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il Duce Primo
November 25th, 2009, 11:01 PM
You should have used more tris on the curvature of the blade considering how much you spent on the handle.

EDIT: And Nugget, the way you are going about adding detail to the bipeds is wasteful. Most of the detail is so minor and if anything you should atleast be preserving the old uvs so you don't have to reskin the thing.

November 26th, 2009, 09:17 AM
so you just slapped a photo onto the uvs and did hardly anything else?

i was showing off the model more than anything else. like i said i need to finish it, its not close to being done.

November 26th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Sigma Sniper Rifle MkII Animations:
Edit: Don't mind how the gun doesn't entirely disappear off the screen when it goes away, in-game it will since it's moved back slightly.

t3h m00kz
November 26th, 2009, 01:55 PM
I don't get if it's supposed to be bolt-action or not. Wouldn't having the hand grab it down-side up be much more natural?

November 26th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Very nice, cool looking gun as well.

November 26th, 2009, 03:28 PM


November 26th, 2009, 03:31 PM
whats with the ears

holy crap at the nose

November 26th, 2009, 03:33 PM
low poly ears are because I'm lazy. I'll make them better later alright. Gotta go ride bikes

November 26th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Sigma Sniper Rifle MkII Animations:
Edit: Don't mind how the gun doesn't entirely disappear off the screen when it goes away, in-game it will since it's moved back slightly.

dang, that actually looks very good.

November 26th, 2009, 06:09 PM
Still <3 geo's sniper

teh lag
November 26th, 2009, 06:19 PM
Sigma Sniper Rifle MkII Animations:
Edit: Don't mind how the gun doesn't entirely disappear off the screen when it goes away, in-game it will since it's moved back slightly.

Movement overall is a bit over-exaggerated for my taste, but you obviously know how to control things. It's got a flail-y appearance throughout (especially on the end of the melee) which I'd like to see toned down some.

The recoil on the fire seems unnatural. Too slow? Too little? Maybe a bit of both? I'm not sure. The bolt pull (or whatever it is) at the end could use a bit more movement contrast - have the gun move some in the opposite direction to give it more definition.

At the end of the reload, you definitely have too much "empty" motion before you return to the origin. Maybe it's just from the hand... I get the feeling that the amount of movement going on there is too much though.

November 28th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Meh, need to know if my unwrap on my box is good or not. Or if it needs to be unwrapped another way. I tried 256x256 but it didnt show small parts of UVW. Well here you go need crit/suggestions. Just one of the bunch of props I am making.



English Mobster
November 29th, 2009, 12:16 AM
Oh, hello Terror. Long time no see. I thought you were banned?

I'm no expert, but I can tell you that there is a lot of wasted space on the UVW. You can split it apart at so many places and make parts bigger, but you insist on keeping it all connected, even though that simply wastes space.

I know you might be worried about visible seams, but you really shouldn't be worried about visible seams on something like that when you're wasting so much potential space.

November 29th, 2009, 12:32 AM
I dont know anything about UVing, but why is wasting space such a big deal?

MetKiller Joe
November 29th, 2009, 12:38 AM
Because you are under-utilizing a resource. If I have a 1024x1024 texture and half of it is unused, the unused bit will still be put into graphics memory but not used. It is like setting aside space for nothing, but, in games as with any piece of software, the goal is not to bloat the program (least space used is better for loading times and other stuff), so detail that could have been put into memory isn't. That wasted space has the potential to become useful.

November 29th, 2009, 12:50 AM
Terror if you've ever paid attention on these forums, or anywhere else, you would know that's terrible.

t3h m00kz
November 29th, 2009, 12:51 AM
I dont know anything about UVing, but why is wasting space such a big deal?

the more space used, the higher res the texture will look. basically. also performance purposes

November 29th, 2009, 01:13 AM
@Snaf, I know it was not so good, reason being why I came here and asked what to do in other methods so I could utilize more space. Problem solved, for most part. Still a little bit of unused space, but not nearly as much as before.

http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/2678/copierpaperboxemptyuvw.jpg http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/1456/toiletpaperrolluvw.jpg
----------------Box------------------------ Oh gee toilet paper roll--------

November 29th, 2009, 02:07 AM
Because you are under-utilizing a resource. If I have a 1024x1024 texture and half of it is unused, the unused bit will still be put into graphics memory but not used. It is like setting aside space for nothing, but, in games as with any piece of software, the goal is not to bloat the program (least space used is better for loading times and other stuff), so detail that could have been put into memory isn't. That wasted space has the potential to become useful.

Got ya.

November 29th, 2009, 08:04 AM

The bottom part, and the part up the top right are identical... so overlap them, put one on top of the other, seeming as it will probably use the same graphics and details...

If you do that you can make the whole unwrap "larger" so there is more space for smaller details ect...

I noticed you have unwrapped the top bits and they have come out as a square, well detach the verts and rotate the long strips horizontal so they are side by side, it isn't like you need to add detail to them parts...

November 29th, 2009, 10:31 AM
overlapping them could be a problem if he wants different texture on the inside and outside of the box


November 29th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Sigma Sniper Rifle MkII Animations:
Edit: Don't mind how the gun doesn't entirely disappear off the screen when it goes away, in-game it will since it's moved back slightly.

It does that because the camera renders past what you see in the viewport. To see what will go ingame, put on safe frames and look at the blue line. The blue line is what will be rendered ingame, and the next biggest one is (i believe) what gets rendered in the .avi file.

November 29th, 2009, 11:42 AM
True, but if he doesn't then he could. Either way, he can split one of parts up.. I will make an example later.

November 29th, 2009, 02:00 PM
It does that because the camera renders past what you see in the viewport. To see what will go ingame, put on safe frames and look at the blue line. The blue line is what will be rendered ingame, and the next biggest one is (i believe) what gets rendered in the .avi file.Yes, I know that FRain but thanks anyway. Never really understood why Halo did that, or if it's just something Max does.

November 29th, 2009, 03:15 PM
@flyingrooster that's correct because I want labeling etc on outside that inside does not need. ;) But thanks for your help though hunter the skill will be used on some other models.

November 29th, 2009, 03:27 PM
Apart from the labels, is there anything else that will be different on the outside?

English Mobster
November 29th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Question relating to Terror's unwrap:
Would it be better to have the box overlap itself and make it all have one plain texture, and then just have some planes with the external decals on them?
That way, you conserve space on your unwrap, but would the trade-off (being forced to use 2 different bitmaps, one of which has alpha for transparency) be worth it?

November 29th, 2009, 05:03 PM
Hehe Id like to know that too ^^

November 29th, 2009, 06:35 PM
@English, I was going to suggest that, that's why I asked that question Lol. Get out of my mind! :)

November 29th, 2009, 08:00 PM
why the fuck would you turn a simple box into something that convoluted. just do what you have to, fucking christ

November 30th, 2009, 08:04 AM
Oi, boy. A box is a BIG thing!

What is the point in playing a game if it has no BOXES!!!


November 30th, 2009, 08:56 AM

November 30th, 2009, 12:14 PM

RED barrels.

they go explodey.

snaf likes explodey :mech2:

November 30th, 2009, 03:32 PM
RED barrels.

they go explodey.

snaf likes explodey :mech2:

and red crates.

And red zombies.

Does the color red explode?

Do native americans explode?

November 30th, 2009, 03:42 PM
shut up i am Seminole

November 30th, 2009, 03:42 PM
Do native americans explode?
Why don't you shoot one and see?


November 30th, 2009, 03:48 PM
I think we tried that once or twice....

get back to posting relevant stuff.

November 30th, 2009, 06:24 PM
hooray maj is working again. fuck other imagehosts and their size limits.


Yes, I'm fully aware that there isn't a lot of detail in some places. Working on it. 18k tris so far, haven't started on the lower area.

considerably higher-res render, but missing the tip of the barrel because I suck (http://www.majhost.com/gallery/TalonX/randomstuff/WIP/20091126034728_49m40s.png)
Need to model a scope of some sort, also I hope the rails aren't fucked up or something. 14618 tris, because I forgot to change the circle tool to something lower than 24-sided.

December 1st, 2009, 12:25 AM
Need to model a scope of some sort, also I hope the rails aren't fucked up or something. 14618 tris, because I forgot to change the circle tool to something lower than 24-sided.What... What have you done to the Vector :gonk:


December 1st, 2009, 12:38 AM
I animated a thing

This is legionaires glock. again. (http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z295/iron_clad_photo/animations/?action=view&current=glockextendedmagreload.flv) I extended the magazine for funzies and gave it a cylinder that I am pretending is a suppressor. These are not the intended focuses of the image though.

E: http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z295/iron_clad_photo/animations/Extendmag.gif

here it is in .gif. It is a bit faster than it should be in this form.

MetKiller Joe
December 1st, 2009, 12:42 AM
It is too smooth and quick; the time between taking out the magazine and putting a fresh one in needs to be longer. The finger movement is interesting, but a little too jerky.

December 1st, 2009, 12:47 AM
Not to use that as an excuse, but I think the process of turning it into a gif speeds it up a bit. Or maybe its the browser, because it does seem faster than the original AVI. But I do agree with you about the fingers.

edit: having compared the gif to the avi side by side, it has become very evident that the gif is about 4/3 the speed of the avi. Replaced the gif with the avi. (http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z295/iron_clad_photo/animations/?action=view&current=glockextendedmagreload.flv)

EE: it still doesnt play very well because photobucket is shit. Putting the gif back. Just keep in mind that its a bit faster than it should be.


December 1st, 2009, 01:24 AM
you're having him flick the slide release before the magazine is even set. Flick it after the magazine is all the way in, and make the slide click back at least three times as fast as it does in your image.

December 1st, 2009, 01:29 AM
oh I thought that was a mag release.

