View Full Version : [SRS]Oh guys, I'm fucked.
April 8th, 2008, 06:33 PM
Cascadegame03 (4:30:57 PM): hello athy
BOBATHEFETT76 (4:50:52 PM): what
Cascadegame03 (5:07:32 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (5:07:33 PM): plz
Cascadegame03 (5:07:45 PM): we learned all about human and primate evolution in school
Cascadegame03 (5:07:49 PM): its a bunch of crap
Cascadegame03 (5:07:57 PM): My teacher even hinted that
Cascadegame03 (5:10:27 PM): How does it make u feel that Biblical prophesy has been revealed?
Cascadegame03 (5:10:32 PM): and fulfilled?
Cascadegame03 (5:10:38 PM): And is in the process of being fulfilled?
Cascadegame03 (5:27:06 PM): ???
Cascadegame03 (5:27:16 PM): How does it make u feel
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:00:04 PM): uh
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:00:10 PM): since when are teachers always right
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:00:17 PM): LOL this is going to the quote thread
Cascadegame03 (6:00:58 PM): wut quote thread?
Cascadegame03 (6:01:03 PM): can i see it
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:01:06 PM): no
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:01:07 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (6:01:14 PM): teachers arent always right
Cascadegame03 (6:01:21 PM): they teach evolutionsim dont they?
Cascadegame03 (6:01:36 PM): but when ur teacher has a Master's in Biological Science
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:01:56 PM): It's 'Evolution"
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:01:58 PM): dude.
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:02:20 PM): Not "evolutionism"
Cascadegame03 (6:04:44 PM): lol, well i notice u havent countered that whole "Masters in Biology" point
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:05:03 PM): Uh, I don't need to.
Cascadegame03 (6:05:27 PM): uh, cuz u can't
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:17 PM): You seem to think your 'god' lets you be a little prick on the internet, which is mostly atheists.
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:29 PM): Also, a master in biology doesn't mean shit
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:35 PM): it just means they went to school.
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:50 PM): You can still go through college
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:53 PM): and be a dumbass
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:06:57 PM): as your teacher clearly shows.
Cascadegame03 (6:07:04 PM): lol, as you clearly show
Cascadegame03 (6:07:10 PM): She went Princeton
Cascadegame03 (6:07:13 PM): idiot
Cascadegame03 (6:07:26 PM): u think thats dumb?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:07:27 PM): Sure took you a long time to think of a comeback.
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:07:34 PM): Lying, perhaps?
Cascadegame03 (6:07:55 PM): So you hope?
Cascadegame03 (6:07:58 PM): Perhaps?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:08:07 PM): What the fuck are you talking about
Cascadegame03 (6:08:15 PM): My God doesn't like me to act like anything ungodly to anybody
Cascadegame03 (6:08:29 PM): And im talking to my friend on the phone now
Cascadegame03 (6:09:24 PM): That kinda explains my "slow response"
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:09:35 PM): I'm masturbating
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:09:41 PM): so only one hand is free.
Cascadegame03 (6:09:43 PM): no..
Cascadegame03 (6:09:48 PM): I don't do that
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:09:55 PM): And I'm coming up with stuff just fine.
Cascadegame03 (6:10:21 PM): I only use my body to glorify the Lord , not some perverted crap
Cascadegame03 (6:10:27 PM): now h/o
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:10:40 PM): LOL!
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:10:42 PM): sigged
Cascadegame03 (6:11:37 PM): What's so funny
Cascadegame03 (6:11:38 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (6:11:42 PM): OK, now im off of the phone
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:11:48 PM): sigged
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:11:50 PM): :gonk:
Cascadegame03 (6:11:55 PM): What's "sigged"?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:12:00 PM): nothing
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:12:02 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (6:12:03 PM): I don't even know what that is.
Cascadegame03 (6:12:06 PM): Anyways
Cascadegame03 (6:12:32 PM): Wow, proof that atheists really are a bunch of dumbfucks
Cascadegame03 (6:12:36 PM): Tell me, are you american?
Cascadegame03 (6:12:41 PM): You probably are.
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:12:45 PM): It's a christian chat room.
Cascadegame03 (6:12:55 PM): I don't care...?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:12:59 PM): I'm Canadian.
Cascadegame03 (6:13:03 PM): lol
Cascadegame03 (6:13:07 PM): Like ill believe that shit
Cascadegame03 (6:13:16 PM): You're one of those smelly, gamer, white boys
Cascadegame03 (6:13:26 PM): 'Scuse me
Cascadegame03 (6:13:33 PM): Smelly, ATHEISTIC, white boys*
Cascadegame03 (6:13:58 PM): Tell me, since atheism is sooo much better, then what's the meaning of life?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:14:05 PM): To breed.
Cascadegame03 (6:14:14 PM): WHy don't I just shoot myelf in the head?
Cascadegame03 (6:14:21 PM): And where the hell do we get our morals?
Cascadegame03 (6:14:42 PM): Okay, why don't YOU just shoot yourself in the head, better yet?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:14:53 PM): Great comeback man
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:14:55 PM): wish i could do that
Cascadegame03 (6:15:18 PM): The truth is, you have no more evidence that this planet just happened to come about by some random magical explosion than we do that God created it
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:15:41 PM): Yeah, actually, we do.
Cascadegame03 (6:15:55 PM): No, he doesn't
Cascadegame03 (6:16:26 PM): No, the fact that you believe something as ficitonal as that proves your idiocy
Cascadegame03 (6:16:31 PM): further*
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:16:48 PM): Oh, so I guess the world's scientists are full of shit
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:16:49 PM): right
Cascadegame03 (6:17:01 PM): A lot of them are, yes
Cascadegame03 (6:17:08 PM): Not al scientists believe in that
Cascadegame03 (6:17:11 PM): all*
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:17:28 PM): then they aren't scientists
Cascadegame03 (6:17:31 PM): There are actually scientists who have dug up compelling ecidence
Cascadegame03 (6:17:39 PM): for biblical events
Cascadegame03 (6:17:48 PM): How does that not make them scientists?
Cascadegame03 (6:17:57 PM): Because they dont believe a random magical explosions?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:17:58 PM): because they don't support science
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:17:59 PM): Haha.
Cascadegame03 (6:18:01 PM): lol, no
Cascadegame03 (6:18:08 PM): That's not necessarily "science"
Cascadegame03 (6:18:12 PM): It's a theory
Cascadegame03 (6:18:16 PM): That you same up with
Cascadegame03 (6:18:19 PM): came*
Cascadegame03 (6:18:21 PM): they*
Cascadegame03 (6:18:40 PM): Please
Cascadegame03 (6:18:47 PM): You're full of shit
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:18:56 PM): And you're not
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:18:58 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (6:18:59 PM): No
Cascadegame03 (6:19:04 PM): I'm full of the holy spirit
Cascadegame03 (6:19:51 PM): What is a "sig"?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:20:06 PM): LOL!
Cascadegame03 (6:20:09 PM): Is that supposed to be a threat to me?
Cascadegame03 (6:20:18 PM): Seriously?
Cascadegame03 (6:20:27 PM): I don't give a damn what you think of what I say
Cascadegame03 (6:20:49 PM): because, there are plenty of people who would find you to be the most obnoxious dumbfuck on earth
Cascadegame03 (6:21:28 PM): Let me quote this whole convo and paste it on the TBN network
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:21:44 PM): Haha.
