View Full Version : In my never-ending battle against school boredom...
April 15th, 2008, 09:17 PM
I'd like to get Steam working on school computers. At the very least: have it running on offline mode and be playing single player games like Half Life and Peggle. At the most, have it running full-blown, with TFC and CS, and other online goodies.
My account on the computers is not an admin account. I tried installing steam the standard way, with the MSI file. Didn't work. The computer is also loosely controlled by this Novell client thing, and a firewall that seems to mess with games (I tried running Marathon online, and it couldn't get online). That firewall has been down for a few days, and I might be able to exploit it still... I also have a 2GB flash drive.
I loaded my steam folder + half life onto it, and I'll try tomorrow to see if it will do anything. Most likely not, as I'd probably need to install it, but it'll be a start. Would this actually be possible? Any tips or haxxorz that I could use? Help me get this working and I'll be forever in your debt. Or maybe you'll just get some +rep.
April 15th, 2008, 09:51 PM
How about you pay attention in school so you dont retire from McDonalds when you're older?
April 15th, 2008, 10:04 PM
How about you pay attention in school so you dont retire from McDonalds when you're older?
I would rep you but I need to spread rep first :(
Also I would try the registry, but pay attention to your work =/ Your not going to escape reality with a simple video game while your flipping burgers.
April 15th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Wow. Way to be completely useless. You just assume he is just playing games during the time when he should be working. Maybe it's a free period. I know I was stuck in the library for an hour and half bored before the buses came. Could be the same with him. :eyesroll:
April 15th, 2008, 10:25 PM
Indeed it is. Sorry I didn't say that before, seeing as it's school. I do have a computer programming class (aka VB programming, as it was subtley disguised as), which I pay attention in, because I like that stuff. I also have gym, and a simple algebra class, and none of those require any kind of effort besides in the class. I am stuck for 93 minutes in a computer lab with nothing to do besides play flash games and such.
Llama Juice
April 15th, 2008, 10:31 PM
throw Maya PLE on their PCs there and learn to model in Maya
April 15th, 2008, 10:35 PM
Indeed it is. Sorry I didn't say that before, seeing as it's school. I do have a computer programming class (aka VB programming, as it was subtley disguised as), which I pay attention in, because I like that stuff. I also have gym, and a simple algebra class, and none of those require any kind of effort besides in the class. I am stuck for 93 minutes in a computer lab with nothing to do besides play flash games and such.
Dude, I had a VB/Java class senior year and during the entire year our class (4 people) just screwed around and played games on the computer. It was awesome. Our teacher once organized a mini flash game tournament one day. lol But yeah, because VB was so easy and the class was so small we were able to split up our 93 minute classes (block scheduling - how much I hated you) into parts - games and work. I remember we spent so much time trying to get past the firewalls so we could view youtube vids.
Ok, yeah. Back on-topic. Sorry.
April 15th, 2008, 10:42 PM
My class is somewhat large, but it's a pretty fun social experience. We get to share our little crappy VB games that we're starting to make. People sure do make some strange stuff, and have weird ideas. Nothing too good, though, as we're just learning how to do stuff other than use forms and buttons and text boxes. :|
I'm going to be taking a computer science class next "year" (about 5 months from now), which actually does Java, C++, some web coding, and other good stuff. From what I've seen, though, it might be around that small. I don't know if that'll be good or bad in the end.
Also, don't you have to install Maya? I'm not an admin, so I'd have the same problem as steam. I guess I could kill two birds with one stone with this thread.
April 15th, 2008, 10:57 PM
How about you pay attention in school so you dont retire from McDonalds when you're older?
People may bail on Mcdonalds a lot but honestly if your a vigilant worker there and work up the ranks you can make very large sums of money, and they treat there workers very well as well.
That aside, dont be a cock in school, pay attention.
April 15th, 2008, 11:00 PM
Dude, I had a VB/Java class senior year and during the entire year our class (4 people) just screwed around and played games on the computer. It was awesome. Our teacher once organized a mini flash game tournament one day. lol But yeah, because VB was so easy and the class was so small we were able to split up our 93 minute classes (block scheduling - how much I hated you) into parts - games and work. I remember we spent so much time trying to get past the firewalls so we could view youtube vids.
