View Full Version : ok, apple just won major points in my book
Bad Waffle
April 21st, 2008, 12:32 AM
Ok, so ive had an ipod nano since they came out. Freshman year of high school, for Christmas. This has got to be one of the most important pieces of tech i've ever had. Everybody remember those recalls of the ipod saying the screen would break easily? yea, mine did--i remember it clearly, i was chasing around somebody in the 300 quad of my school, had my ipod in my pocket, and when i pulled it out to change the song, the screen was cracked. Shocked me, but it STILL WORKED. ZOMG ZOMBIE IPOD? Ok, so that was the first ipod death. It was under recall so i sent it back, they gave me a new one. I've had this one ever since, and it should have died 6 times by now. Actually, it did die a few times, but i resurrected it.
It should have died from:
1.being dropped hundreds of time, even on purpose
2.being short circuited from sweatiness from exercising
3.rain (yea i'm stupid, it rains like once every two years, but still)
4.being through the wash AND dryer. hacking it, and in the process of installing linux killing the OS making it forget how to turn on (but i still fixed that shit)
6.being stepped on a few times from either me or my family
and heres the 7th: i was recording a little tune to remember later, when i bump my arm into my cup of milk. No worries, i'm always prepared to clean up a spill, it comes with the job of eating 2 meals a day 'at work'. But the first thing i notice is my ipod ALMOST COMPLETED SUBMERGED IN MILK. I quickly find a towel, and before i clean up the rest of the spill i try turning it on.
The thing lights up like nothing happened. It's a zombie ipod. If i get a new one, im framing this thing in a bloody case and hanging it on my wall.
Proof of the thing being older than civilization itself.
The shitted up cover of it. The back was originally shiny as a mirror, but now its burnished metal. Adds character. This thing is my hero, seriously.
April 21st, 2008, 12:38 AM
That generation of ipods is STURDY AS FUCK.
I have one right here. 60GB Ipod video.
It has survived:
-countless times being scraped across the floor
-multiple (<15) drops from ~4 feet onto hard wood floor
-rubbing alcohol spill
-years of abusive and constant use
-and a lot more.
It looks like shit, the screen is scratched enough that it is blurry, and there's a micro crack on the top, but it works. And holds 15k songs.
Bad Waffle
April 21st, 2008, 12:44 AM
you should get some scratch fixer for that and then slap a screen protector on it. The scratch fixer that fills the holes and then polishes it smooth.
April 21st, 2008, 12:54 AM
pretty sure the ipod is airtight (hey, almost tight enough for atty!) so being submerged for so long shouldn't harm it. don't quote me on that though...
Also, 10gb from 2003 and still kicking bitches. Charge can last most of the work day if I lower the contrast. But i upgraded to a 32gb itouch b/c the lack of space for my music and videos (still can't fit all movies on it, but its not like I watch those EVERY DAY)
also, i c ur cereal :-3
April 21st, 2008, 01:04 AM
also, i c ur cereal :-3
i eet ur cereal :-3
yums - tasty alphanumeric mixture
I'm still glad that I use a CD player - it forces me to actually think about what I specifically might want to listen to that day, and also dissuades instant gratification. Still, if I had a digital music device, I'd be happy. Maybe after this CD player kicks the bucket. It doesn't look like that will be any time soon, though. Sony makes quality products (my current CD player), as do Phillips ($15 headphones that can easily last over a year when treated roughly, and much much longer when given proper care).
April 21st, 2008, 01:05 AM
I give them props for their Ipod, but other than that I hate Apple. Ive had my Ipod Video for 3 years and it has lasted me through thick and thin. Now its just hooked up to my car stereo :(
Bad Waffle
April 21st, 2008, 01:19 AM
i eet ur cereal :-3
yums - tasty alphanumeric mixture
I'm still glad that I use a CD player - it forces me to actually think about what I specifically might want to listen to that day, and also dissuades instant gratification. Still, if I had a digital music device, I'd be happy. Maybe after this CD player kicks the bucket. It doesn't look like that will be any time soon, though. Sony makes quality products (my current CD player), as do Phillips ($15 headphones that can easily last over a year when treated roughly, and much much longer when given proper care).
go back to the ninties, you stupid noob
but on the headphones, i agree. I got some philips myself, because the normal ipod ones ripped at the input, and one earbud got smashed.