Cascadegame03 (6:21:46 PM): SO they can see just how stupid you are
Cascadegame03 (6:21:53 PM): WHat's your name?
Cascadegame03 (6:21:58 PM): If u dont mind?
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:22:00 PM): patricia jackson
Cascadegame03 (6:22:13 PM): ok, ill just give them your SN, since u wanna be a dumbass
Cascadegame03 (6:22:26 PM): This'll only take a second
Cascadegame03 (6:22:37 PM): Oh and if u happen to see a bunch of christians persecuting you
Cascadegame03 (6:22:41 PM): You'll know it's me^^
Cascadegame03 (6:22:45 PM): God bless
Not the persecution!
April 8th, 2008, 06:36 PM
Well played.
April 8th, 2008, 06:42 PM
Thats the south park evolution for you!
April 8th, 2008, 06:47 PM
Rich pussy went to a Private Christian school and now he can force the word of God on everyone :o
Also, string theory.
April 8th, 2008, 06:48 PM
"What's a sig?" :lol:
April 8th, 2008, 06:56 PM
Cascadegame03 (6:18:47 PM): You're full of shit
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:18:56 PM): And you're not
BOBATHEFETT76 (6:18:58 PM): ?
Cascadegame03 (6:18:59 PM): No
Cascadegame03 (6:19:04 PM): I'm full of the holy spirit
Beyond lol
April 8th, 2008, 07:01 PM
Epic win.
Is Cascadegame03 his screen name? I'm not very familiar with AIM.
April 8th, 2008, 07:05 PM
[16:19] imod53: I LOVE THE LAWD
[16:19] cascadegame03: PLease, leave me alone
[16:19] imod53: BUT HE IS MY BISHIE.
April 8th, 2008, 07:05 PM
Let the Religious debating and flame warz Commence:
Also, i request this be locked, It could be extremely offensive to some people.
April 8th, 2008, 07:09 PM
Also, i request this be locked, It could be extremely offensive to some people.
I thought that was the point :raise:
April 8th, 2008, 07:55 PM
I'm a Christian, and I approve of tormenting this cockhugger. :3
April 8th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Im also a christian, but i can admit that that guy was kind of an idiot. I dont really approve of some of the things the church does. but i believe in god just being a good person and thats all that matters to me.
Bad Waffle
April 8th, 2008, 08:10 PM
I'm christian, and i have never seen such a waste of human mass. What a completely blind idiot. She's like one of those "most hated family in america" people.
April 8th, 2008, 08:13 PM
we need a :rolling around on the ground laughing so hard your crying while slapping the ground and hooting smilie:
April 8th, 2008, 08:21 PM
Just leave the dude alone folks.
April 8th, 2008, 08:44 PM
The Bible is my favorite work of fiction...
April 8th, 2008, 08:56 PM
dammit. hes offline
April 8th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Wow... I'm Catholic and this guy looks like a complete ass. I'd bet the only thing that could actually get to him is another Christian in terms of arguing.
April 8th, 2008, 09:10 PM
Also, i request this be locked, It could be extremely offensive to some people.
But that's how we roll.
dammit. hes offline
Stop harassing the guy.
Reaper Man
April 8th, 2008, 09:14 PM
Well, seeing as he's religious, he's used to being spoon-fed information. I'm sure he believes every single word of his pastor too. (But he went to Bible College would be his 'justification')
and quantum physics :-3
To "where did you get your morals" I say:
It can be explained in evolutionary terms. Humans are social animals; we live in groups. In a more primitive age, we relied much more on other members of our group for survival (hunter-gatherer etc). If somebody did something that would be contrary to the survival of the group - i.e. lie, steal, kill etc - then they would be risking the chances of survival of the group. These acts would be then defined as 'bad' and things such as sharing food and aiding others in hunting etc would be considered 'good'. People who did 'bad' things would be dealt with or maybe even cast out of the group, where they would almost be guaranteed to die. This relates back to the whole idea of "adapt or perish".
Hence, morals.
April 8th, 2008, 09:20 PM
He is no Christian. It doesn't take a Christian or Catholic to see that. Hes a nut, end of story. And to further prove my point, my dad is a Christian and he doesn't act like this nor do any of the people in his church. Well maybe 1% might be a little pushy but the rest are not like this in the slightest.
Funny as heck to read what he says though. Makes me :lol:
April 8th, 2008, 09:21 PM
April 8th, 2008, 09:24 PM
There are good Christians out there, its not always like that.
April 8th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Your so-called "scientists" have yet to prove that evolution is any more than a theory.
As you probably already know, meteorology is a hobby of mine. I've studied floods, and large-scale modern floods have been known to disturb several layers of sediment, revealing things from antiquities to centuries-old buildings. A flood as massive as the Noahic flood described in the Bible could have completely rearranged the geographic makeup of the earth, leading people to believe dinosaurs are millions of years old when they're really only a few thousand.
Also, you're very much more guilty of persecution than he is. You post an argument with him (which you're clearly losing, I might add) and all your atheist buddies jump on the hate-Christian bandwagon.
April 8th, 2008, 09:31 PM
We don't hate Christians. Fanatics are what we dislike. If the man were Jewish, Muslim, perhaps even an Atheist extremist, I don't see why the situation would be any less funny to us. Nobody's out to get religion. Come out of the closet and take off your tinfoil hat. If you want to argue about the reality of Noah's Flood, this isn't the place to do so. This is a place to laugh at a silly man who has taken his beliefs too far, at least in Boba's eyes.
April 8th, 2008, 09:33 PM
<3 Emmzee.
Reaper Man
April 8th, 2008, 09:33 PM
A flood as massive as the Noahic flood described in the Bible could have completely rearranged the geographic makeup of the earth, leading people to believe dinosaurs are millions of years old when they're really only a few thousand.
So, what you're saying is a flood can somehow change the half-life of Carbon-14 and move tectonic plates?
April 8th, 2008, 09:37 PM
WOW, I can't believe it. You know...I never knew I would cause this much of an uproar among the atheistic community. And, Reaper, a great flood changing the geologic time table is much more plausable than some random magical explosion just happening to foster an earth sustaining human life.
But anyways, I must say, I am truely surprised. It really shows just how much of a coward most of you guys are. You sit here and plot and scheme and come up with all of these sick jokes about me all amongst your little group. Ya know...the fact that you guys keep talking about God so much and trying to disprove God actually proves there is a God,LOL.
April 8th, 2008, 09:40 PM
WOW, I can't believe it. You know...I never knew I would cause this much of an uproar among the atheistic community. And, Reaper, a great flood changing the geologic time table is much more plausable than some random magical explosion just happening to foster an earth sustaining human life.
But anyways, I must say, I am truely surprised. It really shows just how much of a coward most of you guys are. You sit here and plot and scheme and come up with all of these sick jokes about me all amongst your little group. Ya know...the fact that you guys keep talking about God so much and trying to disprove God actually proves there is a God,LOL.
Don't put yourself on a pedestal. One man posts one topic about one conversation you've had. This is by no means a community dedicated to you. Lose the ego. This is also not a community of atheists. We are atheists, agnostics, christians, catholics, jews, even muslims. One thing many of us seem to all find hilarious however, is the level of dedication you've put into your faith. To us, it just seems funny. Keep up the good work, don't be a "lulz-killer".
