View Full Version : Why I don't pay attention to the news

Llama Juice
April 3rd, 2008, 09:26 AM
Juvenile Girl Will Not Be Charged for Abandoning Fetus on Airplane

HOUSTON — A 14-year-old girl who delivered a stillborn fetus in the bathroom of an airplane on her way back from a middle-school field trip will not be charged with any wrongdoing, Houston police said Wednesday.
The Harris County District Attorney's office decided not to pursue charges against the girl, who disposed of the fetus in a waste can. The students and their chaperones were returning from New York aboard a March 30 Continental Airlines flight.
Houston homicide investigators interviewed both the girl and a 14-year-old boy believed to be the father.
The girl, who authorities have not identified, told police she didn't know she was pregnant. Preliminary autopsy results indicated the fetus was stillborn and not viable, police said
The Boeing 737 plane landed at Bush Intercontinental Airport on a non-stop flight from New York's LaGuardia Airport. The plane, which was about 30 minutes late, carried 144 passengers and six crew members.
A cleaning crew found the fetus inside a wastebasket in the bathroom of a Continental Airlines plane about 15 minutes after the plane landed.

source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,345273,00.html

Too much fucked up shit out there... seriously... wtf

April 3rd, 2008, 09:47 AM
Too much fucked up shit out there... seriously... wtf

I agree. Watching the news to much it starts to get depressing. The only time I watch the news is in the morning, but its only like that NBC thing. If they start going into like Hollywood actors problems, war issues, presidential things or religion i just turn it off. Personally i could care less what they think or what someone else is doing/saying about those topics. The Hollywood stuff makes me gag. "Oh so-and-so is getting married" FOR THE 15TH TIME.

However back to the topic, yeah that is pretty messed up. Sad too. :(

April 3rd, 2008, 10:12 AM
I had a stillborn fetus once. He was brown lol how weird is that?? So I flushed him down the toilet.

April 3rd, 2008, 10:42 AM
I had a stillborn fetus once. He was brown lol how weird is that?? So I flushed him down the toilet.
Did it have nuts?

April 3rd, 2008, 03:24 PM
It's just sad because when schools wanted to give out condoms and birth control to 11-year-old students, parents were outraged because WHAT? AN 11 YEAR OLD HAVING SEX? NOT POSSIBLE.

Start giving these kids condoms and birth control so this bullshit doesn't happen. It won't ENCOURAGE them to have sex; they're already doing it in the first place, whether you know it or not. Might as well give your child birth control as soon as they hit puberty, seeing as they immediately feel mature enough to have intercourse as soon as they start getting bee-stings for tits.

Also... HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW YOU'RE PREGNANT? That was a LIE on the girl's part because she knew her parents would know about it eventually. The physical symptoms would be too obvious to go without notice... such as the baby bump, morning sickness, etc.

I am disgusted by this article. -___-;

April 3rd, 2008, 03:46 PM

I found the american view on life.

April 3rd, 2008, 04:14 PM
Thats crazy... and sick. god damn 14 year olds.

April 3rd, 2008, 05:15 PM
Reminds me of this one girl at school ;x

Shes a junior, her BF is a senior. That means that next year he will be going to college while she in a senior. Well... she'd been on birthcontrol for a while, and recently stopped without telling her BF. He just thought she was getting extremely eager for sex lol. Turns out she stopped so she could get pregnant for the sole purpose of trying to keep them together next year.

Americans, we think funny!!


Mr Buckshot
April 3rd, 2008, 06:33 PM
You think only America puts such bullshit on the news? Well, I suppose that since Canada is right next door, we have similar news too. It reminds me of one 15-year-old boy who was caught in the girl's bathroom of my school. He was making out with a 13-year-old girl. They didn't get a chance to perform anything but they were stripping each other from what I heard. Sick.

Canada doesn't have a noticeable film industry (although many American movies are often filmed in Vancouver). However, we replace all the actor/actress gossip with debates about whether homosexual marriages and abortions should be legal. With all the garbage going around, even the elections of new Prime Ministers turn into relatively minor news.

But delivering in an airplane bathroom? That tops it all. Haven't heard of that happening on Air Canada, although I did hear of one incident when a man jacked off on an Air Canada flight and was fined.

April 3rd, 2008, 06:38 PM
It's just sad because when schools wanted to give out condoms and birth control to 11-year-old students, parents were outraged because WHAT? AN 11 YEAR OLD HAVING SEX? NOT POSSIBLE.

Start giving these kids condoms and birth control so this bullshit doesn't happen. It won't ENCOURAGE them to have sex; they're already doing it in the first place, whether you know it or not. Might as well give your child birth control as soon as they hit puberty, seeing as they immediately feel mature enough to have intercourse as soon as they start getting bee-stings for tits.

Also... HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW YOU'RE PREGNANT? That was a LIE on the girl's part because she knew her parents would know about it eventually. The physical symptoms would be too obvious to go without notice... such as the baby bump, morning sickness, etc.