Ok, yeah. Back on-topic. Sorry.
In my comp. sci. class it was asinine hilarity and a slew of inside jokes every day, along with a multiplayer side-scrolling 3rd person shooter game - over LAN. And Tron. Gotta love Tron!
April 15th, 2008, 11:01 PM
wow, people are so quick to assume the worst.
April 16th, 2008, 02:05 AM
How about you pay attention in school so you dont retire from McDonalds when you're older?
Kill Joy.
April 16th, 2008, 02:20 AM
Halo trial, put it on a flash drive, give it to other people. Play eachother. Or just get the full game and give a no cd patch version to other people to play lan against.
April 16th, 2008, 05:35 AM
Dude, I had a VB/Java class senior year and during the entire year our class (4 people) just screwed around and played games on the computer. It was awesome. Our teacher once organized a mini flash game tournament one day. lol But yeah, because VB was so easy and the class was so small we were able to split up our 93 minute classes (block scheduling - how much I hated you) into parts - games and work. I remember we spent so much time trying to get past the firewalls so we could view youtube vids.
Ok, yeah. Back on-topic. Sorry.
It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration
sorry for your loss
April 16th, 2008, 05:36 AM
KM get on MSN
we have important bizness to discuss.
Llama Juice
April 16th, 2008, 06:08 AM
I installed Halo MAC on all the computers in my computer programming class.... we'd get our stuff done in no time at all then just LAN.
If you're that bored... there's always emulators...
*rereads your first post*
I kinda just assumed your school had macs...
Anyhow, for PCs... I heard it's possible to make 3DS Max portable.... so you could throw that on a flashdrive and get some modeling done at school.... if you're into modeling (wish I knew about this during HS)
April 16th, 2008, 08:39 AM
Yup, my VB class was about the same (90 minutes of bullshit). When I'm interning next year I'll literally have 3 hours to myself when I don't leave the building. Whatever we find that works, I'll be using it.
What you could do, is find a student aid, and have them give you a teacher account. They usually work on about half of the computers, and they can often install a couple of things without the admins blocking it.
April 16th, 2008, 09:26 AM
I installed Halo MAC on all the computers in my computer programming class.... we'd get our stuff done in no time at all then just LAN.
If you're that bored... there's always emulators...
*rereads your first post*
I kinda just assumed your school had macs...
Anyhow, for PCs... I heard it's possible to make 3DS Max portable.... so you could throw that on a flashdrive and get some modeling done at school.... if you're into modeling (wish I knew about this during HS)We do have macs, but only in art classes. Programming uses PCs. And next year I get to use tablet PCs. :awesome:
I think I do remember seeing an option to make 3DS Max portable in a utility, so that could easily be a possibility.
Yup, my VB class was about the same (90 minutes of bullshit). When I'm interning next year I'll literally have 3 hours to myself when I don't leave the building. Whatever we find that works, I'll be using it.
What you could do, is find a student aid, and have them give you a teacher account. They usually work on about half of the computers, and they can often install a couple of things without the admins blocking it.My teacher makes VB somewhat interesting. I'm in a section where the retards who just wanted to get a credit for it are no longer there, and we're going at a great rate. I hope that when I do my Computer Science class, it won't be too much of a shock, although I have done a few things in C++/HTML, so I know kinda what it's like...
I think I do know some people who know other people that have access to admin accounts. I could try that out. However, I'm in the free period now, and just put steam onto the desktop. (couldn't put it in the Program Files folder, as it has blocked access) It actually started up, but gave me the error of "Could not start up offline mode, as no account credentials are stored on the computer." So that's a problem. It seems like most programs on these computers cannot access the internet, possibly even if I had an admin account. It must be a firewall blocking ports on the computer itself, as I checked and the school's firewall is still down. I don't know how I could get past that.
Although, 3Ds Max would be a good time-waster, trying to model stuff.
