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May 14th, 2008, 12:11 AM
Brian (15-17) asks...

When I am in Gym, I take a look around at other boys undressing and I get my penis gets stiff. When we are in the shower, it gets even stiffer. I'm not gay, but why is it doing this?

One time my brother and I had oral sex. Does this make me a weirdo?

My friend (he's a guy) and I have experimented together. We masturbated each other, rubbed our penises on each other, etc. I really enjoyed it and hope to do it again. I've read that same sex stuff in your teen years is common. Is what we have done okay? I've fantasized about oral sex with him, is that okay to try. I am sure we are both virgins.

This site is jampacked with lol's http://www.puberty101.com

Q Brian (12-14) asks...

When I was 7, my friends and I [tried oral sex]. At the time we all enjoyed it but now I want to do it again. Am I gay? A Brian:

I'm a little concerned about how a bunch of 7-year-olds decided to perform oral sex on each other. I don't really consider that "normal" for that age group -- and it's border-line normal for teens. If you tend to think about and prefer boys over girls, then it's possible that you may be gay. But only you can know that for sure. Either way, I think you're too young to be sexually active.

May 14th, 2008, 03:02 AM
...and so does Brian (14):

I am 14 and masturbate sometimes three times a day -- is that normal and what can I do to stop? Also I have masturbated with my friends and when I ejaculate it is not even close to the amount they ejaculate. What is the normal amount?


Although most boys & men masturbate once or twice a day, there are many who do so more often, such as yourself. There is nothing wrong with it unless it interferes with other parts of your life, like doing homework or meeting friends when you say you will. If everything else is okay, then you don't really have to stop doing it. If you still would like to cut down, then perhaps you can try a hobby or a sport that will take up some time and keep your mind off masturbating so much. Now, the more you masturbate, the less ejaculate you'll have -- that is, you'll have more the first time and less the third time. But don't worry, you're body replenishes the supply constantly, and the next day or two you'll have more than enough. Between 1 and 3 teaspoons of semen seems to be a normal amount for the first ejaculation of the day. Q
Ryan (12-14) asks:

How do you masturbate?


Well, I won't answer that it full detail, but let's just say that to "play with yourself" seems to be a good description of the act. Most boys discover that rubbing their penises feels good, and after a few minutes they ejaculate ("come") and it feels really good.Oh internet, you have made my day :D.

May 14th, 2008, 04:56 AM

May 14th, 2008, 05:00 AM
Sorry, but no.