View Full Version : So yeah, I got attacked today
April 18th, 2008, 11:04 PM
I'm just innocently walking down the street, I had gone to get some ice cream and was going back home listening to my ipod, when this kid on a bike rides up. He was Mexican and just a little shorter than me, basically the same build (thin). He decided that I was "starting shit" and that I was a mother fucker and started shouting random shit at me. Then he starts demanding to see my ipod, and threatening to "beat my ass" if I didn't give it up. All this time Im sort of backing away from him, not really responding to his threats. Suddenly, I was against a tree. He started calling me "a little bitch" and continued demanding the ipod. I said "fuck you" and pushed him back so I could get away from the tree. He stepped right up to me, got right in my face and expected no retaliation. I grabbed his shirt, put my key in between my ring finger and middle finger (hand still in my back pocket). I hesitated to hit him like I always do in fights and he pulled his hand back to hit me too. Right when we were about to throw down for real a guy drove up and threatened to call the police. The kid and I let go of each other and we both ran off. I really hope he didn't somehow follow me home...
Anyways, I'm a little bit freaked out to go out that way again. This wasn't the first time Ive seen this shithead, so I'm bound to see him again. Usually I carry a six inch knife with me, but today I just so happened to fucking forget it... Thats either a blessing or a curse though, I could have scared him off with it or stabbed him and gone to prison.
April 18th, 2008, 11:08 PM
April 18th, 2008, 11:08 PM
Whoa! I hope this never happens to me. Your lucky however that he didn't have more harmful intentions. If he was really pissed and he had a weapon he might have killed you. I'd also be happy you didn't have your knife because you could be in prison like you said. Todays world is screwed up. When you defend your self you get prison for assualt.
April 18th, 2008, 11:14 PM
Fookin cholos :mad:, Yhea man I used to have a few friends that were like that but, apperantly becuase I didnt like rap They threatend to "kick my ass". There relley just a bunch of pussies with huge pants.
April 18th, 2008, 11:16 PM
Yeah. I THINK I could've taken him if he wasn't armed. He wasn't any bigger than me. But then again I'm not exactly the king of upper body strength
April 18th, 2008, 11:17 PM
carry mase. next time you see him and he starts getting hostile, just mase his ass. you won't even have to hit him. then call the cops. done.
April 18th, 2008, 11:20 PM
He was Mexican? Was he wearing his birth certificate around his neck or something?
April 18th, 2008, 11:24 PM
Carry mace.
I recommend a mace. or a flail. Heck, even a spiked tree limb would work. You NEVER see anyone messing with someone who openly displays barbaric combat weapons.
Sucks that there are people out there who would even think of attacking someone like that. The world makes me sad and scared at times.
Also snaf, l2speel.
April 18th, 2008, 11:25 PM
He was Mexican? Was he wearing his birth certificate around his neck or something?
Hey. Don't pull that PC bull. Heritage is pretty obvious around these parts. I live so close to LA, almost everyone is Mexican, and when he has the skin color, hair color, and ACCENT its pretty obvious. Besides, I didn't use the word in a negative connotation.
I recommend a mace. or a flail. Heck, even a spiked tree limb would work. You NEVER see anyone messing with someone who openly displays barbaric combat weapons.
Sucks that there are people out there who would even think of attacking someone like that. The world makes me sad and scared at times.
Also snaf, l2speel.
also, I do own a mace. It is :awesome:
April 18th, 2008, 11:27 PM
Don't hesitate next time, just key the fucker. Self defense, it's all good.
April 18th, 2008, 11:30 PM
Self-defense that bitch next time.
Hell, you would've gotten away with self-defense this time.
April 18th, 2008, 11:32 PM
Fuck CLS grunt, stop attacking ICEE, I need him to animate things.
Also, Im fucking sick of these faggots, gotta start throwing them out.
Needs some 0 tolerance for assholes who do shit like this, Im sick of seeing bullshit like this happen.
