View Full Version : How far would an IB student go?
Mr Buckshot
May 12th, 2008, 08:09 PM
So pretty much within the first five minutes of my arriving to school in the morning, I'm reminded us IB English students were supposed to bring our word lit intros back to class. More to the point, I'm pleasantly reminded we're liable to get a 0/30 if we don't hand it in today.
I don't have it. Run home, people tell me. I didn't have the luxury of lunch though, as English was in the second period and I had to do a physics test in the first period.
When English rolled around, I thought things could go down without a hitch. I'd run home in the middle of class, grab the world lit intro, and run back, and my teacher would be none the wiser. It would be epic.
I asked, with intentional vagueness, if I could 'go grab my intro'. Clearly, she was under the impression that I'm only running to my locker. But actually I make a record-breaking 7 minute sprint across Vancouver to get home. Well, it's just under 2 kilometres so it's not really a record.
When I got home, I reached into my pocket for my electronic key fob to open the automatic gate...but my pocket wasn't there. I then realized I left my jacket hanging on my chair inside the English classroom, with my key fob AND door key inside. I was trapped! Well, not exactly - I managed to just climb over the gate (thank god it didn't collapse), but I could not get into the house.
I spent about 10 minutes thinking about how I could get into the house.. All the while, I kept glancing at my watch, realizing that I'd exceeded the time frame for 'not suspicious'.
I start screaming inside my head.
I look at the windows. All of them are locked. I can't break them because that would sound an alarm that's connected directly to 911 services. Anyway, the windows are toughened glass (not bulletproof, but basketball-proof and the like) so I wouldn't have been able to break 'em anyway.
Finally, I conceded defeat, muttering various expletives in the knowledge I'd get a 0. I began the sprint home, realizing oh so brilliantly that my teacher might've caught onto the fact that I ran home.
Then I had a bright idea after 1 minute of sprinting.
I ran back into my house, and went to the garden instead. The back door to my garden has one of those pretty windows set directly into the door. This one wasn't the toughened kind. Best of all, the window was actually made of 16 individual pieces with a wooden crisscross frame dividing all the pieces, so I wouldn't have to smash the whole window. The door was connected to the security system, but not the inset window itself. Unlike the main windows, if I opened a door, I could still disarm the security system, whereas if a main window broke, I would be unable to disarm anything.
I used hedge clippers to smash the bottommost glass piece of the window, then reached in and unlocked the door from inside. I knew my dad would get mad, but this was cheap glass that was easily replaceable, and the other 15 pieces were not damaged. With neckbreaking speed, I rushed in and disarmed the security system (I still managed to key in the code properly in my haste 0_O), then ran to my room, grabbed my world lit intro, and ran out. I ran back in again to check if I missed anything, and ran out again with my French binder in hand as well.
I got back to class, having missed 37 minutes of class. I was drenched in perspiration. My teacher collected my world lit intro from me and gave me the evil eye.
After class, she said anyone who didn't bring their intro today could bring it tomorrow.
ARGH. AALKJDLAKSDJFLKASDFJ9395T932091!$`@$^#W$&#!@%^&
And that's how far an IB student will go.
May 12th, 2008, 08:13 PM
Which is why I intentionally refused to join IB.
Oh, it would also take me 2 1/2 periods to go home and back, so :/
May 12th, 2008, 08:15 PM
Holy Shit.:lol:
May 12th, 2008, 08:18 PM
In that situation, yep, I would do the same thing.
Except my house is down the freeway and two major roads from my school. :/
May 12th, 2008, 08:31 PM
We must call them.
May 12th, 2008, 08:48 PM
What's the point of IB?
Also, I would have done the same thing, since my house is right across the street from the HS, lawl.
May 12th, 2008, 08:50 PM
I tried IB and it was easy, but I didn't know anyone (Freshman), So I went back to CP:)
May 12th, 2008, 08:54 PM
You can't take IB english as a freshman most everywhere. DERR DERRRRR DERRRRRRRRR
Bad Waffle
May 12th, 2008, 09:00 PM
So pretty much within the first five minutes of my arriving to school in the morning, I'm reminded us IB English students were supposed to bring our word lit intros back to class. More to the point, I'm pleasantly reminded we're liable to get a 0/30 if we don't hand it in today.