April 8th, 2008, 09:40 PM
Your so-called "scientists" have yet to prove that evolution is any more than a theory.
As you probably already know, meteorology is a hobby of mine. I've studied floods, and large-scale modern floods have been known to disturb several layers of sediment, revealing things from antiquities to centuries-old buildings. A flood as massive as the Noahic flood described in the Bible could have completely rearranged the geographic makeup of the earth, leading people to believe dinosaurs are millions of years old when they're really only a few thousand.
Also, you're very much more guilty of persecution than he is. You post an argument with him (which you're clearly losing, I might add) and all your atheist buddies jump on the hate-Christian bandwagon.
Do your floods alter the half-life of carbon? I believe there is some truth behind the bible, but it has pass between human hands soo many times you cant believe it word for word. I mean hell, just look at the different versions of the Holy Bible out today. The King James version is super-different than the one before it. You want to go back and look at the differences between the Old Testament and the original Torrah? You'd be surprised at the changes you pick up from simply translating the words literally.
April 8th, 2008, 09:42 PM
Alrighty, time to clean up this messy thread; Christian 101, here's a first lesson about a belief in God!:
Question: "What is general revelation and special revelation?"
Answer: General revelation and special revelation are the two ways God has chosen to reveal Himself to humanity. General revelation refers to the general truths that can be known about God through nature. Special revelation refers to the more specific truths that can be known about God through the supernatural.
In regards to general revelation, Psalm 19:1-4 declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” According to this Scripture, God’s existence and power can be clearly seen through observing the universe. The order, intricacy, and wonder of Creation speaks to the existence of a powerful and glorious Creator.
General revelation is also taught in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities — His eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Similarly to Psalm 19, Romans 1:20 teaches that God’s eternal power and divine nature are “clearly seen” and “understood” from what has been made, and that there is no excuse for denying these facts. With these Scriptures in mind, perhaps a working definition of general revelation would be: “the revelation of God to all people, at all times, and in all places, that reveals that God exists and that He is intelligent, powerful, and transcendent.”
Special revelation is how God has chosen to reveal Himself through miraculous means. Special revelation includes physical appearances of God, dreams, visions, the written Word of God, and most importantly – Jesus Christ. The Bible records God appearing in physical form many times (with Genesis 3:8; 18:1; Exodus 3:1-4; 34:5-7 as just a few examples). Second, the Bible records God speaking to people through dreams (Genesis 28:12; 37:5; 1 Kings 3:5; Daniel chapter 2) and visions (Genesis 15:1; Ezekiel 8:3-4; Daniel chapter 7; 2 Corinthians 12:1-7).
Of primary importance in the revealing of God is His Word, the Bible, which is also a form of special revelation. God miraculously guided the authors of Scripture to correctly record His message to mankind, while still using the styles and personalities of the human authors. The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is inspired, profitable, and sufficient (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God determined to have truth regarding Him recorded in written form because He knew the inaccuracy and unreliability of oral tradition. He also understood that the dreams and visions of man can be misinterpreted and the memories of them distorted. God decided to reveal everything that humanity needs to know about Him, what He expects, and what He has done for us in the Bible. And He has promised to sustain and preserve it for all time.
The ultimate form of special revelation is the Person of Jesus Christ. God became a human being (John 1:1,14). Hebrews 1:1-3 summarizes it best, “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son … The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being.” God became a human being, in the Person of Jesus Christ, to identify with us, to set an example for us, to teach us, to reveal Himself to us, and most importantly to provide salvation for us by humbling Himself in death on the cross (Philippians 2:6-8). Jesus Christ is the ultimate “special revelation” from God.
April 8th, 2008, 09:43 PM
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:06 PM): Hello. I heard about you and I'd like to discuss some of my theories regarding evolutionism.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:16 PM): Specifically, how wrong it is.
Cascadegame03 (7:38:32 PM): By whom did you hear about me?
Cascadegame03 (7:38:39 PM): And I warn you I am not stupid in the least
Cascadegame03 (7:38:45 PM): So don't insult my intelligence
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:48 PM): Some athy posted a convo about you on the Internet.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:01 PM): Mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:07 PM): I've tried to turn him from his path to Hell, but it's as if he WANTS to go there or something.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:20 PM): it's weird
Cascadegame03 (7:39:28 PM): Look, I'm not stupid as I waned
Cascadegame03 (7:39:32 PM): warned*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:33 PM): what do you mean?
Cascadegame03 (7:39:39 PM): And I know you're right there with him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:43 PM): Uh.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:44 PM): No.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:51 PM): Yes, you are
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:56 PM): Why do you think that?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:06 PM): Why else would you IM me?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:16 PM): Right after I decided to block him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:18 PM): I just want to share some knowledge I've dug up over the years.
Cascadegame03 (7:40:24 PM): About what?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:26 PM): My church has an amazing library
Cascadegame03 (7:40:29 PM): Please
Cascadegame03 (7:40:38 PM): Save your stuff for someone who cares
Cascadegame03 (7:40:49 PM): You're blatantly lying to me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:50 PM): full of books, articles, etc. about archaeological finds that prove what happened in the Bible was real
Cascadegame03 (7:40:52 PM): And trying to insult me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:55 PM): for example:
Cascadegame03 (7:41:11 PM): Okay, if you really are a Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:41:25 PM): then what is it that you must be done for salvation?
Cascadegame03 (7:41:34 PM): forget the you*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:41:55 PM): It all depends on my denomination.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:04 PM): lol, are u Catholic?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:10 PM): And if you're not that
Emmzeepwnzor (7:42:12 PM): No, Presbyterian.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:15 PM): then no its doesn't
Cascadegame03 (7:42:25 PM): Ok, then what must be done?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:32 PM): What is the way of salvation?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:15 PM): We Presbyterians believe that if we accept Jesus Christ as our one true Lord and savior, hold his teaching true, love thy neighbor as thyself, and put the Lord God before all things, we will go to heaven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:39 PM): We believe Jesus died to retroactively save those who sinned in the past, present, and future.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:53 PM): All that is required is what I said two posts above.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:09 PM): Well you sorta got it right
Cascadegame03 (7:44:15 PM): But I somehow do not believe you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:20 PM): "Sorta?"
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:23 PM): Explain please.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:59 PM): Because all you need to do
Cascadegame03 (7:45:06 PM): Is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
Cascadegame03 (7:45:16 PM): Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone
Cascadegame03 (7:45:19 PM): Not faith plus works
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:29 PM): Well hey, the works can't hurt.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:38 PM): No , not at all
Cascadegame03 (7:45:47 PM): But just know that they don't save you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:53 PM): I know that.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:55 PM): Good
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:58 PM): The faith is what really counts.
