View Full Version : Awkward/Hilarious Moment Thread
May 7th, 2008, 10:43 PM
I couldn't find any other thread that suited my needs for this story, so here it is.
This was definitely the highlight of my day. Ok, so my friend Justin was teaching this incredibly hot girl (Sydney) how to play the drums in the band practice room (smaller room inside the band room). Sydney's friend Jessica and Justin's friend Sam were also there. So, Justin was teaching Sydney the drums and then Justin says "You know something that's really hard?" and Sydney just sits there waiting for an answer. Meanwhile Justin is staring at Sam for like ten seconds, and then Sam and I finally get it and we start rofl'ing. Sydney and Jessica were completely confused and never got it. That was fucking awesome.
Sam had a boner if you don't get it. >_>
May 7th, 2008, 11:30 PM
How do you not understand something like that...
May 8th, 2008, 12:32 AM
Today at work I got asked for diet water. After I finished laughing I got the lady a glass of water, and she complained that it didn't say 'diet' on the bottle.
I'm still not sure whether it was a joke or not...she seemed extremely serious about it.
May 8th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Ask her if she was serious. I must know. :|
May 8th, 2008, 12:56 AM
We were having a bongfire on the beach, and we just hear a friend of ours say (shes the biggest slut) say "ohh yeah im on the pill" everyone just goes quiet and looks at her. Also shes 16...
also another friend says, "I like em big", after that a complete silence another friend says "thats what she said" we rofled for like 1 hr
Bad Waffle
May 8th, 2008, 01:00 AM
bongfire? AWESOME.
Bad Waffle
May 8th, 2008, 01:01 AM
awkward moment? asking out an indian chick who says sure, but then says she can't go because her indian parents are too 'old fashioned'
May 8th, 2008, 01:41 AM
Today at work I got asked for diet water. After I finished laughing I got the lady a glass of water, and she complained that it didn't say 'diet' on the bottle.
I'm still not sure whether it was a joke or not...she seemed extremely serious about it.
Where do you work anyway?
May 8th, 2008, 01:45 AM
Mum owns a cafe in town, I make ze coffee.
May 8th, 2008, 02:28 AM
I'm still waiting on my fapachino!
also my Foreman had a mad call today.
me: "yo, could someone give us a hand to put these dust bags back-on the extractor?"
Aaron (tradesman): "get Darren to do it."
Joe (foreman): "Darrens finished for today. Your turn aaron."
Aaron: "but i fitted a kitchen today, why cant you do it!"
Joe: "Me, chief. You, Indian. Chop chop."
i lol'd
May 8th, 2008, 12:45 PM
Awkward moment, eh.
I was in the elevator in the hospital with a guy for a bit, we're about 6 floors from the 1st floor and I let out a huge fart. Now it's just me and him and what was I gunna do, stand there and look like an idiot, or say something stupid and look like an idiot :haw: So I said, "Well..Damn!" The guy just looked at me and facepalmed and put his head down. IT was awesome.
May 8th, 2008, 01:37 PM
Today at work I got asked for diet water. After I finished laughing I got the lady a glass of water, and she complained that it didn't say 'diet' on the bottle.
I'm still not sure whether it was a joke or not...she seemed extremely serious about it.
Weirdo probably used to drink sugar water or something :p
May 8th, 2008, 02:09 PM
There was a time in New york when we were all in King's Plaza and we were eating at Pizza Hut. So, after we finish, my dad looks at the clock and says we need to go (we were borrowing my grandpa's car and he had a meeting in like 30 minutes). I usually throw out the garbage and grab my breadsticks, but the rush got to me and I threw everything out and left the breadsticks on the table.
As I'm walking out, this fat guy grabs my shoulder and goes "Excuse me sir, are you going to eat your breadsticks?". So, being kind, I go to ask my dad if I should bother bringing them, otherwise I'll just give them to the man. My dad was already outside so I chase after him. He tells me to take them and hurry; he'll be in the parking lot. I tell him hold on and I run back to get the breadsticks. Suprisingly enough, the fat guy is STILL making his way over to our table and was ALMOST there. But I grab the breadsticks and he looks me square in the face. There was an awkward silence and then I said "Oh, we wanted our breadsticks." Then I ran out. I turned around to get a glimpse of the man just standing dumbfounded at his lost meal.
:( It was pretty awkward, and a few people were looking at me sorta hard when I did it.
Another really awkward time was in the subway that SAME NIGHT. We were returning home from a Broadway Christmas musical and I was tired and cold as hell (I was wearing very little layers and was walking around all night). So this woman comes in like one stop before we get off, and she looks stressed. She was also pretty 20-ish. I would usually offer her my seat, but I figured it wouldn't make too much of a difference and I was fucking TIRED. So as we're about to get off, this guy who JUST COMES IN goes "WHY DIDN'T YOU OFFER HER YOUR SEAT!". My face was like "wtf...?" and I just glared at him as I got off.
