View Full Version : finaly, i can do well at halo 3 :)

May 11th, 2008, 04:14 PM
i dotn knwo if this goes in off topic or tech section, so if it goes in tech, feel free to move it.

i dont know about most of the members here, but when i made the switch from a joystick based control pad to keyboard and mouse, i amazingly got better, my accuracy went up, and over all i still have more fun using a m&k than a controller. Point is, after AP exams me and all my buddies go over to a friends house and just hit up some halo 3 for like 3 hours toll school gets out (were excused for the day after exams), but i always fall in the median range on kills, so i went searching on google and found this


i didnt even know they made an adapter for the 360 to use a mouse and keybaord, but they do, and surprisingly, with its few messups, it works really well :)

Mr Buckshot
May 11th, 2008, 04:21 PM
Tech talk.

The keyboard and mouse are fine. I used to have the old Smartjoy Frag adapter for the xbox 1, and playing halo 2 was so easy using the adapter, thanks to auto aim.

Also, spelling. Anyway, you should still try to build up your gamepad skills. Getting a headshot in a fast-paced game using the right analog stick is an achievement. I'm not great at using dual sticks, so automatic weapons with plenty of excess ammo are always must-haves for me in console shooters (the plasma rifle and needler are weapons I tend to use a lot in Halo 3, because they fire rapidly and are always dropped by the Covenant).

May 11th, 2008, 04:22 PM

That's kinda cheating if you ask me, everyone else is stuck with an analogue stick. It doesn't really make you better at h3, it just shows you can use a mouse. With a $100 price tag, I'll wait for H3PC to do that.

May 11th, 2008, 04:41 PM
Why does that cost $100 do do, anyway?

May 11th, 2008, 04:59 PM
They feel like ripping you off? Thought that was obvious.

May 11th, 2008, 05:23 PM
It bothers me that there are two USB ports built in to the 360, but you can't use a mouse with them. :/

May 11th, 2008, 05:42 PM
Microsoft sees them as an unfair advantage, I wouldn't be surprised if MS takes some sort of action towards this company making the adapters if they get too popular.

edit: also moved to Tech Talk

May 11th, 2008, 08:06 PM
Microsoft sees them as an unfair advantage, I wouldn't be surprised if MS takes some sort of action towards this company making the adapters if they get too popular.

If they become too popular, I'm guessing they'd pull another HaloGen. :mad:

May 11th, 2008, 08:46 PM

That's kinda cheating if you ask me, everyone else is stuck with an analogue stick. It doesn't really make you better at h3, it just shows you can use a mouse. With a $100 price tag, I'll wait for H3PC to do that.

Not really. It's just there if you want it. How many people out there are going to pay $90 just to play with a mouse and keyboard? Not many, so what are the chances that you'll see some one with this? Probably 100 out one million or even less.

Microsoft sees them as an unfair advantage, I wouldn't be surprised if MS takes some sort of action towards this company making the adapters if they get too popular.

If they become too popular, I'm guessing they'd pull another HaloGen. :mad:

They'll just come out with their own keyboard and mouse for 360, just watch.

May 11th, 2008, 09:04 PM
It was only around $30 when it was first released and since I haven't kept up with it I'm not sure if they've done any enhancements to it to justify its price tag.

From the review I read when it was first released to consumers, its somewhat useful. It lacks the precision and speed of a PC interface but still gives the user a bit more freedom and precision then a joystick. You can't wrist flick with it, you have to drag the mouse, which in my opinion is not worth it's price tag. I'll stick with a controller which I'm just as good with as a mouse and keyboard, from my PC 360 controller and CS:S tests.

May 11th, 2008, 09:13 PM
You can't wrist flick with it, you have to drag the mouse
ooh. Hmm. That would be my main reason for even using a mouse. I'm fine with joysticks, and all 360 games have a degree of autoaim that helps.

May 11th, 2008, 09:18 PM
So, the facts (taken from bestbuy.com):

Xbox 360 controller: $50
H3 controller: $60
Guitar Hero controller: $60
Rock Band drum kit: $80
Wireless racing wheel: $100

Also, some other items just for kicks:
Play & Charge kit: $20
Quick-Charge kit: $30
Inter-cooler: $26
Headset: $20
Wireless headset: $60

Yeah, I'll stick with paying only ~$40 more for the advantage of the accuracy, personalization, dependability and familiarity of my PC components.

e: Actually, if it doesn't preform the same way as it would on PC, then I'll get a controller first, and maybe try it out after a few months if things aren't clicking for me. I was able to effortlessly headshot people out of ghosts in H2 when I started back up again after rigorous HCE play, so I might just need to keep my accuracy up to par by revisiting PC games every so often after I get my Xbox 360and start playing H3. Thanks for the facts, Atty.

May 11th, 2008, 09:25 PM
100 bucks US to plug in a keyboard and mouse?

lmfao. gg fellas gg.

May 11th, 2008, 10:42 PM
Not really. It's just there if you want it. How many people out there are going to pay $90 just to play with a mouse and keyboard? Not many, so what are the chances that you'll see some one with this? Probably 100 out one million or even less.
True enough, but I'm not really concerned with that. I still consider it an unfair advantage despite the probability.

They'll just come out with their own keyboard and mouse for 360, just watch.
They already would have, trust me. There are a few reasons they wont, but I cba to elaborate.