Cascadegame03 (7:46:04 PM): Exactly
Cascadegame03 (7:47:15 PM): But I still don't believe you're really sincere
Cascadegame03 (7:47:25 PM): let me see the forum
Emmzeepwnzor (7:47:56 PM): One second; lemme sift through my bookmarks.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:48:49 PM): Ah, here is the thread.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:13 PM): Be warned; if you register to argue with him, the members of the forum are hostile
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:20 PM): against believers such as ourselves
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:21 PM): (
Emmzeepwnzor (7:50:11 PM): Although, I find proving a point on forums, where you have the time to plan out a perfect counter-argument/rebuttal, is much easier than on instant messaging
Cascadegame03 (7:51:17 PM): i see
Cascadegame03 (7:51:19 PM): thank you
Cascadegame03 (7:51:28 PM): Please, be truthful about this question
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:30 PM): Anything for a believer
Cascadegame03 (7:51:36 PM): Are you SERIOUSLY a true Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:51:41 PM): like seriously
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:42 PM): Yes.
Cascadegame03 (7:51:43 PM): please dont lie
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:45 PM): Seriously.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:48 PM): All my life.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:52:03 PM): Born into the church, baptised, confirmed into the church, the works
Cascadegame03 (7:53:19 PM): I kinda do not believe in you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:53:25 PM): What for?
Cascadegame03 (7:53:35 PM): you seem very deceitful
Cascadegame03 (7:53:47 PM): I mean no believer even acts likt his
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:01 PM): Listen, if I were like an atheist, I would've come out and started spewing hate at you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:22 PM): I just want to share arguments with you concerning evolutionism
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:48 PM): For example:
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:00 PM): "archaeoligists" have never found a missing link.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:26 PM): With all the fossils that they've uncovered over the years, it is statistically likely (highly likely) that they would've found one by now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:41 PM): They can't come up with an answer for that.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:56 PM): All the people who said they found a missing link were proven to be frauds.
Cascadegame03 (7:56:29 PM): I see
Cascadegame03 (7:56:35 PM): OKay, I sorta believe you more now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:36 PM): Also, scientists have yet to explain why all the dinosaurs that supposedly existed tens of millions of years ago all instantly died off AT THE SAME TIME
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:47 PM): there are theories, but that's all they are, theories
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:01 PM): a theory is like a hypothesis, which is nothing more than a guess
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:09 PM): For example
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:22 PM): I can make a theory with just as much credibility as the mass extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:32 PM): Bologna is a fruit.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:38 PM): Easily disproven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:46 PM): Now take the extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:12 PM): Many Christians, including myself, believe that fossils, etc. were placed on earth to test our faith
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:36 PM): quite like Job, only this time, people are giving up believing in God.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:54 PM): I'd like to hear your two cents in the matter.
Cascadegame03 (7:59:58 PM): well
Cascadegame03 (8:00:22 PM): i personally believe that fossils may so obscured because of the Great Noahic flood
Cascadegame03 (8:00:30 PM): it probably changed everything up
Cascadegame03 (8:00:39 PM): and skewed the geological time table
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:48 PM): Ah yes.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:58 PM): Meteorology is one of my hobbies.
Cascadegame03 (8:01:47 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:01:50 PM): !!??
Cascadegame03 (8:01:52 PM): MIne too!
Cascadegame03 (8:02:01 PM): I wanna be a meteorologist when i grow up
Emmzeepwnzor (8:02:20 PM): Large floods (nowhere near the size of the Noahic flood, but large by modern standards) have been known to wash away several layers of earth, revealing things from the mundare (old houses, ancient pottery, etc.) to the extraordinary (gold, antiquities, etc.)
Emmzeepwnzor (8:03:04 PM): So it stands to reason a flood many many times the size of the largest modern-day flood might change the entire geological table, especially if it was planetwide as it is described in the Bible.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:13 PM): Remember the tower of Babel?
Cascadegame03 (8:06:17 PM): yeah
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:23 PM): God made everyone speak a different language
Cascadegame03 (8:06:28 PM): mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:34 PM): it's possible that he did this to test our faith in the future
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:02 PM): Being omnipotent, God could see what the earth would be like today, and could have done that not just for then, but forever
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:35 PM): It is my firm belief that if everyone spoke the same language, like pre-Babel, everyone would believe in the one true God.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:10 PM): Now, that's not to say it isn't possible for everyone who speaks different languages couldn't believe in the same God
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:14 PM): It's just harder
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:18 PM): Take Hindus for example
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:40 PM): they all speak Hindu, which is different from English, which all Christians speak
Cascadegame03 (8:08:46 PM): True.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:47 PM): and they believe in many gods
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:18 PM): Buddhists speak Chinese, Vietnamese, Cantonese, etc.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:27 PM): And they don't believe in any god.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:40 PM): See what I'm getting at?
Cascadegame03 (8:09:43 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:09:48 PM): Thats an excellent point
Cascadegame03 (8:09:55 PM): You're very intelligent
Emmzeepwnzor (8:10:01 PM): thanks
Because all Christians totally speak English.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:07 PM): Well, while we're waiting for the end times, want to go to that forum I posted and try to convert some athys? They're very suggestible.
Cascadegame03 (8:20:20 PM): Okay^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:22 PM): I'll join
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:27 PM): I'm sure that if we team up, we can nip this one problem in the bud
Cascadegame03 (8:20:33 PM): Me too
Cascadegame03 (8:20:39 PM): Im glad u IMed me^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:45 PM): And I hope you're 100% serious
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:46 PM): thanks
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:49 PM): of course
Cascadegame03 (8:20:59 PM): let me make an accountCascadegame03 (8:32:40 PM): the name's Harry
Cascadegame03 (8:33:15 PM): Creationism makes much more sense than some random magical explosion
Yeah, the entire universe, let alone just the earth, was created in seven days. That makes a whole lot of sense.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:35:58 PM): I haven't had an impure or bad thought in two years
Cascadegame03 (8:36:16 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:36:18 PM): Wow
Cascadegame03 (8:36:20 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:36:23 PM): in 2 years?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:26 PM): it takes concentration
Cascadegame03 (8:36:28 PM): Not even for a split second
Cascadegame03 (8:36:32 PM): ?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:34 PM): as soon as you start to feel one coming on
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:42 PM): you grab it by the head
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:48 PM): and thrust it as far back as you can
Cascadegame03 (8:37:01 PM): And then replace it with a pure thought?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:06 PM): yup
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:21 PM): I usually think of my dead grandma or Jesus
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:25 PM): That gets me back up
Cascadegame03 (8:37:42 PM): ^^
Cascadegame03 (8:37:46 PM): That's really good
Notice how he gets none of my clever sexual innuendo?
Emmzeepwnzor (9:50:03 PM): I take my faith seriously.
WOW, I can't believe it. You know...I never knew I would cause this much of an uproar among the atheistic community. And, Reaper, a great flood changing the geologic time table is much more plausable than some random magical explosion just happening to foster an earth sustaining human life.
But anyways, I must say, I am truely surprised. It really shows just how much of a coward most of you guys are. You sit here and plot and scheme and come up with all of these sick jokes about me all amongst your little group. Ya know...the fact that you guys keep talking about God so much and trying to disprove God actually proves there is a God,LOL.
Congratulations Cascadegame03, you have just been owned. It's been a blast, it really has. But I do believe this is a round won for us here at Modacity.
I don't believe in Creationism, I'm not a Christian, I masturbate 3 or 4 times a week, I think "impure" thoughts constantly, and I just owned the shit out of you. Good day.
