In the past few weeks, I've noticed a frankly staggering amount of pure bullshit that has been spewing onto the forums, perpetrated by a few certain individuals (but by no means exclusively them). I don't mean funny bullshit, I don't mean loveable bullshit, I mean fucking bullshit that nobody wants to deal with. I've taken the time to write this up because I feel that I need to express my feelings (and the feelings of several other people that I've talked to).
Just because someone else did something earlier doesn't mean you can imitate them and expect to be met with the same kind of reception. I don't know what's going through your minds when you people do this, but there are times and places for everything and you are shitting on the forums in the wrong places at all the wrong times. You're the only ones being entertained by your attempts at humor.
There's this little thing called experience that you have to have before you can manage to act like the "big shots" and not come off as trying to waggle your cock in everyone's faces. No, I don't mean that there's some magical amount of time you need to spend before people respect you - I mean that you need to sit back and watch a bit before you can hope to have a good grasp of what is and what isn't the right time and place for something. If you already have been doing that but still can't quite seem to understand what makes something funny (or appropriate at all - this same trend has been happening related to criting work and it's just as irritating) and what doesn't maybe you should do it more. Don't expect people to react to you the same as they do to someone who's been a good part of the community for a longer time than you have. We don't care about your EPIC LULZ MUDKIPZ or how cool you think you are because Boxxy is your avatar, we don't care how long it took you to make the SUPER HIGH-RES MUDBOX SCULPT or that the picture you drew is JUST AN OUTLINE SO DONT EVEN BOTHER CRITING IT that you post in the quick-crit thread. We care about the end result, and whether it's a horribly unfunny attempt at humor or a blatant disregarding of honest criticism, it's simply irritating.
I suppose many of you think it's an e-cool thing to do because you see it at that OLOLOL SUPRA KOOL PALCE 4CHAN /B/ LO,OLLOLLLLLO, but it's just goddamn irritating when you do it wrong, and for the most part you're doing it wrong. Just because you found a picture there doesn't mean everyone will lol until they shit themselves when they see it like you did. Stuff is funny because it's funny, not because you found it on a website that you think makes everything go into SUPER INTERNET MODE. If we wanted to have threads about viral porn or combos of counting how many +1 posts there are in a row or to be randomly linked to Never Gonna Give You Up, we would spend our time there. This isn't /B/, and you're not impressing anyone by running around like a fucking 12 year old with ADHD (which, judging by your behavior, many of you seem to be). Acting like everywhere on the internet is a constant no-rules spamfest does not make you insta-cool. Yes, people can be funny by doing that, but that's because they actually know what they're doing. You're just pissing people off.
No, you are not funny.
No, you are not clever.
No, you are not making people laugh.
No, you are not making yourselves wanted here.
E : You people know who you are (or maybe you don't, which would explain why you act like you do), so don't shit up this thread too.