April 16th, 2008, 10:34 PM
We do have macs, but only in art classes. Programming uses PCs. And next year I get to use tablet PCs. :awesome:
I think I do remember seeing an option to make 3DS Max portable in a utility, so that could easily be a possibility.
My teacher makes VB somewhat interesting. I'm in a section where the retards who just wanted to get a credit for it are no longer there, and we're going at a great rate. I hope that when I do my Computer Science class, it won't be too much of a shock, although I have done a few things in C++/HTML, so I know kinda what it's like...
I think I do know some people who know other people that have access to admin accounts. I could try that out. However, I'm in the free period now, and just put steam onto the desktop. (couldn't put it in the Program Files folder, as it has blocked access) It actually started up, but gave me the error of "Could not start up offline mode, as no account credentials are stored on the computer." So that's a problem. It seems like most programs on these computers cannot access the internet, possibly even if I had an admin account. It must be a firewall blocking ports on the computer itself, as I checked and the school's firewall is still down. I don't know how I could get past that.
Although, 3Ds Max would be a good time-waster, trying to model stuff.
You're looking for this here, ( I asked about it a while ago.
Btw, how about instead of playing half life, getting caught and getting your ass thrown out of the class you teach yourself C++ ( and program your own game ( Then you don't risk getting in trouble and you actually get to do something fun. That last book I linked you to is a little bit old, but you can always read up on some more advanced stuff ( integrate that.
April 17th, 2008, 03:16 AM
seriously people, Lighten up.
What is wrong with a bit of harmless fun? honestly you guys just need to relax and get over the fact that school is not the be-all end-all your parents and teachers make it out to be. There is ALWAYS another way into a course and there is ALWAYS another option.
so for fuck sake sit back and have some fun at school, muck up, get in trouble and have a good time, because you'll never get the chance again.
Narrow minded academics are just as bad as football jocks.
and cheers for the -rep zeph appreciate it.
April 17th, 2008, 09:19 AM
You're looking for this here, ( I asked about it a while ago.
Btw, how about instead of playing half life, getting caught and getting your ass thrown out of the class you teach yourself C++ ( and program your own game ( Then you don't risk getting in trouble and you actually get to do something fun. That last book I linked you to is a little bit old, but you can always read up on some more advanced stuff ( integrate that.Risked getting kicked out of what? I've been in a void block due to classes being full, basically. If I were destroying computers, I could get a detention or something, but I just want to play some single player games. I don't have $50 to spare right now, but when I do, that'll look like and interesting thing to try out.
I have a few Seagate external HDDs, and I think those have Ceedo on it. If I could find and extract it, I could theoretically run Steam/3DS Max/whatever from it? That might be my best option.
April 17th, 2008, 02:14 PM
Use this (
April 17th, 2008, 11:38 PM
seriously people, Lighten up.
What is wrong with a bit of harmless fun? honestly you guys just need to relax and get over the fact that school is not the be-all end-all your parents and teachers make it out to be. There is ALWAYS another way into a course and there is ALWAYS another option.
so for fuck sake sit back and have some fun at school, muck up, get in trouble and have a good time, because you'll never get the chance again.
Narrow minded academics are just as bad as football jocks.
and cheers for the -rep zeph appreciate it.
Honestly I have no problem with harmless fun; and yes, I am one of the "stuck up narrow minded academics" you speak of (except that narrow minded bit xD) but I've done the math and whatever philosophy he takes for his life, Terin would most likely be better off by taking the "stuck up narrow minded academic" route. I can't force that on you or anyone else including Terin and for all I know, things could be completely different in Australia for you Bod. But in America, getting into college is a fucking NIGHTMARE. Almost everyone in the world wants to get into an American University so that they can go back to their home country and have a high ranking/technical position in their field of choice. The reason I mentioned that is this: if you actually want to get into a decent college in the US, you need to absolutely work your ass off during High School. I realized this far too late into High School and right now my GPA is a 2.9 in 11th grade, certainly not enough to get into the good colleges in my state (UC system colleges, eg. UCLA, UC Berkley, etc.) and damn surely not enough to get into my dream college ( unless I work my god damn ass off to fix my GPA or unless I get some insane SAT Score to complement it (upwards of 2,000 at least, and my latest diagnostic gave me a 1,550, which makes me look like a f'ing retard compared to other applicants). Go ask marshdabeachy ( over on gearbox and he'll probably tell you the same thing exact thing, as he told me a long long time ago. UCLA for example has an average GPA of something like 4.2-4.6, and it isn't even the best college in the nation.