I don't have it. Run home, people tell me. I didn't have the luxury of lunch though, as English was in the second period and I had to do a physics test in the first period.
When English rolled around, I thought things could go down without a hitch. I'd run home in the middle of class, grab the world lit intro, and run back, and my teacher would be none the wiser. It would be epic.
I asked, with intentional vagueness, if I could 'go grab my intro'. Clearly, she was under the impression that I'm only running to my locker. But actually I make a record-breaking 7 minute sprint across Vancouver to get home. Well, it's just under 2 kilometres so it's not really a record.
When I got home, I reached into my pocket for my electronic key fob to open the automatic gate...but my pocket wasn't there. I then realized I left my jacket hanging on my chair inside the English classroom, with my key fob AND door key inside. I was trapped! Well, not exactly - I managed to just climb over the gate (thank god it didn't collapse), but I could not get into the house.
I spent about 10 minutes thinking about how I could get into the house.. All the while, I kept glancing at my watch, realizing that I'd exceeded the time frame for 'not suspicious'.
I start screaming inside my head.
I look at the windows. All of them are locked. I can't break them because that would sound an alarm that's connected directly to 911 services. Anyway, the windows are toughened glass (not bulletproof, but basketball-proof and the like) so I wouldn't have been able to break 'em anyway.
Finally, I conceded defeat, muttering various expletives in the knowledge I'd get a 0. I began the sprint home, realizing oh so brilliantly that my teacher might've caught onto the fact that I ran home.
Then I had a bright idea after 1 minute of sprinting.
I ran back into my house, and went to the garden instead. The back door to my garden has one of those pretty windows set directly into the door. This one wasn't the toughened kind. Best of all, the window was actually made of 16 individual pieces with a wooden crisscross frame dividing all the pieces, so I wouldn't have to smash the whole window. The door was connected to the security system, but not the inset window itself. Unlike the main windows, if I opened a door, I could still disarm the security system, whereas if a main window broke, I would be unable to disarm anything.
I used hedge clippers to smash the bottommost glass piece of the window, then reached in and unlocked the door from inside. I knew my dad would get mad, but this was cheap glass that was easily replaceable, and the other 15 pieces were not damaged. With neckbreaking speed, I rushed in and disarmed the security system (I still managed to key in the code properly in my haste 0_O), then ran to my room, grabbed my world lit intro, and ran out. I ran back in again to check if I missed anything, and ran out again with my French binder in hand as well.
I got back to class, having missed 37 minutes of class. I was drenched in perspiration. My teacher collected my world lit intro from me and gave me the evil eye.
After class, she said anyone who didn't bring their intro today could bring it tomorrow.
ARGH. AALKJDLAKSDJFLKASDFJ9395T932091!$`@$^#W$&#!@%^&
And that's how far an IB student will go.
sorry, i'm an IB student, and im man enough to just miss 30 points.
May 12th, 2008, 09:10 PM
I live 2 blocks from my HS. Life made easy.
Edit: I also have both my computers remote control able from school, so I jsut facebook myself any files I need for class.
May 12th, 2008, 09:22 PM
Well, I'm going into the IB next year (The baccalaureate program of the IBO), and I will probably never get into that situation. I live about 35 minutes away from my school, that is, if I take a car, and drive at 100 km/h. So, if ever I forgot a paper at home, it would be impossible for me to run home, get the paper, and run back. I would never get there within the end of the school day, let alone the period.
Bad Waffle
May 12th, 2008, 09:43 PM
seriously, forgetting a paper isn't an 'absolutely horrible unexcusable' thing. If its absolutely necessary, just go to the goddamn teacher and tell them that you don't have it with you.
May 12th, 2008, 10:06 PM
if we don't hand it in today.
And it never occurred to you to ask if you could turn it in later in the day?
I was drenched in perspiration.
Normal people say sweat.
And that's how far an IB student will go.
Way to end it like a fourth grade writing assessment.
May 12th, 2008, 11:18 PM
Oh snap, he just got shot down by you people.
Bad Waffle
May 12th, 2008, 11:41 PM
If you were a smart IB student, you would have quickly found a computer, typed up a BS thing (i'm doing the world lit paper on the effect of WW2 on No Exit and The Trial) which could be done in 15 mins, returned with a printed copy, done. ive done it before :awesome:
Mr Buckshot
May 12th, 2008, 11:53 PM
Can't. I would need special permission to use a computer during class time, whether in the library or any of the labs, unless it was an event where the whole class goes to the computer lab. Stupid Vancouver school. I also didn't have my document in my email.
