View Full Version : what? another problem?

Invader Veex
April 6th, 2008, 10:15 PM

04.06.08 22:06:46 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
04.06.08 22:06:46 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.06.08 22:06:46 reference address: 42ca20
04.06.08 22:06:46 Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
04.06.08 22:07:02 the model 'weapons\assault rifle\assault rifle' and the collision model 'weapons\assault rifle\assault rifle' don't match (node counts don't match)
04.06.08 22:07:02 the object 'weapons\assault rifle\assault rifle' will not be collidable
04.06.08 22:07:27 the model 'vehicles\scorpion\scorpion' and the animation graph 'vehicles\scorpion\scorpion' don't match
04.06.08 22:07:27 the object 'vehicles\scorpion\scorpion' will not animate
04.06.08 22:07:33 the meter definition ui\hud\cyborg shield does not specify a stencil bitmap group.
04.06.08 22:07:33 the meter definition ui\hud\cyborg body does not specify a stencil bitmap group.
04.06.08 22:07:43 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
04.06.08 22:07:43 EBX: 0x02F5F848
04.06.08 22:07:43 ECX: 0x0013A018
04.06.08 22:07:43 EDX: 0x000002CC
04.06.08 22:07:43 EDI: 0x0013A018
04.06.08 22:07:43 ESI: 0x00000000
04.06.08 22:07:43 EBP: 0x00139EF0
04.06.08 22:07:43 ESP: 0x00139EE0
04.06.08 22:07:43 EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
04.06.08 22:07:43 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\cseries.c,#392: destination && source:confused2: I Have no idea what I did, except put a 1024x1024 bitmap in cyborg's motion_sensor_foreground in unit_hud_interace (and when I switch it back, error is still there)

EDIT: I would certainly like this solved. :|

teh lag
April 7th, 2008, 02:01 PM
Do you have anything abnormally large in your level? (geometry, bitmaps, strings, anything) If you open up tool in notepad you can ctrl+f most of these errors, and this one is right next to a bunch of memory size stuff.

Invader Veex
April 7th, 2008, 04:14 PM
Nah. Got nothing really large in there. It's just the original tutprial map with weapons and some new scenery (worked fine before)

Also did the same thing to a bloodgulch varient I made to test a script (also previously worked)

EDIT: Well I just Extracted tags from most recent map (overwrite on) and it's working again. Still, I would like to know what happened.