April 8th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Alrighty, time to clean up this messy thread; Christian 101, here's a first lesson about a belief in God!:
Nice copy and paste. I'm wondering if you truly undertand half of what's wrong with your literal commitment, or if it's all just repeated information like this. Don't bother explaining your reasoning, you won't be making friends here.
April 8th, 2008, 09:45 PM
There are practically no Jewish creationists, but it's the same literature.
Honestly, these people have put themselves so far on the defensive out of fear that they've become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's not even about the truth anymore, it's about being right.
My principle "beef" with creationists is that they think they have the answer and frankly, regardless of whether or not the universe was the creation of a divine being, how could anyone possibly claim to know? Particularly with an explanation no less vague than one presented by someone who would claim not to know.
It's the closed mindedness that bugs me. One answer, they take it and they're done, period.
April 8th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Brace yourselves, we have theological experts coming our way!
April 8th, 2008, 09:52 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
April 8th, 2008, 09:53 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
April 8th, 2008, 09:53 PM
I'm waiting for it.
April 8th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way.
Good thing you're rich. That was a straight up threat. Don't think Modacity won't sue your ass once any attack gets linked to you. Don't think it won't if you try it. This aign't some freeforums board. Modacity - Serious Business.
April 8th, 2008, 09:57 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
hey look a christian extremist terrorist.:lol:
e-crusade rofl
April 8th, 2008, 10:01 PM
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:06 PM): Hello. I heard about you and I'd like to discuss some of my theories regarding evolutionism.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:16 PM): Specifically, how wrong it is.
Cascadegame03 (7:38:32 PM): By whom did you hear about me?
Cascadegame03 (7:38:39 PM): And I warn you I am not stupid in the least
Cascadegame03 (7:38:45 PM): So don't insult my intelligence
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:48 PM): Some athy posted a convo about you on the Internet.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:01 PM): Mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:07 PM): I've tried to turn him from his path to Hell, but it's as if he WANTS to go there or something.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:20 PM): it's weird
Cascadegame03 (7:39:28 PM): Look, I'm not stupid as I waned
Cascadegame03 (7:39:32 PM): warned*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:33 PM): what do you mean?
Cascadegame03 (7:39:39 PM): And I know you're right there with him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:43 PM): Uh.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:44 PM): No.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:51 PM): Yes, you are
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:56 PM): Why do you think that?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:06 PM): Why else would you IM me?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:16 PM): Right after I decided to block him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:18 PM): I just want to share some knowledge I've dug up over the years.
Cascadegame03 (7:40:24 PM): About what?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:26 PM): My church has an amazing library
Cascadegame03 (7:40:29 PM): Please
Cascadegame03 (7:40:38 PM): Save your stuff for someone who cares
Cascadegame03 (7:40:49 PM): You're blatantly lying to me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:50 PM): full of books, articles, etc. about archaeological finds that prove what happened in the Bible was real
Cascadegame03 (7:40:52 PM): And trying to insult me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:55 PM): for example:
Cascadegame03 (7:41:11 PM): Okay, if you really are a Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:41:25 PM): then what is it that you must be done for salvation?
Cascadegame03 (7:41:34 PM): forget the you*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:41:55 PM): It all depends on my denomination.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:04 PM): lol, are u Catholic?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:10 PM): And if you're not that
Emmzeepwnzor (7:42:12 PM): No, Presbyterian.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:15 PM): then no its doesn't
Cascadegame03 (7:42:25 PM): Ok, then what must be done?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:32 PM): What is the way of salvation?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:15 PM): We Presbyterians believe that if we accept Jesus Christ as our one true Lord and savior, hold his teaching true, love thy neighbor as thyself, and put the Lord God before all things, we will go to heaven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:39 PM): We believe Jesus died to retroactively save those who sinned in the past, present, and future.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:53 PM): All that is required is what I said two posts above.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:09 PM): Well you sorta got it right
Cascadegame03 (7:44:15 PM): But I somehow do not believe you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:20 PM): "Sorta?"
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:23 PM): Explain please.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:59 PM): Because all you need to do
Cascadegame03 (7:45:06 PM): Is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
Cascadegame03 (7:45:16 PM): Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone
Cascadegame03 (7:45:19 PM): Not faith plus works
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:29 PM): Well hey, the works can't hurt.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:38 PM): No , not at all
Cascadegame03 (7:45:47 PM): But just know that they don't save you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:53 PM): I know that.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:55 PM): Good
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:58 PM): The faith is what really counts.
Cascadegame03 (7:46:04 PM): Exactly
Cascadegame03 (7:47:15 PM): But I still don't believe you're really sincere
Cascadegame03 (7:47:25 PM): let me see the forum
Emmzeepwnzor (7:47:56 PM): One second; lemme sift through my bookmarks.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:48:49 PM): Ah, here is the thread.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:13 PM): Be warned; if you register to argue with him, the members of the forum are hostile
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:20 PM): against believers such as ourselves
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:21 PM): (
Emmzeepwnzor (7:50:11 PM): Although, I find proving a point on forums, where you have the time to plan out a perfect counter-argument/rebuttal, is much easier than on instant messaging
Cascadegame03 (7:51:17 PM): i see
Cascadegame03 (7:51:19 PM): thank you
Cascadegame03 (7:51:28 PM): Please, be truthful about this question
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:30 PM): Anything for a believer
Cascadegame03 (7:51:36 PM): Are you SERIOUSLY a true Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:51:41 PM): like seriously
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:42 PM): Yes.
Cascadegame03 (7:51:43 PM): please dont lie
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:45 PM): Seriously.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:48 PM): All my life.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:52:03 PM): Born into the church, baptised, confirmed into the church, the works
Cascadegame03 (7:53:19 PM): I kinda do not believe in you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:53:25 PM): What for?
Cascadegame03 (7:53:35 PM): you seem very deceitful
Cascadegame03 (7:53:47 PM): I mean no believer even acts likt his
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:01 PM): Listen, if I were like an atheist, I would've come out and started spewing hate at you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:22 PM): I just want to share arguments with you concerning evolutionism
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:48 PM): For example:
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:00 PM): "archaeoligists" have never found a missing link.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:26 PM): With all the fossils that they've uncovered over the years, it is statistically likely (highly likely) that they would've found one by now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:41 PM): They can't come up with an answer for that.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:56 PM): All the people who said they found a missing link were proven to be frauds.
Cascadegame03 (7:56:29 PM): I see
Cascadegame03 (7:56:35 PM): OKay, I sorta believe you more now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:36 PM): Also, scientists have yet to explain why all the dinosaurs that supposedly existed tens of millions of years ago all instantly died off AT THE SAME TIME
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:47 PM): there are theories, but that's all they are, theories
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:01 PM): a theory is like a hypothesis, which is nothing more than a guess
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:09 PM): For example
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:22 PM): I can make a theory with just as much credibility as the mass extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:32 PM): Bologna is a fruit.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:38 PM): Easily disproven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:46 PM): Now take the extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:12 PM): Many Christians, including myself, believe that fossils, etc. were placed on earth to test our faith
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:36 PM): quite like Job, only this time, people are giving up believing in God.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:54 PM): I'd like to hear your two cents in the matter.
Cascadegame03 (7:59:58 PM): well
Cascadegame03 (8:00:22 PM): i personally believe that fossils may so obscured because of the Great Noahic flood
Cascadegame03 (8:00:30 PM): it probably changed everything up
Cascadegame03 (8:00:39 PM): and skewed the geological time table
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:48 PM): Ah yes.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:58 PM): Meteorology is one of my hobbies.