I did bring my ASUS EEE in my bag, but I wouldn't have been able to access a printer, and even if I did it would take a while to set everything up.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when I was getting my world lit intro (also on WW2), I had to boot up my desktop computer to print it, and I was getting all jittery while waiting for it.
May 13th, 2008, 01:22 AM
Cool story, tell more!
May 13th, 2008, 03:05 AM
I knew my dad would get mad, but this was cheap glass that was easily replaceable,
Is there so such a thing? Usually you get that shit quoted. If I broke a window at my house my dad would get a little more than "mad."
If you were a smart IB student, you would have quickly found a computer, typed up a BS thing (i'm doing the world lit paper on the effect of WW2 on No Exit and The Trial) which could be done in 15 mins, returned with a printed copy, done. ive done it before :awesome:
May 13th, 2008, 03:22 AM
And it never occurred to you to ask if you could turn it in later in the day?
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Normal people say sweat.
Normal people neither care or exist.
Way to end it like a fourth grade writing assessment.
Fortunately, his post wasn't for any kind of assessment. :awesome:
Also, what is IB?
May 13th, 2008, 04:34 AM
Can't. I would need special permission to use a computer during class time, whether in the library or any of the labs, unless it was an event where the whole class goes to the computer lab. Stupid Vancouver school. I also didn't have my document in my email.
I did bring my ASUS EEE in my bag, but I wouldn't have been able to access a printer, and even if I did it would take a while to set everything up.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when I was getting my world lit intro (also on WW2), I had to boot up my desktop computer to print it, and I was getting all jittery while waiting for it.
It's so much more logical to smash a window and break into your own house.
May 13th, 2008, 04:59 AM
It's certainly more interesting.
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2008, 05:55 PM
Can't. I would need special permission to use a computer during class time, whether in the library or any of the labs, unless it was an event where the whole class goes to the computer lab. Stupid Vancouver school. I also didn't have my document in my email.
I did bring my ASUS EEE in my bag, but I wouldn't have been able to access a printer, and even if I did it would take a while to set everything up.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when I was getting my world lit intro (also on WW2), I had to boot up my desktop computer to print it, and I was getting all jittery while waiting for it.
hell, you dont have one teacher that would let you do that? are all teachers jerks down there, because i know at least 5 who would let me do it real quick. I just think you wanted to break into your house.
May 13th, 2008, 06:31 PM
Holy crap. I wonder if I'll have to do that kind of thing next year when I go into IB. But yeah, that did sound pretty damn epic.
May 13th, 2008, 09:32 PM
Holy crap. I wonder if I'll have to do that kind of thing next year when I go into IB. But yeah, that did sound pretty damn epic.
They're breeding.
May 13th, 2008, 09:38 PM
What is IB?
May 13th, 2008, 09:59 PM
What is IB?
International Baccalaureate :
May 14th, 2008, 02:36 AM
They're breeding.
Because your post are allways the hight of quality, humor and origionality. :downs:
May 14th, 2008, 03:40 AM
You know it baby, I'm the pinnacle of shitposts.
Reaper Man
May 14th, 2008, 05:10 AM
World lit intros? Psh, I finished my world lit essay about 2 weeks ago :downs:
May 14th, 2008, 08:40 AM
Fail. :3
Llama Juice
May 14th, 2008, 08:44 AM
I'd just make up some (humorous) bullshit excuse as to why I forgot it at home.
I did that for two years of highschool... when I'd walk in late I'd check in with the front desk and tell them some 10 minute story of absolute bullshit (it was always obviously fake) as to why I was late. First time I did it.. I walked in and said "Do you want the real excuse? Or the one I made up on the way over here?" I never got marked tardy, always excused :D
May 16th, 2008, 04:57 AM
seriously, forgetting a paper isn't an 'absolutely horrible unexcusable' thing. If its absolutely necessary, just go to the goddamn teacher and tell them that you don't have it with you.
But we wouldn't have any silly stories to tell on internet forums.
Bad Waffle
May 16th, 2008, 06:03 PM
This one time at band camp...
May 16th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Thanks for sharing.
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