View Full Version : Im making a game for school! Info Inside
February 3rd, 2007, 11:46 PM
I posted this ( over at GBX but things have changed a bit since I originally posted that. Now the game is going to be either a first or third person shooter. Here is what the game needs to accomplish:
*Must take place during WW1
*Must have questions(more on that) and a points system of some form to keep track of scores
*The game must have "paths" for the war to take, ex. if Franz Ferdinand is not assassinated the war begins a different way.
*If this happens, there must be some way to get back on to the historical track.
* Must have graphics in one form or another
* Must be fully functioning (aka no horrendous exception-inducing bugs)
Also, there are a few limitations on the tech level, mainly the fact that the school uses computers with Intel Integrated Graphics at DX7 level. I probably will end up bringing in my own computer for sanities sake, since with Intel Integrated Graphics you might as well hand draw each image yourself.
Now, about the questions. Originally the game was going to take place during WW2, but due to time restraints we are doing it now on WW1. Originally we were going to have to have questions related to atomic chemistry (aka Nukes =D), but instead now we will have to make it related to chemical weapons and such.
I already have quite a few ideas on what we (I'm working in a group at school) can do, and we currently have a back-up plan in case we run out of time on this one. For the points system we are going to have it so that when you get a question right you gain one of two resources: exp for history (affects the abilities of your character) and technology for chem which lets you upgrade your weapons. These will appear in the form of a floating piece of paper with either an atom on it or a textbook (guess which is for which subject and you will get a cookie) which will start a 30 second quiz that has one question. Also, as the game progresses you will get to choose how you want to do things, which affects how the war progresses. At the end of each mission you will be graded on how well you do.
Anyone have any ideas/suggestions you want to add?
February 3rd, 2007, 11:57 PM
May I suggest ASCII?
February 4th, 2007, 12:00 AM
FPS now? I'll do weapons. Name me a poly limit.
February 4th, 2007, 03:19 AM
updates! I have the BSP rendering working and looking ok. I havnt done this in a while xD. I also have some scum-water ingame too. Tommorow im going to get weapons in-game and also put a proper sky in (right now I just have it set to render a lack of sky to a light blue color, which is rather blank xD). Im going to work towards getting a releasable alpha ready soon, but you will need Blitz3D to actually run it because I dont have a full version D=. I might have that soon though, and you guys can probably expect daily/weekly builds. Rossmum is working on some weapons right now, so expect it to look great even though the poly count is low. Overall I will be very impressed if I can get this to Half-Life-ish LoD on everything. Expect some screenshots/news tomorrow.
@Ross - Half Life 1-ish. an MP5 might look something like in this screenshot
February 4th, 2007, 10:44 PM
Double Post! Heres an update:
Things in:
* It works
* You can move
* You can fire your weapon
* Primitive maps system partially done
* Weapons switching system started
* Working on ammo counter system (right now you have a 14 round clip with unlimited ammo)
* Got the reload notification working
* Fixed issues with being able to fly by jumping (LOL)
need to do:
* make jumping smoother
* implement mouse-look
* make weapons switching work
* Make an HUD (started, but more or less far from done)
*health and armor bars
* different reticles for each weapon (not required)
* make some kind of map browser/GUI (will probably throw together in C#)
* heil hitler! (In there to check if anyone is reading this)
* Get some FP stuff in like biped arms
* Get enemies in-game
* Implement an AI system
* Make the actual map content
* Make the manual
* Polish it off
* lots of other stuff
As always I still take suggestions (even if they say something like "fuck off")
February 5th, 2007, 12:12 AM
No armour. No HUD at all would be the best but definitely no armour.
February 5th, 2007, 12:28 AM
why don't you just make a couple of maps for halo? most ai is already done for you, plus, there's plenty of people here with experience and stuff. and graphics are so much better too.
February 5th, 2007, 02:12 AM
Halo cant do a lot of the things that are required for this project. Originally I was thinking of doing a DoD:S mod but it probably wouldn't work too well either.
So besides HP should I add any other kind of stats? maybe something like a "shell-shocked" meter that, when filled, makes you black out/the usual effects of shell shock?