Cascadegame03 (8:01:47 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:01:50 PM): !!??
Cascadegame03 (8:01:52 PM): MIne too!
Cascadegame03 (8:02:01 PM): I wanna be a meteorologist when i grow up
Emmzeepwnzor (8:02:20 PM): Large floods (nowhere near the size of the Noahic flood, but large by modern standards) have been known to wash away several layers of earth, revealing things from the mundare (old houses, ancient pottery, etc.) to the extraordinary (gold, antiquities, etc.)
Emmzeepwnzor (8:03:04 PM): So it stands to reason a flood many many times the size of the largest modern-day flood might change the entire geological table, especially if it was planetwide as it is described in the Bible.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:13 PM): Remember the tower of Babel?
Cascadegame03 (8:06:17 PM): yeah
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:23 PM): God made everyone speak a different language
Cascadegame03 (8:06:28 PM): mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:34 PM): it's possible that he did this to test our faith in the future
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:02 PM): Being omnipotent, God could see what the earth would be like today, and could have done that not just for then, but forever
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:35 PM): It is my firm belief that if everyone spoke the same language, like pre-Babel, everyone would believe in the one true God.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:10 PM): Now, that's not to say it isn't possible for everyone who speaks different languages couldn't believe in the same God
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:14 PM): It's just harder
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:18 PM): Take Hindus for example
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:40 PM): they all speak Hindu, which is different from English, which all Christians speak
Cascadegame03 (8:08:46 PM): True.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:47 PM): and they believe in many gods
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:18 PM): Buddhists speak Chinese, Vietnamese, Cantonese, etc.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:27 PM): And they don't believe in any god.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:40 PM): See what I'm getting at?
Cascadegame03 (8:09:43 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:09:48 PM): Thats an excellent point
Cascadegame03 (8:09:55 PM): You're very intelligent
Emmzeepwnzor (8:10:01 PM): thanks
Because all Christians totally speak English.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:07 PM): Well, while we're waiting for the end times, want to go to that forum I posted and try to convert some athys? They're very suggestible.
Cascadegame03 (8:20:20 PM): Okay^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:22 PM): I'll join
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:27 PM): I'm sure that if we team up, we can nip this one problem in the bud
Cascadegame03 (8:20:33 PM): Me too
Cascadegame03 (8:20:39 PM): Im glad u IMed me^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:45 PM): And I hope you're 100% serious
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:46 PM): thanks
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:49 PM): of course
Cascadegame03 (8:20:59 PM): let me make an accountCascadegame03 (8:32:40 PM): the name's Harry
Cascadegame03 (8:33:15 PM): Creationism makes much more sense than some random magical explosion
Yeah, the entire universe, let alone just the earth, was created in seven days. That makes a whole lot of sense.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:35:58 PM): I haven't had an impure or bad thought in two years
Cascadegame03 (8:36:16 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:36:18 PM): Wow
Cascadegame03 (8:36:20 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:36:23 PM): in 2 years?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:26 PM): it takes concentration
Cascadegame03 (8:36:28 PM): Not even for a split second
Cascadegame03 (8:36:32 PM): ?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:34 PM): as soon as you start to feel one coming on
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:42 PM): you grab it by the head
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:48 PM): and thrust it as far back as you can
Cascadegame03 (8:37:01 PM): And then replace it with a pure thought?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:06 PM): yup
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:21 PM): I usually think of my dead grandma or Jesus
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:25 PM): That gets me back up
Cascadegame03 (8:37:42 PM): ^^
Cascadegame03 (8:37:46 PM): That's really good
Notice how he gets none of my clever sexual innuendo?
Emmzeepwnzor (9:50:03 PM): I take my faith seriously.
Congratulations Cascadegame03, you have just been owned. It's been a blast, it really has. But I do believe this is a round won for us here at Modacity.
I don't believe in Creationism, I'm not a Christian, I masturbate 3 or 4 times a week, I think "impure" thoughts constantly, and I just owned the shit out of you. Good day.
April 8th, 2008, 10:01 PM
WOW, I can't believe it. You know...I never knew I would cause this much of an uproar among the atheistic community. And, Reaper, a great flood changing the geologic time table is much more plausable than some random magical explosion just happening to foster an earth sustaining human life.
But anyways, I must say, I am truely surprised. It really shows just how much of a coward most of you guys are. You sit here and plot and scheme and come up with all of these sick jokes about me all amongst your little group. Ya know...the fact that you guys keep talking about God so much and trying to disprove God actually proves there is a God,LOL.
The amount of "LOLs" in this post reminds me of Digikid.
Time to put the Forums Bitch gloves on.
April 8th, 2008, 10:04 PM
April 8th, 2008, 10:06 PM
April 8th, 2008, 10:08 PM
I can't wait for the first great forum war of modacity. :o
also what zilla said. :U
April 8th, 2008, 10:08 PM
whether people have a religion or not i don't see a reason to talk down to them. if you truly believe they are wrong about their beliefs, let them be wrong but you don't need to flame them and tease them about it. that goes the other way too. if you have a religion and someone else doesn't, why is it necessary to attack them over it? let them be wrong if you think they're wrong
April 8th, 2008, 10:11 PM
[10:23] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: oh zilla
[10:23] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: get ready in off topic
[10:23] The Real Ziz Lady: hello
[10:23] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: i got a religious nut to join
[10:23] The Real Ziz Lady: xD!
[10:23] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: he's gonna try to convert some people
[10:23] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES:
[10:25] The Real Ziz Lady: xD
[10:29] The Real Ziz Lady: should i quote you fur lulz
[10:29] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: not yet
[10:30] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: wait until he gets red rep and flamed into oblivion
[10:30] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: then whtn the dust settles
[10:30] I <3 KITTIES & PONIES: lulz will ensue
[10:32] The Real Ziz Lady: >: D
April 8th, 2008, 10:12 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
It's a shame you don't dare question your faith or apply logic to it. You may have actually been an intelligent person.
April 8th, 2008, 10:12 PM
Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
Also, for being a person of God, this guy CLEARLY has never heard, "But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
Turn the other cheek before you get your shit raided. :P
April 8th, 2008, 10:17 PM
I hope we do get pwnt by the Hackers of Christ
Also, thread is lul, fact that people think this will go anywhere is lul, idea that we are some sort of satanic-atheist-hate-squad is lulz.
April 8th, 2008, 10:18 PM
I don't know you guys.
Something tells me I won't be able to top that for a long time...
April 8th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Also, thread is lul, fact that people think this will go anywhere is lul, idea that we are some sort of satanic-atheist-hate-squad is lulz.
People actually taking him seriously is the real lul.
Bad Waffle
April 8th, 2008, 10:21 PM
I will stand back and view, but it pains me--because i know that some people have literally been 'bred' or 'trained' to the bone whereas they only have one pillar of knowledge, one outlook--and thus rejecting all other as blashemy. I have one thing to say.
I am so much more proud to be a upper middle class american kid with a few great hobbies and best friends across the human spectrum--from female mexicans to jews, to arabs and blacks. From atheists to so-called 'churchfreaks'. I believe that the best way to win an argument is to understand the others point--so you can therefore relate yours to theirs, and (if they choose to 'win' as well) then relate it to them so they understand.
