View Full Version : Downloading .swf movies...

May 8th, 2008, 03:02 PM
Alright, heres the deal. My Multimedia teacher has asked me to make a LOCAL copy of this (http://www.videocopilot.net/basic/index.html) entire website (in case it ever goes down), now, I've been able to copy everything except for the video on this page:


If I download the 'basicVideo.swf' file, all I get is the flash file, and not the video... Could I get some assistance on this please?

May 8th, 2008, 03:55 PM
I know the latest realplayer lets you download flash files. Thats all I can tell you. :/

May 8th, 2008, 03:56 PM
There isnt any movie files whatsoever on that page, part from the swf.

Swf maybe has some actionscript that doesnt allow it to play unless its on the website.

Perhaps I suppose.

I bet the flash you/me get is the "player", and some where else is the ACTUAL flash file it plays. Cant seem to find the reference sorry, its probably in that swf file some where

May 8th, 2008, 03:57 PM
Direct link: http://www.videocopilot.net/basic/basicVideo.swf
Save it by right click, save link as.

If you have Firefox, you should get Download Embedded addon. That way you can download/get link to any embedded item in the page.

E: Oh wait, i see what is wrong. Nevermind then; I had no idea it wouldn't play outside the site >.<

May 8th, 2008, 04:22 PM
There isnt any movie files whatsoever on that page, part from the swf.

Swf maybe has some actionscript that doesnt allow it to play unless its on the website.

Perhaps I suppose.

I bet the flash you/me get is the "player", and some where else is the ACTUAL flash file it plays. Cant seem to find the reference sorry, its probably in that swf file some where
This is what I'm thinking, but I have no idea on how to pick apart the swf to find the actual video...

Direct link: http://www.videocopilot.net/basic/basicVideo.swf
Save it by right click, save link as.

If you have Firefox, you should get Download Embedded addon. That way you can download/get link to any embedded item in the page.

E: Oh wait, i see what is wrong. Nevermind then; I had no idea it wouldn't play outside the site >.<
Yea, that was the first thing I tried...

May 8th, 2008, 04:37 PM

Took me 2 seconds.

Click and Save-As.

If you wish to view, I would recomend getting Riva FLV Player VLC Media Player.

May 8th, 2008, 05:16 PM

Took me 2 seconds.

Click and Save-As.

If you wish to view, I would recomend getting Riva FLV Player.
Thank you!

What did you use to find it?

May 8th, 2008, 05:42 PM
I downloaded the basicVideo.swf file, then I used SoThink SWF Decompiler to look at the ActionScript. I then found the line

video = "video/aebt.flv"
in the MainMovie section. Then, I tired adding the line to the end of videocopilot.net but that failed, so I kept the /basic that follows the URL and then tried. Sorry if that's confusing but I just wrote that in a matter of 30 seconds or less.

Anyways, the whole process may have not taken only 2 seconds, but probably 2 minutes tops.

Hope that helped, I guess.

May 8th, 2008, 07:52 PM
I downloaded the basicVideo.swf file, then I used SoThink SWF Decompiler to look at the ActionScript. I then found the line

video = "video/aebt.flv"in the MainMovie section. Then, I tired adding the line to the end of videocopilot.net but that failed, so I kept the /basic that follows the URL and then tried. Sorry if that's confusing but I just wrote that in a matter of 30 seconds or less.

Anyways, the whole process may have not taken only 2 seconds, but probably 2 minutes tops.

Hope that helped, I guess.
Makes perfect sense! I just didn't know about the flash decompiler, as I didn't have one currently installed.

May 9th, 2008, 08:58 AM

Took me 2 seconds.

Click and Save-As.

If you wish to view, I would recomend getting Riva FLV Player VLC Media Player.


May 9th, 2008, 09:17 AM
or you download the swf and take packet sniffer. The package should contain the URL to the video.

May 9th, 2008, 02:29 PM
I didn't know VLC could open .flv files. Thanks for that!

May 9th, 2008, 03:15 PM
it can, but from my experience, you cant seek. (drag the slider)

May 9th, 2008, 05:13 PM
Yes, you can.

May 9th, 2008, 10:52 PM
odd, everytime i try to, no matter what flv i try to play, when i go to seek, it just stops playing.

oh well.