I just got a bunch of the textures done, all of which are 2048^2 :D . Im also going to make some smaller textures later if the school's computers can't take these :XD: . Im going to work on level design tomorrow at school and continue with coding after that. I want the engine done by the end of the week if possible. *watches as that date slips past*
February 5th, 2007, 02:53 AM
ok then :]
February 6th, 2007, 07:45 PM
update! I found out some more info on the project, and they actually want it to be more or less a "choose your own adventure" game. :mad: . However, all is not lost. screw WWI, this project is going to be based off of WW2. Hell, I may even go ahead and make it futuristic (that would mean that I could get away with the massive gravity bugs :eek: ). So more info will come soon as the engine comes along. Since this is no longer a school project I have more then a month to complete it, which means that I can be concerned with quality. So expect fewer and farther between updates.
Im also doing a rebuild of the code, starting from scratch. I have my old code as referance and will try and fix it up.
February 7th, 2007, 06:58 PM
Dam, I wish i knew smart shit. Thats awesome, just making your own game like that.
February 8th, 2007, 07:27 PM
If your going to do FPS as a "choose your own adventure" your going to have to set it up so that if you say... Die on a mission, you go to a different level then if you complete it.
February 8th, 2007, 07:54 PM
meh, im doing it in flash now. Its actually a choose-your-own-adventure game xD. Im still making an FPS though. Its going to be futuristic. Thats all I want to release for now ;D
February 9th, 2007, 05:19 PM
Make Halo 3 for Windows XP PC's :P
EDIT: And to add to my outragious demand, release it before Bungie releases Halo 3.
February 9th, 2007, 11:47 PM
k, right after I tighten up the graphics on Halo 4 with my 360 controller.
*oh, and no way in hell the engine will be done by tomorrow xD*
March 1st, 2007, 11:27 PM
I almost have something releasable to you guys...No story yet but for the most part the code is done...Overall I would say im about 75-80% done with everything. If you want my current code I can send you that over xfire. I'll throw something special in for Teroh since it was his birthday just recently ;D. Just wait a few more minutes/hours and you will get to see my shitty graphics I have been making with my 360 controller.
*oh, your probably going to be my guinnea pigs too if I can figure out how to get the damn thing to write to a text file xD that you can send me.
You will need to have the Demo for Blitz3D ( installed if you want to play this since I don't own the full version yet. Since im basically handing out the source code I might as well post it here anyway in case anyone wants to take a look at it/give me some tips/advice. Remember, this game is made in a form of basic.
March 1st, 2007, 11:39 PM
Make sure you tighten up the graphics on level two.
March 2nd, 2007, 04:46 PM
After this you should make a lan enabled FPS game that doesn't write to the registry or anything. Something for kids to distribute at school and play with :P lol
March 3rd, 2007, 04:01 PM
I found out that Blitz supports TCP/IP functions, so I could implement some form of multiplayer if I had time.
March 3rd, 2007, 04:04 PM
I found out that Blitz supports TCP/IP functions, so I could implement some form of multiplayer if I had time.Or release now because I want to play :O
:D Maybe post 1 screenie so I can get the idea what it generally looks like? :P
I'll give you a crumpet, my favourietest possension of course :eek:
March 3rd, 2007, 08:27 PM
go install Blitz3D and add me to your xfire and I'll send you a .rar of the current build. That goes for everyone. I can't host it anywhere unless someone wants to donate some hosting space.
March 3rd, 2007, 08:43 PM
go install Blitz3D and add me to your xfire and I'll send you a .rar of the current build. That goes for everyone. I can't host it anywhere unless someone wants to donate some hosting space.
Z zip ( does a better job than WinRAR at a fraction of the time, especially when compressing multiple files.
March 3rd, 2007, 09:45 PM
I like Winrar better =D
March 3rd, 2007, 11:59 PM
Looks like we have a leaked screenshot: (
That tool bar is far from final btw. Hell, this build is at least a week old ;D. Im retracting my statement about new builds because I figure that you guys will only want the full thing anyway. ;D.
March 4th, 2007, 02:26 AM
Triple Post mb? I posted this over at GBX and am too lazy to clean it up xD.
After a few weeks of work (actually more like a few hours xD) I have something to show to you guys. I have a video of an older build right here, so have fun looking at its crappiness.