Missing out on going to a good college while you are still young is a terrible mistake because with college, "you'll never get the chance again." You will always have free time to screw around and play video games later in life and pissing away your school time on video games simply isn't a good choice. If you are incredibly lucky you might be able to make enough money to take the time to get a full degree after a few years in the workforce, but few jobs that don't require a degree pay enough to be able to achieve something like this. This is an absolute fact in America - People coming out of college make a hell of a lot more money then those who don't, sometimes upwards of a million dollars or more over a person's lifetime depending on the degree. Just to add icing to the cake, if you somehow manage to get your degree after spending time out in the workforce then to a potential employer you are now on the same level as a 23 year rookie. Hell, a lot of companies would probably choose the 23 year old because he is younger (unless of coarse you have job history that actually relates to the job you want to get in to).
To finalize all this spew, America has become a country where the only way to be successful is to have a degree in something. Without some kind of degree you are worth absolutely nothing to a technical business/company and without doing well in high school you can't get into a good college. There may always be another option in life; hell, there are unlimited options in life. However, none of them are are promising or as good as if you go to college. Setting aside the increased paycheck you get from going to college, you also gain something that is more important then the air I breath to me: knowledge. Knowledge is the most powerful fucking thing on this planet because with knowledge comes the ability to change the world. To me, missing a chance like college would be like shooting myself in the head.
I can't speak for Terin here and I'm not aware of, nor do I care much for what his plans are after high school but how about instead of fucking around playing Half Life you do something useful with yourself. This is just my humble opinion here and take it for what it's worth (probably next to nothing, I'm just a >3.0 GPA retard xD), but if I was you Terin, I'd be learning all I could about C, C++, C#, C with Cows, whatever! Don't sit around pissing your life away playing video games in class - that is why they let you out after school and give you free time after homework. My school gives me around 45 minutes of homework a night PER CLASS, and because my biology teacher is insane she makes us study for 45 minutes every night on top of what we normally have due. This ends up being around 8.25 hours of homework a week. In college, you'll be wishing you had only that little amount of homework.
As for me, I'm going to go fix up my GPA right now so I can get into Digipen, Full Sail, RIT, whatever. Good luck Bod, good luck Terin, don't take this too personally because for all I know things are completely different where you guys come from. Hell, I don't know if Terin is even in America. I don't know his GPA. I don't know how much time he spends on homework. But that isn't what I am arguing here. Anyway, I just thought I'd explain my philosophy regarding this shit. Goodnight.
April 18th, 2008, 02:35 AM
but thats the thing, your saying that without getting flawless marks in school or working for a few years there wont be able to get to college. And that is simply not true.
theres alot of prerequisites for any subject that require lower scores but gain you a degree which is factored into the next course you take.
Prior learning is a very important thing to have and there is always shortages of workers in one industry or another.
you can go to college at the same time and get more qualifications that not only shorten the time taken for your next degree but also give you a broader understanding and make you more appealing to potential employees.
I'm going to be doing 2 apprenticeships at Tafe that will give me full qualifications in 2 completely different areas of cabinet making. working with timber, and working with whiteboard.
and i'm only able to do this because of the prior knowledge i have from other fields of work i've done.
I've effectively made 8 years of tafe (tafe is a technical college) into 4 with prior learning. And i'll come out with 2 Trades because of it.
So have a fart around at school and open your eyes to other options. but more importantly have fun.
If you want to get somewhere there is always many ways of reaching the same destination, all you have to do is look.
