Bad Waffle
May 2nd, 2008, 10:35 PM
Ok, they werent five--but they were tiny. I pass a middle school on my way to school every morning, and i walked today because it was nice. I have a reputation of selling 'candy' cheap, so i have money to use to spend on food at college later on. Well, i walked up to a group of little guys in front of the school because i was already early. I gave them the 'menu', they bought some, and i was putting away the money when they saw the other money i had for change for a 20. So, i guess the little guys see me every day and they were planning this, so they tried circling me and taking my backpack. Me, being a foot and a half taller, and although looking skinny--i've got the muscles of an 8 year soccer veteran. I kicked one in the balls, pushed him into his friend as one took a swing--a swing which ended up in my grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, and then having me swing him behind me to get the damn kid off my backback. Thank god my zippers get caught every once in a while. Although while this was happening, i left my left side undefended, and this little guy actually grabbed onto my arm long enough to BITE HARD. What the hell is wrong with these goddamned kids nowadays? is there something in the water?
well, i managed to break free after that, and then i broke into a run until i got to an intersection where those little fuckers could be seen, and well, they chickened out. So i notice blood on my hand, and i check the bite mark--sure enough, blood. I got some on my shirt, which sucked, but i rolled it up before anything else happened. I had some tissue paper used for my art projects as a smuge tool, so i used that. As i got to my school i talked to the nurse, which i know well thanks to always being in there. I told her i fell while walking to class, because i didn't feel like being known for getting attacked by a group of middle schoolers. I got this kickass purple bandage thing though, it matched my shirt!
Man, you don't know how hard it was to explain to everybody why i was bleeding and had a huge purple caste looking thing on. I just told them it was 5 year olds, and of course they rolled their eyes and went "right, ok chris". A great day, lol
Ok, they werent five--but they were tiny. I pass a middle school on my way to school every morning, and i walked today because it was nice. I have a reputation of selling 'candy' cheap, so i have money to use to spend on food at college later on. Well, i walked up to a group of little guys in front of the school because i was already early. I gave them the 'menu', they bought some, and i was putting away the money when they saw the other money i had for change for a 20. So, i guess the little guys see me every day and they were planning this, so they tried circling me and taking my backpack. Me, being a foot and a half taller, and although looking skinny--i've got the muscles of an 8 year soccer veteran. I kicked one in the balls, pushed him into his friend as one took a swing--a swing which ended up in my grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, and then having me swing him behind me to get the damn kid off my backback. Thank god my zippers get caught every once in a while. Although while this was happening, i left my left side undefended, and this little guy actually grabbed onto my arm long enough to BITE HARD. What the hell is wrong with these goddamned kids nowadays? is there something in the water?
well, i managed to break free after that, and then i broke into a run until i got to an intersection where those little fuckers could be seen, and well, they chickened out. So i notice blood on my hand, and i check the bite mark--sure enough, blood. I got some on my shirt, which sucked, but i rolled it up before anything else happened. I had some tissue paper used for my art projects as a smuge tool, so i used that. As i got to my school i talked to the nurse, which i know well thanks to always being in there. I told her i fell while walking to class, because i didn't feel like being known for getting attacked by a group of middle schoolers. I got this kickass purple bandage thing though, it matched my shirt!
Man, you don't know how hard it was to explain to everybody why i was bleeding and had a huge purple caste looking thing on. I just told them it was 5 year olds, and of course they rolled their eyes and went "right, ok chris". A great day, lol