Another moment was ALSO IN NEWYORK (I see a pattern HERE!). This time in the cinema. We were watching The Simpsons movie and it was the part where they go "To be continued". So everyone is like "...What?". Then it says "immediately". Everyone starts to laugh. But apparently this guy couldn't read and he stands up and shouts "I FUCKING WASTED MY MONEY?!". Like, everyone shut up and was really stiff, as the guy was realised how stupid he was and sat back down.
May 8th, 2008, 02:50 PM
I live in a suburb of Porland Oregon, so I went down and was just chillin out at Pioneer plaza playing my acoustic guitar. I started playing like this Russian folk song, and this Hobo just starts like spinning and doing freedom dance kicks. It was like, the best thing ever dude!
May 8th, 2008, 02:59 PM
I'm still waiting on my fapachino!
And uh, awkward, theres this guy at school who keeps offering to suck my cock. |:<>:|
May 8th, 2008, 03:53 PM
Some slut i used to know turned emo or goth or satanist or some other "anticonformist" crap and idk what we were talking about but at some point she got all pissed off and told me that she is going to put a spell on me and bad things are about to happen in the next few days.
its not like i believe in astrology and horoscopes so afterwards i saw how ridicoulius she was. i freaked out when i saw some of those kids in black on hanging out near my house though. i thought the'y stab me and make love to the new holes they carve into my body.
May 8th, 2008, 04:42 PM
One time, I spent WAYYY too much time in a hot tub, and I passed out.
May 8th, 2008, 05:14 PM
I live in a suburb of Porland Oregon, so I went down and was just chillin out at Pioneer plaza playing my acoustic guitar. I started playing like this Russian folk song, and this Hobo just starts like spinning and doing freedom dance kicks. It was like, the best thing ever dude!
Sup fellow Oregonian.
May 8th, 2008, 05:38 PM
i was on vacation in spain, in lloret de mar.
anyway, in some club, making out with a random hot chick i found, and i'm like lets go back to my appartment.
she sais, i can't, my mom's picking me up at 2.
then we made out more, got her phone number, she went to her hotel, and i had an especially lonely night that night.
later i found out she was 15.
May 8th, 2008, 05:57 PM
Just adding to the collection.
Llama Juice
May 8th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I was at a Culvers (restaurant) and some large guy stood up and rose his arms... everybody started cheering.
My group was utterly confused...
Another time I was at the grocery store with my dad (years back) and he bought some kind of meat.... and the (female) cashier was like "Oh nice meat!"
Dad: Why thank you :D
Cashier: No no no no no, I meant your package!
Dad:... Why thank you :D
Casheir: No! I mean your...
Right then my dad's girlfriend cut her off.
GF: He's mine, lay off.
I was in tears....
Another time I was with a group of friends at this hotel back home. We were all sitting around this table in the lobby and Cole kept spitting into this cup that was on the table when we got there. Danny walked up a few minutes later with this girl he'd been trying to impress pretty much all night and when he sat down he picked up the cup and drank it.
When he noticed the mixture of laughter and disgusted looks he was like "What?"..
needless to say he went home alone without that girl that night lol.
May 8th, 2008, 06:42 PM
Another time I was at the grocery store with my dad (years back) and he bought some kind of meat.... and the (female) cashier was like "Oh nice meat!"
Dad: Why thank you :D
Cashier: No no no no no, I meant your package!
Dad:... Why thank you :D
Casheir: No! I mean your...
Right then my dad's girlfriend cut her off.
GF: He's mine, lay off.
May 8th, 2008, 07:00 PM
Last year's talent show, had to play High n' Dry; broke 3 strings in the middle of it.
Llama Juice
May 8th, 2008, 07:04 PM
So after I got home from a surprise weekend visit to this girl I've known online for like 4 years I get out of my truck and lol at the 10 hour drive.... The next day I call her and I'm all "Hey I have feelings for you." and she's all "........."
Yea, that was awkward.
May 8th, 2008, 07:42 PM
Last year's talent show, had to play High n' Dry; broke 3 strings in the middle of it.
Lol, I used .11 or .12 gauge strings at talent shows/concerts so my strings don't break. D:
May 8th, 2008, 08:23 PM
Just remembered a good one. Earlier this week.
We were discussing our Prom nights (was on 5-3) and I was the only dude who didn't actually go. From that point, it went something like this:
Friend: "So, what did you do for Prom then?"
Me: "Just took my gf to my place... was a lot of fun!"
Friends: "Niice," *Offers fistpound*
Me: *Takes offer* "Yeah dude, twice!"
*Silence among whole group*
Apparently I was too vague with the word fun. The fistpound was just for bringing her over. Woops.