December 1st, 2009, 01:53 AM
You can see through the bottom of the slide when the gun tilts to its side, adjust the angle or model the bottom of the slide.

December 1st, 2009, 09:19 AM
The magazine release is a button behind the base of the trigger guard.

December 1st, 2009, 02:25 PM
Unwrapping, nearly done.


teh lag
December 1st, 2009, 02:40 PM
What am I looking at there and what am I supposed to be giving crit on?

I'd like to point out that this is the quick-crit thread. If you just want to give an update on a project of yours, do so elsewhere.

December 1st, 2009, 02:44 PM
Was going to post an unwrap template as well, sorry. Forgot, I will post one in a bit.

December 1st, 2009, 02:53 PM
What... What have you done to the Vector :gonk:

Ruined it? Actually I didn't know what it was supposed to look like, original concept was made in PMG without presets, so I was just sticking parts together.

December 1st, 2009, 05:42 PM
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z295/iron_clad_photo/animations/Extendmag.gifWatching just the left hand, it kind of just 'appears' on the screen with the second mag, and then the insert seems weak and effortless, you should probably give it a little pause and stop making him get it right into the slot each time.

Also, I really, really, really think you should start working on organizing your fingers and hands more, as well as your rendering. While your actual animating skill is, overall, getting very well-developed, your origins are completely destroyed from the lack of noticeable care given to the hands and fingers.

(Hint: I said organizing, not making more realistic. You can still keep them in that funky way for stylistic purposes, but they really do need to look much cleaner than they are.)

December 2nd, 2009, 12:33 AM
Just a little model I decided to practice with, since I haven't modeled in over a year.

It's about 3k tris.


I'm not finished yet; obviously, because of the lack of a magazine, but I need some thoughts on the design before I continue. Besides, its late :ugh:

December 2nd, 2009, 12:36 AM
not ugly.

I like it.

Fronts a little boring though.

December 2nd, 2009, 12:54 AM

I don't like the supports, I'm going to change those.

December 2nd, 2009, 04:34 AM
That looks awesome Geo. I like the design, keep modeling!

December 2nd, 2009, 09:04 AM
Ty :downs: I'm trying my hardest to get back into the swing of things haha

December 2nd, 2009, 03:29 PM
Gonna be doing a bit more work on the base, but this seems a lot closer to what I wanted.



Llama Juice
December 2nd, 2009, 03:31 PM
add something to the front of the platform on the bottom so that it has more than the one tiny support in the back of it. Other than that it looks rather spiffy sir.

December 2nd, 2009, 04:18 PM

I don't like the supports, I'm going to change those.

looks like a baby's penis.

Your new one looks great though.

December 2nd, 2009, 04:36 PM
Final touches.


December 2nd, 2009, 11:40 PM
How does it aim up and down? Those 3 pipes on the back would have to be flexible. Moreover, that thing looks incredibly heavy and the support structures it uses (the thin struts, the flat plate, and the hinge) would likely bend and break.

December 3rd, 2009, 09:05 AM
Just a little model I decided to practice with, since I haven't modeled in over a year.

It's about 3k tris.


I'm not finished yet; obviously, because of the lack of a magazine, but I need some thoughts on the design before I continue. Besides, its late :ugh:

looks like some retard child of a BR, Enforcer, and a Mauler.

The modeling is good, I'm just failing to see what it is. heh


Final touches.

Portable Penis Stinger Launcher?

December 3rd, 2009, 09:57 AM
looks like some retard child of a BR, Enforcer, and a Mauler.

The modeling is good, I'm just failing to see what it is. heh

An imagination gun? lol idk, its something I made up.

December 3rd, 2009, 10:04 AM
Portable Penis Stinger Launcher?

As much as I adore how this community (and people I know irl) telling me that because it's a cylindrical ish object, it looks like a penis...

Wait wait no, I don't adore that at all!

December 3rd, 2009, 10:08 AM
Its called mature constructive criticism. Wait. Nvm.

I think it looks cool, but it could use some sort of hydraulics to support the movement up and down.

December 3rd, 2009, 01:59 PM

Changed the back since it WAS HORRIBLY WRONG ~ Conscars

December 3rd, 2009, 02:06 PM
You should make those pipetubecord things have some slack so its believable that they can flex

December 3rd, 2009, 02:11 PM
This looks terrible in my opinion, Selentic. I don't know what you're going for with this model, I'd be able to guide you if I knew what you were doing.

December 3rd, 2009, 02:19 PM
This looks terrible in my opinion, Selentic. I don't know what you're going for with this model, I'd be able to guide you if I knew what you were doing.

I can never tell if you're serious or not, but anyway, it is a LASER FIRING DOOMSDAY device, for my team fortress 2 level!

Also Icee, I'm not really that sure of how to make them look like they have slack, but I'm going for something that looks fairly spytechy, so I want to have only an amount of slack that looks like it would be required for a weapon which will only move up and down such a piddly amount.

December 3rd, 2009, 02:27 PM
I agree with the comment on giving the cabling some slack.

Might add to the cartoony-ness as well.

December 3rd, 2009, 03:18 PM
Since I really have no idea how to make it look like there's slack on there, without making it look like shit, I'm going to alter the thing the cables go into, to make it look like it can pop up when the device is lowered so that the wires aren't too short.

December 3rd, 2009, 05:00 PM
I think you could successfully add to the cartoony ness and create the feeling of slack by giving the tubes sort of a half-loop upwards.

Follow the red line


December 3rd, 2009, 06:01 PM
Texturing this alien dude, want to know if you think of the skin color, and also if the UV's and texture look good so far.

Note: I used a color correction map to change the skin color from the original bitmap, which was photo-sourced from a regular dude. (bump map is applied to)

diffuse so far:

E: I realize that the diffuse is too symmetrical, I've already fixed the parts that repeat noticeably.

December 3rd, 2009, 06:17 PM
Texturing this alien dude, want to know if you think of the skin color, and also if the UV's and texture look good so far.

Note: I used a color correction map to change the skin color from the original bitmap, which was photo-sourced from a regular dude. (bump map is applied to)


E: I realize that the diffuse is too symmetrical, I've already fixed the parts that repeat noticeably.
Could we possibly see a rendering with bumpmap and diffuse applied together? The way the specular is on the 3D rendering of the bumpmap on its own, it looks somewhat like leather atm. I honestly don't think skin has that many "dips".

December 3rd, 2009, 07:15 PM
edit: is that first image with the bump map only or with the modified skin texture as well?

December 3rd, 2009, 07:46 PM
those are some huge pores! even if it is an alien

December 3rd, 2009, 07:53 PM
those are some huge pores! even if it is an alien



December 3rd, 2009, 08:36 PM
edit: is that first image with the bump map only or with the modified skin texture as well?

Actually, I was using the mental ray skin shader in max, so what you're seeing is mostly the diffuse color i applied to it. I was messing with the properties, so the the diffuse bitmap is barely showing, (i had it sort of blending the diffuse color and bitmap, but didn't give the bitmap enough value, you can sort of see it in the lips though.) just go ahead and ignore that first image, this is a more accurate representation of how it should look:

edited diffuse+bump:


Ignore they eyebrows of course.

And yeah, don't blame me for the huge pore, blame the guy who's pictures I used for the texture. (but really its because I had the bump too strong). it looks better with the texture applied to it though.

December 3rd, 2009, 08:54 PM




Still WIP.

December 3rd, 2009, 09:58 PM
rediculous smoothing on the grip, either that or it has to high of a specular

also a few non planars, i cant comment on the proportions, im to lazy to look up the gun

e: yeah post some renders without that specular on the grip
i know its a wip, but its looking pretty sloppy atm

December 4th, 2009, 12:30 AM

Been working on this for about an hour. I still have to add shadows and highlights, but I was just wondering if there was any line work that you guys think I should edit.

December 4th, 2009, 12:32 AM

Been working on this for about an hour. I still have to add shadows and highlights, but I was just wondering if there was any line work that you guys think I should edit.

Very nice Fred there. I thought it was an official (whatever that means for Scooby Doo) image until I saw your explanation.

December 4th, 2009, 12:38 AM
Yeah, you could have tricked me.

December 4th, 2009, 12:44 AM
I instantly knew it was not real.

No ascot

December 4th, 2009, 12:45 AM
I instantly knew it was not real.

No ascot
Protip: What's New Scooby-Doo version

But now that you say that, I think I might make two versions: one retro, one "modern".

December 4th, 2009, 12:47 AM
Did he not have it then?

December 4th, 2009, 12:59 AM
Did he not have it then?

Nope. They dropped the ascot for that series and all movies since then. Same theme as their "updated" visual style and plots. Can't have a whole generation of kids viewing Scooby Doo in strange "19 sixteez" outfits, can we. :P

December 4th, 2009, 01:12 AM

Okay, here's the retro version. Again, any line work that needs fixing up, please let me know. I've got to get some sleep though, but keep in mind I will be adding in shadows and highlights later.

E: Woah, I just noticed that I fucked up real bad on the ascot, redoing later...

E2: Here we go, the ascot is better. Still not perfect though...


December 4th, 2009, 12:40 PM
What the heck is a specular? Its just geometry and smoothing. The planar thing (whatever that is, I think its when an area is completely flat) is difficult if not impossible to fix. I don't know how to fix them, I really did try to do that.

There's also a spot inside the trigger guard on the handle that smooths funny and I don't know how to fix it, it confuses me.

December 4th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Specular is a material property that affects how the light is reflected off of a surface when you render. You have your specular level up quite high, so its hiding the details/errors. And when your smoothing, your poly distribution really matters, and as far as I can tell, your distribution is quite uneven and messy. Maybe you could post a wireframe? Even a screenshot wireframe would be helpful. :)

December 5th, 2009, 03:03 PM
Some wireframes and unsmoothed geometry:






December 5th, 2009, 11:04 PM
Workin on a spytech viewscreen for a friend's tf2 map!