Mr Buckshot
May 11th, 2008, 11:40 PM
The reason why you need an adapter to use the keyboard and mouse is that the games are not natively coded to run with such devices. The game needs to be fooled into thinking that the keyboard and mouse are really a controller before you can use those peripherals.

If I recall correctly, a USB keyboard can already be plugged in without an adapter to facilitate text entry (i.e. when typing in your gamertag), just like the PS2 and PS3. But a game will not recognize the keyboard, so yeah.

I remember that Half-Life 1 for the PS2 was natively coded to work with a USB keyboard and mouse. I suppose X360 games can have that too but that might interfere with sales of extra controllers.

May 11th, 2008, 11:54 PM
There have been keyboard/mouse adapters since shortly after the xbox was launched. They typically lag and suffer from poor movement acceleration. Bascially the exact same thing Halo 2 for Vista does at high resolutions.

May 11th, 2008, 11:56 PM
The reason why you need an adapter to use the keyboard and mouse is that the games are not natively coded to run with such devices. The game needs to be fooled into thinking that the keyboard and mouse are really a controller before you can use those peripherals.

If I recall correctly, a USB keyboard can already be plugged in without an adapter to facilitate text entry (i.e. when typing in your gamertag), just like the PS2 and PS3. But a game will not recognize the keyboard, so yeah.

I remember that Half-Life 1 for the PS2 was natively coded to work with a USB keyboard and mouse. I suppose X360 games can have that too but that might interfere with sales of extra controllers.
I have a keyboard plugged in just for this purpose. Still wish they had something like this(For the 360): http://www.tomsgames.com/us/2007/04/09/mouse_control_for_the_console/

May 12th, 2008, 12:16 AM
They already would have, trust me. There are a few reasons they wont, but I cba to elaborate.

I wasn't serious ;)

May 12th, 2008, 12:24 AM
If I recall correctly, a USB keyboard can already be plugged in without an adapter to facilitate text entry
oshi, need to try.

There have been keyboard/mouse adapters since shortly after the xbox was launched. They typically lag and suffer from poor movement acceleration. Bascially the exact same thing Halo 2 for Vista does at high resolutions.

May 12th, 2008, 01:05 AM
You can't wrist flick with it, you have to drag the mouse, which in my opinion is not worth it's price tag.


I have the Smartjoy FRAG from back when I tried getting into Halo 2. Dragging the mouse slowly results in faster movement, and flicking the mouse is just like flicking the joystick. It gets how fast the mouse is moving and turns it into how far the stick is pressed, the direction of the mouse's travel and turns that into the direction the stick is pressed, and keeps sending those commands until the mouse stops moving.

May 12th, 2008, 01:42 AM
oshi, need to try.

Halo 2's movement has acceleration built in. The use of a joystick pretty much just gives you a final speed. Now building that into mouse movement isn't that difficult, but it seems that movement is computed through the rasterizer rather than when everything is being vectored because the higher the resolution you play at the more difficult/jarry movement with the mouse becomes.

May 12th, 2008, 09:03 AM
If I recall correctly, a USB keyboard can already be plugged in without an adapter to facilitate text entry (i.e. when typing in your gamertag), just like the PS2 and PS3. But a game will not recognize the keyboard, so yeah.
You can use a keyboard to control most anything in your dashboard, from typing to controlling the menu. I usually unplug my USB keyboard and hook it to my 360 when I go to make a new tag, its much easier to type out all that information with a full QWERTY keyboard rather then a virtual one and a joystick.

Mr Buckshot
May 13th, 2008, 12:02 AM
I have a keyboard plugged in just for this purpose. Still wish they had something like this(For the 360): http://www.tomsgames.com/us/2007/04/09/mouse_control_for_the_console/

Yeah, I heard of that and it's really cool. I didn't bother to buy it for my PS3 though. The auto-aim on these high-end console shooters is quite fair and balanced (some degree of autoaim is what splinter cell on Xbox really needs).

Trouble with most cheap adapters is that they are rather minimal, that is they do nothing beyond the simplest of gamepad emulation. Therefore the mouse movement will not feel totally smooth. In some cases using the adapter will actually be worse than using the right analog stick. I think I tried using the Smartjoy for the game BLACK and the reticule moved slower than with the right stick.

Also, in my living room, I can't sit comfortably when using this stuff because a low-lying coffee table is all I have to set down the keyboard and mouse.

May 13th, 2008, 05:55 PM

That's kinda cheating if you ask me, everyone else is stuck with an analogue stick. It doesn't really make you better at h3, it just shows you can use a mouse. With a $100 price tag, I'll wait for H3PC to do that.

I agree a LOT. I know the auto-aim is a lot stronger in H2, but for one game I did the little auto-aim exploit with the controller/mouse thing in H2V. Basically 100% 4 shotted people, and then stopped because it just felt like I was killing bots on Novice in UT3 or something. So yeah I think mouse on a 360 FPS = cheap.

May 13th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Not really. It's just there if you want it. How many people out there are going to pay $90 just to play with a mouse and keyboard? Not many, so what are the chances that you'll see some one with this? Probably 100 out one million or even less.

They'll just come out with their own keyboard and mouse for 360, just watch.
Isn't there already one for the PS3?

May 13th, 2008, 06:04 PM
Isn't there already one for the PS3?I linked it a few posts back.