April 18th, 2008, 11:32 PM
Yeah you'd think, but knowing America He could have just pulled the race card on me in court. I'm pissed off at myself that I didn't fight him back more aggressively, but I'm proud of myself that I didn't take his shit.
April 18th, 2008, 11:34 PM
Yeah you'd think, but knowing America He could have just pulled the race card on me in court.
Race doesn't matter in a case of self-defense.
April 18th, 2008, 11:35 PM
I guess I'll take your word for it. I don't know the first thing about law
April 18th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Hey. Don't pull that PC bull. Heritage is pretty obvious around these parts. I live so close to LA, almost everyone is Mexican, and when he has the skin color, hair color, and ACCENT its pretty obvious. Besides, I didn't use the word in a negative connotation.
So, wait, I question your baseless assumption and it's "political correctness?" Dole, is that you?
April 18th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Get a car.
edit: DO WANT FMG-9!!!!
April 18th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Also, enough of the race stuff.
April 18th, 2008, 11:42 PM
Also, enough of the race stuff.
April 18th, 2008, 11:47 PM
Self-defense that bitch next time.
Hell, you would've gotten away with self-defense this time.
"I'm gonna self-defense tha shit outa ya!"
April 18th, 2008, 11:56 PM
Actually all you have to say is, "I was attempting to stop his aggression."
April 18th, 2008, 11:58 PM
If the iPod ain't the Mexican's, you must acquit.
April 18th, 2008, 11:58 PM
The thing is it was on a busy street, the cars were rushing to fast to see and understand what happened. There really weren't any witnesses, and if we had fought then either of us could have been seen as the attacker.
April 19th, 2008, 12:15 AM
you should have gone RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE and keyed that motherfucker, man
April 19th, 2008, 12:16 AM
Shank the tard next time he comes around, little dick deserves it :|
April 19th, 2008, 12:37 AM
I like Conscar's solution to that.
IronClad, next time you see him, let him come to you, and let him start it, and THEN shank his ass. Everybody wins!
@ "If the iPod ain't the Mexican's, you must acquit"
You don't want him to acquit! You wanna press charges. Sue the bastard.
April 19th, 2008, 01:05 AM
Meh. If his ass had money he wouldn't need to be failing to steal ipods.
April 19th, 2008, 01:08 AM
Were you holding your iPod in plain sight, just walking down the street with it in your hand? If so, bad idea.
Better hope he didn't run home like a little bitch and tell his buddies. Yeah, avoid that area for a while, and try to avoid walking around alone; grab a buddy or a brother/sister or hitch a ride with someone. If you go out with your iPod again, wear a long shirt and put it in your pocket, run the earbuds up under your shirt. And also, get generic headphones (not earbuds) if you choose to go out like that; probably black ones you'd get at Wal-Mart for like $10.
EDIT: Also, you should have just stopped what you were doing and casually walked off when you were stopped, instead of bolting. With all of the motorist run-ins I've had with my friends when I was younger (i.e. morons tossing snowballs at passing vehicles), I noticed that when my friends bolt and I just stood there, watching what happened, after taking the brunt, the person would "realize" that I had nothing to do with it and just ask me where they went, which I'd reply with a shrug. Hauling ass just makes you look like you're in the wrong.
April 19th, 2008, 01:18 AM
Yeah, true. Also my ipod was in my pocket and the cords were under my shirt. I always have walked that way. The reason I bolted was because it was RIGHT by my house, and he had a bike. There was nothing stopping him from following me once that guy was gone, or simply going around the block the other way to catch up to me. I didn't want him finding out where I live by following me. The scary thing is I have seen that kid running around my neighborhood before. He was vandalizing real estate signs and starting shit with people who told him to stop.
April 19th, 2008, 01:31 AM
in my old neighborhood, he would've been beaten half to death or worse. people on my block were nuts. some guy had an argument with his wife, then bomb-threatened THE WHOLE BLOCK.
that was an interesting day.
Also, tell one of your parents ffs.