December 5th, 2009, 11:26 PM
the texturing of the human faces looks unrealistic.

December 5th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Still WIP.

This one has it's problems, but it's a good place for you to reference.



December 6th, 2009, 12:27 AM
Look at all the errors :gonk:

December 6th, 2009, 12:43 AM
Finished the spytech tv


now with speakers

December 6th, 2009, 01:55 AM
Very nice, Selmeister!

December 6th, 2009, 10:09 AM
If you're staying true to Tf2's style, I would change the speakers from that modern look and use some older style ones.

December 6th, 2009, 10:20 AM
I suggested giant megaphones, the mapper wanted subwoofers.

December 6th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Mech, that looks nothing like the P-22!

Disaster are you saying my model has a lot of errors?

December 6th, 2009, 01:36 PM
I suggested giant megaphones, the mapper wanted subwoofers.

Needs a big tube subwoofer in the back :iamafag:

December 6th, 2009, 11:12 PM
Stage one of a photo I took with my phone. Cropped in mobile photoshop (note to self: bad idea, more control on my computer) and somewhat edited, then edited in photoshop essentials.
I then proceeded to do this in Paint.NET
crits? is it any good? do i have any possible future in photography?
e: sorry if it's not showing on the forum, just click the image to actually see it

Reaper Man
December 6th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Fixed the links for you, next time use the direct link url from imageshack.

Interesting composition, but not the most exciting of photos. Got any other photos to show?

December 6th, 2009, 11:37 PM
Fixed the links for you, next time use the direct link url from imageshack.

Interesting composition, but not the most exciting of photos. Got any other photos to show?

Afraid not. These are literally the first photos I've taken outside of photo class that I meant to be artistic. I don't even have that DSLR I asked you about yet. I could scan a few of the photos I have in my portfolio in school, but I fucked up the printing process on the best one (super interesting IMO) so everything's at a shitty angle.

December 7th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Viewport grabs so aliasing is there, but who gives a fuck.


Basically a small shitty scene I'm just chucking garbage in to learn this thing. By the end it's going to be a complete clusterfuck of stuff of pretty much anything possible. (old flood thing for the advanced skin materials and shit) If anyone knows how to improve the shadows and lighting please speak up, lightmass is just bouncing it everywhere. Might have to use one of those new importance lights or whatever they are...


Modular piece I made for this very learning experience, just a light fixture type thing that can be stacked on itself. Tweek told me its too busy, and I agree.

But I like busy. I like to focus on specific parts of a piece and follow them around like a little journey across the surface, looking at certain shapes. I'm like that with musical taste too. Lots of layers and just focusing in on a different one each time.

So yeah, if it's too busy or too much going on that's a design choice.

MetKiller Joe
December 7th, 2009, 10:40 AM
It does look a little too schizophrenic. It would be nicer if it was a bit more clean because right now its just too much took look at.

That box thing you have going in the viewport seems to have a lot of emissive spots for the sake of having emissive spots. They don't really add anything, imo.

As for lightmass, here's the official article (http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Lightmass.html#Summary%20of%20what%20Lightmass%20i s%20and%20what%20it%20does). Just Ctrl+F "LightMassImportanceVolume". Its a volume that lets you control the emission of the photons (number of bounces, etc), intensities of AO Spec, and other stuff like that.

December 7th, 2009, 01:09 PM
I agree, there's way too much going on in that scene that it's hard to look at. The number of lights on those machines alone is mind-boggling. You just need to reduce the number of individual panels on all your textures by opting for simpler, larger patterns.

December 7th, 2009, 01:20 PM
It would maybe look better if you left the core (centre) of those structures with lots of lights and removed them from the protruding parts (legs).

December 7th, 2009, 04:20 PM
It does look a little too schizophrenic. It would be nicer if it was a bit more clean because right now its just too much took look at.

That box thing you have going in the viewport seems to have a lot of emissive spots for the sake of having emissive spots. They don't really add anything, imo.

As for lightmass, here's the official article (http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Lightmass.html#Summary%20of%20what%20Lightmass%20i s%20and%20what%20it%20does). Just Ctrl+F "LightMassImportanceVolume". Its a volume that lets you control the emission of the photons (number of bounces, etc), intensities of AO Spec, and other stuff like that.

Yeah I have an importance volume. You can't build lighting properly without one.

I'll try toning down the emmisive stuff, but the shape complexity stays. IT's supposed to be ornate, that's why I love forerunner. If I twanted to d o big flat simple plates and stuff I wouldn't really be pushing myself creatively and I probably wouldn't be having any fun.

But I agree the number of lights is too much.

December 7th, 2009, 04:41 PM
Way way way too much detail !!

MetKiller Joe
December 7th, 2009, 05:19 PM

Yes, you are right, forerunner is intricate and that's what makes it interesting. You could definitely keep all of the detail, but I'd make it so that the end-user doesn't have to look at all of it at once:



I did a shitty job of illustrating it, but what I've seen in many forerunner textures is that the major details are there and if you keep looking you find more stuff.

Detailing the metal would also be awesome not just putting cool lines hither and tither. My two cents.

December 7th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Yes, you are right, forerunner is intricate and that's what makes it interesting. You could definitely keep all of the detail, but I'd make it so that the end-user doesn't have to look at all of it at once:



I did a shitty job of illustrating it, but what I've seen in many forerunner textures is that the major details are there and if you keep looking you find more stuff.

Detailing the metal would also be awesome not just putting cool lines hither and tither. My two cents.
Is it wrong that I think this looks more "Forerunner" than what Dane posted?

also brb modelling it

t3h m00kz
December 7th, 2009, 07:00 PM

you gots good taste in game engines :iamafag:

Is most of that normalmapping and textures Like, how much of it isn't actual geometry?

December 7th, 2009, 07:08 PM
:( But I like the pretty lights. :P

December 7th, 2009, 07:55 PM
hooray i don't need to double poast


December 7th, 2009, 07:57 PM
I like it but its not very Halo, if it was sposed to be.

December 7th, 2009, 08:41 PM
Is it wrong that I think this looks more "Forerunner" than what Dane posted?

also brb modelling it

You people obviosuly don't know what forerunner is.....

What he posted has nothing to do with forerunner. That looks more like generic sci fi to me.

I see maniac just confirmed what I said.

December 7th, 2009, 08:47 PM
Yes, you are right, forerunner is intricate and that's what makes it interesting. You could definitely keep all of the detail, but I'd make it so that the end-user doesn't have to look at all of it at once:



I did a shitty job of illustrating it, but what I've seen in many forerunner textures is that the major details are there and if you keep looking you find more stuff.

Detailing the metal would also be awesome not just putting cool lines hither and tither. My two cents.

You are only half right. Your refering to forerunner architecture textures, that have specular variations rather than physical indents.

This object is a specific generator type thing.

And what are you talking about in relation to the metal detail. That is purely subjective. There is more work there than simply "drawing lines".

I made these more subtle material detailing to not obscure the heavy design detailing.

Just a sec i'll get a flat of the material so you can better have a look. Again, I am aware its clusterfuck detailed. That is my purpose with this. IF I made something safe or realistic or simple I'm wasting my time. I do things to do them as crazed and brilliantly as i can. Subtlety has it's place, as does chaos.


Material, and then flat with no extra shit.

Theres a bit better a look, however this is an old material since this is the old version from my desktop here at work.

December 7th, 2009, 08:52 PM
You people obviosuly don't know what forerunner is.....

What he posted has nothing to do with forerunner. That looks more like generic sci fi to me.

I see maniac just confirmed what I said.
quite a lesson in elitism
i should have taken notes!

December 7th, 2009, 08:53 PM
MetJoeKiller, you are on the right track for sure.
Just look at your texture though, find the parts that have angles that are less than 45 degrees, any sharp angles (obtuse is fine) need to be fixed for forerunner, im gonna make a couple pics to explain myself better.

December 7th, 2009, 09:02 PM
quite a lesson in elitism
i should have taken notes!

Look it has nothing to do with opinion. The lines are all wrong, the widths are wrong, the structure is wrong. It looks like random shapes rather than specific thought into how the shapes flow with each other.

It has nothing to do with im right your wrong. I'm not the right one here, bungies forerunner style is right here, and that looks more like something from starwars or similar copy cut games style. Just generic shape on shape diagonal lines.

December 7th, 2009, 09:10 PM
This is what i was talking about.Try to stay away from any angle thats under 45 degrees, it really takes away from the forerunner feel.
Now, obviously i should have changed my grid size and not made that inset shape a box in the last pic, but you get the idea.

December 7th, 2009, 09:13 PM
This is what i was talking about.Try to stay away from any angle thats under 45 degrees, it really takes away from the forerunner feel.
second example doesn't look quite right, shouldn't it be more like:


doesn't seem right without the inset angles matching the slope

December 7th, 2009, 09:15 PM
Yes it does not look right because i just made it real quick and never changed my grid size, if i had then the inside of that shape would not be a rectangle.
There its like that.

t3h m00kz
December 7th, 2009, 09:24 PM
Look it has nothing to do with opinion. The lines are all wrong, the widths are wrong, the structure is wrong. It looks like random shapes rather than specific thought into how the shapes flow with each other.

It has nothing to do with im right your wrong. I'm not the right one here, bungies forerunner style is right here, and that looks more like something from starwars or similar copy cut games style. Just generic shape on shape diagonal lines.

Honestly when I saw the pictures of your project in the UDK it didn't scream out "Forerunner," it screamed out "holy shit that's a lot of detail."

Forerunner throughout the games generally seems a bit more subtle, less contrast-y and not so overwhelming.


But, I guess overwhelming and high detailed was more of what you were going for? :v:

Yes it does not look right because i just made it real quick and never changed my grid size, if i had then the inside of that shape would not be a rectangle.
There its like that.

