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April 10th, 2008, 11:17 PM
So yeah, I'm using the computer all like :awesome: just browsing and stuff.

(now in case you don't know I live next to a highway (not a freeway, but a legal highway, it's a highway because it runs through multiple cities (Gig Harbor, Shelton, to name a few))

Just before we moved in they had put a light because there were many fatalities because this intersection about 1/8 mile away from my house is a piece of shit, and native gig harbonite can't drive for shit. (this is native gigharbonite)

Anyways, back to the story, we had not heard or seen a crash in almost the year that we've been living here.

Until now.

Before I get too off track, i'll get back to the story.

So I'm all browsing and stuff, just surfin, watching youtube vids, I just got home from school and did hw, so I'm all cool





I hear a loud screech and then two loud bangs, since it is 1/8 mile from the intersection it was loud, almost too loud.

So I round up my dog and take a walk on the whatever small shoulder there is.

Fucking bumper to bumper accident, and the front of the car behind got smashed in, and the guy who stopped quickly, didn't even stop to see what happened, and kept driving after the light turned green.

The car that got smashed was a small ricey car, and the one that stopped was a truck with those fucking steel shit on the bumpers.

You can see all the debris of the crap that got smashed in, and you can see the smoke rising.

So I told my dog to stay and I walked up and this shit was serious, the traffic backed up past our house for a good hour.

Then the damn cops, and medics come.


oh fucking god will it shut up?

After the sirens stop I go down for another look, and nobody was hurt, but they were just standing there and talking, there was no tow truck for another 30 minutes.

So I go back up and reconcile how stupid SOME native gig harbonite are.

Discuss, or if you have any stories like this to share, please do.

April 10th, 2008, 11:21 PM
Wtf is a gig harbonite?

April 10th, 2008, 11:22 PM
some guy crashed his civic into a fire hydrant at my street corner and caught a house on fire like 2 years back

thats all I can think of

April 10th, 2008, 11:24 PM
Wtf is a gig harbonite?
I believe it is his term to identify the people that inhabit Gig Harbor, O'Neill. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/Agamemnon582bc/Random%202/tealc.gif

Rob Oplawar
April 10th, 2008, 11:37 PM
I'm stopped in a giant red Suburban at a red light at the end of an off-ramp. 65mph zone, so the off ramp is plenty long. I'm pointed uphill in a manual transmission, so my foot's on the brake.

I hear a horn in the background, starting out quiet and getting louder and louder, and finally the Suburban just leaps forward 6 feet and hits the minivan in front of me. The driver of the minivan gets out all pissed at me, and then sees the guy who hit me...

Fun fact: Tiny little Subaru going at least 70 miles per hour vs stationary Suburban- the Subaru looses.

Fucking thing was not recognizable as a car any more. It looked like a crumpled up piece of aluminum foil, and a shitton of broken glass.

But here's the kicker- out of this jumble of scrap metal compressed into a quarter the size the car used to be, crawls the most dazed looking guy you've ever seen. He walked away from it without a scratch. Never did find out if he was drunk or had fallen asleep at the wheel or what...

But the fact that he survived when his car was smeared across 100 yards of pavement was even more amazing than the fact that the only damage the Suburban suffered was a barely noticeable dent in the rear bumper.


e: btw, Aggy, wtf is that shit on your face? You've got red on you...

April 10th, 2008, 11:38 PM
I believe it is his term to identify the people that inhabit Gig Harbor, O'Neill. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/Agamemnon582bc/Random%202/tealc.gif

However, I had no idea what Gig Harbor is so stfu. :<

April 11th, 2008, 12:50 AM
I'm stopped in a giant red Suburban at a red light at the end of an off-ramp. 65mph zone, so the off ramp is plenty long. I'm pointed uphill in a manual transmission, so my foot's on the brake.

I hear a horn in the background, starting out quiet and getting louder and louder, and finally the Suburban just leaps forward 6 feet and hits the minivan in front of me. The driver of the minivan gets out all pissed at me, and then sees the guy who hit me...