April 21st, 2008, 01:25 AM
Jesus, built like tanks. My friend Rhys had a phone like that, he dropped it from 4 storeys onto concrete (God knows how), and it worked perfectly.
Also, fun fact: one of my other friends has an iPod with "Forgive me Bill for I have sinned" engraved on the back :v:
April 21st, 2008, 01:42 AM
Fuck, mine only says Terrence Slattery on the back. :saddowns:
Also, I don't want to loose my mirror backing, so I have it in a silicon cover. :u
April 21st, 2008, 04:23 AM
yeah, they need better line of cases for the ipods, something more modular (sp), its like they (apple\ass. makers) don't listen to all the crys of the public from the failings of the current cases
Llama Juice
April 21st, 2008, 08:27 AM
I have a 30 GB video ipod that... well
I'm actually on my second one. The first one's headphone jack died on it after about 8 months of use... so I just used it as a portable HDD for a while... then... it just died all together... found out it was still under warentee for about six more days so I sent it in and they sent me a refurb'd ipod. I was happy with it, can't complain right?
around christmas my sister stole my ipod cord when she was down here visiting and so my ipod's battery died... I charged it once while I was on a road trip and someone else had an ipod.. but... other than that it just layed dead for about four months. I borrowed someone's cord from school and when I went to charge it.... nothin it wouldn't light up or anything...
A few months later, I got my original cord back from my sister... plugged it in... nothin... left it plugged in for a week just to lol at it. Nothin.
I ordered a new battery from (amazing site for batteries)... when I got my new battery in the mail I had to open my ipod to install it... and... when I finally got the bastard open I saw that my current battery was just unplugged somehow. I plugged it back in, plugged it into the wall... and she booted up. I screamed in glee.
I have a spare battery now. I'm just gunna hold onto it until my current battery depletes beyond desire....
Oh and KM00, the actual seam that goes around the ipod is airtight... but there's a headphone jack and the data port... plus the scroll wheel has some space around it... milk could easily get in it :P
April 21st, 2008, 09:56 AM
I have an ipod touch, they're though too. I had it in a pocket of my sweater in class. After some time I decided to take out my sweater, so I take my sweater out, but I had forgotten about the ipod, so I goes flying like 4 or more meters through the air, to land with a hard bang on its side. Some minor scratches to the back, but the screen was totally fine. I was freaked out, and turned it on as fast as I could, to find out everything worked fine.
And don't get me started about my old ipod nano :)
April 21st, 2008, 10:13 AM
Oh and KM00, the actual seam that goes around the ipod is airtight... but there's a headphone jack and the data port... plus the scroll wheel has some space around it... milk could easily get in it :P
lies :tinfoil:
Rob Oplawar
April 21st, 2008, 10:37 AM
My younger brother's iPod video has been dropped in many different types of food, my youngest brother's iPod nano has been through the wash at least twice, my dad's iPod touch has been left in the car in the sun all day, next to his phone charger which melted in the heat, my iPod photo has been serving as an external hard drive for me since 2004 (05?) (I've had internal hard drives fail on me faster than that), and my mom's iPod video has been left on the driveway and run over multiple times.
We all loves our iPods, and all our iPods can forgive us for our clumsiness.
"That R2 unit iPod looks a little beat up. You want a new one?"
"Not on your life. This little droid iPod and I have been through a lot together. Right R2 Howard?"
April 21st, 2008, 10:53 AM
Tommorow my Zune is turning 1 year old. It never failed me...I had it at -20 Celsius up to 45 Celsius...funny thing if the HDD still has to warm up but it's still working like it's new :awesome:
April 21st, 2008, 11:03 AM
"That R2 unit iPod looks a little beat up. You want a new one?"
"Not on your life. This little droid iPod and I have been through a lot together. Right R2 Howard?"
[OT] Dude, you don't know how BADLY you made me want to play KoTOR (#2 mostly) just now...I have the debug build for one of them too :-3
April 21st, 2008, 02:27 PM
I had this 20 gig iPod. I dropped it, left it out in the rain, I even dropped a brick on it by accident, and it still worked fine. That iPod must've been made out of fucking titanium.
Anyway, someone stole it in the tenth grade and I never saw it again.
April 21st, 2008, 02:40 PM
I know of a SUPER ANCIENT 10GB Ipod back from 2001 that still works like a charm. Only thing that's needed fixing was a battery replacement.
