View Full Version : Turok

April 29th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Now the first Turok's on the N64 were fucking epic, I loved them. So when I popped this in I was already thinking "fuck yeah lets go back in time and kill some dinosaurs and shit."

Unfortunately that was countered by Turok being a space marine, having his ship crash on a planet that a company has been terra-forming and increasing evolution and shit.

Wait? Who made the new Turok? Not the original developers? No fucking shit.

The game was developed by Propaganda Games (never even heard of them) and published by Touchstone which is a branch off Disney (wtf don't they do movies?)

I let the initial deviation from the plot slip by when I saw my ally pulled into the brush and devoured by a very angry Velociraptor. My next though was "oh shit, this may be epic after all." It did get epic. I found myself behind some rocks popping enemies with an SMG, I'll tell you right off the health system pisses me off but I try to ignore it due to the game itself is actually pretty fun. Problem is; like the gamespot review says, the game will get ahead of itself, you'll be fighting a nasty group of enemies and another group will show making the game very frustrating at times. Of course this initial frustration was extinguished by a Tyrannosaurus Rex bursting through the trees and just totally destroy the group of enemy solders. The T-Rex is big in this game, and I mean big. In reality a normal T-Rex could probably hold half your body in your mouth; this fucker is so big it can swallow you whole, easy. Sure it would have scared the fuck out of me a lot more if it sounded like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park, that thing had the most epic roar in any movie I have ever seen. None-the-less it still scared me shitless; which in its own right made killing it even worse. Although killing it was rather cheap and stupid it was still fun. The Knife had to be the best part of the game. I'll never forget killing the first Raptor with the knife, Turok flipping around behind it; slamming this thing into the back of the skull and hearing that Raptor screech like it just received anal. "I WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN" I said out loud as my friends awkwardly stared at me.

There was only one other thing in the game that really irritated me other than being unnecessarily swamped by enemies; that had to be the bugs. Unlike the Dinosaurs the bugs can either take a lot damage or theres just so many of the damn things it doesn't matter. It got really bad when both of those instances were mashed together in one huge bug rape bonanza.

I was a bit irritated to find out the co-op missions and multiplayer are live only since I lack live. So I can't really judge multiplayer; but I do hear its rather fun by my friends who do have live.

I gave Turok an 8/10, Gamespot gave it a 7.
GameSpot review in spoiler tag for great justice.
Considering that it's published by Touchstone, an interactive arm of Disney, it's not surprising that Turok comes across like it was based on a screenplay. This new Turok game is the first in the franchise in six years, and it feels like a reboot in many ways. Gone are the time-traveling aspects of the previous games, and in its stead is a sci-fi story that involves a ship crashing on an alien world inhabited by dinosaurs. The ensuing action and story unfold very much like a standard Hollywood summer blockbuster, complete with familiar and expected plot twists, cheesy dialogue, and plenty of mindless action.

You play as Joseph Turok, a Native American warrior who is part of a mission to hunt down a rogue military company of which he used to be a member. That fact doesn't exactly endear him to his fellow squadmates, who are voiced by actors such as Ron Perlman, William Fitchner, and Donnie Wahlberg. There's even a hilarious bit of dialogue when one soldier accuses Turok of being responsible for his brother's death; it's a line so cliché that you feel like you've heard it before in countless movies. In keeping with this, Turok liberally borrows from many other sources, and the plot feels like a mishmash of Unreal, Jurassic Park, The Dirty Dozen, and more. Even the visual design of the characters and vehicles feels taken from Gears of War.
Regardless, the heart of the game is battling dinosaurs as well as giant scorpions, flies, and lizards. It turns out that the planet is a strange laboratory where evolution has been put on overdrive, though whoever is responsible for this is a mystery; the game leaves that for possible sequels to answer. If you're a big fan of dinosaurs, there's plenty of dino action to admire from different varieties of lightning-quick raptors, docile vegesauruses, and, of course, the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex.
At your disposal are your standard firearms, such as a pulse rifle, a shotgun, a rocket launcher, and more. You can carry only two weapons at a time, and you can also dual-wield many weapons. Nevertheless, the best weapon is your trusty knife. The game has many cinematic action sequences in which you're tasked with mashing a certain button or jamming a trigger rapidly to execute a kill move, from picking up a smaller dino and breaking its back across your thigh, to jumping atop it and jamming your knife into its cranium, and more. It's so well done that it's a bit unsettling just how exhilarating knife kills are to execute.