Oh well, at least I didn't mention Strip Mario Party.
May 8th, 2008, 08:37 PM
awkward moment? asking out an indian chick who says sure, but then says she can't go because her indian parents are too 'old fashioned'
I'm still waiting on my fapachino!
also my Foreman had a mad call today.
me: "yo, could someone give us a hand to put these dust bags back-on the extractor?"
Aaron (tradesman): "get Darren to do it."
Joe (foreman): "Darrens finished for today. Your turn aaron."
Aaron: "but i fitted a kitchen today, why cant you do it!"
Joe: "Me, chief. You, Indian. Chop chop."
i lol'd
Awkward moment, eh.
I was in the elevator in the hospital with a guy for a bit, we're about 6 floors from the 1st floor and I let out a huge fart. Now it's just me and him and what was I gunna do, stand there and look like an idiot, or say something stupid and look like an idiot :haw: So I said, "Well..Damn!" The guy just looked at me and facepalmed and put his head down. IT was awesome.
And uh, awkward, theres this guy at school who keeps offering to suck my cock. |:<>:|
I live in a suburb of Porland Oregon, so I went down and was just chillin out at Pioneer plaza playing my acoustic guitar. I started playing like this Russian folk song, and this Hobo just starts like spinning and doing freedom dance kicks. It was like, the best thing ever dude!
May 8th, 2008, 08:48 PM
So one time I was shopping and I was alone and I go to check out and the cashier is like..
Cashier: So you qualify for senior citizen discounts?
Me: Wait... you honestly think *gets cut off*
Cashier: Well do you sir?
Me: Do I look like an old man?
Cashier: Nope.
Me: There you go.
Im 17.. do i really look THAT old? :(
May 8th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Yeah, thats what I thought too...
May 8th, 2008, 08:59 PM
There has been countless times where people thought I was a girl. ;-;
May 8th, 2008, 08:59 PM
So earlier this week at school i went to the bathroom during class. i did my business and was washing my hands. now, a lot of the faucets in the sinks at my school are very squeaky and make a squeak when they turn off. the faucet was one of those ones that you push down and the water runs for like 30 seconds or whatever. i finish washing my hands and walk out of the bathroom. as im walking out the water stops running and the faucet makes a loud high-pitched "ahhhhh" that sounded exactly like a female having an orgasm. it so happened that right when i walked out, there was a girl standing there about to walk into the girls bathroom right next to it. she just stopped and stared at me when i walked out for seconds than proceeded to the bathroom. i couldn't stop loling as i walked back to class.
Bad Waffle
May 8th, 2008, 09:02 PM
Xetsueiâ„¢;254246']Lol, I used .11 or .12 gauge strings at talent shows/concerts so my strings don't break. D:
ernie ball super/regular slinky, woot
May 8th, 2008, 09:09 PM
I was at a Culvers (restaurant) and some large guy stood up and rose his arms... everybody started cheering.
My group was utterly confused...
Another time I was at the grocery store with my dad (years back) and he bought some kind of meat.... and the (female) cashier was like "Oh nice meat!"
Dad: Why thank you :D
Cashier: No no no no no, I meant your package!
Dad:... Why thank you :D
Casheir: No! I mean your...
Right then my dad's girlfriend cut her off.
GF: He's mine, lay off.
I was in tears....
I also had an awkward experience at Culvers. The whole employment team on staff when I went there appeared to be homosexual and I was with one of my male friends just hanging out and that just made it worse. Well we got hit on the whole time we were there I don't want to go into to much detail because it was incredibly gay, too gay for these forums.
May 8th, 2008, 09:13 PM
i was on vacation in spain, in lloret de mar.
later i found out she was 15.
dam those Crazy European women D:
May 8th, 2008, 09:14 PM
There has been countless times where people thought I was a girl. ;-;
Simple fix: cut your hair.
too gay for these forums.
You have no idea how queer some of the members are here.
May 8th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Yes I do. What they did/said was so gay that it'll make homo's straight and straight people's balls explode.
May 8th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Try me. I'll risk ball explosion for a good laugh.
May 8th, 2008, 09:40 PM
Simple fix: cut your hair.
But I like my Hair D:
May 8th, 2008, 10:15 PM
But I like my Hair D:
Don't be a pussy, cut it off.
May 8th, 2008, 10:21 PM
What's all this jibber-jabber about long hair? There's nothing wrong with it, I mean, I have it.
May 8th, 2008, 10:27 PM
What's all this jibber-jabber about long hair? There's nothing wrong with it, I mean, I have it.
Don't be a boob, cut the shit off.
May 8th, 2008, 10:29 PM
get out
May 8th, 2008, 10:29 PM
One of my friends was hanging out at my house and she's like, can I lay down on your bed? I'm like sure, she goes you don't mind having some girl sleep in your bed? I, without thinking, go naw, lots of girls sleep in my bed. It took me like 5 minutes to realize what I had said, I lol'd hard.
