met.
and i been drinking since i was 14. In-fact. i had my 18th birthdya party last night (i'm auzzy so thats legal now lol)
oh yeah i had 20gb of pr0n on my HD. but my HD died for some unknown mysterious reason. take danes advice, and get of the fucking house and get boobs.
sarcasm much?
Hey stealth guess what:
I've had 4 different kinds of sex
I've smoked pot :O lul
I've got a girlfriend
I have regular sex
Me and my girlfriend both have a set of handcuffs
I've drank many different types of alcohol, woken up with a hang over, spewed.
Crashed a car
Been hit by a car
Egged/rocked/bacon'd someone's house
Bashed up
and most importantly
I've had fun, tbh
let the FUCK loose allready :X
btw, I live in Australia. Everythings closed on Sundays (at like noon)^^^ Lol u bacon'd some dudes house hahaha, was that Colins house?
BACON hahahah xD
I never said that, I know of a few girls that had sex, some that did drugs, some that drank beer.
ROFL your so hardcore! hahahahahah
Don't you dare ask him to be unbanned.
Actually, I'm pretty sure you could do whatever the fuck you want within the law.
Same here. 90% of my friends at school have been absolutely smashed at least once, and a girl in my year is pregnant. I haven't actually got drunk yet (though I do drink), but so long as I don't do anything too stupid I see no reason I shouldn't. There's nothing wrong with drinking so long as you can control it.
1. ROFL he got banned from CMT FORUMS Bahahahha, Your just like me. but u kinda lived for those forums lol.... hahahahahaha
2. Indeed it's legal, so do it, Get some poon action allready
3. smashed once?? oh rossy, u need to hit that shit man xD u shoulda come to my party man we had Absinth ^_^. and u aint got drunk :(, dude... u need booze STAT!
February 25th, 2007, 05:10 PM
grow the fuck up.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
February 25th, 2007, 05:21 PM
Thanks Bod.
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