I really pity you cascadegamer03, because you've been cheated out of a higher understanding of life itself. Hopefully you're not so biased in person and can make small talk to make the day a bit easier.
If this is all a huge charade, then i applaud you. Damn fine job, son.
That is all i've ever had to say on the religion subject. As written by a famous author, "everything is true, and nothing is true".
April 8th, 2008, 10:32 PM
April 8th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Oh for frig's sakes...
This is one of those points where everyone's acting like a tool...
Seriously guys... wtf.
April 8th, 2008, 10:36 PM
April 8th, 2008, 10:36 PM
I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich.Daddy must have bought the school library. :v:
Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^.
Dear God, help us all...
April 8th, 2008, 10:38 PM
EPIC WIN.Agreed. That just made my year.
April 8th, 2008, 10:38 PM
i'm lol'ing
April 8th, 2008, 10:43 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
Dear sir, being rich does not transfer over to instant respect on the internet. Emmzee warned you about hostile members of this forum. Well if you're even a quarter as smart as you say you are, you wouldn't have been so easily lured into taking the bait. You currently have almost the entire forum against you. What happens now? Also, your false claims mean nothing on the internet. We only yield to proper proof.
Empty threats, Mr. Cascade, are threats nonetheless and are held in the highest of response of the community.
Now everyone shut up and leave this guy alone. He's too ignorant for his own good and you forcing it upon him shall surely make him go mad.
Reaper Man
April 8th, 2008, 10:43 PM
^_^....oh but the round has gone to me Mr. Emmzee? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I have a 4.8 GPA, Im in the NHS, and Im very rich. Trust me, I knew you were lying,LOL, Harry isn't my real name and there is an attack coming your way. Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
Exodus20:16 "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour."
Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. "
:downs: Oshit, an atheist that knows his Bible verses? Yes.
April 8th, 2008, 10:44 PM
I've got to admit though, this is one of the fastest growing threads evar!
April 8th, 2008, 10:56 PM
:lmao: Can't friggin breath, this is priceless.
April 8th, 2008, 11:04 PM
and Im very rich"It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god" - Holy Bible
April 8th, 2008, 11:04 PM
Sig this thread now.
and Phopo we know where bad but it's just for the lulz mah man. Same reason i post silly pictures of myself. If you cant laugh at yourself or other people every now and then, well then your not human.
lighten up people and enjoy the moment
April 8th, 2008, 11:23 PM
A fanatic Christian's going to do something malicious because people on a website don't agree with him? You should be ashamed of yourself. Just because they didn't have hacking back when the Bible was written, doesn't make it OK.
From a Christian who realises you can believe in God without translating the Bible LITERALLY and ending up with all sorts of nonsensical crap:
Shut up.
April 8th, 2008, 11:30 PM
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:06 PM): Hello. I heard about you and I'd like to discuss some of my theories regarding evolutionism.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:16 PM): Specifically, how wrong it is.
Cascadegame03 (7:38:32 PM): By whom did you hear about me?
Cascadegame03 (7:38:39 PM): And I warn you I am not stupid in the least
Cascadegame03 (7:38:45 PM): So don't insult my intelligence
Emmzeepwnzor (7:38:48 PM): Some athy posted a convo about you on the Internet.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:01 PM): Mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:07 PM): I've tried to turn him from his path to Hell, but it's as if he WANTS to go there or something.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:20 PM): it's weird
Cascadegame03 (7:39:28 PM): Look, I'm not stupid as I waned
Cascadegame03 (7:39:32 PM): warned*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:33 PM): what do you mean?
Cascadegame03 (7:39:39 PM): And I know you're right there with him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:43 PM): Uh.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:44 PM): No.
Cascadegame03 (7:39:51 PM): Yes, you are
Emmzeepwnzor (7:39:56 PM): Why do you think that?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:06 PM): Why else would you IM me?
Cascadegame03 (7:40:16 PM): Right after I decided to block him
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:18 PM): I just want to share some knowledge I've dug up over the years.
Cascadegame03 (7:40:24 PM): About what?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:26 PM): My church has an amazing library
Cascadegame03 (7:40:29 PM): Please
Cascadegame03 (7:40:38 PM): Save your stuff for someone who cares
Cascadegame03 (7:40:49 PM): You're blatantly lying to me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:50 PM): full of books, articles, etc. about archaeological finds that prove what happened in the Bible was real
Cascadegame03 (7:40:52 PM): And trying to insult me
Emmzeepwnzor (7:40:55 PM): for example:
Cascadegame03 (7:41:11 PM): Okay, if you really are a Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:41:25 PM): then what is it that you must be done for salvation?
Cascadegame03 (7:41:34 PM): forget the you*
Emmzeepwnzor (7:41:55 PM): It all depends on my denomination.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:04 PM): lol, are u Catholic?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:10 PM): And if you're not that
Emmzeepwnzor (7:42:12 PM): No, Presbyterian.
Cascadegame03 (7:42:15 PM): then no its doesn't
Cascadegame03 (7:42:25 PM): Ok, then what must be done?
Cascadegame03 (7:42:32 PM): What is the way of salvation?
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:15 PM): We Presbyterians believe that if we accept Jesus Christ as our one true Lord and savior, hold his teaching true, love thy neighbor as thyself, and put the Lord God before all things, we will go to heaven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:39 PM): We believe Jesus died to retroactively save those who sinned in the past, present, and future.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:43:53 PM): All that is required is what I said two posts above.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:09 PM): Well you sorta got it right
Cascadegame03 (7:44:15 PM): But I somehow do not believe you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:20 PM): "Sorta?"
Emmzeepwnzor (7:44:23 PM): Explain please.
Cascadegame03 (7:44:59 PM): Because all you need to do
Cascadegame03 (7:45:06 PM): Is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
Cascadegame03 (7:45:16 PM): Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone
Cascadegame03 (7:45:19 PM): Not faith plus works
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:29 PM): Well hey, the works can't hurt.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:38 PM): No , not at all
Cascadegame03 (7:45:47 PM): But just know that they don't save you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:53 PM): I know that.
Cascadegame03 (7:45:55 PM): Good
Emmzeepwnzor (7:45:58 PM): The faith is what really counts.
Cascadegame03 (7:46:04 PM): Exactly
Cascadegame03 (7:47:15 PM): But I still don't believe you're really sincere
Cascadegame03 (7:47:25 PM): let me see the forum
Emmzeepwnzor (7:47:56 PM): One second; lemme sift through my bookmarks.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:48:49 PM): Ah, here is the thread.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:13 PM): Be warned; if you register to argue with him, the members of the forum are hostile
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:20 PM): against believers such as ourselves
Emmzeepwnzor (7:49:21 PM): (
Emmzeepwnzor (7:50:11 PM): Although, I find proving a point on forums, where you have the time to plan out a perfect counter-argument/rebuttal, is much easier than on instant messaging
Cascadegame03 (7:51:17 PM): i see
Cascadegame03 (7:51:19 PM): thank you
Cascadegame03 (7:51:28 PM): Please, be truthful about this question
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:30 PM): Anything for a believer
Cascadegame03 (7:51:36 PM): Are you SERIOUSLY a true Christian
Cascadegame03 (7:51:41 PM): like seriously
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:42 PM): Yes.