April 19th, 2008, 01:35 AM
I did, but they seemed more concerned about my stepdads PC having a trojan
April 19th, 2008, 01:40 AM
People think that beating up kids and stuff with a bad home life only makes it worse. I say it makes it better, the litter shit needs a good pole up his ass every now and then so he fucking realizes he's not king of the world.
April 19th, 2008, 01:46 AM
in my old neighborhood, he would've been beaten half to death or worse. people on my block were nuts. some guy had an argument with his wife, then bomb-threatened THE WHOLE BLOCK.
that was an interesting day.
Also, tell one of your parents ffs.
You have an interesting definition for interesting. :raise:
Also, kick the fucktard's ass next time, If you've got a phone then keep it on you, if you see the coward coming with a bunch of his goons bolt, and tell your dad to stop going to porn sites.
April 19th, 2008, 02:21 AM
People think that beating up kids and stuff with a bad home life only makes it worse. I say it makes it better, the litter shit needs a good pole up his ass every now and then so he fucking realizes he's not king of the world.
Holy shit fuck I agree with you.
Llama Juice
April 19th, 2008, 08:15 AM
You kids are all pretty damn aggressive. Just mace the bastard. With the spray, not the mid evil weapon.. seriously why bother with dealing with the cops after a fight that you obviously want to bring a knife to?
That's one hell of a bad idea. You stab the bastard and he WILL find where you live.
April 19th, 2008, 09:14 AM
9 in 10 mexicans in the United States Are illegal immigrants, 1 in 100 mexicans makes a positive impact on the US in some way, the rest go around pulling bullshit like this.
It is so stupid
But fuck, Sorry to you guys, but the time has come, thanks to a few misbehaving nitfuckwits, the US needs to pull some 0 tolerance for immigrants. It fucks over your country if you have a bunch of people just coming in and doing nothing but cause trouble and take away from the quality of your country.
That and they need to be stopped before they start illegally immigrating into Canada
teh lag
April 19th, 2008, 09:26 AM
9 in 10 mexicans in the United States Are illegal immigrants, 1 in 100 mexicans makes a positive impact on the US in some way, the rest go around pulling bullshit like this....
...thanks to a few misbehaving nitfuckwits...
Also, where are you pulling those stats from? Like it or not, the U.S. economy requires people who are willing to do jobs the rest of us won't - I definately would count having people coming to this country who do just that as a positive impact. I'm not supporting illegal immigration in the slightest here, but what you said was a little (litte = very) over the top.
April 19th, 2008, 09:32 AM
The bolded one was an estimation.
And the few I suppose was an understatement. Im sick of what I have to put up with from some immigrants who decide that they can fuck with me. I havent had a confrontation with a person of the same race since, grade 4.
Either way Im sick of what they can get away with, and something needs to be done.
April 19th, 2008, 10:33 AM
Well, I had something similar happen to me, this little 12 year old shit head always carries around knives and nun chucks and shit and starts on people.
I walked past his mums shop one day, and he comes out and starts walking alongside me, like "cmon mother fucker wanna go? you think your real tuff and shit aye". Naturally, I ignored him for the first 20 metres, then it got a bit different. He picks up a beer bottle on the side of the footpath and starts tapping it on his bike frame (he was riding a bike) and then I spoke my first words "fuck off you little runt, where the fuck did you come from" and then he falls back while I keep walking, and lucky for me, the sun was behind me, so I could see my shadow nice and stretched out. I see the beer bottles shadow suddenly separate from his shadows hand, and I immediately cocked my head to the left and ducked it, it smashes on the path ahead, and then he looks all scared, like as if " UM DAT WAZN APOSED 2 HAPPEN!" and he pissbolts in the other direction.
He then comes back to my street about 3 hours later, it was about 6 o clock at night. Him and his friends are yelling at me to come out, so I did.
I walked round to the back shed, casually picked up the 2 meter long rusty scythe from the corner, opened the gate, walked out and started walking towards them, calmly. I start walking a bit faster, which turns into a light jog, which turns into me sprinting at them twirling it my hands, which results in the black kid throwing a stick at me, then the others all piss bolting off after him.
Never bothered me again.