As you can see quite a few things need a lot of work. Since my friend apparently didn't know how to use alpha channels when he made the cursor it looks very icky, so that will be replaced ASAP (working on it for next build). I may or may not have a few more h4x surprises for the next video that I will release, but it depends on how flooded with School work I am.
cut and pasted from my post over at Youtube:
An earlier build of my game polished up for the fine folks at ( I coded this in Blitz3D, and took a few textures from I may or may not make my own textures for the fun of it, but considering these are free for public use I may keep them since they are such high res textures. I would say im about 60-70% done right now but im having some issues with the latest build so you wont see what h4x I've added until I fix those up xD.
heres the source code for that build:
; World War One: The War to End all Wars
; code By Morgan Cabral, aka Legionaire45
; UI work by Ben and Nathan
; Work log (what still ABSOLUTELY needs to be done)
; -Implement mouse select system
; - on mousehit( 1 ), read from the file that has the story stuff in it
; - take from that file and put text from it into a box
; - random chemistry problem or historical event (depending on where picked)
; -Implement 5:00 timer (really easy)
; -Work on UI
; -Create/implement better Earth models
Global cam_x#,cam_z#,cam_pitch#,cam_yaw#
Global dest_cam_x#,dest_cam_z#,dest_cam_pitch#,dest_cam_y aw#
Global camzoom#
Global toolbar_sprite
Global cursor_sprite
Global pause_sprite
Global play_sprite
;----Set up movie, rendering and other stuffs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; start up screen/intro movie/camera setup
AppTitle "World War One: The War to End all Wars!", "Are you sure you want to exit? =("
Graphics 800,600,32, 1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; intro movie
If intro=0 Then RuntimeError "Movie could not be loaded!!!"
; Movie Variables
;draw movie/remove from memory
DrawMovie intro, x,y,w,h
Until Not(MoviePlaying(intro))
; instructions
Print "The World War One: The War to End All Wars!"
Print "Coded by Morgan Cabral, aka Legionaire45"
Print "Build 103alpha"
Print "----Controls------"
Print "Use the mouse to move the Earth minimap around"
Print "Press the mouse button to select settings."
; input for res/model detail/gfxmode select
detail#=Input$ ("detail level (8,16,32,or 64): ")
Graphics3D 1024,768,32,1
toolbar_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/toolbar.bmp" )
score_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/score.bmp" )
time_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/Time.png" )
refresh_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/Refresh.png" )
cursor_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/cursor.png" )
field_sprite=LoadImage( "hud/field.bmp" )
; backbuffer crap
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;---Planet/cloud/stand setup--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; earth
If earth=0 Then RuntimeError "Error loading mesh!!!"
earthtex = LoadTexture( "map/worldtex.jpg" )
If earthtex=0 Then RuntimeError "Error loading texture loading file worldtex.jpg!!!"
EntityTexture earth, earthtex
PositionEntity earth, 0,0,0
ScaleEntity earth, 270,270,270
RotateEntity earth, 0,0,0
; clouds
If clouds=0 Then RuntimeError "Error loading texture loading file cloudtex.jpg!!!"
cloudtex = LoadTexture( "map/cloudtex.jpg" )
If cloudtex=0 Then RuntimeError "Error loading texture loading file cloudtex.jpg!!!"