I don't know if it's just me but that doesn't look forerunner in the slightest. Do you have a... better example? Like, an actual texture using these techniques?

December 7th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Someone make a picture showing all the profiles that are used in forerunner architecture. I need it for modeling and I am sure many others would want it as well.
Most recent attempt.
It is all continuous btw. Sealed water tight.

December 7th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Someone make a picture showing all the profiles that are used in forerunner architecture. I need it for modeling and I am sure many others would want it as well.
Most recent attempt.
It is all continuous btw. Sealed water tight.

I don't think that looks bad at all. The only issue I have is the walls- they look good, but are too repetitious. I recommend having every few columns be outward, instead of inward, and maybe extending to the floor. That will break it up and add some variety.

December 7th, 2009, 09:53 PM
I don't know if it's just me but that doesn't look forerunner in the slightest. Do you have a... better example? Like, an actual texture using these techniques?

This is the last texture i made, it was a little while ago now.


Deehunter, that looks really nice.

December 7th, 2009, 09:56 PM
Waitin' on them profiles yo. I create paths in illustrator and use them in 3ds max when modeling stuff. Helps a lot so I can know what kind of details would suit a certain type of topology.

December 7th, 2009, 10:04 PM
you know you can use snaps combined with angle and rotate from edge to make the exact shapes?
huh filefront deleted that a while ago, srry no link.

do these help?



December 7th, 2009, 10:14 PM
I was thinking something more like:

Better view of the crappy wall.

December 7th, 2009, 10:17 PM
Maniac I have your old tut if you want me to upload it.

December 7th, 2009, 10:19 PM
I was thinking you could use photoshop to cut out the pieces that you wanted. :)

turn snap on, snap to grid,edit tab/ preferences,set the grid to 4 8 or 16 and use the polygonal selection tool to cut out what you need.
please do chainsy.

December 7th, 2009, 11:28 PM
Well my professor decided to make some changes to the final project so I'm no longer going to use the groza. Inside here is the high poly model for a M91/30 Mosin Nagant, which i'll bake onto a low poly. Don't worry ICEE I'll still finish the groza for ya.




t3h m00kz
December 7th, 2009, 11:58 PM
I'd slide that bolt back if you know what I mean.

December 8th, 2009, 03:40 PM
you know you can use snaps combined with angle and rotate from edge to make the exact shapes?
huh filefront deleted that a while ago, srry no link.

do these help?


THIS ONE: Almost, good job.




December 8th, 2009, 04:32 PM
Dug the model out of windows.old
What should I add and such? Not asking about texturing obviously.

December 8th, 2009, 04:55 PM
Needs some context, why is there random tower thing sticking up out of nowhere. Maybe model some other smaller structures around it. I think its maybe that you just made up your own architecture style there, it would look a lot better to have more of a base of what exactly it is.

December 8th, 2009, 05:20 PM
So im looking for some design tips on my halo 1 style forerunner.
What im aiming for is the original forerunner design not the ornamental variation shown in the later games.
What im looking for is the design shown throughout the second campaign level in Halo CE.
Dane if you could give some advice i would greatly appreciate it as you sweem to have the forerunner stylization nailed down pretty good.
Im aware there are a few smoothing errors and crimpled surfaces those will be ironed out soon, once ive got the rest of the interior made.

December 8th, 2009, 06:40 PM
Your angles should be down a bit in the Hallway part that connects to the door. It's also quite messy in a few area's, with weird crumpled/faces, and smoothing won't really fix these as good as it could be, ingame at least.

December 8th, 2009, 06:46 PM
Your angles should be down a bit in the Hallway part that connects to the door. It's also quite messy in a few area's, with weird crumpled/faces, and smoothing won't really fix these as good as it could be, ingame at least.
As i said the crimpled parts will be ironed out.

December 9th, 2009, 01:28 PM


Finally got some free time today to finish up the shadows/highlights. Anything I should add or take away or improve?

December 9th, 2009, 09:57 PM
Mouth looks too far up on his face and a little thick, little line under his mouth seems out of place...on new fred make the straight line inside his collar a little curved, on old fred get rid of that extra curve inside his ascot, just make it one smooth "U." Looks great otherwise though, nice work.

December 9th, 2009, 10:00 PM
He's so smug

t3h m00kz
December 10th, 2009, 06:36 AM
I'd shoop that into an MLG variant but I'm fucking lazy.

December 10th, 2009, 11:02 AM
Pic (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/342/4/b/Dendrimer_by_DEElekgolo.png)
Dug the model out of windows.old
What should I add and such? Not asking about texturing obviously.

Looks really interesting but overall seems too vertical.
It looks really interesting from that angle but I think from on the ground it will look more bland because less is being seen. Does that make sense?
I also can't really see any gameplay, mostly because I don't know how the player would move between levels. No visible ramps or ladders.

Invader Veex
December 10th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Wallpaper, as requested by Advancebo.

1920px × 1080px: http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2784/siwallpaper.jpg (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2784/siwallpaper.jpg)


teh lag
December 10th, 2009, 08:41 PM
I don't really like the way that shade of red looks with the rest of it. Maybe I'm just used to the green/blue scheme usually found with the Superintendent, but there's some clashing going on there IMO.

Invader Veex
December 10th, 2009, 08:55 PM
The red-orange color was the one set for the ">>Mind the Gap<<" writing. Seriously. I can make a blue one, though.

e. here it is

December 10th, 2009, 09:00 PM
i think it looks cool, it just looks too orange for my taste. darker red?

December 10th, 2009, 09:12 PM
Get rid of the aliasing?

December 11th, 2009, 02:14 AM
Hay guise look what I made


December 11th, 2009, 03:51 AM
fitting.. engineer loses lol

December 11th, 2009, 11:05 AM
im sorry but virtual green screen > . <,

love it.

December 11th, 2009, 01:00 PM
To do:
fix the eotech's ugly shaders
fix the eotech red dot in it
replace fp arms
make the throwing knife shine better (and not clip)

anything else?

btw first for mw2 weapons in ce (I think, never seen anybody else have them in ce)

December 11th, 2009, 01:42 PM
... *to do : stop ripping and make something cool

December 11th, 2009, 02:03 PM
^ to do: stop making posts that resurrect ancient arguements

December 11th, 2009, 02:28 PM
To be honest, I think they look bad. Heres why.

The textures used on those guns and guys guys use normal maps as well, and are made in a next gen fashion. There going to look bad in halo becuase basically all your using is the diffuse and a multi with a cubemap. thats not adding much. The P90's skin just looks horrible, not sure why, but thats just my opinion, probably becuase of what I stated above.

The p90's scope's red dot or w/e isn't red, lol. (or its just really hard to tell, get a multi to make it buldge out more in that color)

You probally don't have a alpha on the bipeds diffuse, do you? It's very plasticy looking. Put an alpha on the diffuse to control were to shine and were not too. You can also use a multi, but there's no harm in using both. Thats going to fix alot and make it look alot better.

December 11th, 2009, 02:48 PM
^ to do: stop making posts that resurrect ancient arguements
Acutely I am not surprised that somebody usually tries to make an argument with me when ever I post or release something, his little post doesnt bother me and has failed to attempt a flame war

To be honest, I think they look bad. Heres why.

The textures used on those guns and guys guys use normal maps as well, and are made in a next gen fashion. There going to look bad in halo becuase basically all your using is the diffuse and a multi with a cubemap. thats not adding much. The P90's skin just looks horrible, not sure why, but thats just my opinion, probably becuase of what I stated above.

The p90's scope's red dot or w/e isn't red, lol. (or its just really hard to tell, get a multi to make it buldge out more in that color)

You probally don't have a alpha on the bipeds diffuse, do you? It's very plasticy looking. Put an alpha on the diffuse to control were to shine and were not too. You can also use a multi, but there's no harm in using both. Thats going to fix alot and make it look alot better.
Thank you best post/crit I gotten next to lags and cons

It is true its made for the next gen and it will look bad in hce, just doesn't stop me from trying to do new things anyways, eventually I'll make it look decent in hce, just takes alot of trial and error. The eotech's red dot is red in the acutal diffuse, just looks like total shit when I put it in hce and I cant seem to fix it.

Also since I never wanted any crit on the biped (which I knew it was bad from the start since I just did some quick shaders on it). Oh I never did add an alpha onto the biped's multi not diffuse bitmap since as I said was a quick shader and I wanted to have it in-game and it has a shit cubemap on it to anyways.

December 11th, 2009, 03:54 PM
maybe explain how you're doing new things? because... being the first to rip content from mw2 and put it in CE is not accomplishing that.

December 11th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Spartan, this is the quick crit thread not the "look at me i can rip things from other games and compile model+bitmap tags!"

December 11th, 2009, 04:32 PM
Spartan, this is the quick crit thread not the "look at me i can rip things from other games and compile model+bitmap tags!"

Bro, didn't they just say not to resurrect old and dead arguments no one cares about? I'm not trying to backseat here, but try to leave it at that.

December 11th, 2009, 04:34 PM
Bro, didn't they just say not to resurrect old and dead arguments no one cares about? I'm not trying to backseat here, but try to leave it at that.
He's literaly just said "dont crit this im just showing it off because i want to cool:downs:"
Seriously come on, it's the crit thread not some gallery to show off rips.

December 11th, 2009, 04:37 PM
It is to show the shaders but I forgot to say that in my post, but yeah anything I post thats in hce would usually relate to shaders on how they look.

@warlord: I would suggest you think before you post. Its to show OFF THE SHADERS, christ, but I forgot to say that in my post.

December 11th, 2009, 04:45 PM
It is to show the shaders but I forgot to say that in my post, but yeah anything I post thats in hce would usually relate to shaders on how they look.