But to answer your question, heres some good advice my older brother Rory gave me:
If your ever confronted by more than 1 person and it's about to get shaky, firmly announce this:
"Ok, fellas, now I know you guys are gunna have your way with me. Your going to absolutely mop the fucking floor with me. I'm going to be covered in blood by the end of this, but I'm hurting YOU ( points at 1 person). I don't care how much you fuck me up, go for your life! I'm not stopping that, but I'm hurting YOU (points at same person).
This makes them think. They go, "hang on, this guys not right in the head. We don't know if hes actually looking for a fight, or if hes got a weapon on him. We could be hunting the hunter."
Rory said it's worked every single time.
Another quick alternative, is asking them the time right before they're about to hit you. Just go "Whats the time?" and most peoples natural reaction, due to the brain being on auto pilot for things like that, is to actually look at their watch. Make no hesitations. KNEE TO THE MOTHERFUCKING FACE. Ended. Solved.
April 19th, 2008, 10:46 AM
gr8 post
Actually, that's really good advice. I'll keep that in mind. Nice story, too.
April 19th, 2008, 11:25 AM
Fuck CLS grunt, stop attacking ICEE, I need him to animate things.
Also, Im fucking sick of these faggots, gotta start throwing them out.
Needs some 0 tolerance for assholes who do shit like this, Im sick of seeing bullshit like this happen.
Also aleast I get sterotypes right:mad:
April 19th, 2008, 11:26 AM
No Grunt is much more attractive considering the description we were given compared to his pic.
April 19th, 2008, 11:30 AM
Also aleast I get sterotypes right:mad:
Stop getting mad because I mixed up the black, and mexican stereotype once :mad:
April 19th, 2008, 12:43 PM
Thats an interesting story dano. Since I very well may be confronted by him and his thug friends again I might just have to pull something like that.
April 19th, 2008, 02:07 PM
i always carry a knife, and i wouldn't hesitate to use it if someone attacks me, that what i have it for.
April 19th, 2008, 02:12 PM
Well JEE I wouldn't have guessed. It's very different when your actually in the situation than it is when your sitting around talking about it. Issues come into question. WHEN is it appropriate to fight, has the fight intensified enough to use your weapon, are you really in enough danger that you SHOULD use the weapon, and what are the consequences for using it? Frankly, I think it was a blessing that I forgot my knife. If I had stabbed him then the guy who pulled up would have thought I was the attacker, and would have called the police. I wouldn't be here right now, I'd be in jail.
April 19th, 2008, 02:24 PM
I have a nightstick in the trunk of my car. A real one, the kind MPs use.
One good crack to the head and he's got a concussion.
Mr Buckshot
April 19th, 2008, 02:30 PM
If he approaches you, pull out your knife. At the same time, make sure you have a camera phone ready (at least 1.3MP is good). Then snapshot his face and give the picture to the cops.
April 19th, 2008, 05:26 PM
I went to a Middle School that was probably around 70-80% Latino ( I know what you are talking about with these idiotic bastards who are so pathetic that they have to start fights with every person they meet. I was usually the one who most of these idiots targeted. Now, I'm not saying everyone at the school was doing this but I remember that almost every day one of these idiots would refer to me as "*explicative* white boy", usually the f word and sometimes literally in front of the school deans, who could give a fuck about anyone other then the IHP students there.
I never let it affect me and I usually accepted being pushed around in the halls for no reason other then my skin color, but one day one of these fuckers decided to try and attack me on a bike on the way home from school. I was walking down this one large street that intersects Vineland Ave. (another very large street) when out of the blue I hear one of the idiots screaming something in Spanish behind me. I turn around, see him riding around on his shitting "low rider" bike doing stupid crap. I turned around after that and continued on my way home but after a few minutes I hear him yell out "Hey White Boy!" I turned around to see him trying to run me down as fast as he could go. I sidestepped behind one of those shitty little tiny trees that they always plant on sidewalks and when he overshot me I kick his bike (I might have actually kicked him in the leg or something, its all a blur to me) and made him fall right on his fucking face. I walk up to him and asked him if he really wanted to piss around with me in the state he wsa in (he'd just fallen off his bike going like 15 mph, I'm surprised the fucker didn't break a bone). I could tell he was hurting, he arm had a big nasty scrape on it. He just whimpered something, got back on his bike and slowly rode off in the opposite direction.
