View Full Version : Xbox 360 - GTA 4 not working grr help :O

April 30th, 2008, 01:47 PM
Okay, my mate has an xbox 360. He can play most games, apart from COD 4 and GTA 4. On both games when he put them in the first time, it said "would you like to update" so my mate being a bit of a retard pressed yes.

Where we live, we cant really get XBL or connect to the internet via xbox. Anyways, the game doesnt even get to any "loading", screen goes black and it attempts to load, it freezes the Xbox though, meaning you cant press Xbox button and the menu thing pops up. The same thing happened to COD4, although it actually got through the video intro and when it reached the "Loading" bit it froze the xbox then too.

So we have a problem, we both want to play GTA 4 so bad but it wont even load. Does any one have any idea what the problem may be?

Info: 1. He has core system.
2. Other games work (Like Cod3, farcry etc)
3. There is no ring of death or anything, it freezes when theres 1 light. Does he need to update his system to be able to play GTA? If he does that kinda sucks for people who cant get to an internet connection.

The only other thing apart from the update thing is it could be video settings, he has it on PAL-60, ive tried both PAL-60 and PAL-50 both dont work, and yes the system clock was set.

Also, can some one explain what the fuck the little button on the front of the console is thats above the power button but below the secondary controller port/memory stick bit.


April 30th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Okay, my mate has an xbox 360. He can play most games, apart from COD 4 and GTA 4. On both games when he put them in the first time, it said "would you like to update" so my mate being a bit of a retard pressed yes.

Where we live, we cant really get XBL or connect to the internet via xbox. Anyways, the game doesnt even get to any "loading", screen goes black and it attempts to load, it freezes the Xbox though, meaning you cant press Xbox button and the menu thing pops up. The same thing happened to COD4, although it actually got through the video intro and when it reached the "Loading" bit it froze the xbox then too.

So we have a problem, we both want to play GTA 4 so bad but it wont even load. Does any one have any idea what the problem may be?

Info: 1. He has core system.
2. Other games work (Like Cod3, farcry etc)
3. There is no ring of death or anything, it freezes when theres 1 light. Does he need to update his system to be able to play GTA? If he does that kinda sucks for people who cant get to an internet connection.

The only other thing apart from the update thing is it could be video settings, he has it on PAL-60, ive tried both PAL-60 and PAL-50 both dont work, and yes the system clock was set.

Also, can some one explain what the fuck the little button on the front of the console is thats above the power button but below the secondary controller port/memory stick bit.


My completely random and unexplained guess would be that those 2 games cache greatly to the harddrive. Except he doesn't have one.

April 30th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Thanks for the reply, but thats not the issue, I know GTA cant assume you have a hard disk, and cant even give you the option to let it know you do.

Thats why the PS3 is slightly better than Xbox, because ps3 installs the game onto hard disk.

It might however be due to a memory stick save thing.

April 30th, 2008, 02:54 PM
Yeah a hardrive might fix your problem

April 30th, 2008, 03:58 PM
Rofl, of course it's a harddrive. Think about the words GTA4 and then think about the amount of assets in the game. Is 512 mb of ram really going to hold up running just straight off a disc?

April 30th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Rofl, of course it's a harddrive. Think about the words GTA4 and then think about the amount of assets in the game. Is 512 mb of ram really going to hold up running just straight off a disc?
Yup. Oh and Xbox 360 has more than 512 just to let you know.

April 30th, 2008, 04:27 PM
No it doesn't lol. It has 512 mb ram, ps3 has 256 mb.

I'd say it is the no HD, and PS3 has to install not because its easier but because a bluray reader is slow as crap and would have like 10 minute load times

April 30th, 2008, 04:45 PM
Video-dedicated memory.

Mr Buckshot
April 30th, 2008, 06:28 PM
The X360 has 512 MB of unified RAM that can be dynamically allocated to either the GPU or the system as needed. Usually, a triple-digit value for the memory should go to the video card during a game.

The PS3 has 256 MB system RAM and 256 MB graphics RAM, and does not dynamically allocate the RAM. It comes with a larger HDD as-standard because all games (except legacy titles) install cache files to compensate for the slow Blu-ray read speed. In fact, I suspect that Sony made the hard drive easily upgradeable because when you fill up your game library like crazy, even 80 GB may not cut it. The pre-set amount of RAM and VRAM means that sometimes the PS3 can fare better on the technical end, and sometimes it can't.

Your mate's problem is that there's no hard drive, as some Xbox 360 games do install cache files too. A 64 MB card won't cut it. Same thing for Call of Duty 4. If the game is very interactive and graphic intensive, then cache is absolutely necessary. GTA IV has an unparalleled level of interactivity on consoles, and as such loading from a disc and RAM alone will result in super-slow loading times.

Buy a hard drive. Its small capacity is not worth the $100 USD, so get a used one if you can.

May 1st, 2008, 04:18 AM
TCR # 002 BAS Basic Console Support
Requirement Games must be playable on the most basic retail console configuration.

A game may provide additional functionality and optimizations—faster loading, career modes, saved game progress, and in-game saved pictures, for instance—when additional components are available.

Games must not depend on the presence of a storage device, such as a hard drive or a memory unit, to be playable.

Lack of a HDD won't cause the game to fuck up. It is REQUIRED from developers to be able to run their game with or without a HDD. Bungie can do it, anyone can, just some developers are really fucking lazy with their content pipeline.

Does the game box say NTSC or PAL on it?...

May 1st, 2008, 06:52 AM
Also, can some one explain what the fuck the little button on the front of the console is thats above the power button but below the secondary controller port/memory stick bit.

That button is for connecting a wireless controller.

Dr Nick
May 1st, 2008, 07:02 AM
Simple idea. Go to the nearest Internet Cafe and update with a Silver(free) acount.

May 6th, 2008, 11:45 AM
I have an idea, I might be able to burn an update onto a disk and update that way, any one know where I could download that update?

Cancel that, found it :D


Gonna try it in a few hours, fingers crossed!!