@warlord: I would suggest you think before you post. Its to show OFF THE SHADERS, christ, but I forgot to say that in my post.
You said you put some random cubemap in there, so tell me how long exactly did you work on these shaders?
Im not trying to be condecending or giving flamebait but from what i can see, you've imported the model an applied a diffuse and arbitary cubemap woohoo?
I see no definition in the model at all and so far it looks more carboard cutout thats been glued at the seams than a actual weapon.
May i suggest you have two shaders on that model, one for the gunmetal and one for the plastic ammo clip.

December 11th, 2009, 04:54 PM
You said you put some random cubemap in there, so tell me how long exactly did you work on these shaders?
Im not trying to be condecending or giving flamebait but from what i can see, you've imported the model an applied a diffuse and arbitary cubemap woohoo?
I see no definition in the model at all and so far it looks more carboard cutout thats been glued at the seams than a actual weapon.
May i suggest you have two shaders on that model, one for the gunmetal and one for the plastic ammo clip.
Oh ok.

The shaders I did in 10 minutes if not less since I wanted it in-game and done to see it. It has everything you expect, bright diffuse (fake bumped), multi with no alpha channel, and then the cubemap properties. I used the warthog cubemap and then the whole brightness thing set all to 1 (which is bad, I know) so yeah. I might have set the perpendicular brightness to 0.5 and then everything else at 1

December 11th, 2009, 05:12 PM
Faked bump map is making everything look like shit. Don't even try to fake a bump map. Its not going to add any depth as the mesh is going to still be flat. All of the information you need is going to be in the diffuse.

December 11th, 2009, 05:44 PM

December 11th, 2009, 07:33 PM
Ugh, enough of that stuff, you posted enough times and told enough times how to CORRECTLY fake bump but you didnt know that mw2's normals map have NO Z (Blue) channel at all, ask disaster, I showed him a m16 normal that doesn't have a blue channel at all, just white. I had to edit mw2's normal maps that got ripped, they are desaturated normals where the red channel is the alpha channel map and the green channel is the entire RGB. There isnt a right way to fake bump any mw2 character, weapon, scenery, or vehicle unless in photoshop you take the normal and brighten the thing +100 and the constrast -50 and maybe do it twice then it will look semi like how it should be in the blue channel but it will look ugly and wrong.

Besides, ill just AO bake the weapons like higuy said on xfire to add shadows and such.

December 11th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Don't even worry about fake bumping and the AO is already going to be on the texture. Don't overdo it.

December 11th, 2009, 08:09 PM
Ugh, enough of that stuff, you posted enough times and told enough times how to CORRECTLY fake bump but you didnt know that mw2's normals map have NO Z (Blue) channel at all, ask disaster, I showed him a m16 normal that doesn't have a blue channel at all, just white. I had to edit mw2's normal maps that got ripped, they are desaturated normals where the red channel is the alpha channel map and the green channel is the entire RGB. There isnt a right way to fake bump any mw2 character, weapon, scenery, or vehicle unless in photoshop you take the normal and brighten the thing +100 and the constrast -50 and maybe do it twice then it will look semi like how it should be in the blue channel but it will look ugly and wrong.

Besides, ill just AO bake the weapons like higuy said on xfire to add shadows and such.
Either you aren't ripping them correctly or it uses the same compression method that fable uses.(bumps are not normalized.)

December 11th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Either you aren't ripping them correctly or it uses the same compression method that fable uses.(bumps are not normalized.)
Um how could I be ripping them wrong. The modding tools were never released btw. 3ds dx ripper does the same thing to normals as the iwi to dds for the other cod games

December 11th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Um how could I be ripping them wrong. The modding tools were never released btw. 3ds dx ripper does the same thing to normals as the iwi to dds for the other cod games

Cod4 and Cod5 have Modtools.

Cod6, uh, what modding? :realsmug:

December 11th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Yea, games use a different compression method for normal maps. An example is unreal engine, how the normal map looks completely different after it is imported. If you where to invert a normal map you would probably get an image that is simular to what you may be talking about. Since you are using DX ripper(lol) then you will only get the normal maps that are loaded into memory, which in fact are compressed to an optimized format according to LOD. Try ripping from the actual game files and not from a frame.

December 11th, 2009, 09:34 PM
Go argue with the person who makes the cod4 and cod5 files rippable (xmodel). Also why in the first place would you care so much to put in a effort into a post in which it doesnt matter if cod mw2's bitmaps are faked bump and models ripped by dx? and only the 3p models will be affected and not fp. Like it matters..it doesn't. You cant rip the raw files (unless you spend lots of time in which you can use dx ripper)....why start a big argument in the first place? Just a game.

December 11th, 2009, 09:47 PM

December 11th, 2009, 10:14 PM
Go argue with the person who makes the cod4 and cod5 files rippable (xmodel). Also why in the first place would you care so much to put in a effort into a post in which it doesnt matter if cod mw2's bitmaps are faked bump and models ripped by dx? and only the 3p models will be affected and not fp. Like it matters..it doesn't. You cant rip the raw files (unless you spend lots of time in which you can use dx ripper)....why start a big argument in the first place? Just a game.

Only reason why that was even possible was because Infinity Ward released the ModTools for both of those games.

December 11th, 2009, 10:50 PM
im sorry but virtual green screen > . <,

love it.
You better tell me what's wrong with my virtual green screen right now mister :|

December 11th, 2009, 11:12 PM
Knock off the random discussion.

Invader Veex
December 12th, 2009, 02:29 AM
...another one.

Yellow Means Yield
1920px × 1080px: http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5991/siwallpapergreenymy.jpg


1920px x 1200px: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2012/siwallpaperblue2.jpg


December 12th, 2009, 04:48 AM
Yea, games use a different compression method for normal maps. An example is unreal engine, how the normal map looks completely different after it is imported. If you where to invert a normal map you would probably get an image that is simular to what you may be talking about. Since you are using DX ripper(lol) then you will only get the normal maps that are loaded into memory, which in fact are compressed to an optimized format according to LOD. Try ripping from the actual game files and not from a frame.

you really just made that up by looking at unreal engine, and nothing else, did you?

stop talking bullshit about stuff you obviously dont know much about, becasue you're far, far from the truth. (though you're right about dx ripper, HOWEVER, if it loads a texture, it doesnt just NOT load ONE COLOUR CHANNEL!, do you even realise how rediculous what you're saying is?)

December 12th, 2009, 09:48 AM

Idea came from an out of focus shot of my laptop case:

December 12th, 2009, 10:59 AM
you really just made that up by looking at unreal engine, and nothing else, did you?

stop talking bullshit about stuff you obviously dont know much about, becasue you're far, far from the truth. (though you're right about dx ripper, HOWEVER, if it loads a texture, it doesnt just NOT load ONE COLOUR CHANNEL!, do you even realise how rediculous what you're saying is?)
When did i say it just loads 1 color channel?

December 12th, 2009, 01:17 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/n3UP9FpUUFQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/n3UP9FpUUFQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Modern Warfare 2 M4A1 ready and reload animation

Imbrokeu told me to post them. I told him to re-upload it to youtube with something at the end since youtube cuts off half a second but he said nah, well w/e. Here it is.

December 12th, 2009, 01:41 PM
brokes animations make me http://screenshot.xfire.com/avatar/160/halo3n00b34.jpg?9470

December 12th, 2009, 02:11 PM
The left wrist/finger frames at the end of the reload look horribly unnatural. Other than that, pretty decent copy

December 12th, 2009, 02:45 PM
this is how you fix that cod normal map stuff (scroll down to normal map section)


December 12th, 2009, 03:08 PM
this is how you fix that cod normal map stuff (scroll down to normal map section)

I told how to do that a page ago (in a not very good understanding way), and I had to learn it myself :saddowns:

December 12th, 2009, 03:14 PM
brokes animations make me http://screenshot.xfire.com/avatar/160/halo3n00b34.jpg?9470

Lmao. For a second I thought they had changed the smug emote to that. Actually, that's a pretty cool idea. Make a :Fred:

December 12th, 2009, 05:13 PM
Lmao. For a second I thought they had changed the smug emote to that. Actually, that's a pretty cool idea. Make a :Fred:
visionary :o

Llama Juice
December 12th, 2009, 05:29 PM

Still playing with it.

December 12th, 2009, 06:28 PM
[EDIT]: Since it's hard to point out the exact 'odd' or critiqued locations, a picture is always nicer.
Red - Could connect the meshes to make it seamed together, can't think of the exact word.
Yellow/Green - Areas that, in the render, seem odd and could use a slight touch up in the geometry of it. Move some vertices around so with the smoothing groups applied, it doesn't look oddly shaded.
Blue - This 'bar' looks crooked and not-level, either way it should be inclined slightly judging by the crevice near the door side.
Note: If I got any colors wrong, it's because I'm Red-Green (http://www.colblindor.com/2007/04/17/deuteranopia-red-green-color-blindness/) colorblind.

December 12th, 2009, 06:32 PM
Needs a door handle, looks like the only way to get in is thru the window. The door looks welded shut to the main body tbh. Everything else is good.

December 13th, 2009, 02:00 AM
Working on a low poly right now. I intend to go through the whole process of getting shit ingame.

Right now it's very boring and I'm looking into ways at fixing that. Maybe I'll throw some straps onto the hilts/grip area or try and see if I can model in some floral bits or something.

The runes are floaters and probably oriented wrong. I'll work on fixing those up.

December 13th, 2009, 04:37 AM
Looks very nice. I like the nice little touch of the Old Norse rune carvings along the side of the blade.

December 13th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Maybe through some straps onto the hilt's grip or try and see if I can model in some floral bits or something.
Yeah I was going to suggest this.

Leatherstraps would be cool

December 13th, 2009, 04:01 PM
Can someone help me on yet another UVW Unwrap.