April 18th, 2008, 09:34 AM
/snipOk, the main thing about this, I am doing well in school, I will not stop, and I plan to keep going after that. Go to college for 4 years and get a good degree in computer science or something. I'm not going to slack off. However, in my current situation, I can't really do anything more without just completely wasting effort. I'm getting straight A's, and my one "theoretically" difficult class is an Algebra class, which I'm getting a 97% in it. I have 4 honors classes overall, as well as do extra-curricular activities. And now, I just want to have fun. Should I spend every waking second of my life trying to find the cure for cancer? No, I'm in a high school free class, and I want to play some video games to pass the time, and other stuff of interest. I occasionally try and learn some more code for C++, but I'm not going to dedicate 90+ minutes to my life every single day for it. I'll do that later. For now, I just want to have a little fun that would in no way harm my school efforts.
Use this (
That looks good, except it says that it requires administrator access for it to work properly, and I do not have it.
April 19th, 2008, 08:14 PM
guns always spice a school atmosphere up
I'm kidding
April 21st, 2008, 11:08 AM
guns always spice a school atmosphere up
What are you implying?
April 21st, 2008, 03:40 PM
video game guns
I recall at least four instances of kids playing violent video games causing a fuss with the locals/local news.
April 21st, 2008, 06:02 PM
Seriously man, if you want to play video games in class, get off your lazy ass and make one in a programming language already installed on the system. Then you'll have fun and learn something while you're at it. This is what I do when I got a computer in front of me at school (what else is legal to do?).
April 21st, 2008, 06:12 PM
Seriously man, if you want to play video games in class, get off your lazy ass and make one in a programming language already installed on the system. Then you'll have fun and learn something while you're at it. This is what I do when I got a computer in front of me at school (what else is legal to do?).
Seriously man, why don't you quit being a lazy ass and read other posts in the thread before repeating the same insult that has been given previous times by others and then disproved. :rolleyes:
And now, I just want to have fun. Should I spend every waking second of my life trying to find the cure for cancer? No, I'm in a high school free class, and I want to play some video games to pass the time, and other stuff of interest.For now, I just want to have a little fun that would in no way harm my school efforts.
April 21st, 2008, 06:17 PM
Seriously man, why don't you quit being a lazy ass and read other posts in the thread before repeating the same insult that has been given previous times by others and then disproved. :rolleyes:
Disproved? This is an opinion, not a fact.
April 21st, 2008, 06:26 PM
Terin said that he doesn't blow off his assignments to play games. He's not a lazy ass who doesn't put some effort into his schoolwork. He said that. That is fact. How can you call him a lazy ass for that?
Llama Juice
April 21st, 2008, 07:44 PM
As for me, I'm going to go fix up my GPA right now so I can get into Digipen, Full Sail, RIT, whatever.
uhh FYI Full Sail is easy as hell to get into. I slacked off my entire highschool "career" and got into Full Sail no problem. I had a shitty GPA and barely graduated.
All the teachers here keep preaching that your GPA doesn't matter at all while at Full Sail, what matters is that you learn the stuff and are able to apply it. The school doesn't care if you drop out, it's a business, they already got their huge check for the first trimester from ya, they really don't care if you are terrible at it. They enroll around 350 people every month, and only graduate about 300 a month.
Like Bod's been saying, fucking enjoy highschool, when you get into college (assuming you're going to a serious one...) you're not going to get to play nearly as often as you did in Highschool.
April 21st, 2008, 08:56 PM
Like Bod's been saying, fucking enjoy highschool, when you get into college (assuming you're going to a serious one...) you're not going to get to play nearly as often as you did in Highschool.
Ain't that the truth. I really miss High School.
April 23rd, 2008, 01:27 AM
uhh FYI Full Sail is easy as hell to get into. I slacked off my entire highschool "career" and got into Full Sail no problem. I had a shitty GPA and barely graduated.