Cascadegame03 (7:51:43 PM): please dont lie
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:45 PM): Seriously.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:51:48 PM): All my life.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:52:03 PM): Born into the church, baptised, confirmed into the church, the works
Cascadegame03 (7:53:19 PM): I kinda do not believe in you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:53:25 PM): What for?
Cascadegame03 (7:53:35 PM): you seem very deceitful
Cascadegame03 (7:53:47 PM): I mean no believer even acts likt his
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:01 PM): Listen, if I were like an atheist, I would've come out and started spewing hate at you
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:22 PM): I just want to share arguments with you concerning evolutionism
Emmzeepwnzor (7:54:48 PM): For example:
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:00 PM): "archaeoligists" have never found a missing link.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:26 PM): With all the fossils that they've uncovered over the years, it is statistically likely (highly likely) that they would've found one by now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:41 PM): They can't come up with an answer for that.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:55:56 PM): All the people who said they found a missing link were proven to be frauds.
Cascadegame03 (7:56:29 PM): I see
Cascadegame03 (7:56:35 PM): OKay, I sorta believe you more now
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:36 PM): Also, scientists have yet to explain why all the dinosaurs that supposedly existed tens of millions of years ago all instantly died off AT THE SAME TIME
Emmzeepwnzor (7:57:47 PM): there are theories, but that's all they are, theories
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:01 PM): a theory is like a hypothesis, which is nothing more than a guess
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:09 PM): For example
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:22 PM): I can make a theory with just as much credibility as the mass extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:32 PM): Bologna is a fruit.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:38 PM): Easily disproven.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:58:46 PM): Now take the extinction theory
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:12 PM): Many Christians, including myself, believe that fossils, etc. were placed on earth to test our faith
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:36 PM): quite like Job, only this time, people are giving up believing in God.
Emmzeepwnzor (7:59:54 PM): I'd like to hear your two cents in the matter.
Cascadegame03 (7:59:58 PM): well
Cascadegame03 (8:00:22 PM): i personally believe that fossils may so obscured because of the Great Noahic flood
Cascadegame03 (8:00:30 PM): it probably changed everything up
Cascadegame03 (8:00:39 PM): and skewed the geological time table
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:48 PM): Ah yes.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:00:58 PM): Meteorology is one of my hobbies.
Cascadegame03 (8:01:47 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:01:50 PM): !!??
Cascadegame03 (8:01:52 PM): MIne too!
Cascadegame03 (8:02:01 PM): I wanna be a meteorologist when i grow up
Emmzeepwnzor (8:02:20 PM): Large floods (nowhere near the size of the Noahic flood, but large by modern standards) have been known to wash away several layers of earth, revealing things from the mundare (old houses, ancient pottery, etc.) to the extraordinary (gold, antiquities, etc.)
Emmzeepwnzor (8:03:04 PM): So it stands to reason a flood many many times the size of the largest modern-day flood might change the entire geological table, especially if it was planetwide as it is described in the Bible.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:13 PM): Remember the tower of Babel?
Cascadegame03 (8:06:17 PM): yeah
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:23 PM): God made everyone speak a different language
Cascadegame03 (8:06:28 PM): mhm
Emmzeepwnzor (8:06:34 PM): it's possible that he did this to test our faith in the future
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:02 PM): Being omnipotent, God could see what the earth would be like today, and could have done that not just for then, but forever
Emmzeepwnzor (8:07:35 PM): It is my firm belief that if everyone spoke the same language, like pre-Babel, everyone would believe in the one true God.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:10 PM): Now, that's not to say it isn't possible for everyone who speaks different languages couldn't believe in the same God
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:14 PM): It's just harder
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:18 PM): Take Hindus for example
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:40 PM): they all speak Hindu, which is different from English, which all Christians speak
Cascadegame03 (8:08:46 PM): True.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:08:47 PM): and they believe in many gods
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:18 PM): Buddhists speak Chinese, Vietnamese, Cantonese, etc.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:27 PM): And they don't believe in any god.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:09:40 PM): See what I'm getting at?
Cascadegame03 (8:09:43 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:09:48 PM): Thats an excellent point
Cascadegame03 (8:09:55 PM): You're very intelligent
Emmzeepwnzor (8:10:01 PM): thanks
Because all Christians totally speak English.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:07 PM): Well, while we're waiting for the end times, want to go to that forum I posted and try to convert some athys? They're very suggestible.
Cascadegame03 (8:20:20 PM): Okay^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:22 PM): I'll join
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:27 PM): I'm sure that if we team up, we can nip this one problem in the bud
Cascadegame03 (8:20:33 PM): Me too
Cascadegame03 (8:20:39 PM): Im glad u IMed me^^
Cascadegame03 (8:20:45 PM): And I hope you're 100% serious
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:46 PM): thanks
Emmzeepwnzor (8:20:49 PM): of course
Cascadegame03 (8:20:59 PM): let me make an accountCascadegame03 (8:32:40 PM): the name's Harry
Cascadegame03 (8:33:15 PM): Creationism makes much more sense than some random magical explosion
Yeah, the entire universe, let alone just the earth, was created in seven days. That makes a whole lot of sense.
Emmzeepwnzor (8:35:58 PM): I haven't had an impure or bad thought in two years
Cascadegame03 (8:36:16 PM): Yeah
Cascadegame03 (8:36:18 PM): Wow
Cascadegame03 (8:36:20 PM): really?
Cascadegame03 (8:36:23 PM): in 2 years?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:26 PM): it takes concentration
Cascadegame03 (8:36:28 PM): Not even for a split second
Cascadegame03 (8:36:32 PM): ?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:34 PM): as soon as you start to feel one coming on
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:42 PM): you grab it by the head
Emmzeepwnzor (8:36:48 PM): and thrust it as far back as you can
Cascadegame03 (8:37:01 PM): And then replace it with a pure thought?
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:06 PM): yup
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:21 PM): I usually think of my dead grandma or Jesus
Emmzeepwnzor (8:37:25 PM): That gets me back up
Cascadegame03 (8:37:42 PM): ^^
Cascadegame03 (8:37:46 PM): That's really good
Notice how he gets none of my clever sexual innuendo?
Emmzeepwnzor (9:50:03 PM): I take my faith seriously.
Congratulations Cascadegame03, you have just been owned. It's been a blast, it really has. But I do believe this is a round won for us here at Modacity.
I don't believe in Creationism, I'm not a Christian, I masturbate 3 or 4 times a week, I think "impure" thoughts constantly, and I just owned the shit out of you. Good day.
April 8th, 2008, 11:30 PM
MZ, there are no words to describe how epic this was.
Modcaity will be no more once it has been hacked^^. Good night and God Bless!
"Tis not god who I can't stand, it is his fanclub."
April 8th, 2008, 11:45 PM
Yeah, I'm Christian and even I can't stand other Christians
Seriously give it a fucking break, stop trying to shove your beliefs down everyone else's throat.
April 8th, 2008, 11:47 PM
I've never really had a problem with any religions going "be like us >:U"
guess thats what you get when you live in the country.
April 8th, 2008, 11:52 PM
April 8th, 2008, 11:54 PM
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