Pyong Kawaguchi
April 21st, 2008, 09:23 PM
Appereantly, Ipods are almost as steady as a gizmondo,
And a gizmondo is fucking tough,
Mb because it was also a 2k5 product, mb mb?
April 21st, 2008, 09:38 PM
Ugh, how can people stand iPods... I'm sick of people walking around like fucking cyborgs with implants in their ears all the time, for whom nothing gets into their head besides their god damned music.
April 21st, 2008, 09:41 PM
I feel you 100%. I wouldn't give mine up until its pried from my cold dead fingers
April 21st, 2008, 09:43 PM
Thats what I mean... as far as I'm concerned iPods are just a way to keep people oppressed, trapped in their little world of instant gratification and not paying any attention to what happens outside. I'm not saying this is true of all iPod owners, but it is true of the vast majority of ones I know. They never take the things off.
April 21st, 2008, 09:52 PM
Pooky, I like my little world of instant gratification. Let me live in it.
April 21st, 2008, 11:00 PM
Hey man the Box is there for a reason.
i despise Ipods tho so i wont be getting one, i just dont like the design of them.
and i hate Pie tunes.
April 22nd, 2008, 12:43 AM
I've kept my 5th gen iPod in meticulous condition. The first one I had was in a case from the day I bought it and the only thing that was exposed was the headphone jack. However, the hard drive in it failed out of the blue about 6 months after I bought it (I have never dropped mine, surprisingly) and I got it replaced with a refurb 5.5 gen from the Apple store (5.5 gen is the one with the improved battery/backlight on the screen). I bought a better case for the iPod, which I still have on it today. The case itself is scratched to hell, but the iPod inside is practically perfect :D.
I've been through about 6 pairs of headphones in it's lifetime though xD.
April 22nd, 2008, 01:15 AM
Thats what I mean... as far as I'm concerned iPods are just a way to keep people oppressed, trapped in their little world of instant gratification and not paying any attention to what happens outside. I'm not saying this is true of all iPod owners, but it is true of the vast majority of ones I know. They never take the things off.
...How many ipod owners do you know :raise:?
and really, in todays world, I can't blame a person from wanting to block some of it out :colbert:
April 22nd, 2008, 02:27 AM
I've had my iPod from 2005. It's a U2 special edition one too! :o It's been brought on campouts, stored in a 100 degree backpack, been dropped multiple times, has had spills on it, and even has been flung out of my sweatshirt when I forgot it was in there and threw the shirt on my bed. I love my iPod. <3
April 22nd, 2008, 03:52 PM
I've never liked ipods, much, or any apple product really. I just don't like the design or using them. I've had a Creative Zen Vision:M ( for a couple years now and its worked like a charm. It works great for me, and its much better than an ipod (with the exception of the touch and iphone.)
April 22nd, 2008, 03:56 PM
...How many ipod owners do you know :raise:?
I go to an American high school made up of almost nothing but katrina evacuees and immigrant Mexicans. Everyone I know has an iPod.
April 22nd, 2008, 04:11 PM
I've never liked ipods, much, or any apple product really. I just don't like the design or using them. I've had a Creative Zen Vision:M ( for a couple years now and its worked like a charm. It works great for me, and its much better than an ipod (with the exception of the touch and iphone.)
Thats a neat little device. I'm guessing I could buy it at the local Best Buy or Radio Shack?
April 22nd, 2008, 04:58 PM
I go to an American high school made up of almost nothing but katrina evacuees and immigrant Mexicans. Everyone I know has an iPod.
Ahh, but how many of them actually bought theirs?
April 22nd, 2008, 06:11 PM
I've never liked ipods, much, or any apple product really. I just don't like the design or using them. I've had a Creative Zen Vision:M ( for a couple years now and its worked like a charm. It works great for me, and its much better than an ipod (with the exception of the touch and iphone.)
And so you buy something that looks almost exactly the same as an iPod except it has a bafooglhuge button on it?
April 22nd, 2008, 07:15 PM
Thats a neat little device. I'm guessing I could buy it at the local Best Buy or Radio Shack?
I got it at staples for $300. but that was 2 years ago so i think its down to nearly 200 now. definitely a better buy than the shitty versions of the ipods theyre selling for that much.
and nugget, its not much like an ipod. I like the interface much more and it has much more features. It just suits me better.
April 22nd, 2008, 08:14 PM
I saved up and bought a 6th gen 80GB iPod Classic about a month ago, and it got stolen out of my backpack during PE yesterday... :(
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