View Full Version : Guerilla problems :((((
April 4th, 2008, 04:24 PM
i've been making a map, and i've been using tutorials closely. i got to the point where i have to use tool to convert the tifs to bitmaps, i tried, but it doesn't work, so i downloaded tool++, still didn't work, so i used photoshop to save the images as .bmp, is that ok?
back to the problem at hand, after that, i open guerilla, go to open, then go to tags\levels\teaser\bitmaps\teaserground.bmp and teaserwall.bmp
i try to open these, but all i get is "Couldn't read map file './'
you need to set your working directory."
i know the first line can't be fixed, but how do i set my working directory?
also, i duno how, but the tutorial guy, he just magically got his teaser directory in the guerilla thing. i just dragged and dropped from my regular place, C:\\program files\microsoft games\halo custom edition\data\levels\teaser
where as this guy is getting it from the tags directory, can anyone help me out? any and all help is greatly appreciated.
btw, it doesn't say to set my workingdirectory when i open a tag that came with hce.
April 4th, 2008, 04:33 PM
You can use .bmp images in place of .bitmaps for halo. What errors are you getting when you trying and convert a tif?
April 4th, 2008, 04:38 PM
the thing is, it doesn't convert into anything at all.
tool and tool++ doesn't work, toolrunner and HEKtor dont work either. i worked hard to get all this stuff together :\
April 4th, 2008, 04:40 PM
Are you just trying to run tool.exe by opening it? If so, you need to use tool with command prompt. Go to your windows/system32/ folder, copy and paste cmd.exe into your halo CE directory. Open cmd, and type tool bitmaps <directory after /data/ from here>
April 4th, 2008, 04:47 PM
yea, i tried opening tool by just...well...opening it :D
and i just tried what you suggested, and nothing happened except tool++.exe opened up. nothing happend. a blank screen :((( perhaps i need the original tool.exe? if so, where do i get it?
April 4th, 2008, 04:49 PM
Did you delete tool.exe? tool++ is just an interface that runs tool.exe. If you still have the HEK setup file, you can open it with winRAR and grab out tool.
April 4th, 2008, 04:50 PM
You need to ave your bitmaps as .tifs in your data direcotry. Then you use tool to make them into .bitmap tags.
April 4th, 2008, 04:51 PM
yeah, i deleted, i'll reinstall to get tool
unless i can find it on the internet first ;)
April 4th, 2008, 04:53 PM
Well since i'm feeling nice today, i'll upload it for you. Don't delete it again ;)
April 4th, 2008, 05:08 PM
thank you very much!
i'll letcha know how it works :D
April 4th, 2008, 05:11 PM
cool, it worked, i can open them in guerilla, and continue with meh tutorial, thank you so much!
i'll let you know if i come across any more problems!
April 4th, 2008, 05:25 PM
k, im kinda stuck.
this guy types in tool structure levels\teaser teaser
i do not have this at all. i get this error message, "the system cannot find the file specified" what is it talking about?
i am using this tutorial btw
at 38:25 minutes into the tutorial. thanks again :)
i just found out what the dilly is, i need a jms file, currently i use gmax, so it exports .gmax files, how to i get a .jms script.
again, thanks :D
April 4th, 2008, 05:50 PM
What is your working data directory
ex: levels\test\tutorial\all of your source files are in this folder
April 4th, 2008, 06:29 PM
i just found out what the dilly is, i need a jms file, currently i use gmax, so it exports .gmax files, how to i get a .jms script.
again, thanks :D
Use "bluestreak" its a script made by the ghost for exporting to .jms works with both 3dsmax and gmax, although I'm not entirely sure what it supports for gmax, I know .jms files are supported. Other things work too, but not all of them I don't know if you can export animation files (.jma's.. and jmos and jmm's, so-shoot-me I don't animate a lot) lol slipped my mind.. \/ \/
Anyway, just go to the homepage theres a link to "The blue streak project" or you can just go here.. lol same link.
Click the one for .jms (model) exporter
April 4th, 2008, 07:08 PM
Don't think the only type of animation format is JMA. There is also, JMO and JMM.