I was never bothered by the fucker again. In 8th grade I started walking home with some friends and that basically made sure that they wouldn't bug me again. These idiots are all hotshots when they are picking a 1 on 1 (surprise attack) fight or when they have their stupid little lackeys with them, but as soon as there is a possibility that they could get their shitty little asses kicked, they run away like the pussies they are. Get some friends to walk home with you, or like everyone else suggested get mace or some other means of self defense. If one of the fuckers attacks you, don't chicken out. Let them hurt you a bit so it's obvious that they attack you first and then go to town on the fucker. Let him know that you are superior to him in every way and make him afraid of you.
April 19th, 2008, 05:36 PM
This thread is awesome and lol.
April 19th, 2008, 05:49 PM
I never really had any problems with skin color when I lived in Indianapolis. The only time I was really made fun of was when my friends would joke around and say I had a disease because my freckles (which were much more visible back then), but they were only joking. The only fight I've ever really been in that had been somewhat serious was here, where I live now (not Indianapolis).
Btw, most of my friends in Indianapolis were black, they made up about 70% of the school while latinos/mexicans took up about 17% and white people about 13%.
April 19th, 2008, 06:16 PM
He didn't even mention the fact that I was white. Probably not racially driven
April 19th, 2008, 07:33 PM
Fear does wonders.
make him fear you.
April 19th, 2008, 10:37 PM
I like how he said "just to show some guys what we're capable of" haha.
April 20th, 2008, 03:14 PM
.... why didnt you just knocked him out with 1 punch end of ur problems.
he will never have a big mouth against you again (well that is what ur hoping for right)
April 20th, 2008, 04:41 PM
Fear does wonders.
Ask any government known to man...:v:.
April 20th, 2008, 05:01 PM
had some little git start on me once, he throw the first blow and i sent him to the floor after knuckling him between the eyes.
problem solved.
April 20th, 2008, 05:18 PM
next time make sure u dont just go out with your keys, take something just in case u never know when mothafockas like this are gun pop up.
April 20th, 2008, 06:37 PM
weapons are for pussies.
whenever i get in a fight i just say whoever falls on the ground first loses k?
and they're usualy lol okay.
then i judo their asses, just enough to show them not to fuck with me, because i can break their arms faster than they can punch me.
(i actually ended up breaking 3 arms that way, because they didn't like to play by my rules. i think those people were drunk.)
i actually met one dude a few days after i broke his arm.
i apologised for breaking his arm, and he laughed it off. he apologised to me too for starting shit. see, in the netherlands, people are NORMAL. we don't go around demanding ipods or just starting random shit.
well there's those stupid turks and maroccans and other niggertits that do, but that's just typical immigrant shit. seems like everywhere on the world immigrants SUCK ASS.
should just go hitler on all those faggots causing shit tbh. round em up and shoot em.
0-fucking tolerance.
anyway ye, breaking arms > people looking for shit.
also, here we don't sue people for every little shit, FUCK YOU AMERICA! enjoy your shitty country.
you fail for being living in america tbh.
April 20th, 2008, 06:40 PM
next time make sure u dont just go out with your keys, take something just in case u never know when mothafockas like this are gun pop up.
what's he going to do? bring a knife to a gun fight? if the guy has a gun, and he pulls a knife, what do you think is going to happen? worst advice in the thread.
April 20th, 2008, 06:44 PM
Tweek's drink, drank, drunk.
April 20th, 2008, 07:00 PM
holy crap guys i'm such a badass because i intentionally misspell words and act tough on the internet
who ever said a wus talkin bout a knife or gun, if it wus me an i had i knife ill take it everywhere with me meng and if it wus a gun a would also take it anywhere with me, an who the fuck brings a knife to a gun fight?