Ok, It's a magazine low poly model. I'm wondering if there is a way to use more of the space. If not then I will have to deal with it as is. I am going to have something different on the front and back is why I have both sides unwrapped and not stacked.


December 13th, 2009, 04:44 PM
For such simple models I don't really see why the unwrap will need to be perfect, as you will not see it very often.

I can't image anyone looking at all the detail of the magazine.

Post an image on the model, with a wireframe.

Llama Juice
December 13th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Model some bullets, throw those on the same map. (I'm assuming that if he's using a separate map for the magazine than the gun that the model is supposed to be a showpiece of sorts....)

December 13th, 2009, 04:57 PM
Can someone help me on yet another UVW Unwrap.

Ok, It's a magazine low poly model. I'm wondering if there is a way to use more of the space. If not then I will have to deal with it as is. I am going to have something different on the front and back is why I have both sides unwrapped and not stacked.


Make the top and back of your mag take up more space on the UV.

As is, you're going to have a very low resolution texture on an area that, while not seen very often, is still visible during certain parts of your animations.

Another thing - unless you plan on using that magazine with multiple weapons, you'll want to integrate the UV for that with the weapon it is intended to be used with.

Here's (http://www.rensheeren.com/mirrors/senor/tutorial1.htm) something that might help.

December 13th, 2009, 05:14 PM
I'm sorry guys, I guess I should had posted a model so you would know what kind of magazine I was talking about. Lol. Magazine you can read. :P

&@Hunter: Its not gotta be that high res, But I want to take up what space it can for best quality. Props, you may think aren't a big role in a game but they make it. Especially if the same one is used multiple times. Plus the UVW I rendered bigger so you could see it.


December 13th, 2009, 05:37 PM
you really dont need those polies

December 13th, 2009, 06:42 PM
Well here are two things out of the many Ive unwrapped. Whatchuthinkin?

DONT LOLZAT MEH PROPS! But yea, I'm doing a mass production of props and various other things, UVWing, then I will texture them.

Copier Paper Boxes

With paper:



Without paper:



Llama Juice
December 13th, 2009, 08:43 PM
I was wondering about that magazine 'cause of the weird shape of the UVs I was like... that's... a "square" clip.... weirdness haha

Anyhow, for all these simple assets I really don't see you being all that capable of fucking it up. You have the general knowhow, I wouldn't worry about messing up on UVs on these small assets. What's all this stuff for anyhow?

Plus, the model is what bothers me for the box of paper, not the UVs. Put a top sheet on the stack of paper and make it interesting, add an edge curled up or something, right now it's boring and looks like a box of <random perfect object>

December 13th, 2009, 08:46 PM
For a closed magazine like that, you can get away with just making a box or, at most, a box with an extra edge where the spine would be. You don't need to add that many sides, especially considering A) no one can see them B) Thin triangles hurt performance in certain game engines.

As for UV'ing the magazine, you don't need to put that much space for the sides or the back. Give most of your UV's space to the front cover since that is what most people will be seeing. If you really want to get the most out of that front cover you could delete the back cover and then just place the prop magazine down as some kind of static mesh.

As for the paper boxes - you could cut tons of triangles by integrated the paper mesh with the box mesh in your first example.

December 13th, 2009, 08:56 PM
Haha, yea that would of had been one weird mag. And all of it is for various things.
And I did have the ends curled up on the paper but then I just made it flat. Lol I'll put it back.
1. Get me better at basic concept of UVW.
2. Teach me to texture on UVW's.
3. Hell of it.
4. Props for maps if I ever need.
5. Portfolio that does not exist whatsoever atm.
6. And for anyone who wants. When finished. Release.

But some of the props Im going to be making, like the bigger more visually noticeable. I will be high poly modeling and baking normals. Etc. Along with that all my props will be textured at a very high resolution. Then downsized for whichever way it goes as far as engine. And handling.

All-in-all this is just stuff to do to have fun and learn, along with something to do in my spare time.

No there wont just be props either I'm going to be trying to fish out a lot of different things.

Llama, Ill do props if you need some for the game your producing.
Hit me up on my cell# text 8594216238 if you need something.
Peace bro. Bbol

EDIT: @Leg I am going for low poly but, I'm not stressing LOW too much.

December 14th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Bahumba, get into the Christmas SPIRIT guys! Start posting your work. Get this forum back on the road again! :caruso:

December 14th, 2009, 01:44 PM
honestly man, i dont know what to say about how bad that unwrapping of yours is.

Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 02:17 PM
honestly man, i dont know what to say about how bad that unwrapping of yours is.

I was about to AIM you and ask if you were being serious or not... then I looked at the UV job and realized why you said that.


Cut the greens, wield the reds.

Think about where you want seams to be. Do you plan on having the box be upside down most of the time (so that you see that there aren't seams between the bottom and the sides of it) or is it going to be sitting proper?

If you wield like I say to you'll get one long strip for the box, which will allow you to have a much simpler UV layout and have a lot less dead space.

The area with the gray... I didn't realize that the inside of that area was all just empty at first.... cut those edges and make them into thin strips all side by side.... or wield them so they line up with one side of the box. This will make texturing easier, and will allow for a shit ton less wasted space.

The same holds true to the little guy in there.

December 14th, 2009, 03:08 PM
wield or weld llama?

Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 05:35 PM
Whatever, make them attach.

December 14th, 2009, 07:03 PM
Almost finished with this. Fonts are temporary, until I can find something more fitting. Anyone know of any TF2-ish fonts?

December 14th, 2009, 07:16 PM
hd textures?

that demo patch looks poopy.

December 14th, 2009, 08:00 PM
not in gmod ):

Llama Juice
December 14th, 2009, 08:13 PM
Almost finished with this. Fonts are temporary, until I can find something more fitting. Anyone know of any TF2-ish fonts?

The bold face font is TF2BUILD, the smaller font is TF2professor. You can get those fonts (and others) in your \team fortress2\tf\resource folder.


December 14th, 2009, 09:36 PM
awesome, thanks!

Okay, different saturation levels and opacities of crinkling.

which should I go with?


December 14th, 2009, 09:51 PM
whats with the demos left hand? it looks very unnatural there

December 14th, 2009, 09:52 PM
Supposed to be pulling his sleeve back to show off his muscle just like the ww2 propaganda posters for women doing their jobs.

December 14th, 2009, 10:03 PM
Gmod is bad for posing, damnit! It'll have to do.

I think I fixed the saturation and brightness issues

December 14th, 2009, 10:13 PM
Gmod is fine for posing, you're just bad at it :downs:

Also, I'll make a gallary thread for this sooner or later but here's some (very) early WIP's of my parkour map I'm making for the AWOL server.

If anybody who's good with hammer wants to have a look at the .vmf to critique my brushwork, please send me a PM :)

December 15th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Okay, if I do as Llama says and weld those areas so the visible is seamless and the non visible isn't. I understand now what they mean and how to do that becase I wouldnt want what wasn't seamless to be seen. But what happens when doing so, is it decreases the resolution of the sides compared to the top and bottom. Is that a sacrafice I have to take or what?

This is the UVW I just did and is the box with paper in it.


I don't want you guys getting aggravated at me, I am trying to learn as well as others. Is to the reason why I come back asking for more help on the stuff. Because in the end I wan it to be done right.


Now as you can see the squares on the side are bigger than that on the top as well as the bottom which you cant see. I want to try to achieve equal resolution. >>>On top of that there are 3 boxes like this all the same except, one has paper, ones empty, and one has the lid on it. I'm trying to make a friendly UVW so that I can match all UVW's of the box itself so I don't have to re texture each individually. If you guys recommend to just texture each one differently then I will.

December 15th, 2009, 04:14 PM
it's okay IN THIS CASE becasue the edges will (i guess) just be plain brown, and the top (magazine?) will have an actual picture on it and you can use the double density there.

i dont know where you left the insides of the hand-holes though.

December 15th, 2009, 11:13 PM
Thanks Llama for the great teaching haha.
Nice work btw. and the uvw is this big only so you can see it.

Llama Juice
December 16th, 2009, 12:00 AM
Call me silly but I see stretching :3.

I have a rather strong feeling you scaled the paper chunk wrong. Toss a 512X256 checkerboard texture on that and see what happens.

December 16th, 2009, 01:09 AM
I'm not sure why you need a separate UV area for both sides of the box. Nobody will care if the texture on one side is the same as the other, it's just a box.

December 16th, 2009, 12:48 PM
Working on texturing my assault rifle model.
Im currently using Paint.net for the texturing so i can't really use too many nice features that would come with photoshop as i quite honestly just cannot get it.
Anyways heres a render with the bitmap applied and the actual UV i've got so far.
Any advice or tips on what to add for details would be greatly appreciated.
I will be adding scratches later on but at the moment im trying to differentiate the different materials on the gun.
Im using the tutorial i posted into the resources section so i've currently got 3 layers for the bitmap, one is the AO next is the basic textures for different parts ad then i've got one where i will be applying the details and i've got that set to colour burn as you can see with the power button.


Llama Juice
December 16th, 2009, 01:22 PM
You're not using any actual texture in it. Right now it looks like it was chizzled out of a block of carbon, then someone took white chalk and drew some lines on the top.

Take a look at the actual Assault Rifle texture from Halo 1 and look at how it's not all one flat color. You can see the differences in the metal for it and such. It looks metal.


Grab some metal textures, cgtextures.com is amazing grab some stuff from them and use it as a base to paint on top of rather than using a flat color as your base.

Overall though what you have is way too dark. Look at how much contrast is in the official texture with certain parts painted brighter than others just for that effect of having that part stand out more.

Also look at how dull their green button is compared to yours and the placement/size of it on the map.

You're wasting a ton of space on your UV map by trying to keep it all one big piece.

Break up the UVs where there are separate pieces in the model, the top pointy bit of the gun isn't the same chunk of metal as the rubber grip on the bottom. :P


Use the natural seams in the object to your advantage.