I am disgusted by this article. -___-;

I would be disgusted at the girl, not the article. However, it's foxnews so I'm disgusted anyways. And yes, there have been news articles talking about kids 10 years old having sex while at school. I wish people would understand birth control prevents birth, not sex.

April 3rd, 2008, 06:39 PM
You must not of heard about "prom night dumpster baby!" (See: Family Guy)

Some girl gave birth in the bathroom during prom, took her baby outback, threw it in the dumpster, and proceeded to enjoy her prom night. This baby was alive when it came out by the way...not Stillborn.

Also con, did you eat it? I hear they taste good.

April 3rd, 2008, 06:45 PM
I would be disgusted at the girl, not the article. However, it's foxnews so I'm disgusted anyways.

You made my day :rape:

April 3rd, 2008, 08:26 PM
Reminds me of this one girl at school ;x

Shes a junior, her BF is a senior. That means that next year he will be going to college while she in a senior. Well... she'd been on birthcontrol for a while, and recently stopped without telling her BF. He just thought she was getting extremely eager for sex lol. Turns out she stopped so she could get pregnant for the sole purpose of trying to keep them together next year.

Americans, we think funny!!


Bad Waffle
April 3rd, 2008, 08:50 PM
I had a stillborn fetus once. He was brown lol how weird is that?? So I flushed him down the toilet.

how big was that fucker, 8 pound 12 ounce?


you're a sick fuck, bod.

Reminds me of this one girl at school ;x

Shes a junior, her BF is a senior. That means that next year he will be going to college while she in a senior. Well... she'd been on birthcontrol for a while, and recently stopped without telling her BF. He just thought she was getting extremely eager for sex lol. Turns out she stopped so she could get pregnant for the sole purpose of trying to keep them together next year.

Americans, we think funny!!


hey, my ex was planning on doing that to me! WOOO

April 3rd, 2008, 10:26 PM
I'm inclined to believe the news is full of shit anyway... never watch TV news.

April 4th, 2008, 04:43 AM
It's just sad because when schools wanted to give out condoms and birth control to 11-year-old students, parents were outraged because WHAT? AN 11 YEAR OLD HAVING SEX? NOT POSSIBLE.

Start giving these kids condoms and birth control so this bullshit doesn't happen. It won't ENCOURAGE them to have sex; they're already doing it in the first place, whether you know it or not. Might as well give your child birth control as soon as they hit puberty, seeing as they immediately feel mature enough to have intercourse as soon as they start getting bee-stings for tits.

Also... HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW YOU'RE PREGNANT? That was a LIE on the girl's part because she knew her parents would know about it eventually. The physical symptoms would be too obvious to go without notice... such as the baby bump, morning sickness, etc.

How would you know?
If the fetus was young enough, she wouldn't have had the bump at all. Besides, not all pregnant women get morning sickness (cough, my mum, cough).

also, all teenagers have sex once they hit puberty? fuck, brb killing myself in shame.

TBQH, you need to stop making massive generalisations.

Also, that is gross and sad. Birthcontrol FTW.

April 4th, 2008, 06:24 AM
How would you know?
also, all teenagers have sex once they hit puberty? fuck, brb killing myself in shame.

Did I once say that all teens started having sex at puberty? No. Did I say that more of them were starting to become interested in sex at an earlier age? Yes.

Hormones are a funny, funny thing, I'm sure you know.

April 4th, 2008, 07:16 AM
Did I once say that all teens started having sex at puberty? No. Did I say that more of them were starting to become interested in sex at an earlier age? Yes.

Hormones are a funny, funny thing, I'm sure you know.

Especially when neuro does it, but his thread got deleted >:/

April 4th, 2008, 04:01 PM
Also... HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW YOU'RE PREGNANT? That was a LIE on the girl's part because she knew her parents would know about it eventually. The physical symptoms would be too obvious to go without notice... such as the baby bump, morning sickness, etc.
But how can you assume she would know what is causing those morning sicknesses? She's 14 after all, not on any grounds that call for any experience with the pregnant process.

Have there been any studies conducted on the age of puberty? Maybe we're "evolving" (lack of a better word) to start at younger ages? Maybe all those McDonald's hamburgers and...mmmmmm those fries, have fucked with our body so much we're starting to hit puberty at earlier ages :o

April 4th, 2008, 04:14 PM
But how can you assume she would know what is causing those morning sicknesses? She's 14 after all, not on any grounds that call for any experience with the pregnant process.

Have there been any studies conducted on the age of puberty? Maybe we're "evolving" (lack of a better word) to start at younger ages? Maybe all those McDonald's hamburgers and...mmmmmm those fries, have fucked with our body so much we're starting to hit puberty at earlier ages :o

Or its just making you americans fat :eyesroll:

Kinda hard to tell the differece between pregnant and fat anyway, but still, this is stupid.