April 20th, 2008, 07:11 PM
who ever said a wus talkin bout a knife or gun, if it wus me an i had i knife ill take it everywhere with me meng and if it wus a gun a would also take it anywhere with me, an who the fuck brings a knife to a gun fight?
April 20th, 2008, 07:13 PM
weapons are for pussies.
whenever i get in a fight i just say whoever falls on the ground first loses k?
and they're usualy lol okay.
then i judo their asses, just enough to show them not to fuck with me, because i can break their arms faster than they can punch me.
(i actually ended up breaking 3 arms that way, because they didn't like to play by my rules. i think those people were drunk.)
i actually met one dude a few days after i broke his arm.
i apologised for breaking his arm, and he laughed it off. he apologised to me too for starting shit. see, in the netherlands, people are NORMAL. we don't go around demanding ipods or just starting random shit.
well there's those stupid turks and maroccans and other niggertits that do, but that's just typical immigrant shit. seems like everywhere on the world immigrants SUCK ASS.
should just go hitler on all those faggots causing shit tbh. round em up and shoot em.
0-fucking tolerance.
anyway ye, breaking arms > people looking for shit.
also, here we don't sue people for every little shit, FUCK YOU AMERICA! enjoy your shitty country.
you fail for being living in america tbh.
April 20th, 2008, 07:24 PM
weapons are for pussies.
whenever i get in a fight i just say whoever falls on the ground first loses k?
and they're usualy lol okay.
then i judo their asses, just enough to show them not to fuck with me, because i can break their arms faster than they can punch me.
(i actually ended up breaking 3 arms that way, because they didn't like to play by my rules. i think those people were drunk.)
i actually met one dude a few days after i broke his arm.
i apologised for breaking his arm, and he laughed it off. he apologised to me too for starting shit. see, in the netherlands, people are NORMAL. we don't go around demanding ipods or just starting random shit.
well there's those stupid turks and maroccans and other niggertits that do, but that's just typical immigrant shit. seems like everywhere on the world immigrants SUCK ASS.
should just go hitler on all those faggots causing shit tbh. round em up and shoot em.
0-fucking tolerance.
anyway ye, breaking arms > people looking for shit.
also, here we don't sue people for every little shit, FUCK YOU AMERICA! enjoy your shitty country.
you fail for being living in america tbh.
April 20th, 2008, 07:27 PM
:awesome: Tweek, you should be a politician. You could write good speeches.
April 20th, 2008, 08:13 PM
Telling them to fuck off and mind their own business doesn't always work.. lol
April 20th, 2008, 08:19 PM
shoot thats fucked up meng
April 20th, 2008, 08:24 PM
What is meng? why do you keep saying it?
Llama Juice
April 20th, 2008, 08:26 PM
it's a really lame way of saying "man".
April 20th, 2008, 08:27 PM
Oh. That IS really lame.
Llama Juice
April 20th, 2008, 08:44 PM
it's SO lame in fact, that I think it deserves another post saying just how lame it is.
April 20th, 2008, 09:13 PM
who ever said a wus talkin bout a knife or gun, if it wus me an i had i knife ill take it everywhere with me meng and if it wus a gun a would also take it anywhere with me, an who the fuck brings a knife to a gun fight?
Holy crap, learn to SPELL. I'm terribly sorry but this ain't AIM.
April 20th, 2008, 09:18 PM
Ask any government known to man...:v:.
Gah I was gonna say that.
April 20th, 2008, 09:35 PM
FUCK YOU AMERICA! enjoy your shitty country.
you fail for being living in america tbh.I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this. PLEASE. SHUT UP.
April 20th, 2008, 09:44 PM
facepalm.jpg @ Tweek
They're not all dicks. It's like the Lebanese in Sydney, a fair proportion of the younger lot are assholes so the media blow shit out of proportion, but overall, most of them are fine. Rounding them all up and shooting them would be fucking stupid.
April 20th, 2008, 10:09 PM
facepalm.jpg @ Tweek
They're not all dicks.