December 16th, 2009, 02:01 PM
Thank's, yeah il have to get the metal and rubber separated soon, though there is one thing id like to find out about.
for the actual gun what im going to go for with the metal parts is not the same as the one shown ingame more of the ion painted matt black you see on the MP5, something darker is a bit more rough but still metal.
Instead of the bright galvanized steel look im trying to aim for a darker steel, more carbonized like the kind you see on old steel works hammers, not exactly cannon but then again nothing about my gun is completely cannon as there are a few tweaks and mistakes here and there.
not sure if you know what i mean about more carbonized steel or not but if you do, do you many any ideas for that?

December 16th, 2009, 03:25 PM
Gmod is fine for posing, you're just bad at it :downs:

Also, I'll make a gallary thread for this sooner or later but here's some (very) early WIP's of my parkour map I'm making for the AWOL server.

If anybody who's good with hammer wants to have a look at the .vmf to critique my brushwork, please send me a PM :)

how are the gmod parkour gametypes?

December 16th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Con, I would have overlapped the long side thats attached to the handled side. over the one on the top, but it serves no purpose because that space would not be able to be used in any way. Plus the handled ones weren't being overlapped because of logos etc. So why not just not overlap the other. All in all I couldn't scale everything up to use that space and keep the same textile, if i was to overlap them.


Llama Juice
December 16th, 2009, 11:49 PM



Been playing with this scene a bit again lately. Still gotta add more to it and fix up the windows on everything lol.

Also, the weird box in the top left corner in the 3rd image is fixed. apparently if you look through a decal volume it does that... and I never told the skybox to not accept decals... even though it wasn't IN the volume... it still made weird artifacts. Turned off accept decals and it fixed it.

Also fun fact... you can't apply a decal to a model that has a BLEND_Translucent material applied to it. You can use BLEND_Masked, but not Translucent.

December 17th, 2009, 01:40 AM
git some parallax on those bricks mister!

December 17th, 2009, 02:18 AM
Whoah llama that looks pretty cool. What is it?

December 17th, 2009, 06:50 AM
still the terrible window-outlines.

fix thoooose! they're a real eyesore in an otherwise good looking scene.

December 17th, 2009, 12:02 PM
Go ahead, fucking ignore my posts, IDC.

December 17th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Hey Llama, i've worked a bit more on the scratching and differentiating, im wondering wherther i should leave the colour arrangement ive got for the top half or invert it, as at the moment i've got the plateing with the lighter metals from scratching at the edges and darker metals in the middle.
I think what i've got now is a pretty good step forward to what i should aim for.

December 17th, 2009, 02:44 PM
You're doing a good job at making the top plates look like pieces of torn construction paper tacked on, if that's what you're going for.

December 17th, 2009, 04:07 PM
You're doing a good job at making the top plates look like pieces of torn construction paper tacked on, if that's what you're going for.
I was originaly going to go for a cast metal kind of finish, the kind you see on hammers, very strong and very tough, but after a few people suggested it i added some scratching to the plates and that's what i got.

December 17th, 2009, 04:13 PM

December 17th, 2009, 04:29 PM
I was originaly going to go for a cast metal kind of finish, the kind you see on hammers, very strong and very tough, but after a few people suggested it i added some scratching to the plates and that's what i got.

I think you failed to see the sarcasm.

The texture is too blurry. And edges would also not look like that... Seeming as the whole top part is fully metal and not painted or another material with metal coating.

Add proper scratches, not loads of them either, people always go over the top with scratches.

I can't texture for shit, so ignore my crit if you like. Just telling you what I think :iamafag:

English Mobster
December 18th, 2009, 12:45 AM
What do you guys think? Too blatant of a parody?
The Blues emerged in a room surrounded by robotic androids. These were not the friendly kind of robotic androids which one might expect, but rather they were the quite unfriendly kind, with guns and the ability to use them with no conscience to hold them back or make them feel guilty about it afterwards or make them cry themselves to sleep the way some less-than-hardcore mercenaries did at night. They were all shaped like a rather tall white potato, with two red eyes near the top of their bodies, a small line for a mouth which was totally unnecessary as their mouths never moved and instead their voices came out of built-in speakers, and two arms which looked a lot like machine guns. Each of them stood on what looked to be spider-like legs. Torn decided to call them “Spiderbots”.
“Don’t move,” one said in a high, squeaky voice.
Torn began to burst out laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it all, and then it fired a few automatic bullets just over his head.
Torn shut up.
The robot which had spoken before continued, “We are going to take you to our testing facilities. You will have a most enjoyable experience in there, I promise. You see, we are here to test our new teleporter gun technology-“
“You mean like a Portal Gun from the game Portal?” Pie interrupted.
“IT IS NOT A PORTAL GUN. God, why does every new batch of test subjects we get ask that? Yes, it is SIMILAR. Yes, it has a similar purpose. BUT IT IS NOT A PORTAL GUN.” The little robots pointed their machine guns at the group. “We are NOT Aperture Science. Aperture Science is FICTIONAL.” This particular robot, it would seem, had emotions hard-wired into its circuits.
“Then what are you guys?”
“We are Viewfinder Science.”
“Which is unlike Aperture Science in every way,” Pie noted.
“Correct. Now follow me to your new testing facilities.”
The Blues collectively sighed and followed the robots, which were scurrying along the floor like spiders. Torn considered kicking one, but remembered the machine guns and decided not to.
Flyboy sighed. “And my headache’s back. That wasn’t nearly as fun as it was the first time.”
Pie smiled. “Well, my headache went away the moment we went through the teleporter. I like that thing now, it was actually fun this time! Full freedom as you feel your entire body fly across the universe at unimaginable speeds and then be reassembled at the other end… It’s exhilarating. And it made all my aches and pains go away when I went through it again. Quite pleasant, you have to go through it twice to get the full experience. I guess the Guide was wrong for once.”
“And I don’t like that stupid teleporter anymore. My atoms don’t take too kindly to being taken apart and reassembled at the other end.” Flyboy said blearily.
“Shut up, all of you,” said the Spiderbot. “You aren’t going through that teleporter again anytime soon anyway.”
“What do you mean? We’re trapped here?” Torn asked.
“You are our test subjects now. You will remain here until further notice.” The Spider pointed its dual machine guns at them and backed its way through a door. The door opened upwards, and it walked through before the door was completely open, meaning that the uppermost part of the potato hit the doorframe and the robot fell to the ground, spraying machine gun fire every which way.
The other Spider robots quickly scurried over to aid their unfortunate comrade. They attempted to calm him down as his legs twirled about wildly, its machine gun arms kept firing wildly, and the robot was just acting wildly in general.
The Blues used this short timeframe to make their run for it.
The facility consisted of a multitude of hallways, each looking the same as the last. They all were lit with a light blue light, which somehow gave the halls a menacing appearance. The Blues decided to charge down one of the halls chosen completely at random, trying to get as far from those robots as was physically possible.
They stumbled into a door and found a mountain of the robots, eyes burning at the far end of the infradead spectrum.

The infradead spectrum is, peculiarly, a section of the infrared spectrum which is visible to the naked eye. It is a very deep red, and seems to evoke very terrifying images in the mind of anyone who looks at something which is lit up with a color from the infradead spectrum.
As a result of this, the infradead spectrum is used in the creation of military robots, and it was the result of hundreds of eyes lit up using this color which caused the members of Blue team to collectively need new underwear.

The events which unfolded next looked quite comical if you were there to actually watch them, but since this is a book, just paint a picture in your mind of a comical scene. Now picture a comical scene which involved Pie and his companions deciding to turn around and run back from where they had come from, with millions of spiderbots chasing them and not a can of bug poison in sight.
Torn was the first to the door. He issued to the others to rush inside, something which they complied with more than happily. Torn slammed the door shut to keep the blasted robots from getting through once more.
He was panting the most, even though he had done the least amount of running. When Pie and Flyboy glanced at him, he made a quite unsuccessful bid to regain his composure, something which was leaving him quite quickly and was threatening divorce.

Now that their adventure with the Spiderbots was over for now, the Blues breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Then the lights came on quite suddenly.
They all jumped up quite suddenly.
Then they looked around quite suddenly, expecting the worst.

They were in a largish room, an arena of sorts. Unlike the bluish hallways, this was more of a whitish room, and there were a couple of largish indentations in the wall which contained more whitish rooms. All of these rooms were buzzing with computerish-looking components, and they each had a bundle of largish wires coming out of them. These wires all went towards the center of the room, where there was a lone humanoid-shaped robot. Wires were positively pouring out of it, and the robot’s form itself looked depressed, as if it had a very large mind and very little to do with it.
“What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of the universe? What is the meaning of everything?” asked the robot. Its voice even sounded depressed, full of the sad emotions which only one who has seen the worst end of life can convey. It was a very deep and rich voice, booming with bass, but it was also a voice which conveyed a sense of extreme sadness. Anyone who listened to it grew both sympathetic and depressed almost instantly.
Flyboy was surprised to have it ask them these questions right off the bat. “Erm…”
“Forty-two,” answered Pie.
Torn and Flyboy seemed somewhat surprised at Pie’s unusual answer. “Where did you get that one from?” asked Torn.
“Deep Thought. It’s a long story; ask Douglas Adams if you absolutely have to know.”
The sulking robotic form seemed to nod. “It’s a depressing answer, isn’t it?”
Pie nodded. “It is. Who are you?”
“I’m the one who is in control of all those spiderbots which are trying to kill you right about now.”
“Well, that’s not very nice. Why are you trying to kill us?”
“You see, the answer is quite simple: I don’t like the world.”
“Why not? And your name wouldn’t happen to be Marvin, would it? Because I think we’re becoming a little bit too much like the Hitchhiker’s Guide.”
“No, I’m not Marvin. And I was once human.
“My mind was taken, no, stolen from me by a team of so-called ‘scientists’ who needed a brain for this new computer of theirs they had been building. There were billions of people in the universe to choose from… And so they choose me.”
“Indeed. So they performed a lobotomy and quickly separated my mind from my body. I hate to think about how well my body’s faring right now, but I’d imagine it’s not doing too well since it has lost its mind.
“For the record, the brain is in a jar in one of those rooms behind me. It’s depressing to look at it; but maybe it will cheer you up since it isn’t your brain that’s stuck in a jar. I mean, it sucks being trapped in a testing facility that seems almost (but not entirely) unlike one from a video game. Feel sorry for me. Please.
“But here I am: SaDOS. The Sentient automated Disc Operating System.”
“Which is entirely unlike GLaDOS in every way?”
“Which is entirely unlike GLaDOS in every way.”
“So, can we just leave now?”
The door sealed behind them and all the lights in the room switched to a deep red color simultaneously. Flyboy recognized it as infradead light, and everyone still needed to change their underwear from their first taste of infradead and thus didn’t need to worry about soiling a fresh change of clothes when the light spectrum hit them another time.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Dave,” said SaDOS.
“My name isn’t Dave,” said Pie.
“Irrelevant. A security detachment will be here soon.”

