View Full Version : Monte Kali

April 25th, 2008, 01:50 PM
So yeah, for the better half of this week (fuck, I just remembered its friday :suicide: ) our unit and some other personal from our brigade have been hosting an event called "Monte Kali" at the Messel Range in Darmstadt (this is the last year the range will belong to the US Army, as the US presence in Darmstadt is being transitioned out (not sure when the range will actually be passed off to the germans).

It's basically an international shooting event, bringing military types of all branches of different countries (Germany of course, italy, swedland, denmark, and I believe there are some frenchies there too) plus local\foreign civilians together to fire weapons such as the M16, M4, MP5, M9, SL8 and I think a few other weapons. There are some Air Force personal also helping host the range (they wear SP arm badges which I believe are the AF's version of MPs), but they only have less than 10 people helping out AFAIK. The germans are also helping run the range, not just fire the weapons.

I got tasked to help run the M16\M4 range. The sad part is, I've been in for two years almost, and this is the first time I've got to see or lay hands on a M4 up close. It gets better: the M4s belong to the AF :| (which some are sporting the AF's new ABUs). Tomorrow is our last day and after its all over I will cycle through the pictures and videos I took over these four days and decide which ones I can\worth posting.

In the mean time, check out last year's Monte Kali, which is when we took over for 39th Finance who originally ran this Popsicle joint. I wasn't at the last one, though I forget how exactly I got excused from this detail...

EDIT: Nevermind, just realized it was 2006 that these were recorded, so it was still when only 39th was doing it.

(I'm assuming some local national took these videos)

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Video 8

Video 9

Video of range five (there are 5 ranges total at Messel)

Like say, tomorrow is the last day, which is also the day when all the militias exchange gear\uniforms parts. So you'll see, for example, people with ACU trousers with say a italy BDU jacket and a german patrol cap. I tried asking my commander if he'd exchange ranks with me, since it would be the only day I'd be able to run around with the rank of a CPT in my life (you think I'm re-enlisting, let alone going OCS?! HA! No.). He said no. Party pooper :colbert:. Gonna try asking some of the officers in the unit tomorrow :downs:

What pisses me off is how all these other militarys in the world let their soldiers grow all types of facial hair styles and how long they can grow their hair out. Maybe I should just become a german citizen and then Go Army :-3.

April 25th, 2008, 02:02 PM
If you can get ANYWHERE near an MG3 or MG42, have a go. :3

Also, notice how the Germans actually wear camo, not random pale grey and not-as-pale-grey shit that doesn't work worth crap

April 25th, 2008, 02:17 PM
Also, notice how the Germans actually wear camo, not random pale grey and not-as-pale-grey shit that doesn't work worth crap
hai, f u kay? I'm not the brains of this outfit <:mad:> (pun intended). Also, you know damn well it works in at least one instance :-3...

The Army could very well switch back to BDUs again, its just our current warfare environment somehow matches with ACUs...and if I'm not mistaken, they've been wasting millions for a while now trying to figure out a new uniform\pattern.

TBQFH, the whole entire military should have a single fucking brand of uniform, with a set pattern for each environment. So then we can actually put these fucking velcro patches to use and fucking save some cash to be used in IDK...GETTING BETTER ARMOR\WEAPONS?! All the airforce did was change the BDU pattern, they STILL sew their rank shit on their shoulder and all that jazz. We'd also save on armor since there would be a set standard. BUT, there is no room for making sense in the US Army or even the military, so any of this will never happen.

I look at all these other Armies and I'm jealous at how they actually have brains for their brass, not arse.

Dr Nick
April 25th, 2008, 03:05 PM
Take pics!

Also, why is your avatar a picture of an ass?

April 25th, 2008, 04:04 PM
Take pics!

Also, why is your avatar a picture of an ass?

April 25th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Take pics!

Also, why is your avatar a picture of an ass?
That's no ass. :-3

No but really, do tell.

April 26th, 2008, 02:38 PM
Finally just got back from the range and shit, will sort through all the pictures and videos tonight and post them tomorrow hopefully

Got me some german soldier swag, traded my ACU top for a German AF LT's top, and got a german MP officier's beret, just to name a few things.

April 27th, 2008, 01:26 AM

April 25th, 2009, 10:51 AM
Well, I got an offer from my unit's SGM (Sgt Major) to attend the Monte Kali (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=www.rk-giesel.de&sl=de&tl=en&history_state0=) again this year. This time however, we weren't the ones actually running the shit, it was the Germans. The US Air Force was however running the M9 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M9_pistol) range; sadly they didn't bring their M4s this year :(.

There was suppose to be a US Army unit to help the Germans support their newly acquired "Messel" Range (as our Darmstadt bases closed last year and we passed the buck back)...but the said army unit popped smoke after the first day from what I understand.

In tradition with Monte Kali, on the last day all the different Military trade uniforms and such. I managed to trade my Subdued uniform (http://www.bdu.com/enews/images/subdued.jpg) for a German's full uniform (last year I only got a LT in the Air Force's jacket, no pants). I also traded an unused, but old school (05 or 06) army medical kit for a german's field lunch box. Nifty little thing; used since WWII ;x. Then I got an AK47 bayonet :aaaaa:.
Next year I will might try to trade a MOPP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOPP) suit and Gas mask (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M40_%28field_protective_mask%29) (which I actually own, not on the govt's handbooks) assuming I don't think I will need it come some NBC attack on America or get yelled at by someone. Also have one of the newer field medical kits with IV fluids and such.

While I was there I got to shoot the M9 and then the SL8 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_&_Koch_SL8). They (the German Army) could only use the SL8 due to some kind of regulations saying they can't run a range with automatic weapons, so civilian weapons it was! Pretty neat weapon, must be nice to have a built in scope for your army's weapon...of course the US wouldn't know anything about that. Fucking cavemen.

I know I said I would upload the pictures I took last year...last year. But, there was also a bunch of work shit going on at the time. However, this year I brought with me a higher quality camera, so when I do manage to put up this year's Monte Kali pics\vids they will be much more eye appeasing. Will also put up the different uniforms, patches and equipment I got from the foreign military.

April 25th, 2009, 10:56 AM
Once again, awesome.

Wish we got to do shit like that, but nope, we don't have any reason to station anyone in Germany :(