But as I said before, depending on YOUR working directory the command you input into tool will change.
April 5th, 2008, 07:46 PM
okk, so i got to my problem :(((
im using the same tutorial, and i get to the point where im supposed to open up the scenario tag in guerilla, when i did the "tool structure levels\teaser teaser" command in cmd, it gave me this error,
"Couldn't read map file './'
building intermediate geometry...
building collision geometry...
###error edge #301 is open (red)
(about 10 more of those same errors)
###ERROR failed to build collision geometry.
###ERROR failed to import collision bsp."
so what am i missing/doing wrong? i got this far, but now it's just dissapointing :(
April 6th, 2008, 01:27 AM
One of your edges in the map is open, you need to import the teaser.wrl into 3dsmax/gmax and uncheck all the boxes. The edge that is borked will be red. Delete it and recreate that area, and try again.
April 6th, 2008, 05:23 PM
In reply to Kalub:
What is your working data directory
ex: levels\test\tutorial\all of your source files are in this folder
My working directory is C:\program files\microsoft games\halo custom edition\data\levels\teaser
inside i have 3 bitmaps, ground water and the cliff walls, all in .bitmap form :D
in models, i have teaser.max, and teaser.jms thanks for the reply :D
In reply to Apoc4lypse:
Originally Posted by Chessman.exe (
i just found out what the dilly is, i need a jms file, currently i use gmax, so it exports .gmax files, how to i get a .jms script.
again, thanks :D
Use "bluestreak" its a script made by the ghost for exporting to .jms works with both 3dsmax and gmax, although I'm not entirely sure what it supports for gmax, I know .jms files are supported. Other things work too, but not all of them I don't know if you can export animation files (.jma's.. and jmos and jmm's, so-shoot-me I don't animate a lot) lol slipped my mind.. \/ \/
Anyway, just go to the homepage theres a link to "The blue streak project" or you can just go here.. lol same link.
Click the one for .jms (model) exporter
thank you for the reply. I got jms exporter, im sure it works just as well :D
I wont be animating anything, so if nothing else works, i'll use bluestreak, even tho i already exported teaser.jms :D
In reply to Timo:
Ok, i tried importing my .wrl, i found it :D
but there is a problem, dont you hate those?
i import it, uncheck all the boxes, then a square comes up, and nothing is there, my level isn't there, nothing is there, boo.
so...what do i do?
Thanks again for all your help guys :D
April 6th, 2008, 05:35 PM
Here, have a picture of my problem ;D
April 6th, 2008, 07:57 PM
mkay, so...i looked at this
checked it out and everything seemed fine...till i got to "Then you can to the Editable Mesh Modifier and select the material ID of 2 when in Edge Selection Mode. Then you can delete them and make new faces in Polygon or Face Selection Mode. There is only one draw"
every single bit of map that touches the outside is an open edge :( i dont know how to fixit.
they lost me, so here is another pic :D
anyway, the open edges are highlighted in blue. can anyone guide me step by step how to fix it all the way to saving it, exporting it, then running the tool structure levels\teaser teaser command?
thanks a lot.
April 6th, 2008, 08:46 PM
an open edge means an edge that is only connected on one side.
Every edge needs to be connected on both sides. for example, say you have a perfect box. However, the top is open/missing. So form the side, it looks like this:
|_| -each edge along the top is connected only on one side, to the sides of the box. But the other side, is "open" or not touching anything. Halo's blam! physics engine doesn't support this, and throws an open edge error in tool...
April 6th, 2008, 10:49 PM
uh...well, i remade the map, and the top box thingy is over the whole map, nothing is pokin out or nothing, i hide the top (not delete) and then i export, then save, do the tool structure command, and it still gives me all of these errors. i've researched, and i still cant find ANYTHING to help me :(
April 7th, 2008, 04:03 PM
my map is being stupid :D sorry for giving you guys trouble :(
but im still haveing problems :=\
April 8th, 2008, 10:31 AM
bump, still need help :(
April 10th, 2008, 04:08 PM
bumpity still need help :\
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