Fun fact: Tiny little Subaru going at least 70 miles per hour vs stationary Suburban- the Subaru looses.

Fucking thing was not recognizable as a car any more. It looked like a crumpled up piece of aluminum foil, and a shitton of broken glass.

But here's the kicker- out of this jumble of scrap metal compressed into a quarter the size the car used to be, crawls the most dazed looking guy you've ever seen. He walked away from it without a scratch. Never did find out if he was drunk or had fallen asleep at the wheel or what...

But the fact that he survived when his car was smeared across 100 yards of pavement was even more amazing than the fact that the only damage the Suburban suffered was a barely noticeable dent in the rear bumper.


e: btw, Aggy, wtf is that shit on your face? You've got red on you...
Ahahahah, holy shit.

Mum came up to visit me a few weeks back in our Peugot 307 wagon, had my printer and speakers in the back. Anyway, she stops at a red light outside the shopping centre (about 5 minutes' drive away), when BANG, a fucking truck runs up the back of her. Back door was about a foot further inside the car than it should've been and the bumper and wing panels were mangled pretty bad too, fucking safety glass everywhere, printer was full of it. My speakers copped a bit of force and are chipped, but still work.

Anyway, it appears Novocastrians don't stop for red lights. http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-psyduck.gif

Car's fixed up good as new now, but it was in a pretty bad way. Thank God for insurance, because Peugot parts cost a shitload.

Also, speaking of French cars and red lights - while I lived in England, we were in the Citroen (now mine, a dark green '90 BX17 TZD) and came to a set of lights, which were red. Some idiot on a scooter cut up the inside of the car ahead on our right, which was stopped, and fully intended to run the light - then the light turned green and the idiot cut in front of us and stopped. No damage to the car aside from a shattered headlight (those motherfuckers cost about 50-60 quid, and this was back in the MID FUCKING NINETIES while the BX was still in production and quite common), but the prick came over all indignant and started going off at dad. Now, here is a little tip: do NOT fuck with my father. After the scooter guy got a good talking to which may or may not have been entirely appropriate in the presence of a 6-year-old, the asswipe said we'd be getting a letter from his solicitor.

We did. And dad sent one back.

We didn't get any more letters from his solicitor after that, funnily enough.

Oh also someone got T-boned right at the intersection in front of the school (the hospital was on the opposite corner, ironically) while my class was walking back from the school's farm. We got front-row seats. :awesome:

April 11th, 2008, 12:59 AM
e: btw, Aggy, wtf is that shit on your face? You've got red on you...
It's blood.



April 11th, 2008, 01:13 AM
It's blood.



April 11th, 2008, 01:15 AM
Kittens? I fucking hate kittens. :mad:

April 11th, 2008, 02:28 AM
You mean some poor bastard crashed his car?
and your complaining about the noise of the sirens and ambulance drivers comming to their aid?

You know what? your a selfish fuckwit.

April 11th, 2008, 02:51 AM
He forgot to mention the sirens of the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance :saddowns:

April 11th, 2008, 08:16 AM
He forgot to mention the sirens of the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance :saddowns:

Seriously, I wasn't bothered by the noise except the sounds of the police and medics but that lasted less than 10 minutes.

On another note, I think you guys need to cool of that I'm complaining, I made a thread where I explained one car crash incident and then people can share theirs, but you guys are too busy responding thinking that all I'm doing is complaining, to read the rest of the post. Don't assume. You saw the first part, and yes, I did complain, but how cool was it to have a car crash literally almost in your front yard except that its not on your property, and then I said, Discuss, or SHARE yours.

Oh, it doesn't matter because you have something like 34908209348932 rep and anything you say goes.

Egotistic bastard. You people with high rep that think you're god of the world, are the reason this forum is a shithole.


April 11th, 2008, 08:25 AM
Im glad I dont live near a highway >:/

April 12th, 2008, 12:55 PM
Guys, at least start by making an *effort* to not refer to each others as bastards and "fuckwits". This is getting tiring.