All the teachers here keep preaching that your GPA doesn't matter at all while at Full Sail, what matters is that you learn the stuff and are able to apply it. The school doesn't care if you drop out, it's a business, they already got their huge check for the first trimester from ya, they really don't care if you are terrible at it. They enroll around 350 people every month, and only graduate about 300 a month.
Like Bod's been saying, fucking enjoy highschool, when you get into college (assuming you're going to a serious one...) you're not going to get to play nearly as often as you did in Highschool.
Yes, Full Sail is easy to get in to but I was only using that as an example. Full Sail is actually one of my safety schools, and personally if possible I'd rather avoid flying across the country every Summer or whatever. That, and not everyone has had as easy of an experience as you (
My preferred school would be Digipen, which is probably one of the most desirable game design colleges in the world, and for a reason. Full Sail is nice and all, but from the research I have done Digipen is a much better school if you want to get hired after college by a big name game developer - look at the guys who got hired by Valve to make Portal, for example. However, something like RIT or USC (no way in hell I'm getting into there) would probably be better since outside of the game industry no one has really heard of Digipen. I'm still deciding on what exactly my plans are, but at the moment all I know is that my GPA is total shit and even that acceptance to Full Sail looks like a tough sell considering I honestly haven't done much programming at all.
I'm not telling people here to not have fun in high school - I'm telling you all my personal philosophy about this and why I think it's better to actually use the alloted class time for something that matters instead of mindless murder simulators that don't help you get a better job that pays more money so that you can spend more time playing murder simulators later in life :D.
Oh, one more thing: Just today my school's IT guy cracked down on the guys playing games in class and the guys using Ultrasurf to get around the school's website blocker - 20 people have had computer access revoked (out of a class of roughly 70ish people in the entire 11th grade) for at least a week, with 2 or 3 people getting it taken away for the rest of the semester. My school revolves around using the computers, so these guys are practically fucked up the ass and around the corner. I really don't think that a half hour of Tetris every day is worth a fail in a class.
April 23rd, 2008, 02:13 AM
get off your lazy ass
Lawl oxymoron.
when you see it..
April 23rd, 2008, 06:27 AM
Seriously man, if you want to play video games in class, get off your lazy ass and make one in a programming language already installed on the system. Then you'll have fun and learn something while you're at it. This is what I do when I got a computer in front of me at school (what else is legal to do?).
Rick Astley RPG
Llama Juice
April 23rd, 2008, 10:58 PM
That article about the full sail failure is typical to be honest. They enroll about 350 kids a month (through all their programs) and only graduate about 300 kids.
My third month in 22/73 kids dropped out of my class (I'm in the computer animation(modeling...) course rather than the game development(programming) course like the guy in that review.
I was talking to some of the kids further along in the program and they all say that months 3-5 are the hardest. I'm on month 5 of it right now, and yea months 3 and 4 were hard if you don't apply yourself. Month 5... well... I failed one of the classes in month 2-3 (2 month class) so I'm retaking that right now. My work ethic from highschool didn't magically change like I was hoping so I failed.
Also in his article he said how he was introduced to good looking girls when he went to the tour and he said how the tour was amazing... and... yea of course they're going to try to sell you on it. It's a service industry, you buy their service... they make monies... that's how it works.
I fell into the same thing as he did, when I visited the school there was a girl that was good looking who was further along in the program who was there to talk to us about it.... all the people working there at the time were girls... and you didn't realize the kids that you were with were all guys. They call the school Full Male for a reason.
Full Sail isn't bad if you APPLY yourself. They won't spoon feed you the shit, you have to do some *gasp* reading to learn stuff sometimes and if you choose to play Halo over doing your reading... then you're an idiot.
As for acceptance? Full Sail would accept a rock if it had the money.
April 27th, 2008, 08:30 PM
School is coming to a close for me soon. About 18 days left. I'll be getting a shit-load of work dumped on me from my math class, and I'll just use that free time to just get it out the way then go home and program/model/game etc. The moral of the story kids - Never bring up a touchy subject and expect to get an in-depth answer, because by the time you do, it'll be too late! :awesome:
Take yer school debates to OT, heathens! /thread + /blissfulsarcasm
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