Turok is a game that has some great moments, including the first time you encounter the raptors in high grass. You can't see them until they're practically on top of you, but by then it's too late. However, it's also a game that has issues. The human opponents are fairly conventional, and they get in the way of killing more dinosaurs. Another annoying issue is that the game doesn't know how to quit when it's ahead, especially when it comes to the many set-piece battles. Imagine battling a horde of giant scorpions or raptors, only to turn around and see another wave rush you. And as soon as you finish that wave, more often than not, a third wave will appear. The first wave was exhilarating, but by the third wave some frustration sets in. That reinforces the feeling that the designers are just padding the length of the game. It doesn't help that the checkpoint saves are few and far between, which means that if you screw up in the final wave, you usually have to restart at the beginning of the entire sequence.
There's also not a lot to the game in terms of story. Ship crashes on planet. Go find survivors. Go find radio. Then go find another ship to escape the planet. The end. As such, the game doesn't really have a chance to explore different settings, and the jungle environs are broken up only by some run-down interior levels. The visuals, powered by the Unreal Engine, seem middle-of-the-road, given that they're not quite as sharp or as crisp as in other Unreal-powered games. For instance, the textures seem a bit muddled. Granted, there are some great animations, particularly when dinosaurs lie twitching to death on the ground. The PlayStation 3 version looks as if it has better lightning and shading, though the Xbox 360 game suffers a bit less from aliasing. However, the two games are very close to one another.

The single-player portion of Turok will run a solid eight to 10 hours. It feels a bit longer than most contemporary shooters, though you'll probably struggle getting through a number of sequences, which explains the length. Then there's the online gameplay. The multiplayer modes can be fun because there are variations of the standard deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag. What adds spice, though, is the ability to unleash dinosaurs into the middle of a battle. These are effectively rogue elements that will attack anyone, regardless of what team they're on. You might be in the middle of a desperate knife fight with another player (you can execute the third-person camera killing moves if you're fast enough) when a raptor suddenly bursts out of a nearby bush. It's even possible to see someone leap atop a dino and slit its throat. There's also a handful of co-op missions that let you tackle some side adventures not seen in the single-player game. There's support for up to four players in co-op, and the action is a lot more intense than in regular single-player because the number of enemies and dinosaurs have been ramped up considerably. The downside is that it's difficult to find an available game at times online, even in the evenings.
In the end, like many Hollywood blockbusters, Turok doesn't leave much of an impression when you're done with it. It's a game about battling dinosaurs, and though it does a good job at that, there's not much more to it. The nondinosaur sequences are fairly conventional for the genre, and it all makes for a solid but not great game.

Pictures and Videos


Tyrannosaurus Gameplay

April 29th, 2008, 10:06 PM
Are there any of the classic weapons from the N64 version?

April 29th, 2008, 10:07 PM
Why was the dumb cunt charging towards the rex, he deserved to die. Also it's not scary without the Jurassic park roar D:

April 29th, 2008, 10:09 PM
It looks halfway decent, but the gameplay seems absolutely terrible to me. Does the camera actually do that when you use the knife? If so, I dont care much for it.

April 29th, 2008, 10:33 PM
It's like that with most knife based attacks when the button prompt appears, I sort of like it.

April 29th, 2008, 10:53 PM
Pretty thorough review. But the big question that you did not answer is: Should I spend the money?

April 29th, 2008, 11:46 PM
It's like that with most knife based attacks when the button prompt appears, I sort of like it.
almost thought I was watching Jurassic Assassin's Creed when that kicked in :-3

April 29th, 2008, 11:52 PM
almost thought I was watching Jurassic Assassin's Creed when that kicked in :-3
ha, now wouldn't that be a great game?

One of these developers needs to make some kick ass game some day that just full of random awesome shit like dinos with laser guns and rocket sharks. That would truly be an unreal tournament.

April 30th, 2008, 01:20 AM
im bout to get it for the 360, hope it is better than it looks.

April 30th, 2008, 01:39 AM


April 30th, 2008, 05:00 AM

my gawd do I love him so :awesome:

April 30th, 2008, 08:19 AM
Well, I was gunna post, but it seems Yahtzee beat me to my rant.

April 30th, 2008, 03:28 PM
I don't appreciate seeing my beloved space marines included in a rant about shitty games :(

il Duce Primo
April 30th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Guess what engine it uses. <3

May 1st, 2008, 06:09 AM
Why couldn't we go back to the good ol' days...


May 1st, 2008, 07:52 AM
Rofl that isn't right. XD

May 2nd, 2008, 12:30 AM
Why couldn't we go back to the good ol' days...


Another reason why original Turok was SO FUCKIN AWESOME.