May 8th, 2008, 10:30 PM
Bet it was a good laugh for her and all
May 8th, 2008, 10:31 PM
May 8th, 2008, 10:34 PM
Bet it was a good laugh for her and allShe just laughed at it, when I realized what I said I tried to be like, "I didn't mean that.." and she just said, you're better off not saying anything to that. Was hilarity.
Oh, here is an awkward moment:
My two friends (both girls) were hanging at my house, back in middle school, and one of 'em went to the bathroom, after like 10 minutes she yells for my other friend, she goes back there, it turns out she started her first period at my house. She was so embarrassed. Definitely an awkward moment.
May 9th, 2008, 01:12 AM
I have long hair too :eyesroll:.
Imma get a haircut some time soon, but it will still be long.
One time I was really bored in my Biology class and I started drawing a samurai sword. Well, I'm a terrible sketch artist and the girl next to me asks me what the hilt on the sword was. I look at it and realized that it look very much like a penis.
May 9th, 2008, 02:22 AM
Elementary school. Playground. It had been raining for much of the day. After having been on this one swing for ten or so minutes, I miscalculate coming back down and lean backwards too far in the seat. Now, having brought this upon myself, the seat now had me pointed at an angle perfect for grazing the ground with my head. It had been raining, so naturally the ground was covered with a stew of woodchips and mud. I realized my error too late, the damage had been done. The swing dragged my head through a deep trough of the stuff, resulting in my most of my hair being covered with it. Walking to the washrooms, I noted the fact that on top of that, the dragging had forced my hair into jutting up in a comical fashion. Needless to say, there was quite a few other students who noticed all of this. I couldn't help but grin at all the confused and puzzled looks I got that day :lol:
May 9th, 2008, 04:15 AM
one of the chicks i had the hots for, and her friend where laying in my bed, i was in between them :D!
When the no good brother of the cool chick walked in.
lets just say i was a little.
May 9th, 2008, 02:19 PM
Oh, once I was at hunting in Pendleton Oregon, and I shot this squirrel. I taje it back to camp, and I clean it and evrything, and I've got in on the fire, and my dog literally jumps into the fire, geabs the squirrel, and runs into the woods. I'm just looking at the fire, and then I start lawling. It was possibly the greatest hunting moment ever.
May 9th, 2008, 03:12 PM
But I like my Hair D:
Don't be a pussy, cut it off.
Yeah, give into peer pressure, bitch. You'll be cool. You know you want to.
Llama Juice
May 9th, 2008, 06:37 PM
I can't belive I forgot about this...
So my girlfriend at the time and I were havin sex and my friend walks in... but... he like... didn't react to us at all.... He just walked in and sat down on the chair in the middle of the room and started watching whatever movie we had goin... and just kinda sat there... didn't say ANYTHING to us..... she jumped off of me and under the covers as soon as the door opened but... still
After about what felt like five minutes (was probably really only 15 seconds) I shouted "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!"
He was like "... uhh what?"
him: "Well, nice to see you too... I'll call ya later....."
I was sitting there... naked... with a blanket over my crotch... but my legs and torso were showing.... and I don't know how he couldn't realize what was goin on...
May 9th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Sounds like the kind of thing I would do, just for shits and giggles. Well, shits for them and giggles for me.
May 10th, 2008, 10:33 AM
I got a recent one.
I was in the Manchester theatre last night watching speed racer. I was cuddling with my friend Reid the entire movie, this parent is walking up to her seat and starts to stare at us. Simultaneously me and Reid say "can we help you?" she looks down and up quickly and walks off, no doubt feeling like a jackass.
May 10th, 2008, 11:02 AM
oh god i've probably done something pretty embarassing tonight but i can't remember
May 11th, 2008, 07:11 PM
I was on the train having a conversation with my friend Henry about my girlfriend.
Me-You know I really haven't thought about having sex with her much lately.
Henry-Yeah, me neither.
May 11th, 2008, 07:39 PM
I can't belive I forgot about this...
So my girlfriend at the time and I were havin sex and my friend walks in... but... he like... didn't react to us at all.... He just walked in and sat down on the chair in the middle of the room and started watching whatever movie we had goin... and just kinda sat there... didn't say ANYTHING to us..... she jumped off of me and under the covers as soon as the door opened but... still
After about what felt like five minutes (was probably really only 15 seconds) I shouted "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!"
He was like "... uhh what?"
him: "Well, nice to see you too... I'll call ya later....."
I was sitting there... naked... with a blanket over my crotch... but my legs and torso were showing.... and I don't know how he couldn't realize what was goin on...
I would just slap the guy for not even knowing what was going on. Also, what the fuck is that in your avi?:gonk:
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