Rob Oplawar
March 31st, 2008, 02:32 PM
Hey guys. I've got news for ya. It's posted at, but I'll repost it here:
Posted by Rob Oplawar on 2008-03-31 11:47:25.
*clears away dust*
Ahem, holy cow, look at that, the last update was in January. Well, I am here to make an announcement, which explains the lack of updates. Here goes:
I am putting this project on the backburner.
What does this mean?
I'm not shelving it entirely, but unless I have free time and really feel like working on it, I won't. This means that there is no prediction whatsoever to when the first map will be released. It is entirely possible that it will never be released.
But... why, Rob, why???
Two years ago, I became aware of the Halo modding scene and decided to make a multiplayer map. As often happens, my ambitions grew and grew and grew, and instead of starting simple, I somehow ended up working on a massive project by myself. I ended up trying to lead a team of 7, and as it turns out, I am a terrible manager. I'm a modeler- that's what I do. I'm not good at managing and organizing and leading.
Anyway, this just isn't good for me. I have school to worry about, and lately my grades have been faltering. I'm going to have to spend more time on school and less time on massive, overambitious projects.
What will become of the project?
Even if I don't ever release the map, I don't consider this a loss. I have gained a ton of experience from this, and I do have a lot of BSPs to include in my portfolio now. That's all well and good for me, but alas, I have no consolation to offer you, the Halo CE player who wanted to see the first complete HCE SP mod. It's terribly typical of me to start a massively ambitious project and then leave you hanging. All I can say is, it looks like I failed to take the advice of the entire modding community, and bit off more than I could chew.
But don't consider the project completely gone. I may yet finish it. The website will stay up. I'll stay in contact with the CE community. I'll still mess around with the BSPs, and continue to add to my now thousands of lines of scripting for the level. Progress will continue, just at a publicly admitted slow pace. And I won't be making any updates unless there is something noteworthy to announce.
Before I go, I just want to thank everyone for showing interest, for offering encouragement, for being excited, and for understanding when I let you down. I also want to thank everybody who made a contribution to the map in any way- WoL, Mass, Apoc, Sever, Southpaw, Zephyrr, Dano, p0lar, Duce, Korn, ki11a, Neuro, Zeph, Snaf, Atty, The Ghost, Sunny, Flyin Rooster, Ross, Timo, Conscars, and probably a whole hell of a lot of people I'm forgetting. Thanks guys. Sorry for bailing on you.
Robert James Oplawar
BCE Project Lead
I'll be hanging around this thread, so I'll answer any questions or comments you have here.
Posted by Rob Oplawar on 2008-03-31 11:47:25.
*clears away dust*
Ahem, holy cow, look at that, the last update was in January. Well, I am here to make an announcement, which explains the lack of updates. Here goes:
I am putting this project on the backburner.
What does this mean?
I'm not shelving it entirely, but unless I have free time and really feel like working on it, I won't. This means that there is no prediction whatsoever to when the first map will be released. It is entirely possible that it will never be released.
But... why, Rob, why???
Two years ago, I became aware of the Halo modding scene and decided to make a multiplayer map. As often happens, my ambitions grew and grew and grew, and instead of starting simple, I somehow ended up working on a massive project by myself. I ended up trying to lead a team of 7, and as it turns out, I am a terrible manager. I'm a modeler- that's what I do. I'm not good at managing and organizing and leading.
Anyway, this just isn't good for me. I have school to worry about, and lately my grades have been faltering. I'm going to have to spend more time on school and less time on massive, overambitious projects.
What will become of the project?
Even if I don't ever release the map, I don't consider this a loss. I have gained a ton of experience from this, and I do have a lot of BSPs to include in my portfolio now. That's all well and good for me, but alas, I have no consolation to offer you, the Halo CE player who wanted to see the first complete HCE SP mod. It's terribly typical of me to start a massively ambitious project and then leave you hanging. All I can say is, it looks like I failed to take the advice of the entire modding community, and bit off more than I could chew.
But don't consider the project completely gone. I may yet finish it. The website will stay up. I'll stay in contact with the CE community. I'll still mess around with the BSPs, and continue to add to my now thousands of lines of scripting for the level. Progress will continue, just at a publicly admitted slow pace. And I won't be making any updates unless there is something noteworthy to announce.
Before I go, I just want to thank everyone for showing interest, for offering encouragement, for being excited, and for understanding when I let you down. I also want to thank everybody who made a contribution to the map in any way- WoL, Mass, Apoc, Sever, Southpaw, Zephyrr, Dano, p0lar, Duce, Korn, ki11a, Neuro, Zeph, Snaf, Atty, The Ghost, Sunny, Flyin Rooster, Ross, Timo, Conscars, and probably a whole hell of a lot of people I'm forgetting. Thanks guys. Sorry for bailing on you.
Robert James Oplawar
BCE Project Lead
I'll be hanging around this thread, so I'll answer any questions or comments you have here.