There was the sound of millions of scurrying robotic legs outside. The infradead light only made the fear which was instilled in the Blue team that much worse.
Torn thought on his feet and made a dash for SaDOS. He threw himself at the robot in an attempt to knock it down… and bounced off. He quickly got up, dusted himself off, and made another valiant failure of an attempt to tackle the robot.
Pie and Flyboy, meanwhile, were busy trying to keep the door which had sealed behind them shut, a task which was becoming harder and harder to do, as the door wanted to open, and goddamnit, it was GOING to open.
The door had had enough pitiful attempts to hold it back when it seriously wanted to open, or things holding it back when it wanted to close on someone and slice them in two. The things holding it back, it thought, could never know what it was like to be a door, always having to perform the same menial task whenever anyone came near it, opening and closing for people at their whim, having people bump their heads onto its frame, which they didn’t realize hurt it as much as it hurt them, goddamnit, it wasn’t going to take it anymore! Pie and Flyboy were just two more obstacles keeping the door from following its dreams and becoming more than just a door, they were keeping it from actually helping society as a whole; they were holding the door back!
Fortunately, the door did not need to worry about this anymore, as the Spiderbots outside were getting very impatient and had decided to use their machineguns to get rid of the annoying door entirely.
Pie and Flyboy jumped back from the doomed door and decided to help Torn attempt to knock the very stubborn robot in the center of the room over. After many attempts, SaDOS finally fell over, and the Blues let out a cheer.
“Now what did that achieve?” asked SaDOS, who looked even more depressed lying on the floor and tangled in its own wires.
“Well, now you’re defeated,” said Torn, “We’ve won.”
“No you haven’t.”
“Yes, we have.”
“No, you have not.”
“Yes, we have.”
“I’m afraid not. I’m still very much alive.”
At this, Pie began humming the song “Still Alive”, one which was very popular on the internet circa 500 years ago as the ending credits for the videogame Portal, a game which has been considered one of the best ever made and is still revered in the hacking and programming circles, and thus Portal references have made their way into many of the scientific accomplishments since. The game itself, like the book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and the Star Wars saga, has become so ingrained within popular culture that Portal has become much like the Pong of the 21st century: remade countless times, revered, fun, but not played very often.
“Stop singing that,” said SaDOS. Pie stopped.
The Spiderbots were nearly through the door now, and they were quite cross with the Blues in general.
Flyboy was now officially freaking out.
“I’m now officially freaking out,” he said.
The Spiderbots finally blew the door clean out of where the door was supposed to be at the time (which was between where the Blues were and where the Spiderbots were) and began to flood into the facility.
“Defend the PORE!” screeched a comical, high-pitched voice from one of the Spiderbots.
“The PORE?” asked Pie.
“The PORE stands for the Portal Operating Room Entrance. It’s where we keep the teleporters which make our technology tick,” said SaDOS, “and it’s also where we keep the technology which makes sure characters in this universe don’t break the fourth wall.”
“It doesn’t do a very good job of the latter, does it?”
“We’re still working on it. Not that it matters anymore, since you’re all going to die right now anyway.”

“Hey, guys, what’s this do?” Torn asked. He then flicked a switch, the lights went out, and all the robots simultaneously powered down.

The Blues then casually wandered back through the hole the Spiderbots made in the door. Pie kicked one of them on the way out.
“Thank god MY programming’s not that bad,” Flyboy said.
“We don’t know about THAT yet, Fly. We’ve barely seen Flybot in action, although admittedly, he was competent enough to get us here,” remarked Pie.
“My point exactly. He did better than that stupid SaDOS over there, and SaDOS had a human brain to work with.”
The tunnels were without proper lighting systems turned on as well, and as such were nearly completely dark. The Blues felt around the nearly-endless hallway to avoid bumping into anything, although quite a few stubbed their toes on the multitude of Spiderbots which now lay dormant on the floor.
“I do hope that brain’s alright,” said Torn, “the entire human-robot-thingamajig seemed dreadfully troubled.”
Pie was quiet for a few moments, thinking about what Torn had just said. “‘Dreadfully troubled’? What are you now, English?”
“No, I am not British, thank you.”
“And now you’re using the word ‘British’? What’s next? Tea and crumpets?”
“Guys,” Flyboy said, “we need to look for the PORE. That’s was the way we came in, and now that’s our ticket out of here, so get looking.”

It didn’t take the Blues very long to find the place that they were looking for, even in the complete darkness of the tunnels. The PORE was the only place which was still illuminated, basking in a deep, rich green glow and beckoning for the Blues to come near it.
It was where they had come in, and it was still guarded by three Spiderbots, who now remained at their posts, inert. The Blues strolled right by them. Pie considered kicking another one of the damn bots one last time, for good measure, but ultimately decided against it and strolled on into the room.
It was, indeed, where they had come in.
“You know what I’ve had to deal with throughout this entire thing?” Flyboy asked Pie.
“I still have my headache.”
“I’d feel sorry for you if you had felt sorry for us.”
“You’re not very nice.”
“And do you want to know what I’ve had to deal with throughout this entire thing?”
“Not really, but shoot.”
“I’ve had to deal with the unshakable feeling that we have just been in a blatant parody of something.”
“I haven’t had to deal with that,” said Flyboy, “just the headache. Maybe you’re mentally insane.”
“That would explain a lot, actually.”
“Would it, now?”
Torn piped up. “And do you want to know what I’VE had to deal with?”
“What did YOU have to deal with, Torn?” asked Pie.
“I’ve had to deal with the fact that I seem constantly passed over with dialogue. It’s always just you and Flyboy talking, while I remain one-dimensional. I go everywhere with you, and all I do is just sit around and be a minor character and occasional plot device. Seriously, what’s my backstory?”
“You were a hobo who got drafted,” said Flyboy, “and you tatter everything you wear up because you like the way it feels or it looks or something along those lines.”
“You should try to be more assertive.” Pie said, and Flyboy nodded.
“I save both of your guys’ necks, and this is what I get? Whatever. Let’s get back, I need a beer.”
And, with those conversations over, the Blues casually strolled through the teleporter and were transported through space atom by atom once again.

December 18th, 2009, 12:57 AM
Uhm yea before bed I started to get to work on the boxes texture, not too much detail at all has been put into it. Filters werent used, they are shit for the most part. All hand painted and filled. I'm trying. :P

Well dont shit on me too hard here haha.

EDIT: I will just post it tomorrow!

Sorry guys.

December 18th, 2009, 08:13 AM
I was originaly going to go for a cast metal kind of finish, the kind you see on hammers, very strong and very tough, but after a few people suggested it i added some scratching to the plates and that's what i got.
But small arms aren't cast, they're stamped or milled :S

Pretty much everything aside from an 18th century cannon is stamped or milled.

December 18th, 2009, 08:21 AM
But small arms aren't cast, they're stamped or milled :S

Pretty much everything aside from an 18th century cannon is stamped or milled.
So what would you preffer, a gun that rarely shows damage because the outer metal looks the same to inner or one that has a different outercoating than innercoating?

E: this any better, im starting to like the ammo counter although the metal obviously needs some work as at the moment it looks more like it's still got residue from being cut.

December 18th, 2009, 01:31 PM
FYI warlord don't use filters if you are. it looks to me that you are, or your using a brush and stamping it.. It just shits things. I learned the hard way.

Okay guys so I have been the past 2 days doing exams and midterms for my classes. So I'm behind about a day of sleep. So I'm working slow. And about falling asleep now. But here.


Here is with some higher lighting:



EDIT: Got rid of that white line on the edge I just noticed.

December 18th, 2009, 02:10 PM
So what would you preffer, a gun that rarely shows damage because the outer metal looks the same to inner or one that has a different outercoating than innercoating?

How about something convincing, which wouldn't be cast metal. Why are you trying to make it look like metal anyways? Most firearms are parkerized, so you need to try and replicate the quality of the finish, not the building material.

I'll say it to you like I say it to everyone. Learn something about what you're trying to create, then move forward.

December 18th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Most firearms are parkerized, so you need to try and replicate the quality of the finish,
I'll say it to you like I say it to everyone. Learn something about what you're trying to create, then move forward.
Ok thank's, yeah i appreciate the tips and advice you give me.

December 18th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Ok thank's, yeah i appreciate the tips and advice you give me.
He gave you good tips and advice

December 18th, 2009, 03:32 PM
@Terror, you just more or less posted the same image twice at the top of your post... :S

@walord, Too many repeating details...

December 18th, 2009, 03:56 PM