EntityTexture clouds, cloudtex
PositionEntity clouds, EntityX(earth),EntityY(earth),EntityZ(earth)
ScaleEntity clouds, 280,280,280
EntityAlpha clouds, 0.45
; --------Camera's and lights-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PositionEntity campivot,EntityX(earth),EntityY(earth),0
CameraRange cam, 1, 2000
PositionEntity cam, EntityX(campivot),EntityY(campivot), -600
PointEntity cam, earth
CameraZoom cam, 1.5
; Amient lights
AmbientLight 255,255,255
; V-Sync
; Game Timer
;VRam Used
; Game loop
While Not KeyHit( 1 )
;cursor/mouse sync
cursorX=MouseX() : cursorY=MouseY()
; Camera Control
If KeyDown( 203 )=True Then RotateEntity campivot, 0,-10,0
If KeyDown( 205 )=True Then RotateEntity campivot, 0,10, 0
If KeyDown(200 )=True Then CameraZoom cam, 4
If KeyHit( 208 )=True Then CameraZoom cam, 1.5
;Mouse control
If MouseY()<668 And MouseDown( 2 ) Then
RotateEntity campivot, cam_pitch,cam_yaw,0
If KeyHit( 88 ) Then MoveMouse GfxModeWidth/2, GfxModeHeight/2
If MouseY()>668 Then
; Antialias/renderworld
AntiAlias enable
WireFrame enable
; Update HUD
DrawImage toolbar_sprite, 0,668
DrawImage time_sprite, 10, 678
DrawImage field_sprite, 90,678
DrawImage score_sprite, 370,678
DrawImage refresh_sprite, 934,678
DrawImage cursor_sprite, cursorX, cursorY
; Pause
; Debug text
Text 10,10, "Vram: " +vramused +" bytes/" +TotalVidMem() +" bytes"
Text 10,20, "Triangles: "+TrisRendered()
Text 10,30, "Debug...Build 101"
March 5th, 2007, 10:29 AM
You should make it like that Defcon game, global nuclear war. Build nukes, defences, target others.
March 5th, 2007, 12:27 PM
:O Concars this is a game for school, nukes later :O:O
Have you started work on the secret h4x idea u told me about ;);)
btw u seriously need to compress that .avi lol..
March 5th, 2007, 09:34 PM
You should make it like that Defcon game, global nuclear war. Build nukes, defences, target others.
Tthis was originally going to be a mod for Defcon :D. Basically though my friends demanded 3D (I had to go show them my shitty FPS...) and thats why im making the game in its current boring state.
I promise that there will be h4x soon though =D. As soon as this project is done I'll being working on a way cooler game. Im not talking until the project is done though xD.
March 6th, 2007, 08:29 AM
Well, in all the ways of irony and associated affairs, I've got to make a game for school too. Right now, it's kinda boring so we all play Warcraft III Tower Defense during the lessons. Theory is so mundane...
Anyway, I do not have the luxury of using 3d: we are only allowed to use Game Maker 6. 3d is next year (maybe). Wish me luck, 'cause this is a crucial part of my end-of-year total. (Anyone here do/ did IB? It's kinda like the Extended Essay.)
March 7th, 2007, 01:05 AM
Well, in all the ways of irony and associated affairs, I've got to make a game for school too. Right now, it's kinda boring so we all play Warcraft III Tower Defense during the lessons. Theory is so mundane...
Anyway, I do not have the luxury of using 3d: we are only allowed to use Game Maker 6. 3d is next year (maybe). Wish me luck, 'cause this is a crucial part of my end-of-year total. (Anyone here do/ did IB? It's kinda like the Extended Essay.)
man, I feel for you. At least Blitz3D fully supports 3D functions. Are you at a college or a high school btw?
Meh, I still need to get a copy of Blitz3D =/. Do you guys think it will affect my grade if I have to open the app and then run the game?
March 7th, 2007, 03:43 AM
Tthis was originally going to be a mod for Defcon :D. Basically though my friends demanded 3D (I had to go show them my shitty FPS...) and thats why im making the game in its current boring state.
I promise that there will be h4x soon though =D. As soon as this project is done I'll being working on a way cooler game. Im not talking until the project is done though xD.
I might have something for you to consider...
March 7th, 2007, 05:07 AM
Well, in all the ways of irony and associated affairs, I've got to make a game for school too. Right now, it's kinda boring so we all play Warcraft III Tower Defense during the lessons. Theory is so mundane...
Anyway, I do not have the luxury of using 3d: we are only allowed to use Game Maker 6. 3d is next year (maybe). Wish me luck, 'cause this is a crucial part of my end-of-year total. (Anyone here do/ did IB? It's kinda like the Extended Essay.)
Game Maker 6 supports 3D functions.
March 7th, 2007, 05:10 AM
It does? I thought it only supported 2D, but with the capability to fake the 3D if you were talented enough...
March 7th, 2007, 07:16 AM
Legionnaire I sent you a PM like 2 days ago read it!!
I might be able to help you out with this "problem" of yours...
Also corgy is right, game maker 6 does support 3d, but very feeble.
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