Thanks for the sort of compliment >:U
April 20th, 2008, 10:09 PM
I love how I get a warn for telling Buckshot to not be such a whingey bitch, but tweek didn't get anything for that. :v:
April 20th, 2008, 10:11 PM
I love how I get a warn for telling Buckshot to not be such a whingey bitch, but tweek didn't get anything for that. :v:
Well there you go, being a whingey bitch :v
April 21st, 2008, 01:08 AM
i always find it amusing when people bash the U.S.
makes me giggle.
April 21st, 2008, 01:11 AM
I want now
April 21st, 2008, 04:20 AM
i always find it amusing when people bash the U.S.
makes me giggle.
because everyone knows it's well deserved.
April 21st, 2008, 04:26 AM
because everyone knows it's well deserved.
Hi, what operating system you using?
Oh, one from Microsoft?
How about the computer? Where were it's parts designed?
Grow up.
April 21st, 2008, 06:52 AM
Hi, what operating system you using?
Oh, one from Micro Chinasoft?
How about the computer? Where were it's parts designed?
Grow up.
The computer was made in China too.
Ot atleast chances are Ill be right in 10 years or so :/
April 21st, 2008, 07:18 AM
I said designed. :v:
April 21st, 2008, 10:59 AM
Sorry, you took your key out? :lmao: that's fucking stupid...
My friend here in Germany was threatened by 2 turks...they wanted his friend was stupid enough to hit him the face and to break his nose...the result of this incident? The turk got away and my friend had to pay a fine of $1000 for his broken nose.
You are fucking stupid if you think you can achieve anything with a key, especially if that kid is the same age and build. 90% of it is psychology anyway, so either talk to him and don't say "fuck you"...:fail:...worst case just try to run away and feel pity for him and his childhood.
April 21st, 2008, 01:33 PM
Your friend should have countersued for hurting his knuckles when he punched him. :v:
April 21st, 2008, 03:03 PM
I think the turk just lacked some calcium :v:
April 21st, 2008, 03:36 PM
Hi, what operating system you using?
Oh, one from Microsoft?
How about the computer? Where were it's parts designed?
Grow up.
Objectevly speaking (leave my speelign alone plskthx) just because ones entire culture is based on american movies, the internet provided by and consisting of america, and even if everything one uses and depends on on a daily basis, one still has the right to bash america. just because ones lifestyle depends on US stuff doesnt make its flaws less bad.
anyway, so either talk to him and don't say "fuck you"...:fail:...worst case just try to run away and feel pity for him and his childhood.
Yeah. i posted a similar case where i exchanged my manlyhood for my health (resorted to stick-based violence instead of manly, but not knifeproof hand to hand combat to fend of some imigrant kids). also, what happened to the other one? you said it was two of em?
fun fact about the turks: they spit in your Döner if you dont tip.
April 21st, 2008, 06:17 PM
Sorry, you took your key out? :lmao: that's fucking stupid...
My friend here in Germany was threatened by 2 turks...they wanted his friend was stupid enough to hit him the face and to break his nose...the result of this incident? The turk got away and my friend had to pay a fine of $1000 for his broken nose.
You are fucking stupid if you think you can achieve anything with a key, especially if that kid is the same age and build. 90% of it is psychology anyway, so either talk to him and don't say "fuck you"...:fail:...worst case just try to run away and feel pity for him and his childhood.
Read the thread pally. I didn't take it out, I gripped it in my pocket.
April 21st, 2008, 06:23 PM
I know a few Turks in my area, and they're weeeiiird. Like genocide-killer weird. This one turkish kid's dad started squashing crickets in his garage at 5 oclock in the morning, yelling some shit in Turkish. I've been giving Turks weird glances ever since.
April 21st, 2008, 06:26 PM
So, wait, I question your baseless assumption and it's "political correctness?" Dole, is that you?
What "baseless assumption"? Who are you trying to bullshit here?
A mexican is, indisputably, a mexican, no matter how semantic you want to be about it. Bitching over the distinction between Mexican and something like Honduran or Nicaraguan is like arguing over the differences between a German and a Luxembourger, a Kosov and a Bosniak, or even a Canadian and an American; its insignificance earns it no merit of acknowledgement. Just who exactly are you trying to impress? Whose national pride are you pretending to recognize? And by what criteria are you making the judgment?
In rushing to condemn any misinterpretation of the defined "mexican" identity, you are obviously not seeking to respect specific ethnicities, because you have completely thrown out the window the racial differences among the descendants of various Iberian nations, American tribes, and the crossbreeds (apart from the fact that many from among these three groups do not identify with each other at all and have no pride for "Greater Mexico") and homogenized them all from a political standpoint (Whoops! Oh, gee, look at that) into one material established by recognition of origination from the other side of their former political border, pushing the uncompromized correctness of categorization by strictly political constituents: ergo, POLITICALLY CORRECT!
April 21st, 2008, 06:30 PM
I don't get it. You contradict yourself in your argument. Was that intentional?
Also, don't you have a KKK meeting you should be at?
April 21st, 2008, 06:33 PM
Also, don't you have a KKK meeting you should be at?
April 21st, 2008, 06:40 PM
I don't get it. You contradict yourself in your argument. Was that intentional?I framed your contradiction, in case that one was too difficult to pick out.
What are you, six?
April 21st, 2008, 06:43 PM
What are you, six?
What are you, an egotistical supremacist who takes himself far too seriously?
April 21st, 2008, 06:44 PM
What are you, an egotistical supremacist who takes himself far too seriously?
April 21st, 2008, 06:47 PM
April 21st, 2008, 06:48 PM
Denile ain't just a river in Egypt, man.
April 21st, 2008, 06:53 PM
oh you're good tell us another
totally worth the infraction
April 21st, 2008, 06:56 PM
I have no ego, am not a supremacist, and if I am not serious about myself, what then should I be serious about?
April 21st, 2008, 06:59 PM
fillial-fucking gerbils
April 21st, 2008, 07:04 PM
That isn't supremacism--or ego, come to think about it.
April 21st, 2008, 07:08 PM
It's you claming all Russians are inbred animals, that'll do me for supremacy
Then again, I suppose next you'll tell me the whole Uber/Untermensch thing wasn't either right, since it applied to Russians :rolleyes:
April 21st, 2008, 07:09 PM
I love how these topics always degenerate into
N U racial debates
April 21st, 2008, 07:14 PM
haha, that shit doesen't fly around my neighborhood. If someone tries to rob you, about 15 of the guys that are usually sitting outside will kick your ass. Its happened twice.. Someone was trying to mug someone and about 15 guys (about 8 black and like 7 white kids) all jumped these two kids. It was hilarious because everyone split right after it happened. The second, someone was looking around my neighbors back door like he was inspecting the place. Everyone jumped off their porch and walked towards him and Michael (my neighbors grandson) said "what the hell do you think your doing?" The kid (I say kid but he looked like 21) ran off. Its kind of funny. It seems bad but they do it for good.
April 21st, 2008, 07:16 PM
It's you claming all Russians are inbred animals, that'll do me for supremacy
Then again, I suppose next you'll tell me the whole Uber/Untermensch thing wasn't either right, since it applied to Russians :rolleyes:
Ubermensch is the definition of supremacy. Untermenschen is not. In any event, I never said they were subhuman, no matter how many times you quote or link the word "gerbil".
April 21st, 2008, 07:20 PM
I have no ego, am not a supremacist
April 21st, 2008, 07:21 PM
Ubermensch is the definition of supremacy. Untermenschen is not. In any event, I never said they were subhuman, no matter how many times you quote or link the word "gerbil".
generally calling people inbred animals implies that
April 21st, 2008, 07:22 PM
In think this thread has served its purpose, and should be locked.
IN B4 THE LOCK:lock:
April 21st, 2008, 07:23 PM
Yeah I pretty much agree
April 21st, 2008, 07:27 PM
K guys, thread locked. Agamemnon, grow up and don't provoke dole in a thread he hasn't even posted in.
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